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小学英语外研版三起六年级上Module7 本模块综合与测试章节测试习题.docx

1、小学英语外研版三起六年级上Module7 本模块综合与测试章节测试习题章节测试题 1.【答题】选出与其他三个不同类的单词。1. _(A. pear B. apple C. flower D. banana)2. _(A. elephant B. snake C. panda D. meat)3. _(A. knife B. bike C. fork D. chopsticks)4. _(A. she B. men C. women D. children)5. _(A. million B. square C. thousand D. hundred)【答案】1. C 2. D 3. B 4.

2、 A 5. B【分析】本题考查单词分类。【解答】1. pear梨,apple苹果,banana香蕉,都是水果;flower花儿,与其余不是一类。2. elephant大象,snake蛇,panda熊猫,都是动物;meat肉,与其余不是一类。3. knife刀,fork叉子,chopsticks筷子,都是餐具;bike自行车,与其余不是一类。4. men男人,women女人,children孩子,都是名词复数;she她,人称代词,与其余不是一类。5. million百万,thousand千,hundred百,都是数量单位;square广场、正方形,与其余不是一类。2.【答题】( )Look at

3、 the pandas. They can eat _ twelve hours a day. A. for B. to C. off【答案】A【分析】本题考查介词辨析。【解答】本题考查介词。时间段前用介词for表示“某动作持续多长时间”。句意:看那些熊猫,它们每天可以吃十二个小时。选A。3.【答题】( )A: Does bear like sleeping in the winter?B: _ A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it likes. C. Yes, it does.【答案】C【分析】本题考查一般疑问句的回答。【解答】does引导的一般疑问句,其肯定回答助动词保持不变

4、。所以本题选C。4.【答题】( )She always _ stories to her baby. A. reads B. reading C. read【答案】A【分析】本题考查主谓一致。【解答】根据时间标志词always可知句子用一般现在时。主语she为单数第三人称,所以动词read用单三形式,即reads。选A。5.【答题】( )I have two English postcards. One is London, _ is Wales(威尔士). A. other B. another C. the other【答案】C【分析】本题考查不定代词。【解答】another表示三者以上中

5、的另外一个,the other表示两者中的另外一个,other表示三者以上中的某一或某几个外的其余部分。由题干two English postcards可知,本题应选C。句意:我有两张英国明信片,一张是伦敦,一张是威尔士。6.【答题】( )下列句子朗读时用升调的是:_ A. What are those? B. Do snakes like music? C. I like noodles.【答案】B【分析】本题考查语调。【解答】陈述句和特殊疑问句朗读时用降调,一般疑问句朗读时用升调。A项是特殊疑问句,B项是一般疑问句,C项是陈述句,所以本题答案为B。7.【答题】用适当的介词填空。1. Pan

6、das eat _ twelve hours a day.2. Look _ this picture.3. The snake is coming out _ the box.4. Thank you _ your cake.5. I am _ Beijing.6. Bears like _ sleep in winter.7. They live _ Chengdu.8. They work _ a factory.9. We can learn a lesson _ that owl.10. Lets go _ swim.【答案】1. for 2. at 3. of 4. for 5.

7、from 6. to 7. in 8. in 9. from 10. to【分析】本题考查介词的固定搭配。【解答】1. 时间段前用介词for,表示“某动作持续一段时间”。句意:熊猫每天吃十二个小时。2. “看”look at sth. 句意:看这幅画。3. “从出来”come out of sth. 句意:蛇正从箱子里爬出来。4. “为而表示感谢”thank you for sth. 句意:谢谢你的蛋糕。5. “来自”be from . 句意:我来自北京。6. “喜欢做某事”like to do sth. 句意:熊喜欢在冬天睡觉。7. “在居住”live in . 句意:他们住在成都。8. “

8、在工厂”用介词in, in a factory在工厂. 句意:他们在工厂工作。9. “从学到一课”learn a lesson from . 句意:我们可以从那头猫头鹰身上学到一课。10. “去做某事”go to do sth. 句意:咱们去游泳吧。8.【答题】用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Pandas _(love) bamboo.2. They _(like) water.3. They _(be) snakes.4. Do snakes _(like) music?5. She _(can) sing.6. She _(like) writing.7. The snake _(thin

9、k) the flute is another snake!8. You _(be) welcome.【答案】1. love 2. like 3. are 4. like 5. can 6. likes 7. thinks 8. are【分析】本题考查单词填空。【解答】1. 主语pandas为复数,动词love用原形。2. 主语they为复数,动词like用原形。3. 主语they为复数,be动词用are。4. do引导的一般疑问句,主语后动词like用原形。5. 情态动词can无人称和数的变化,所以本题填can。6. 主语she为第三人称单数,所以动词like用单三形式,即likes。7.

