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1、中考英语八大时态混合真题2014-2018历年中考真题(八大时态混合)(2014 铜仁)1Where is Mr. Zhao?He to Mount Fanjing. He II come back a week.A. has bee n; in B. has gone; afterC. has gone; in D. has bee n; after(2014 河北)2I m busyow. I to you after school this after noon.A. talk B. talked C. will talk D. have talked(2014黄冈)3 I suppos

2、e you are at least 60 years old.Thank you. I m glad you that. My real age is 62.A. say B. said C. are say ing D. were say ing(2014 连云港)4Beiji ng and Zha ngjiakou applyi ng to host the 2022 Win terOlympic Games in 2013.A. begi n B. bega n C. have beg un D. had beg un(2014河北)5. I saw Ken in the meetin

3、g room, he Joe for the school magazine.A. i nterviews B. i nterviewed C. has in terviewed D. was in terviewi ng(2014 河北)6. Monica, you the exam! Con gratulatio n!A. pass B. have passed C. will pass D. are pass ing(2014 河北)7Some one at the door. Can you ope n it?A. kno cks B. kno cked C. is knocking

4、D. was knocking(2014 达州)8 Have you ever an amuseme nt park?Yes, I have. I Fun Times Amuseme nt Park last year.A. bee n to, have gone to B. gone to, have bee n oC. go to, went to D. bee n to, went to(2014 河南)9. Are you goi ng any where?I about visiting my sister, but I have changed mymind.A. thi nk B

5、. have thought C. will thi nk D. thought(2014 河南)10. Does the bus go to the beach?No. You the wrong way. You want the Number 11.A. go B. were going C. are going D.would go(2014 陕西)11On May 22, a Han taxi driver an old lady to the hospital assoon as he could in Xin jia ng.A. sent B. sends C. is sendi

6、ng D. has sent (2014 黔西南州)121 my hometown for a long time. I really miss it.A. left B. went away from C. have left D. have bee n away from (2014 北京)13What do you ofte n do at weeke nds?I ofte n my gran dpare nts.A. visit B. visited C. have visited D. will visit(2014 北京)14What were you doing whe n we

7、 were playi ng basketball yesterday after noon?I the classroom.A. was clea ning B. have clea ned C. will clea n D. clea n (2014 北京)15He in this factory for 20 years alreadyx Kb 1.C omA. will work B. works C. has worked D. is worki ng(2014 南京)16 Lily, why are you still here? School is over for half a

8、n hour.Because I my task yet. I still need one more hour.A. won tfinish B. didn finish C. haven finished D.hadn t finished(2014 鄂州)17 A new shop for a week nearby. Let s have.a look theGood idea. But it does n t on Mon days.A. opened; opened B.has bee n opened; openC. has ope ned; ope ned D. has bee

9、 n ope n; ope n(2014 扬州)18Has your friend completed his design?Not yet. He on it last ni ght.A. worked B. has worked C. is worki ng D.was worki ng(2014 湖北咸宁)19 Do you know Diaoyu Island?Sure. It China since an cie nt times.A. bel ongs to B. bel on ged toC. has bel on ged to D. is bel onging to(2014

10、安徽)20As we all know, the Silk Road China to the west in ancienttimes.A. conn ects B. conn ected C. will connect D. is conn ect ing(2015 北京,27) 21 Mum , where is Dad?He flowers in the garde n now.A. pla nted B. pla nts C. will pla nt D. is pla nti ng(2015 北京,28) 22My grandparents in that city since 2

11、008.A. will live B. live C. have lived D. were livi ng(2015 上海, 35) 23Now Jerry the exchange programme with hisclassmates in the meeti ng room.A. discussed B. is discuss ing C. was discuss ing D. has discussed(2015 上海,36) 24Tim told us that his company robots to do some of thework.A. uses B. will us

12、e C. has used D. would use(2015 天津,32) 25 When you hereTwo days ago.A. did ; come B. have; come C. will ; come D. do; come(2015 江苏南京,3) 26 Why didn t Peter his homewor?He said he had lost his workbook. I thi nk it s an excuse.A. does B. doing C. do D. did(2015 江苏南京,13) 27When will Uncle Sam come to

13、see us Hell visit us this weekend. He that by email.A. told B. is told C. will tell D. was going to tell( 2015江苏南通, 13)28Helen,when did you move here? I here since two years ago.A. moved B. lived C. have moved D. have lived( 2015江苏苏州, 4)29Where is Joan? She a novel in her study.A. has read B. reads

14、C. will read D. is reading(2015江苏盐城, 11)30Helen encouraged me to speak English as much as possible because practice perfect.A. becomes B. became C. will make D. makes(2015 江苏盐城,12) 31Sherlock Holmes asked the suspect what he whenthe murder took place.A. was doing B. has done C. is doing D. would do(

15、 2015 江苏扬州, 7) 32You look worried. Whats wrong?I went for a job interview yesterday and I the result.A. waited for B. was waiting for C. am waiting for D. will wait for( 2015 广东汕尾, 35) 33The TV program Voice of Youthis really great.I think so. It the hearts of lots of fans since it started.A. lose a

16、nd touchB. won and touchedC. has won and touched D. has lost and hit( 2015 湖北武汉, 27) 34Is your mother a teache?rYes, she is. She at a junior high school.A. taught B. teaches C. will teach D. is teaching(2015湖北荆门, 32) 35Look!How clean the classroom is!Yes. Im sure someone it up.A. cleans B. is cleani

