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3、布在布拉茨克、列索西比尔斯克()和克拉斯诺亚尔斯克。纸浆产量占全俄的25,纸张占3%。俄罗斯纸业产业内主要企业如阿尔汉格尔斯克投资造纸联合企业,伊利姆河企业公司、伏尔加开放型股份公司、孔多波加开放型股份公司、蒙迪商用纸品公司瑟克特夫卡乐森工产业群、斯韦托尔斯克纸浆造纸联合企业等。加入伊利姆河企业公司的科特拉斯制浆造纸联合企业和布拉茨克制浆造纸联合企业、彼尔姆纸板开放型股份公司、卡马河畔切尔内纸板纸张联合企业和加入大陆管理公司的叶尼塞斯克纸浆造纸联合企业。俄罗斯较大的纸业公司 在俄罗斯,较大的纸业公司有以下几家:IlimPulp、Volga、Kondupoga、Argangel、skIntern





8、罗斯有句老话:“路是人走出来的”,造纸业也是如此。Tchouiko先生最后说:俄罗斯政府、各地政府、造纸协会都将努力帮助所有有意来俄投资的各国造纸业公司,与他们一同寻求多种最佳投资途径,并为他们的发展创造更加优越的条件。一、OJSC(股份公司)Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill(阿尔汉格尔斯克纸浆和造纸)成立于1940年, 漂白硫酸盐浆(或牛皮纸浆)包括阔叶和针叶木浆 ECFArkhangelsk Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill (Arkhbum) is located in Novodvinsk on the shore of th

9、e White Sea. The company has annual sales exceeding US$300 million. Its annual production of 700,000 tonnes of pulp accounts for 12% of Russian production. Its share in the Russian production of container board is over 36%. Arkhbum also produces wood fibre boards, paper and fair-paper products. A la

10、rge part of production is exported to Germany, the UK, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Poland and South Korea.In 1996 the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. It was taken over by the Titan Group from Russia, the paper trading firms Wilfried Heinzel from Austria (which now holds 13% of the

11、 shares) and Conrad Jacobson from Germany, and another foreign investor. The management was replaced, and large investments were made in modernisation of production. In 1999, Arkhbum realised a profit of US$40 million, and it is planning to increase output of all its products.In July 2000, Arkhbum o

12、btained a US$9 million 1-year loan from International Moscow Bank (Russia) and Bank Austria Creditanstalt, a subsidiary of Bayerische Hypo und Vereinsbank (Germany). The proceeds of the loan were used to finance the import of corrugated cardboard packaging equipment.In August 2000, Arkhbum obtained

13、a further US$4 million loan from Erste Bank (Austria) to reconstruct an unbleached pulp fibre line. The machinery is supplied by the Austrian company Lenzing Technik.ITis one of the largest consumer of pulp wood in Russian European North, as far as a big timber product exporter to European market. T

14、he site is more or less developed but some pages look brief and news look not updated too often. There is information available about the mill, its products, news. And even pages on environmental and social issues.产品标准如下:Bleached hardwood kraft pulpGOST 2817289 LS 0 (highest class) Freeness 60gr. SR

15、 (Shopper-Riegler)Breaking length,km, not less7,5Absolute tearing strength, (), not less47Folding strength, number of double folds, not less300Brightness, %, not less89Dirt count, pieces of specks per 1 m20,11,00 mm2, not more301,02,00 mm2, not more1pH5,07,0Moisture content, %, not more20LS-0 (first

16、 grade) Freeness 60gr. SR (Shopper-Riegler)Breaking length, km, not less6,8Absolute tearing strength, (), not less47Folding strength, not more than (number of double folds)300Brightness, %, not more than89Dirt count, pieces of specks 1 m20,11,00 mm2, not more341,02,00 mm2, not more2pH5,07,0Moisture

17、content, %, not more20LS-1 (highest grade) Freeness 60gr. SR (Shopper-Riegler)Breaking strength, km, not less8,0Absolute tearing strength, (), not less44Folding strength, not less300Brightness, %, not less87Dirt count 1 m2, max0,11,00 mm2, not more451,02,00 mm2, not more2pH5,07,0Moisture, %, not mor

18、e20LS-1 (first grade) Freeness 60gr. SR (Shopper-Riegler)Breaking length, km, not less7,1Absolute tearing strength, (), not less44Folding strength, a number of double folds, not less300Brightness, %, not less87Dirt count 1 m20,1 to 1,00 mm2, not more 501,0 to 2,00 mm2, not more 3pH 5,07,0Moisture, %

19、, not more 20Bleached softwood kraft pulpGOST 9571-89 HB-2 Freeness 60 gr. SR (Shopper-Riegler)Breaking length, km, not less7,8Folding strength, not less800Brightness, %, not less86Dirt count pieces of specks per 1 m20,11,00 mm2, not more701,02,00 mm2, not more2pH5,57,0Moisture content, %, not more2

