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1、吃母乳的宝宝要对妈妈说十句话吃母乳的宝宝要对妈妈说十句话吃母乳的宝宝要对妈妈说十句话妈妈的乳汁是宝宝最好的食物,别看他们还是不会说话的小不点儿,但也有自己的喜好和想法。吃母乳的宝宝要对妈妈说十句话。卫生部母乳喂养咨询师、有10多年母乳教育经验的北京妇产医院护理部主管护师刘宏给出了专业解读: 1、“晚上我也想吃奶,妈妈不要嫌我烦。”新生儿夜间吃奶是身体生长的需要,尤其前4个月,是宝宝生长的飞跃期,每隔两三个小时可能就要吃一次。为了减轻疲惫,新妈妈最好跟宝宝作息同步,即“宝宝睡你就睡,宝宝吃你就醒”。晚上可以采用躺喂的姿势帮助减轻疲劳。2、“我怕过敏,妈妈要忌口。”母乳妈妈饮食需要多样化,对于“哪

2、些能吃,哪些不能吃”没有特别严格的规定。一般应多吃新鲜的水果、肉、蛋、奶、鱼和坚果等营养不同的天然食物。海鲜类营养丰富,但如果孩子出现过敏或其他不适,就要注意调整。6、“对不起,我把妈妈咬痛了。”乳头皲裂要以预防为主,首先要学习正确的含乳技巧,让宝宝张大嘴巴,含住 乳晕,正确离乳的技巧。其次,孕期不能过度清洗,乳头上的黏膜十分娇嫩,乳晕处腺体分泌的物质能起到润滑和保护作用。再次,如果感觉宝宝含接姿势不对,不 要直接将乳头从宝宝嘴中拔出,可以在孩子的下颌压一下再出来。最后,每次喂完奶,可以挤出两滴脂肪含量丰富的后奶,涂抹在乳头上。如果已经出现皲裂,可以 用些天然羊毛脂乳头修护霜,湿润乳头,喂奶时

3、不要洗掉。还可以使用乳头护罩,避免衣服对乳头的摩擦刺激。也可暂时将奶水挤到奶瓶里喂。7、“不涨奶了,我也能吃饱。”奶够不够吃主要依据三个标准:孩子的小便次数、大便性状和体重增长。一般出 生一周后每天小便在6次以上,颜色清亮。大便规律,没有泡沫,没有异常颜色。体重每天增长2030克左右。只要这三个标准达标,奶水就是够的。实际上, 当母乳分泌达到稳定状态、妈妈和宝宝供需平衡后,涨奶、溢奶的情形是会减少或消失的。可以从以下几个方面来判断宝宝是否吃饱:一是宝宝吮吸的情况。宝宝平均每吸吮23次可以咽下一大口,如果连续1520分钟,吸吮力慢慢变 小,说明他已经吃饱了。二是宝宝吃奶后应该有满足感,宝宝会对你

4、笑,或安静入睡。三是从上面所说的小便次数、大便性状和体重增长情况来判断。 8、“妈妈上班,也别随便给我断奶。”背奶族,上班的时候没有方便的空间或时间吸奶。世界卫生组织建议,婴 儿前6个月,应纯母乳喂养,之后逐渐添加辅食,但仍建议坚持哺乳至2岁。上班族妈妈要强化信心,开动脑筋,尽量延长哺乳时间。上班时,每次挤奶间隔时间不 要超过6个小时,否则会使奶量减少。如果实在太忙,也要先将比较胀的乳房先排空一些。 9、“等我准备好了再加辅食。”随着宝宝一天天长大,46个月的宝宝不再满足于只喝奶,开始流着口水到处 找吃的。童笑梅解释,此时婴儿的消化系统发育已较成熟,如消化酶形成、咀嚼与吞咽能力发育、牙开始萌出

5、等。开始出现竖颈、吸吮手指等动作,提示婴儿46 月龄是添加食物的“关键窗口期”。我们建议婴儿引入其他食物的年龄不能早于4月龄,也不宜迟于8月。添加辅食的量从1勺开始,逐渐加量,即遵循“由少到 多,从稀到稠,由一种到多种”的原则,至67月龄后可代替12次乳量。 10、“妈妈不要急于减肥。”生完宝宝,相信所有妈妈都希望尽快恢复到从前的身材,但减肥不能太心急。妈妈 如果在哺乳期突然节食、乱用减肥茶或减肥药、做剧烈运动等,都有可能对身体产生影响,甚至危害到宝宝。所以,产后妈妈不要急于减肥,只要饮食营养均衡,加 上适量运动,身材会慢慢恢复到从前的样子,还不会产生皮肤松弛。Mothers milk is

