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1、河南人教版中考英语九年级阶段检测全九年级阶段检测(全) 一、单项选择1.What heavy snow!In fact, it is heaviest snow in the past 50 years.A.a;the;the C.the;a D.a;a2.English is one of the most used spoken languages in the world, so learning English well is very important.A.truly B.nearly C.widely D.hardly3.Mum, can I go out to pla

2、y basketball?No. You mustnt go out until your homework .A.will finish finished C.finishes D.was finished4.Beijing has fewer smokers since the city the “strictest smoking ban(禁令) in history” on June 1st, 2015.A.carried out B.came out C.put out D.blew out5.Im sorry I dont catch what you said just

3、 now.Dont worry. Ill it. B.repeat D.realize6.The English teacher was a little disappointed when he knew that they ended up about it in B.talking C.talked talk7.The man warned us with fire because it might cause fire.A.dont play B.not playing C.not to play D.not

4、play8.All the villagers the fight against the big flood,the young and the old,men and women.Its really brave of them to do so.A.joined;including B.joined in;included C.joined in;including D.joined;included9.I used newspapers and watch TV after dinner.But now Im a read;used to take B.readin

5、g;used to read;used for taking read;used to taking10.When I traveled in Thailand, I bought a ring. It silver. A.was made in B.was made by C.was made of D.was made from11.Peter likes pop music,but his father his mother likes it.A.both;and B.not only;but also C.neither;nor D.either;or1

6、2.Where are you going?Im going to the airport to my aunt.The plane will land in ten minutes.A.wake up B.pick up C.use up D.look up13.Mike,do you know which CDs belong to ?I have no idea.You may ask B.ours D.mine14.Running Man is a very relaxing TV programis hot among the young people

7、. A.what B.which C.who D.whom15.Which of the following sentences is correct?A.We will have a party on Teachers Day.B.Tim is very interesting in playing chess.C.He lives on the four floor in the building.D.He was ill so he didnt go to school today.二、完形填空(2017河南商丘一模)Filial piety(孝)is a traditional Chi

8、nese virtue(美德)!But most middle school students dont often 16 with their parents.They dont listen to their parents and even argue with their parents.A nineteen-year-old boy,Tian Zhengyang,is different from them.He showed us a great example and17 many people with his story.Tian lives in a village in

9、Hubei.His mother is blind.She cant see 18.His father was a farmer. In 2008,Tians father died in a car accident.The eleven-year-old Tian lost his father, and then he had to 19 his family by himself.The life was so difficult!20,it didnt make him lose hope.He stayed with his mother. He became more hard

10、-working,stronger and braver!In 2010,Tian went to Dawu No.1 Middle School.The school was very far from his home,so he 21 go home every day.Tian didnt want to leave his blind mother for too long, so he22 to rent a house near the school.Every day after school,Tian would cook for his mother.Taking care

11、 of his mother 23 a lot of Tians time,but he is still good at every subject in school.Last summer he got a high mark of 602 in the College Entrance Examination and now he is studying in Central China Normal University(华中师范大学).After hearing Tians story,many people thought he was filial and said they

12、should learn from Tian.But Tian thought he just did 24 he should do.Tian said, “Mother gave me life.I will 25 stay with her.”16.A.start C.fight D.deal17.A.accepted B.caught C.moved D.controlled18.A.somebody B.something C.nothing D.anything19.A.look at B.look after C.look for D.look up20.A.Fin

13、ally B.Luckily C.However D.Therefore21.A.mustnt B.shouldnt C.may not D.couldnt22.A.hated B.decided C.forgot D.refused23.A.takes B.spends C.uses D.pays24.A.why B.which D.what25.A.sometimes B.always C.seldom D.never三、阅读理解AWhy is clean water so important to developing countries?A recent report sh

14、ows that about 80 percent of diseases in developing countries are caused by poor water and low sanitation(卫生) conditions.In those countries, women and girls spend several hours collecting water,but often polluted,far away from their families. The polluted water more or less influences their health.I

15、n this case,there is an urgent(迫切的)need for people in developing countries to have access to(有机会或权利使用)clean water to improve their health.Here is a short story about Hadjara Zakari,a 12-year-old girl in Niger.Having access to clean water changed her life.She learned about the importance of hand-wash

