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1、卢靖姗TED英文演讲稿一览卢靖姗TED英文演讲稿一览导读:本文 卢靖姗TED英文演讲稿一览,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。韩庚34岁的生日当天”在生日当天大方公布恋情!随后卢靖姗也转发微博回应韩庚,这下两个人火了,下面来说说卢靖姗TED英文演讲稿一览。卢靖姗1985年出生在香港,成长于演艺世家,母亲是中国人,父亲Roy Horan是功夫演员,曾与成龙合作过功夫电影蛇形刁手,自小卢靖姗耳濡目染,培养了对演艺事业的浓厚兴趣。大学毕业后一心回香港发展音乐事业,却误打误撞被吴京选中出演狼牙女主角,饰演女警晓禾,开始做起演员。直到今年的战狼2,卢靖姗彻底火了。说到卢靖姗帮忙救场女主角这件事,

2、当时的卢靖姗在陪家人度假,接到吴京电话的盛情相邀,因为之前的女主突然加价格,所以想找卢靖姗帮忙救场。她从幼儿园到高中就读于香港当地的中文学校(玛利曼),学习到流利的口头和书面粤语、普通话和英语,在父亲身边学会射箭、射击和跆拳道。在14岁,她离开香港去新泽西,在新泽西呆了短暂的一段时间回到香港并且就读于港岛中学(英基学校协会旗下学校),在港岛中学的教育经历为她打下基础。之后大学就读于伦敦政治经济学院,在2006年以一级荣誉(First Class Honours)拿到管理学学士学位。经常看演讲君文章的小伙伴们肯定之前看过这篇文章她是战狼2中最美的女人,而她的英文更加优雅!,而今天英语演讲君特别整

3、理了卢靖姗2010年在TED的英文演讲,让我们可以从方面全面了解一下这位学霸级女神。卢靖姗TED演讲稿英文版Good afternoon my name is Celina Jade,Im a singer-songwriter and actress when Jose asked me to speak at Ted.I thought, awesome and then I thought oh shit Ive gotta talk and sing for 18 minutes and then I got even more scared, because I looked at

4、the website I have to offer and free knowledge and inspiration to again some of the worlds most inspired thinkers.I was terrified theres like Mike whos seen more of the earth than any other human being and a bell whos climbed the highest summits well lets just say I got lost trying to find ty ku pla

5、ce this morning anybody with me.Lets just say these people have come definitely a bit further than I have in our journeys then it hit me journeys thats what I can speak of it.Im sure youve all heard the Shakespearean saying that all lifes a stage and all the men and women merely players. its 2010, s

6、o lets update that a little I say life is a movie and we are the producer director actor and audience, so why are we our own directors, it all comes down to choices, we all have to make choices in life some smaller I wear a pink jacket today or a blue jacket, bigger life-changing choices,

7、 like, do I eat an extra cookie over there or do I stick to a low-carb diet? or do I just went to the bathroom right now, just hide for 18 minutes until its all over.Ultimately it comes down to whether or not you know you want to make a movie, thats like comedy some people may be a documentary and i

8、ts all about the movie of our life that were going to make.Maybe I can share a little bit of my choices in my life, music has always been a passion for me, I love music because its very empowering it connects people through a shared emotion and I knew that growing up in Hong Kong.I want to give back

9、 to younger people because I want them to feel like this is their movie and were free to make whatever movie that we want.I was really lucky at 15, I was given the opportunity to release a CD I was signed to Japanese producer who was a techno dance guy, and within one weeks in Hawaii d

10、ay before recording their like Selena youre singing these songs and Im like okay Im 15 years old, all right.Ill do whatever you know you tell me to and then all of a sudden it hits number one Taiwan, all of a sudden Im this Selena the techno dance chase.This is when I was 15 as you can tell I was pr

11、etty lost I dont think so, the company at the time soon realized you know what we cant have Selena studying in school, I was doing my GCSEs and doing this career so they came up to my parents and theyre like mr. and mrs. heron, you know I can offer you a very lucrative deal, if you get your daughter

12、 to quit school.My dads a professor he can imagine that, but they were really nice they SAT me down there like you know this is your choice, this is your life, I know singing has always been like a dream and its kind of a awesome thing,You get to fly around the world do cool things and then I though

13、t about it.And the first thing that came to my mind is: am I going to become somebody that I really admire? will I be able to give back like artists and music has given me in the past? and I was like Selena the techno dance check my head was like the size of a peanut how am I mature enough were resp

