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1、第3讲高原训练1A班第三讲画括号:把句子中的三大修饰成分括起来,给句子断句,更好读懂!1、介词短语2、从句3、非谓语动词结构Passage1 In 2004, when my daughter Becky was ten, she and my husband, Joe, were united in their desire for a dog. As for me, I shared none of their canine lust. unite 联合v.United States of America 美利坚合众国United Kingdom 联合王国United Nations 联合

2、国(As for sth) 至于.呢As for the reasons, 至于理由呢,share 分享v.n.canine 犬类的adj.*lust 欲望*n.desire 欲望n.v.want to do sth 想要做某事plan to do sth 计划做某事desire to do sth 渴望做某事have a great desire to do sth 有巨大欲望做某事look forward to doing sth. 期待做某事be longing/thirsty for doing sth 渴望做某事 (In 2004), (when my daughter Becky

3、was ten), she and my husband, Joe, were united (in their desire) (for a dog). (As for me), I shared none (of their canine lust). 在2004年/当我的女儿B十岁时,她和我的丈夫,Joe,被联合/在他们的欲望中/为了一条狗。至于我来说,我没有分享/他们对狗的热情。【他们买狗我不想】But why, they pleaded. “Because I dont have time to take care of a dog.” “But well do it.” “Real

4、ly? Youre going to walk the dog? Feed the dog? Bathe the dog?” “Yes, yes, and yes.” “I dont believe you.” “We will. We promise.”plead 恳求v.take care (of sb/sth) 照顾某人或某物walk sb/sth 陪sb/sth一起走,溜sb/sthwalk the dog 溜狗walk JJ to the bus stop 陪JJ走到公交站牌feed 喂,养feed/support my family 养家糊口bathe 给洗澡v. But why,

5、 they pleaded. “(Because I dont have time) (to take care) (of a dog).” “But well do it.” “Really? Youre going (to walk the dog)? Feed the dog? Bathe the dog?” “Yes, yes, and yes.” “I dont believe you.” “We will. We promise.” 为什么,他们恳求。“因为我没有时间/去照顾/一条狗。”“但是我们会这样做。”“真的吗?你会去/溜这个狗?喂这个狗?洗这个狗?”“是的,是的,还是是的。

6、”“我不相信你们。”“我们会的。我们保证。”【谈判过程】 They didnt. From day two (everyone wanted to walk the cute puppy that first day), neither thought to walk the dog. While I was slow to accept that I would be the one to keep track of her shots, to schedule her vet appointments, to feed and clean her, Misty knew this on d

7、ay one. As she looked up at the three new humans in her life small, medium, and large, she calculated, “The medium one is the sucker in the pack.” cute 可爱的adj.puppy 小狗狗n.while 当时候;然而receive 收到v.accept 接受v.that “说”(引导名从时)track 踪迹,轨迹n.keep track of sth/sb. 跟踪sth/sb.shoot 射击v.ones shot 某人的决定schedule 时间

8、表,日程表 兽医n.appointment 约会n.look up 往上看 查字典human 人类n.small 小号 (S号)medium 中号 (M号)large 大号 (L号)extra 额外的adj. XXS= extra extra small 超超小XL= extra large 超大calculate 计算v.sucker 胆小鬼,好欺负的人n.pack 包n.打包v. They didnt. (From day two)(everyone wanted to walk the cute puppy that first day), neither thought (t

9、o walk the dog). (While I was slow) (to accept) (that I would be the one) (to keep track) (of her shots), (to schedule her vet appointments), (to feed and clean her), Misty knew this (on day one). (As she looked up) (at the three new humans) (in her life) (small, medium, and large), she calculated,

10、“The medium one is the sucker (in the pack).” 他们没有。从第二天起/(每个人都想要遛这个可爱的小狗狗第一天),他们两个人都不想/去溜这个狗。尽管我是慢(不情愿)的/去接受/说我会是那一个(人)/去跟踪/它的决定,去安排时间她的兽医约会,去喂和洗它,Misty知道这个/在第一天。当她抬头看/着这三个新人类/在他的生命中/(小,中,大)/她盘算着“这个中号的一个是这个弱者/在这”包”(人)里。”【我照顾狗】Quickly , she and I developed something very similar to a Vulcan mind meld

