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1、工程管理专业英语全文翻译Unit 1 the owners perspective 第1单元业主的观点1.2 Major Types of Construction 1.2大建筑类型Since most owners are generally interested in acquiring only a specific type of constructed facility, they should be aware of the common industrial practices for the type of construction pertinent to them 1. L

2、ikewise, the construction industry is a conglomeration of quite diverse segments and products. Some owners may procure a constructed facility only once in a long while and tend to look for short term advantages. However ,many owners require periodic acquisition of new facilities and/or rehabilitatio

3、n of existing facilities. It is to their advantage to keep the construction industry healthy and productive. Collectively, the owners have more power to influence the construction industry than they realize because, by their individual actions, they can provide incentives for innovation, efficiency

4、and quality in construction 2. It is to the interest of all parties that the owners take an active interest in the construction and exercise beneficial influence on the performance of the industry.由于大多数业主通常只对获得特定类型的建筑设施感兴趣,所以他们应该了解与他们有关的建筑类型的常见工业实践1。同样,建筑行业是一个相当多样化的部门和产品的集团。一些业主可能会长时间采购建筑设施一次,并倾向于寻找

5、短期优势。然而,许多业主需要定期收购新设施和/或修复现有设施。保持建筑业的健康和生产力是有利的。总的来说,业主对施工行业的影响力比他们意识到的要大,因为他们可以通过个人行动来提供创新,效率和施工质量的激励2。所有各方的利益,业主积极兴趣,对行业表现有利影响。In planning for various types of construction, the methods of procuring professional services, awarding construction contracts, and financing the constructed facility can

6、be quite different. For the purpose of discussion, the broad spectrum of constructed facilities may be classified into four major categories, each with its own characteristics.在规划各类施工时,采购专业服务,授予施工合同,建设设施融资方式可能有很大的不同。 为了讨论的目的,广泛的建筑设施可以分为四个主要类别,每个类别都有自己的特点。Residential Housing Construction住宅建设Residenti

7、al housing construction includes single-family houses, multi-family dwellings, and high-rise apartments 3. During the development and construction of such projects, the developers or sponsors who are familiar with the construction industry usually serve as surrogate owners and take charge, making ne

8、cessary contractual agreements for design and construction, and arranging the financing and sale of the completed structures 4. Residential housing designs are usually performed by architects and engineers, and the construction executed by builders who hire subcontractors for the structural, mechani

9、cal, electrical and other specialty work. An exception to this pattern is for single-family houses as is shown in Figure 1-2, which may be designed by the builders as well.The residential housing market is heavily affected by general economic conditions, tax laws, and the monetary and fiscal policie

10、s of the government. Often, a slight increase in total demand will cause a substantial investment in construction, since many housing projects can be started at different locations by different individuals and developers at the same time 5. Because of the relative ease of entry, at least at the lowe

11、r end os the market, many new builders are attracted to the residential housing construction. Hence, this market is highly competitive, with potentially high risks as well as high rewards.住宅建设包括单户住房,多户住宅和高层公寓3。在开发和建设这些项目时,熟悉建筑行业的开发商或赞助商通常作为代理业主,负责设计和建造的必要合同协议,并安排完成的建筑物的融资和销售4 。住宅设计通常由建筑师和工程师进行,建筑师由结

12、构,机械,电气和其他专业工作的分包商执行施工。这种模式的一个例外是单户住宅,如图1-2所示,也可以由建设者设计。住房市场受到一般经济状况,税法以及政府货币和财政政策的严重影响。通常,总需求略有增加将对建设进行大量投资,因为许多住房项目可以在不同的地点由不同的个人和开发商同时启动5。由于入口相对容易,至少在市场上较低端,许多新建筑商被吸引到住宅房屋建设中。因此,这个市场竞争激烈,风险高,回报率高。Institutional and commercial building construction encomprasses a great variety of project types and

13、sizes, such as schools and universities, medical clinics and hospitals, recreational facilities and sports stadiums, retail chain stores and large shopping centers, warehouse and light manufacturing plants, and skyscrapers for offices and hotels, as is shown in Figure1-3 6. The owners of such buildi

14、ngs may or may not be familiar with construction industry practices, but they usually are able to select competent professional consultants and arrange the financing of the constructed facilities themselves. Specialty architects and engineers are often engaged for designing a specific type of buildi

15、ng, while the builders or general contractors undertaking such projects may also be specialized in only that type of building.机构和商业建筑施工包括各种各样的项目类型和规模,如学校和大学,医疗诊所和医院,娱乐设施和体育场馆,零售连锁店和大型购物中心,仓库和轻工厂,以及办公室的摩天大楼 和酒店,如图1-3所示6。 这些建筑物的业主可能对建筑行业的做法有所了解,也可能不熟悉,但他们通常可以选择合格的专业顾问,并安排自己的设施融资。 专业建筑师和工程师经常参与设计特定类型的建

16、筑物,而进行这些项目的建筑商或总承包商也可能仅专门从事这种类型的建筑物。Because of the higher costs and greater sophistication of institutional and commercial buildings in comparison with residential housing, this market segment is shared by fewer competitors 7. Since the construction of some of these buildings is a long process which

17、 once started will take some time to proceed until completion, the demand is less sensitive to general economic conditions than that for speculative housing. Consequently, the owners may confront an oligopoly of general contractors who compete in the same market. In an oligopoly situation, only a li