10、主语the snake为第三人称单数,所以动词think用单三形式,即thinks。8. 主语为you, be动词用are。9.【答题】蛇听不见。_【答案】Snakes cant hear.【分析】本题考查汉译英。【解答】蛇snake, 不能cant do sth. 听见hear, 蛇表示一类动物做主语时需用复数,所以答案为Snakes cant hear.10.【答题】他们喜欢蛇。_【答案】They like snakes.【分析】本题考查汉译英。【解答】他们they, 喜欢like sth. 蛇snake, 蛇表示一类动物时需用复数,所以答案为They like snakes.11.【答题

11、】他每天读半个小时书。_【答案】He reads books for half an hour every day.【分析】本题考查汉译英。【解答】他he, 读书read books, 半小时half an hour, 每天every day; he为单数第三人称,其后动词read用单三形式reads,一段时间前用介词for,所以答案为He reads books for half an hour every day.12.【答题】我认为你喜欢吃肉。_【答案】I think you like to eat meat.【分析】本题考查汉译英。【解答】我认为I think . 你you, 喜欢做某

12、事like to do sth. 吃肉eat meat, 所以答案为I think you like to eat meat.13.【答题】他们说你是一个聪明的男孩。_【答案】They say you are a smart boy.【分析】本题考查汉译英。【解答】他们说they say . 你you, 一个聪明的男孩a smart boy, 所以答案为They say you are a smart boy.14.【答题】Its an interesting CD-ROM! (感叹an interesting CD-ROM)_ _ _ CD-ROM!【答案】What an interesti

13、ng CD-ROM!【分析】本题考查句型转换。【解答】感叹的部分为名词时用what,所以答案为What an interesting CD-ROM!15.【答题】Grandma gives Daming a present.(写出同义句)Grandma _ a present _ Daming.【答案】Grandma gives a present to Daming.【分析】本题考查句型转换。【解答】give sb sth. = give sth. to sb. 所以答案为Grandma gives a present to Daming.16.【答题】Look at this pictur

14、e.(写出否定句)_【答案】Dont look at this picture.【分析】本题考查句型转换。【解答】祈使句的否定句直接在句首加Dont,其余部分不变,所以答案为Dont look at this picture.17.【答题】The snake comes out of the box. (改为现在进行时)The snake _ _ _ _ the box.【答案】The snake is coming out of the box.【分析】本题考查句型转换。【解答】现在进行时结构为be doing,主语the snake为单数第三人称,所以be动词用is,动词come的现在分词

15、为coming,所以答案为The snake is coming out of the box.18.【答题】句子匹配。1. Do you like Chinese New Year? A. I never drink Coke.2. Do they often go to the park? B. Yes, of course. They often ride them.3. Does she always help her Mum? C. Yes, she does.4. Do they like riding bikes? D. Yes, I do.5. I never drink co

16、ffee. What about you? E. Not very often.【答案】1. D 2. E 3. C 4. B 5. A【分析】本题考查对话搭配。【解答】1. 句意:你喜欢中国的新年吗?是的,我喜欢。2. 句意:他们经常去公园吗?不经常去。3. 句意:她经常帮助她的妈妈吗?是的,她经常帮助。4. 句意:他们喜欢骑车吗?是的,当然。他们经常骑车。5. 句意:我从不喝咖啡。你呢?我从不喝可乐。19.【答题】eat twelve hours for a day Pandas ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 【答案】Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.

17、【分析】本题考查连词成句。【解答】根据所给单词、标点和句子第一个词可知句意为:熊猫一天可以吃十二个小时。十二个小时for twelve hours, 所以答案为Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.20.【答题】the snake is the box Why coming out of ?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 【答案】Why is the snake coming out of the box?【分析】本题考查连词成句。【解答】根据所给单词、标点和句子第一个词可知句意为:为什么蛇正从箱子里爬出来?正爬出来is coming out of sth. 箱子the box, 所以答案为Why is the snake coming out of the box?

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