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1、英国使馆面试练习样题最终版英国使馆面试练习样题-最终版英国使馆面试练习样题请务必全面考虑如下问题,了解课程和科目的详细信息,并能自信的回答资金问题,了解资金材料以外的相关信息。切忌死记硬背,必须从中英文角度理解问题和答案。如果有任何不确定,请咨询相关老师,因为准备使馆的面试非常重要!决定着签证结果! 仔细考虑每个问题,给出具体的而不是宽泛的回答。清楚每个问题的答案,给出仔细考虑后的结果。 请注意仔细准备每个问题,带*的尤其重要。这些问题只是一个指导,面试官可能会问关于英国的学习计划或者在中国的情况的任何其他问题。 准备面试的最好方法是真正了解英国的学习计划,并对此真正感兴趣并抱有热情。 (该模

2、拟面试的案例是本科毕业于大连海事大学的某同学,选择申请英国cardiff大学的MSc Logistics and Operations Management,雅思6.5分,将于9月入学。)1. Good morning! The purpose of this interview is to ask you a few questions about your proposed study in the UK. A decision is not being made now about your visa application, and a record of the interview

3、will be kept on the file if you need to appeal the outcome of your visa application at any time. If I could start with some standard questions about your identity, please.2. Q: Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed?/ Are you feel OK? A: Yes, please.Personal details3. Q: Please confirm your n

4、ame, date of Birth and your nationality. A: My name is XXX, I was born on . And I am Chinese. 4. Q: Have you been to UK before? A: Yes/No5. Q: What will you (intend to) do in UK?A: Study6. Q: Why did you decide to study in the UK? / Did you have any particular reason for choosing the UK? *A: UK has

5、the best educational system in the world, and it is also the center of economics in the world, which is very helpful to my study. And UK is a country with long history and there must be lots of things interesting for me to experience. 7. Q: Before you select UK, did you consider other country? Or if

6、 you have a comparison with other country?A: No, I like UK very much.8. Q: Do you have relatives and /or friends in UK. (Answer according to your own situation)A: No, I have no friends or relatives in the UK.School and Courses Information9. Q: Which school will you study in UK?A: I will study at Lei

7、cester University.10. Q: Why did you choose this particular institution? A: Leicester University is one of the top 20 research university in UK. It is a member of European University Association. It is well known for high quality of teaching and remarkable academic results, and now ranks as one of t

8、he top 25 universities targeted by leading UK employers. 11. Q: what course will study at the university and what is your course academic level? *A: The course title is Human Resource Management and Training MSc. 12. Q: What is the course start date? A: Start date: 28 September 2015 Q: What is the c

9、ourse end date? Expected end date: 10 September 2016 13. Q: How many hours will you study per week? A: 22 hours per week.14. Q: why did you choose this course? A: Because it is my favorite course. Human is always the key factor for a successful company. “Right people do right things”. In my point of

10、 view, the HR management decides the healthy growth of a company. .15. Q: How does your proposed course of study link to your previous studies? *A: My undergraduate major is accounting, including the professional knowledge about economics, banking and finance management. I think what I learned in my

11、 undergraduate program contributes to my future career concerning management. HR is also the management which needs the knowledge not only on the understanding of people, but also the financial situation of a company. 16. Q: What modules will you study?/ Do you have a better understanding of your co

12、urses? * A: Core modulesEmployee Development and Workplace LearningFoundations of Knowledge and Professional SkillsManaging Human Relations in a Business ContextPersonal and Research Skills for HR ProfessionalsIt is about the managing skills of the interpersonal relationship in a business context. 1

13、7. Q: Will you study English in UK at first? A: Yes, I will. 18. Q: Where will you study English? How long? A: I will study 10 week pre-sessional course. Jul.13, 2015- Sept.11, 201519. Q: What is your English language level? / Please specify your language scores.A: I got IELTS 5.5 with (Speaking 5.5

14、, listening 6, reading 5.5, writing 5.5)20. Q: Who is your sponsor? A: My parents. 21. Q: How did you find out about this University before you applied? A: I did many researches on the internet, and my friends also recommend this university to me. 22. Q: Did anybody help you with your application to

15、 study in the UK? A: Yes. A good agent in Nanjing helps me with the application. 23. Q: Do you think this program is helpful for you future career development?/ How will your UK degree improve your future career prospects? A: Yes. I think so. This course with provide me a thorough understanding of t

16、he HR management. It will teach me the skills and knowledge to become an excellent HR manager in a company. 24. Q: What do you plan to do when you graduate from the UK? *A: After graduation, I will go back to china, and look for the concerning job in a big company.Fee and Property Status25. Q: How m