20、0HB-4 Freeness 60 gr. SR (Shopper-Riegler)Breaking length, km, not less7,4Folding strength, number of double folds, not less700Brightness, %, not less87Dirt count pieces of specks 1 m20,11,00 mm2, not more601,02,00 mm2, not more2pH5,57,0Moisture content, %, not more20HB-5 Freeness 60 gr. SR (Shopper

21、-Riegler)Breaking length, km, not less8,5Folding strength, number of double folds, not less1000Brightness, %, not less82Dirt count pieces of specks per 1 m20,11,00 mm2, not more901,02,00 mm2, not more2pH5,57,0Moisture content, %, not more20unbleached sulphate pulp and neutral-sulfite semipulp,生产瓦楞纸和

22、瓦楞纸板(fluting paper and corrugated board)阿尔汉格尔斯克是苏联西北部港市二、ilim pulp enterprise俄罗斯最大的森工企业。林业、木材加工和纸浆等。produces over 65%ofall Russian market pulp. Ilim Pulp 包括 Kotlas Bratsk Ust-Ilimsk St.Petersburg电话 (812) 718-60-50 传真 (812) 718-60-06EMAIL 网址 headquartered inSt.Petersburgbusiness assets located inthe

23、Leningrad, Arkhangelsk and Irkutsk(伊尔库茨克) Oblasts(州)漂白硫酸盐浆(或牛皮纸浆)包括阔叶和针叶木浆、未漂白硫酸盐针叶木浆其Koryazhma 分公司就是以前的Kotlas(卡特拉斯)制浆造纸厂Ilim Pulp Group is currently one of the largest Russian forest company, which includes such big mills like Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill (one of three largest in Arkhangelsk region,

24、Russian European North) and Bratsk Pulp and Paper Mill (one of the largest in Siberia) in Irkutsk region. Rather detialed information on the company, products and some other useful stuff. However, the site, at least its English part, looks to be still under construction and some sections are still b

25、lank. So is particularly the Environmental Policy one. 伊利姆集团是俄罗斯最大、世界排名前十的制浆造纸企业,下辖布拉茨克、乌斯奇、阔特拉斯三个生产厂,总产量达230万吨,中国市场上90%以上的俄罗斯纸浆来自伊利姆,目前,该公司对中国市场的年销量持续保持在近百万吨的水平。三都纸业集团主营俄罗斯浆纸产品,年进口量超过30万吨。 三、SOLOMBALA OJSC Solombala Pulp-and-Paper Mill 索拉巴拉牌或所罗门牌本色木浆 四、Baikalsk Pulp and Paper Mill(BPPM)贝本牌木浆 Baikal

26、sk 贝加尔斯克Baikalsk The Baikalsk Pulp and Paper Mill was built on the shores of the Lake Baikal in Siberia in the 1960s as a military factory. The plant has been criticised heavily because its waste water is polluting Lake Baikal. Despite the mills treatment facility, environmentalists estimate that it

27、 dumps 135 kg of dioxin a year into the lake. This is threatening all 1500 species of animals and plants in the lake, including the unique nerpa (freshwater seals).The mill is nearing the end of its life span, but its managers and the 3000 workers are eager to keep the mill open. Paid by the US Agen

28、cy for International Development, a plan has been drawn up to switch to a non-chlorine manufacturing process, eliminating dioxin, waste water and the burning of coal. This project would cost US$ 600 million (see also page 5).In December 2000, the governor of the Irkutsk region discussed, with repres

29、entatives of the Japanese trading firm Marubeni, Japanese investments in the Baikalsk Pulp and Paper Mill.The Baikal Pulp and Paper mill in Baikalsk has had a troubled history. Since it started operations in 1966 it has polluted Lake Baikal. It was one of the few targets of environmental protests du

30、ring the Soviet Union period. Before the mill was built, scientists from the Irkutsk State Universitys Scientific Institute of Biology spoke out against Nikita Khrushchevs plans to build a pulp and paper mill on the shore of Lake Baikal. Marina Rikhvanova, a founder of the NGO Baikal Ecological Wave

31、 and the 2008 winner of the Goldman Prize, is among those fighting to close down the mill.五、OAO SVETOGORSK (ST.-PETERSBURG PULP AND PAPER PLANT) 斯韦托戈尔斯克 斯维塔戈尔斯克The Svetogorsk Pulp and Paper Mill is an integrated pulp and paper mill, located 200 km north-west of St Petersburg, close to the Finnish border. It was acquired in January 1995 by the Swedish company Tetra Laval, which invested US$127 million in the plant in the 3 years it owned it but never realised a pr

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