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1、牛津英语八年级下册知识点梳理汇总 八年级下册知识点 Unit1 一.【精选词汇】 重点短语 1. the changes to Sunshine Town阳光镇的变化the changes to 的变化 (p8) 知识链接change n.变化,常用复数changes。 e.g. Great changes have taken place since 1995. 2. in the southern part of town in the southern part of在的南部south southern 知识链接east东部eastern东部的, west western, north

2、northern 3. in the past在过去at present现在in the future未来;将来,注意这些短语中的介词和冠词。 4. turn the place into a park turninto把变成 知识链接Heat turns water into vapor.热使水变成蒸气。Turn this sentence into English. 5. play cards and Chinese chess打牌、下象棋,e.g. Its pleasant to play cards and Chinese chess. 6. water pollution水污染air

3、 pollution空气污染,noise pollution噪音污染 (p9) 知识链接Water pollution was a problem before. 7. used to dump its waste into water used to do sth过去常做某事,注意否定式、疑问式的形式 知识链接used to do sth 否定式used not to do sth或didnt use to do sth疑问式Did sb use to do sth?或Used sb to do sth? There be和used to合用的形式为There used to be。 根据要

4、求进行句型转换:She used to teach history. 否定式:She used teach history.或She didnt teach history. 疑问式: she teach history?或Did she teach history? 用法拓展be used to do sthbe used for doing sth被用于做某事,e.g. Stamps are used to send letters.Stamps are used for sending letters. be/become/get used to sth习惯于某事,be/become/g

5、et used to doing sth习惯于做某事,e.g. My grandma used to live in the city but now she has got used to the country life. Tom is used to getting up early. 8. in some ways在某种程度上;在某些方面in this way以这种方式 9. feel a bit lonely from time to time from time to timeat timessometimes有时;不时地 知识链接a bit形容词原级或比较级a little形容词

6、原级或比较级,有点 a bit of不可数名词a little不可数名词 e.g. a bit of watera little water 用法拓展not a littlevery非常,not a bitnotat all一点也不 10. throw away扔掉“动词副词”结构,e.g. throw it/them away 11. have an interview with sbinterview sb采访某人;对某人面试;与某人面谈 (p12) 知识链接My parents have had an interview with my teacher. They interviewed

7、 20 people for the job. There are a number of interviews with some famous football players. 12. the best model I have ever seen 我曾见过的最好的模型 (p17) 知识链接the形容词最高级名词单数sb have/has ever done,某人曾做过的最的 the most wonderful film (that) he has ever watched他看过的最精彩的比赛 用法拓展ever通常用于疑问句中或否定句中。e.g. Have/Has sb ever do

8、ne sth? Nobody ever stepped in this cavern.没人曾经踏进过这洞穴。 ever since自从起到现在(用于现在完成时),for everforever永远;永久地 13. move into the new flatsmove into搬进,move out of搬出 (p18) 14. lend me a booklend sb sthlend sth to sb把某物借给某人,是“借出”。 知识链接borrow sth from sb向某人借某物,是“借入”。 15. a recent photo一张近期照片,write about the cha

9、nges to Moonlight Town (p21) 16. a tourist attraction旅游胜地attraction n. 吸引;向往的地方attract vt.吸引attractive有吸引力的It has become a new tourist attraction. Hepburns beauty and charm attracted Colettes attention. 词汇解析 1. 常见的交通工具:bike/bicycle, bus, double-decker双层巴士, coach长途汽车, tram有轨电车, taxi, train, undergrou

10、nd, light rail轻轨, plane, hot-air balloon热气球, aero done滑翔机 2. Using a dictionary: The words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order from “A” to “Z”. This helps us find the words we want quickly. If two words starts with the same letter, we look at the second letter to decide the alphabetical order.