11、 (心灵融合) . Shed look at me with those sad brown eyes of hers, beam her need, and then wait, trusting I would understand which, strangely, I almost always did. In no time, she became my fifth appendage(附肢), snoring on my home-office couch as I worked, cradling against my feet as I read, and splaying a

12、cross my stomach as I watched television.develop 发展similar 相似的adj.same 相同的adj.would 会sad 悲伤的adj.sadness 悲伤n.brown 褐色n.beam 横梁,光柱n.发光 相信vt.strange 奇怪的adj.stranger 陌生人n.almost 几乎adv.nearly 大约adv.always 总是 no time 立刻,马上immediately 立刻,马上,直接地adv.snore 打鼾v. *home-office 在家办公couch 沙发without an

13、y hesitation 毫不犹豫地as 因为,当时候;作为,像一样splay 伸展v.*cradle 摇篮n. 躺在摇篮里vi. *stomach 胃;肚子n.stomachache 胃疼n.Quickly, she and I developed something very similar (to a Vulcan mind meld) (心灵融合) . Shed look (at me) (with those sad brown eyes) (of hers), beam her need, and then wait, (trusting I would understand) (

14、which, strangely, I almost always did). (In no time), she became my fifth appendage(附肢), (snoring) (on my home-office couch) (as I worked), (cradling) (against my feet) (as I read), and (splaying) (across my stomach) (as I watched television). 很快,它和我发展出一些很相似的东西/和心灵融合(相似)。她会看/着我/用那双忧郁的褐色眼睛/她的,发出她的需要(

15、的光),然后等着,相信我会理解这件事儿/很奇怪/我几乎总是这样做了(意为我确实会理解)。立刻,她变成了我的第五个肢体,打鼾/在我在家办公的沙发上/当我工作时,(像在摇篮里一样)躺/抵住我的脚,并且伸展/在我肚子上/当我看电视时。【人狗关系融洽】Even so, part of me continued to resent walking duty. Joe and Becky had promised. Not fair, Id balk (犹豫,不情愿) silently as she and I walked . “Not fair,” Id loudly remind anyone wi

16、thin earshot upon our return home.even 即使,甚至continue to do sth 继续做某事resent 怨恨vt.duty 责任,税n.import duty 进口关税n.import 进口n.v.export 出口n.v.port 港口n.transport 运输v.promise to do sth 承诺去做某事fair 公平的adj.集市n.silent 安静的adj.quiet 安静的 当时候remind 提醒v.earshot 听力所及范围之内n.return 归来n.v.upon+事情 在一发生这个事情时Even so, p

17、art (of me) continued (to resent walking duty). Joe and Becky had promised. Not fair, Id balk (不心甘情愿地做) silently (as she and I walked). “Not fair,” Id loudly remind anyone (within earshot) (upon our return home).即使如此,部分/我的/继续/去怨恨遛狗的责任。Joe和Becky之前承诺过。不公平,我会默默地不情愿/当她和我走的时候。“不公平”,我会大声提醒任何一个人/在听力所及范围之内/

18、在我们回到家的时候。【抱怨遛狗】Then one day January 1 , 2007 , to be exact my husbands doctor uttered an unthinkable word: leukemia ( 白血病 ) .With that, I spent eight to ten hours a day with Joe in the hospital, doing anything and everything I could to ease his discomfort. During those six months of hospitalization

19、s, Becky, 12 at the time, adjusted to other adults being in the house when she returned from school. My work colleagues adjusted to my taking off at a moments notice for medical emergencies. Every part of my life changed; no part of my old routine remained.exact 精确的 be exact 精确地讲to be honest 诚

20、实地讲utter 发出(叫声)v.unthinkable 不能想象的,过分的adj.ease 减轻v. 轻松n.easy 轻松的,容易的fort 安慰n.v.discomfort 不适n. 使不适forting 安慰人的,治愈系的fortable 舒服的 医院n.hospitalize sb. 送sb去医院治疗v.hospitalization 住院治疗n.adjust to 调整以适应colleague 同事n.league 队伍n.take off 起飞at a moments notice 随时,一经通知就立即medical 医学的,医疗的adj.emergenc