17、ng C. will clean D. has cleaned( 2015 湖北十堰, 34) 36My grandfather likes the small village very much. So far he t h e re for 50 years.A. had lived B. lived C. lives D. has lived( 2015 湖北十堰, 35) 37Why didn t you answer my phone at 3:00 yesterday afternoon?Oh, sorry. I a concert at that time.A. attend B

18、. attended C. was attending D. will attend(2015 甘肃兰州,30) 381 with my parents when he rang me up yesterdayafter noon.A. am shopping B. am shoping C. was shopping C. was shoping(2015 湖北黄石,34) 39I fell in love with Shanghai on my first trip , so I decide I in it in 10 years.A. will live B. lives C. liv

19、ed D. has lived(2015 山东青岛,12) 40 How many times Carl to the GreatWall ?Only on ce.A. does; go B. did; go C. has; gone D. has; been(2016?四川南充)41. Alice prefers stories that short and funny.A. are B. is C. was D. were(2016?四川南充)42. How long your brother this camera?For two weeks.A. have, bought B. hav

20、e, had C. has, had D. has, bought(2016?四川广安)43. Yunnan is very beautiful. I there last year.Yes, I there twice.A. went; have gone B. went; have bee nC. have gone; went D. have bee n; went(2016?山东烟台)44. Lucy has to London. How can I get in touch withher? Don t worry. She will phone you as soon as she

21、 there.A. bee n, will get B. bee n, gets C. gone, will get D. gone, gets(2016 安徽)45. When the baby dog , it was very hungry. So we gave it somefood.A. is found B. was found C. has bee n found D. will be found(2016 安徽)46. I saw Sam and David in the playgro und yesterday after noon. They games with th

22、eir classmates the n.A. play B. will play C. are playi ng D. were playi ng(2016 -山东青岛)47. William Shakespeare or 400 years, but his works stillhave great in flue nee today.A. died B. was dying C. has died D. has been dead(2016?山东临沂)48 “ Iwant to go to Mars(火星),because it asplace that no one to befor

23、e, saidCarson.A. has gone B. has bee n C. was D. went(2016?重庆 A 卷)49I the History Museum twice. I ve learned a lot there.A.visit visit ing C.have visited D.will visit(2016?甘肃白银)50. If we take environmental problems seriously, the earth worse and worse.A. don t; won t be B. won t; isn don t; wil

24、l be(2016?新疆)51. Nobody knows if he .If he here, Ill call youat on ce.A. will come; will arrive B. will come; arrivesC. comes; arrive D. comes; arrive(2016 广东)52. School violence(暴力) much attention of the whole societyand people are calling the government to make laws against it as early as possible

25、.A. drew B. will draw C. has draw n D. was draw ing(2016 广东)53 Un less the weather ,we will have to can cel the picnic.A. improve B. improves C. improved D. willimprove(2016?河北)54. Gran dpa glasses whe n he reads.A. wears B. wore C. has worn D. was weari ng(2016?河北)55. Just go dow n this road and yo

26、u the library next to the bank.A. see B. saw C. have see n D. will see(2016?河北)56.Our team another point! I am sure we ll win the game.A. will get B. has got C. is gett ing D. was gett ing(2016?湖北武汉)57. Who is that lady?She s Miss GreeShe us music, and she is so good.A. taught B. teaches C. will tea

27、ch D. is teach ing(2016?湖北武汉)58. Sorry, Tom. I can t find the book you me.It s OK. I don t need it any more.A. le nd B. have lent C. will le nd D. le nt(2016?湖北武汉)59. I don t feel very wellJack. I m afraid you me yourcold.A. give B. had give n C. have give n D. would give(2016 湖北黄冈)60. Where are you

28、 going, Bob?To go hik ing. Eric for me at the school gate!A. was wait ing B.waits C.waited wait ing(2017河南)61- Paul, Im busy cooking. Can you give a hand?-Just a minute. J my e-mail.A. am check ing B. will check C. have checked D. was check ing(2017.重庆 A 卷)62ln the past few years, many schools

29、the ways ofdoing morning exercises.A. change B. changesC. will cha nge D. have cha nged(2017.重庆 B 卷)63Joh n and I to visit his gran dpare nts last Sun dayafter noon.A. go B. went C. will go D. have gone(2017 成都)64 Did you hear some on e k no ck at the door just now ?Sorry. I to my friend on the phon

30、e.A. was talk ing B. talked C. am talki ng D have talked(2017 达州中考)65What s the matter, Jack?I dow n while I on the ice. I got hurt badly.phoned him yesterday.A. Have; visited B. Was; visiting C. Do; visit(2017 随州中考) 78Did you watch the football match on TV last night? I wanted to, but my father his

31、 favorite TV program.A. watched B. watchesC. was watching D. had watched(2017 十堰中考)79Oh, my God! I you were in Beiji ng, too! When didyou come?I have lived in Beijing since 2015.A. don t know B. didn t knowC. haven t known D. wasn t known (2017 乐山中考)80 I m sorry for being late. Never mind. The meeting for only 5 minutes. This way, please.A. has begun B. has ended C. has been on( 2018 河北卷) 81This term over. The summer vacation is

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