17、uch are your course fee? A: The course fee is15,855.0026. Q: How much are the living costs in the UK? *A: It costs7,380. 27. Q: Have any of your course fees been paid? A: Yes. I have paid * to the UK Education Provider. Its shown in the CAS.28. Q: Where will you be living during your studies?A: I wi

18、ll be living in the accommodation in the city of Leicester. 29. Q: Who will pay for your tuition fees and living expenses? *A: My parents.30. Q: What do your parents do? Whats your parents annual income? *A: They are.Other Questions31. Q: Is this your application form? Do you understand it and did y

19、ou sign it?A: Yes this is my application form, I sign it by myself.32. Q: Do you have any financial documents to support you application?A: Yes. I have official bank statement.33. Q: What do you know about the place where youre going to study? * A: Leicester is a beautiful city, surrounded by Roma w

20、all. She is friendly, safe and affordable city. 34. Q: Do you have any plans to travel while you are studying in the UK? A: Yes, I am planning to travel to a few places in the UK. 35. Q: Have you ever been refused a visa to any other country? A: No, this is my first time outside my home country.36.

21、Q: Have you ever applies for a visa to go to any other country?A: Yes, I have applied for a visa to XXX. / No, this is the first time.Your University of Leicester number is: 159028639签证面试要记住的7点1. 准备工作了解你的课程和内容这方面绝对没有理由说不清楚。学生和教育代理都有英语语言宣传册以及一些中文材料。在面试前,做一些调查以了解学校的背景信息,包括:学校地点、历史和选择该学校的理由,以及你为什么要出国留学

22、。2. 诚实有些代理曾经指导学生告诉大使馆或领事馆他们跟教育代理没有关联。这样做是错误的,这不是事实,这是撒谎。请不要这样做。学生应该诚实坦率,并且应该始终确认他们使用了教育代理。在承认使用代理后,签证官员可能会问为什么,那么告诉他们可信而又合理的理由就行了。学生必须准备好回答这些问题。3. 面试之前请着装得体这永远可以给人良好印象并且会显示在你的视频链接上面。请先于规定的开始时间到达,这样你有时间熟悉并适应环境。请将摄像头放在可以确保进行眼神交流的地方,确保正面回答问题并尽可能多地与屏幕上的人保持眼神交流。4. 面试请不要用过多的动作或噪音来分散面试官的注意力请注意从麦克风里可以听到房间里的

23、其它杂音。确保你保持眼神交流并集中注意力,因为任何小动作(如:脚动来动去、看向摄像头以外的地方或者烦躁不安)在摄像头中都会被放大,这些都会分散面试官的注意力并且传递一些意想不到的讯息。提问时或者回答问题时,传输延迟是允许的。如果图像或者声音质量减弱甚至停止的话,请尽快通知你所在地的官员。与你交谈的人员需要你全神贯注,所以务必集中注意力并保持微笑。5. 问题言简意赅不要说题外话。不要用术语或发誓。面试会用英语进行并且回答也应该用英语。回答问题时需吐字清楚。保持冷静,尽量放松并有礼貌。不要打断面试官的讲话。6. 熟能生巧一段时间内(一个星期或两个星期)持续准备面试。使用所有的材料在家练习,让自己充

24、分理解一切,试着利用每段空闲时间去复习材料吃早餐时、去上学的公交车上、和朋友及家人在一起时。如果有可能,请让人帮你用视频做面试练习、研究你的肢体语言和你在视频中的样貌。每看材料30分钟,就去做10或者20分钟休闲的事情喝杯茶、看电视、打球,然后再回来复习你所看的材料。7. 谈吐自然这点可能是个问题,并且有些学生通常会试着记住答案。我们不希望学生记住答案我们希望他们能真正理解。为出国留学做研究和准备就与学习走路、骑自行车或者学习游泳一样人们不会记住这些;而是学习并理解,这样就会变得自然而然。和朋友、家人聊关于留学课程的话题,会迫使学生使用“正常”的语言去解释因为这种“正常”的语言是朋友、亲戚能理解的更重要的是面试官也能理解。易犯的错误 请不要吸烟或嚼口香糖。 请不要在面试前喝含酒精的饮料。 请避免仅仅用“是”或者“不是”来回答问题。 绝对不要撒谎。如果你不知道怎么回答就说不知道,不要编一个答案出来。 当被问到复杂的问题时,请不要找借口或者推脱。 请穿着得体。

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