16、ing when the school first received clean water three years ago. That evening,she told her father,“You shouldnt eat with me unless you clean your hands.” Her father was very angry and shouted at her, “Its not up to you to tell me what to do!” Stunned(目瞪口呆的),Hadjara sat in silence. But she knew she wa

17、s right.In protest, Hadjara refused to eat dinner that night. After her father questioned Hadjaras head teacher,he understood the importance of hand-washing and his daughters intentions(目的).The girl really wanted her family to live longer and healthier lives.For people in developing countries, clean

18、 water can change many things, especially improve their health.So,from now on,lets avoid wasting water and take action to save water, which is important to people all over the world.26.According to the recent report, poor water and low sanitation conditions can cause .A.traffic problems B.forest fir

19、es C.many illnesses27.The key to improving peoples health in developing countries is in Paragraph get clean water exercise often refuse drugs28.What can we infer(推断)from Paragraph 2?A.Hadjara laughed at her fathers foolishness.B.Hadjara refused to eat dinner that night in order to l

20、ose weight.C.Hadjaras father understood his daughters love and care for him later.29.The underlined word“protest”in this passage means .A.抗议 B.保护 C.节约30.The purpose of the writer is to .A.teach people how to wash on people all over the world to save developing countries rich

21、in clean waterB(2018河南平顶山一模)This year is the Year of the Dog according to the Chinese lunar calendar.We cant translate the Chinese phrase“狗年” to the dog year in English! Because the dog year can be used to harm people without dirty words! For example, if someone says “You are only 16 in the dog year

22、.” to you, the first half of the sentence boasts only 16 years old, so that you think you are very young, and the last half of the sentence is in the dog year16 years old by dogs age! Actually the person is already 80 years old.In English, people who like dogs are called dog persons and people who l

23、ove cats are called cat persons, so when they are dating, they often hear they ask each other whether they are dog persons or cat persons. Besides, foreigners usually think the dog person is cheerful, outgoing, easy to get along with, and the cat person is quiet, nervous and likes to do deep thinkin

24、g.Dogs are generally worthy of high praise in English. For example, a lucky dog means a lucky person; a top dog means a successful person.“You are a lucky dog” is to tell you that you are very lucky.2018 is the Year of the Dog. “I was born in the Year of the Dog” means the Year of the Dog is your na

25、tal year. You must be 12 years old if you were born in 2006.31.If an English-speaking person asks if you are a dog person, he means if are bad are lucky like dogs hate dogs32.The underlined word boasts means .A.夸奖 B.损人 C.吹牛皮 D.实话实说33.Mai Lingling got 119 marks in her final e

26、xam; she is a in the person person C.good dog dog34.You were born in 2004; what year is your natal year?A.2015. B.2016. C.2017. D.2018.35.The main idea of the article is that .A.the year of 2018 is the Year of the Dog in ChinaB.what a dog person means in the English languageC

27、.what the difference between Chinese and English about dogs isD.what a lucky dog is in the Chinese languageC(2018河南郑州一模)High-tech machines have made life easier for millions of people around the world. However, some people still prefer low-tech ways of doing things. Heres an example of why this is h

28、appening. You can microwave a frozen hamburger in 60 seconds. However, it wont taste as good as the one you cook on the stove(火炉). And if youre in that much of a hurry, you probably wont take time to toast(烘烤) the bread. High-tech cooking saves time, but it doesnt make better-tasting meals.Most peop

29、le get their news from high-tech sources(来源) like television or the Internet. This has many advantages. For example, electronic news is more up􀆼to􀆼date than newspapers or magazines. Its also more exciting to see live and videotaped news events than photographs.However, newspapers a

30、nd magazines have some important advantages. They give more backgrounds and details(细节). They also let you read the parts that are important to you and skip the rest. Other high-tech timesavers have similar disadvantages. For example, most people use the phone or email to stay in touch with friends

31、and family members who live in other places. But when you use the Internet or the phone, you dont always think carefully about what you are saying, and sometimes you forget the important things you want to communicate. Similarly, when you do your homework on the computer, you neednt check your spelling by yourself. However, you are so busy with the computer that you dont pay enough attention to the actual words you are writing.36.What advantages of high-tech machines does the writer mention in the text?A.They make more delicious meals.B.They can save tim

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