14、onsible enough to take take this on, because being famous are successful is actually a huge I was like all right, you know Im going to continue my education go to school so I went to the LSC. I studied management I graduated with a first and all my friends are going into finance, b

15、ankers,consultants,accountants, and here am but I kind of want to sing,So then I was faced with another choice and these choices just get harder, because then you theres a pressure but aunties and uncles being like oh you sick in the head you know. why do you want to become a singer? you can make a

16、lot of money just faced with the highway to stability, security money, a real job someone once told me hi how are you Im like hi Im Selena what do you do Im an actual singer oh is that like code for unemployed.Anyway so I had this highway to finance or yeah! Selena the investment banker I dont know

17、or do I choose like the long and windy road ? and you know and pursue entertainment.To me thats kind of what my paths going to look like? and the destination is a big question mark it was it was a tough choice, but then I thought you know this is my movie, I give my own movie meaning, its up to me a

18、nd I would like to share a song that I wrote during this time.its called freeway.where she remembers an entire routine she wants, but shes every day she reminds the stuff of the pay to do this job she found the Wits mundane.excusesOn me theres no other way complacent she became it in the Silence of

19、the night.she fights are more inside or wondering what life would be had she taken, just one little chance the freeway youre free to find, you dont hesitate break.You know me, a friend freeway whatever its up to you and all to find your own to find your own way their top of me, okay I stand out the

20、counter song, watching today singing thing that comes through the the music started out some it got louder k2 bird song.Im singing along damn i get out of the freeway with feeding take over he brings you dont be afraid life and Im freedom I still nation on its up to me and only me to find my own way

21、 there by my own then controllable the adventure you never too late take the winding Mr Shorten go dro.cuz life is a freeway, were fade away dont hesitate, dont hit the brakes, dont be afraid every way, were free whatever destination, its up to you its up to me to find out to find our own waythank y

22、ou this ivan on piano by the way so youre probably thinking all right I get it were directors of our life this is a freeway very original Selenabut why are we our own producers? because I realized making a choice is not enough, you know you can make a choice and sit in your butt all day, but thats t

23、hats not going to happen.its about perseverance, so were kind of like the producers of our own life, weve got to invest in that choice whether thats effort time skills money and we need to problem-solve and we will face a lot of challenges.There will be a lot of turns in the road and we need to be r

24、esourceful and committed and its a tough road but you know the cool thing about life is that you know if you keep your wits about it you make a choice you can always turn around and take another road.Its kind of cool, so instead of going on about this, I would like to share my second song that I wro

25、te about perseverance.its called snowstorm.I used to think that I couldnt carry on trying to 80 the impossible dry,I was done Ill never make it that it was nothing, but a tree it was why I suffered just what does this only,its so fight me against the odds but theres a fire somewhere within that keep

26、s on burnin stone.Oh hurry to my head a finger inside cover or am I nice top of me No from and us too theres a meRalston never ma used to say even water and stuck in the man No me get us down.Oh,Ohthank you thank you why are we our own audience, this is probably a trickier one to meI think that we a

27、re our own audience, because we give our movies meaning, its up to us to decide is this life meaningful, nobodys judging us, truly I mean were here we die were to me meaning comes in two parts to live a meaningful life, I know that I need to live and I need to give why, because living gives

28、us an opportunity to experience divinity and others through your relationship, your friendships through nature through everything.thats outside of ourselves and giving allows us to experience divinity within ourselves, because when we give we realize how great a being we can be,.and we feel fulfille

29、d and satisfied and thats how I think we have meaning lastly, I would just like to share a story recently.I asked my dad, dad, can we really make a difference in this world? and like moes? dads who never give a straight forward answer.He said well let me tell you a story, my dear, he told me the sto

30、ry a guy was walking down a beach, it was a gray gray morning and he sees a little girl in the distance, she seems to be bending over picking something up and throwing it back into the as the guy approaches her, he starts to see oh shes picking up starfish and hes throwing it back into the

31、 he walks up to the girl and he says:you know what are you doing and the girl said: well its low tide right now and all these starfish have been washed up onto the beach if I dont throw them back in their gonna die of lack of oxygen.and the guy looked at the girl he said:yeah but do you know

32、 how many starfish there are washed up on this beach and theyre probably a million other beaches out there with just the same thing happening you cant possibly think that you can make a the girl picks up a starfish and now she throws it out into the ocean she says I bet I made a difference to that one so I hope we all make oscar-winning movies thank

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