21、y 紧急情况n.emergent 紧急的adj.routine 例行公事n. 常规的adj.remain 保持v.语言学习的两大任务:1、 理解能力2、 表达能力QQ: 2053832452(Then one day) January 1 , 2007, (to be exact) my husbands doctor uttered an unthinkable word: leukemia (白血病) . (With that), I spent eight to ten hours (a day) (with Joe) (in the hospital), (doing anything

22、 and everything) (I could) (to ease his discomfort). (During those six months) (of hospitalizations), Becky, 12 (at the time), adjusted (to other adults) (being) (in the house) (when she returned) (from school). My work colleagues adjusted (to my taking off) (at a moments notice) (for medical emerge

23、ncies). Every part (of my life) changed; no part (of my old routine) remained. 然后一天2007年1月1号,精确地说我丈夫的大夫发出一个过分的单词:白血病。伴随着那个,我花费8到10小时/每天/伴随着Joe/在医院里,做着一切的事和每一件事/我能的/去减轻他的不适。在那六个月期间/住院的,Becky, 12岁/那会儿,调整以适应/于其他成年人/存在/在这个房子里/当她回来/从学校。我的工作同事调整以适应/于我的“起飞”/一经通知就立即/为了医疗紧急情况。每个部分/我生活中的/变了;没有部分/我过去例行公事中的/保持。

24、【丈夫得病】Save one: Misty still needed walking. At the beginning, when friends offered to take her through her paces, I declined because I knew they had their own households to deal one 除了一个之外offer 主动提出,主动提供pace 脚步n.decline 拒绝v.household 家庭 with 处理v.Save one: Misty still needed walking.

25、(At the beginning), (when friends offered) (to take her) (through her paces), I declined (because I knew) (they had their own households) (to deal with). 除了一个之外:Misty仍然需要溜。在一开始,当朋友们主动提出/去带着她/穿过她的步伐/我拒绝了/因为我知道/他们有他们自己的家庭/要处理。【还得遛狗】As the months went by, I began to realize that I actually wanted to wa

26、lk Misty. The walk in the morning before I headed to the hospital was a quiet, peaceful time to gather my thoughts or to just be before the days medical drama unfolded. The evening walk was a time to shake off the days upsets and let the worry tracks in my head go to white 当时候go by 走过realiz

27、e 意识到vt.actually=in fact 事实上head to + 地点 前往某地quiet 安静的adj.silent 安静的adj.peace 和平n.peaceful 和平的adj.gather 聚集起v.thought 想法n.medical 医学的,医疗的adj.drama 戏剧n.fold 折叠v.unfold 展开v.shake off 抖掉(像狗一样的那种抖)upset 沮丧n. 使.沮丧v.worry 担忧n.v.track 轨道n.white noise 白噪声(类似电视没信号时的沙沙声)(As the months went by), I began (to re

28、alize) (that I actually wanted) (to walk Misty). The walk (in the morning) (before I headed) (to the hospital) was a quiet, peaceful time (to gather my thoughts) or (to just be) (before the days medical drama unfolded). The evening walk was a time (to shake off the days upsets and let the worry trac

29、ks) (in my head) go (to white noise).随着这几个月走过,我开始/去意识到/我事实上想要/去溜Misty。这个散步/在早上/在我前往/去医院/是一个安静的、和平的时间/去聚集我的思想/或者/仅仅是(一个安静的、和平的时间)/在这一天的医疗戏剧拉开帷幕之前。这个晚上的散步是一个时间/去抖掉这一天的沮丧并让这些担忧的轨道/在我头脑中/走/向白噪声。【遛狗挺好】 When serious illness visits your household, its not just your daily routine and your assumptions about the future that are no longer familiar. Pretty much everyone you know acts differently.serious 严重的adj.illness 疾病n.visit 拜访v.household 家庭n.daily 每天的adj.weekly 每周的adj.monthly 每月的adj.yearly 每年的adj.routine 例行公事n.常规的adj.assumption 假定n.assume 假定v.future 未来 longer/no more 不再adv.famili

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