11、 If the first two letters of two words are the same, we look at the third letter, and so on. e.g. The word “ball” comes before the word “banana”. 3. centuryone hundred years世纪;百年。某世纪用序数词。如:21世纪the twenty-first century。“在某世纪”用介词in,如:in the 20th century在20世纪。 二.【重点句型】 1. Eddie, have you seen my food?

12、Yes, Ive just eaten it. (p6) 2. Youve changed, Eddie. You were kind. Now youre not. I dont want to play with you any more. 3. Youve changed too. You always wanted to play with me. always过去式used to do sth 4. Coaches have been in use/service in Beijing since 1958. have been in usehave been used 5. I m

13、oved here with my family when I was two years old and have lived here since then. (p8) 6. Have you ever moved house? move house搬家 7. We lived till 1965, when I got married. get married结婚get/be married to sb与某人结婚 知识链接marry sb与某人结婚,e.g. She married a football player. marry sb to sb把某人嫁给某人,e.g. He marr

14、ied his daughter to an actor. get/be married to sb和某人结婚,e.g. Yao Ming got married to Ye Li on 6 August, 2007. 表示“已经结婚”用have/has got married,表示“已经结婚多久”用have/has been married for时间段或since时间点。e.g. They have got married. They have been married for 5 years.不能说成They have got married for 5 years. 用法拓展marri

15、age n.婚姻e.g. They will celebrate their fifty years of marriage next month. 8. Has Sunshine Town changed a lot over the years? change a lot变化大 知识链接over the yearsin the last/past years这些年来,这是现在完成时的一个标志。 9. There once was a shoe factory. There once was/wereOnce there was/were从前有。 10. Later, the governm

16、ent realized it was a very serious problem and took action to reduce the pollution. take action to do sth采取行动做某事,reduce the pollution减少污染 (p9) 知识链接action (拍摄影视时用语)开始 动作,e.g. action film动作片,action star动作明星 a very serious problem非常严重的问题problem(需要着手解决的)问题;难题,question(需要回答的)问题 e.g. solve a Maths problem

17、, answer my question 11. It is different for him to see some of them as often as before. (p12) 知识链接It isadj.for sb to do sth. as often as before像以前一样经常asas 12. Things have changed a lot over the years.Great changes have taken place over the years. 13. When I was in primary school, my mother took me

18、to school. take sb to school送某人上学 14. I have the same feeling too. Do you sometimes stay after school to chat with friends? (p19) 15. The changes to Moonlight Town have brought advantages, but they have also caused many problems for people. (p22) 知识链接bring advantages to 给带来好处,advantage优点;有利条件disvant

19、age缺点;不利条件 cause problems for给带来麻烦 Unit2 一.【精选词汇】 重点短语 1. go on a trip to South Hill go on a trip to去某地旅游 (p24) 2. take you out for a few days带你出去玩几天take sb out带某人出去 3. go hiking, go skiing gov-ing去做某事,see/enjoy the beautiful view观看/欣赏美景 (p25) 4. a symbol of Japan the symbol of的象征,e.g. Red is the sy

20、mbol of danger.红色是危险的象征。 5. have a really fantastic timehave a good/great/wonderful timehave funenjoy oneself (p26) 6. at the entrance在入口处 at the exit在出口处 7. move at high speed高速运转at a speed of以的速度,at a speed of 100 km an hour 8. scream and laugh through the whole ride through从物体的内部穿过 9. a fast food

21、 restaurant快餐店fast food快餐,国际著名快餐店:KFC肯德基,McDonalds麦当劳 10. clap and stream with joy高兴地拍手尖叫 介词短语with joy相当于副词修饰动词。 (p27) 11. watch a three-D film,watch fireworks, look shiny and beautiful under the fireworks 12. in all总共;共计first of all首先 13. scream with excitement兴奋地尖叫 with excitementexcitedly激动地;兴奋地