18、mited number of competitors exist, and a firms price for services may be based in part on part on its competitive strategies in the local market.由于与住宅相比,机构和商业建筑的成本较高,复杂程度更高,这一市场细分受竞争对手的影响较小7。 由于一些这些建筑物的建设是一个漫长的过程,一旦开始,将需要一些时间才能完成,所以对总体经济状况的要求比投机性住房要低。 因此,业主可能面对在同一市场上竞争的总承包商的寡头垄断。 在寡头垄断的情况下,只有有限数量的竞争

19、对手存在,企业的服务价格可能部分取决于其在当地市场的竞争战略。Specialized Industrial Construction专业工业建筑Specialized industrial construction usually involves very large scale projects, with a high degree of technological complexity, such as oil refineries, steel mills, chemical processing plants and coal-fired or nuclear power plan

20、ts, as is shown in Figure1-4 8. The owners usually are deeply involved in the development of a project, and prefer to work with designers-builders such that the total time for the completion of the project can be shortened. They also want to pick a team of designers and builders with whom the ownerh

21、as developed good working relations over the years.专项工业建设通常涉及非常大规模的项目,如炼油厂,炼钢厂,化工厂,燃煤或核电厂等技术复杂程度高,如图1-4所示8。 业主通常深深地参与项目的开发,更愿意与设计师建设者合作,缩短项目完工时间。 他们还想选择一些设计师和建筑师,多年来,业主与他们建立了良好的工作关系Although the initiation of such projects is also affected by the state of the economy, long range demand forecasting is

22、 the most important factor since such projects are capital intensive and require considerable amount of planning and construction time这样的项目的启动也受到经济状况的影响,长期需求预测是最重要的因素,因为这些项目是资本密集型的,需要大量的规划和施工时间Governmental regulation such as the rulings of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Nuclear Regulato

23、ry Commission in the United States can also profoundly influence decisions on these projects.美国环境保护局和核管理委员会的裁决等政府法规也可以深刻影响这些项目的决策。Infrastructure and Heavy Construction基础设施和重型建筑Infrastructure and heavy construction includes projects such as highways, mass transit systems, tunnels, bridges, pipelines,

24、 drainage systems and sewage treatment plants, as is shown in Figure1-5. Most of these projects are publicly owned and therefore financed either through bonds or taxes. This category of construction is characterized by a high degree of mechanization, which has gradually replaced some labor intensive

25、 operations.基础设施和重型建筑包括公路,公共交通系统,隧道,桥梁,管道,排水系统和污水处理厂等项目,如图1-5所示。 这些项目大部分是公有的,因此通过债券或税收来资助。 这类建设的特点是机械化程度高,逐渐取代了一些劳动密集型行业。The engineers and builders engaged in infrastructure construction are usually highly specialized since each segment of the market requires different types of skills 10. However, d

26、emands for different segments of infrastructure and heavy construction may shift with saturation in some segments. For example, as the available highway construction projects are declining, some heavy construction contractors quickly move their work force and equipment into the field of mining where

27、 jobs are available.从事基础设施建设的工程师和建设者通常是高度专业化的,因为市场每个部分都需要不同类型的技能10。 然而,对不同部门的基础设施和重型施工的需求可能会随着部分地区的饱和而改变。 例如,随着可用的公路建设项目正在下降,一些重型施工承包商迅速将其劳动力和设备转移到有工作的矿业领域。Unit2 OrganizingforProjectManagement 第2单元组织项目管理Section1 WhatisProjectManagement? 第1节什么是项目管理?The management of construction projects knowledge of

28、 modern management as well as an understanding of the design and construction process. Construction projects have a specific set of objectives and constraints such as a required time frame for completion. While the relevant technology, institutional arrangements or processes will differ, the managem

29、ent of such projects has mush in common with the management of similar types of projects in other specialty or technology domains such as aerospace,pharmaceutical and energy developments.施工项目管理现代管理知识,了解设计施工过程。 建设项目有一套具体的目标和制约因素,如完成所需的时间框架。 虽然相关技术,制度安排或过程将有所不同,但这些项目的管理与其他专业或技术领域(如航空航天,制药和能源开发)类似项目的管理

30、情况相同。Generally, project management is distinguished from the general management of corporations by the mission-oriented nature of a project . A project organization will generally be terminated when the mission is accomplished. According to the Project Management Institute, the discipline of project

31、 management can be defined as follows 一般来说,项目管理与项目总体管理区别于项目的任务性质。 任务完成后,项目组织通常会被终止。 据项目管理研究所介绍,项目管理学科可以定义如下Project management is the art of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life of a project by using modern management techniques to achieve predetermined objectiv

32、es of scope, cost, time, quality and participation satisfaction. 项目管理是通过使用现代管理技术实现项目范围,成本,时间,质量和参与满意度的预定目标,在项目整个生命周期内指导和协调人力和物力资源的艺术。By contrast, the general management of business and industrial corporations assumes a broader outlook with greater continuity of operations4.Nevertheless, there are su

33、fficient similarities as well as difference between the two so that modern management techniques developed for general management may be adapted for project management. 相比之下,商业和工业企业的总体管理具有更广阔的前景,具有更大的运营连续性4。然而,两者之间存在足够的相似性和差异性,因此为一般管理开发的现代管理技术可能会适应 项目管理。The basic ingredients for a project management fr

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