22、(p28) 知识链接exciteexcited兴奋的exciting令人兴奋的;扣人心弦的;刺激的excitement n.激动,兴奋with excitementexcitedly,be excited about (doing) sth对兴奋 14. a really delightful holiday and a meaningful experience一个高兴的假期、一次有意义的经历 知识链接experience n.(C)经历;e.g. He had a pleasant experience in Hong Kong last year. n.(U)经验experienced

23、adj.经验丰富的,have experience in (doing) sthbe experienced in (doing) sth在某方面有经验,e.g. He has experience in teaching English.He is experienced in teaching English. Dr Ma has much experience in eye operations.Dr Ma is experienced in eye operations. Chow Yun Fat is an experienced actor. He has acted in man

24、y action films. 15. buy a gift for my parents buy sth for sbbuy sb sth (gift比present高雅) (p33) 16. travel abroad到国外旅游go abroad出国,e.g. He has gone abroad for further studies. (p35) 17. during this May Day holiday在“五一”假期里during是介词,后面不能接句子。 18. three and a half hours三个半小时one/an hour一小时,half an hour半小时on

25、e and a half hours一个半小时,two and a half hours两个半小时 (p38) 19. have a birds-eye view of Hong Kong have a birds-view of鸟瞰;俯视 20. a modern city of tall buildings with lights shining in the evening高楼林立、灯火辉煌的现代化城市 with lights shining作后置定语,lights与shining是主动关系。 用法拓展He sleeps with windows closed. 21. the cult

26、ural centre of Hong Kong香港的文化中心the cultural centre文化中心 知识链接culture n.文化cultural adj.文化的 e.g. popular culture大众文化 Venice is a beautiful city full of culture and history.威尼斯是一座具有深厚文化和历史底蕴的美丽城市。 用法拓展nature natural, centrecentral 22. a good place to buy things,enjoy that day most, have great fun,a seafo

27、od restaurant, desserts and snacks, enjoy our trip to Hong Kong 词汇解析 1. popular tourist attractions(旅游胜地):Mount Fuji富士山,the Great Wall,the Leaning Tower of Pisa比萨斜塔,the Little Mermaid小美人鱼,the Statue of Liberty自由女神像,the Tower Bridge伦敦塔桥,Big Ben大本钟,the Grand Palace(泰国)大王宫,the Pattaya Beach(泰国)芭堤雅海滩,Oc

28、ean Park(香港)海洋公园,Window of the World(深圳)世界之窗。 (p25) 2. Hong Kong Disneyland(香港迪士尼乐园)的四大主题公园(theme park):Main Street USA(美国小镇大街), Tomorrowland(明日世界),Fantasyland(幻想世界),Adventureland(探险世界)。 3.cheerfulcheerless, colourfulcolourless, carefulcareless, hopefulhopeless meaningfulmeaningless, helpfulhelpless

29、, harmfulharmless, usefuluseless delightful, wonderful, successful endless, noiselessquiet 二.【重点句型】 1. It must be fun. Can I join you?一定很有趣。我能和你一起去吗?(p24) 知识链接情态动词must(表示推测)一定,用于肯定句,反义词:cant不可能。may可能,may not可能不。Probably, Perhaps, Maybe都是副词,通常用于句首。 join sb和某人一起做某事,e.g. Kitty joined them in the Disney

30、 parade. 2. I havent seen you since last month. see是瞬间动词 (p26) 知识链接瞬间动词与表示一段时间的词同时出现在现在完成时的否定句中,不能变为延续性动词。 3. I met many of my favourite Disney characters, such as Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Alice and Cinderella, Mickey Mouse and all his friends were all there too. 4. I couldnt stop taking photos with them. cant/couldnt stop doing sth禁不住做某事 知识链接cant/couldnt help doing sth禁不住做某事,cant/couldnt wait to do sth迫不及待做某事。 用法拓展stop doing sth停止做某事,stop to do sth停下来去做某事。 5. The performers all wore different costumes and waved to people while they marched across the park, singing an

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