6、the best baby food, although they are still not speak her cot, but also have their own preferences and ideas. Breastfeeding baby to the mother say ten words. Consultants, the ministry of health, breastfeeding has ten years experience of breast milk education in Beijing maternity hospital nurses nurs

7、e-in-charge 19 professional interpretation is given:1, at night I also want to eat milk, mother dont think Im boring. Neonatal night nursing is the need of physical growth, especially the first four months, is the baby grow FeiYueQi, may be about to eat every two or three hours at a time. In order t

8、o alleviate fatigue, new mother best schedule synchronization with the baby, namely baby baby you sleep sleep, eat you wake up. Night lying hello posture can be used to help relieve fatigue.2, Im afraid of allergies, mother to avoid. Mother mother diet needs diversification, for what to eat, what ca

9、nnot eat not particularly strict rules. General should eat more fresh fruit, meat, eggs, milk, fish and nuts, such as different natural food nutrition. Seafood nutrition is rich, but if children appear allergy or other discomfort, must pay attention to adjust.3, mother go shopping, also dont forget

10、to give me her. Public room, not breastfeeding children are hungry to eat very inconvenient. In many public places there is no specific nursing rooms, this requires that mothers play to intelligence, such as going out with a blanket to family members to help keep out, prepare a lactation blouses, et

11、c.4, dont worry I do not have enough to eat. Research indicates that, as long as the right breast milk knowledge and method, 80% 90% of mothers can realize exclusive breastfeeding. Early add formula, milk was not enough to eat is one big reason. Eat baby milk powder, reduced the amount of time to su

12、ck the breast, breast was given less stimulation, produce less milk. Therefore, mothers want to let the newborn son suck as much as possible. In addition, the diversity of diet, feel better, get plenty of sleep, family support, be confident, but also an important guarantee of milk is enough.5, the f

13、ormer milk after milk will give me to eat. Breast milk is divided into milk before and after the milk. Before milk thin, light, high in moisture and protein, milk after thick, rich in fat, lactose, and other nutrients. Therefore, feeding the baby must let him eat side breast is empty, and in the oth

14、er side. In this way can we guarantee the milk before and after milk let the baby to eat.6, Im sorry, I have to hurt the mother. Cracked nipple to be prevented, and the first to learn the correct containing milk skill, let the baby opened his mouth, under areola, right from the milk. Second, pregnan

15、cy cant over washing, the mucous membrane of the nipple is very delicate, areola glands in material can play the lubrication and protection. Again, if feel baby with poor posture, not directly to the nipple to pull out from the babys mouth, can be in the childs jaw press to get out again. Finally, e

16、ach time the feeding milk, can squeeze out after two drops of fat rich milk, daub on the nipples. If there have been cracked, can use some natural wool grease nipple repair cream, moist tit, nursing dont wash out. You can also use the nipple cover, avoid friction clothes for nipple stimulation. Can

17、also be temporarily milk into the bottle feeding.7, milk does not go up, I also can eat. Have enough milk to eat mainly based on three criteria: the childs urine, stool traits and weight gain. General born urinate in more than six times a day, a week after the color clear. Shit, no bubble, no abnorm

18、al color. Weight increased 20-30 grams a day. As long as the three standards, the milk is enough. In fact, when breast milk secretion after reaching steady state, mother and baby supply and demand balance, higher milk, milk spill situation is to reduce or disappear.Can from the following several asp

19、ects to judge whether the baby to eat: one is the baby sucking the situation. Baby every sucking 2-3 times to swallow a big, if for 15-20 minutes, slowly sucking force is small, shows that he has full. Second, the baby should have a sense of satisfaction, after eating milk baby will laugh at you, or

20、 quiet sleep. From the above three urine, stool character and weight growth situation to judge.8, the mother to work, dont give I weaned. Back to milk, work not convenient pumping space or time. The world health organization recommends that the infant son before 6 months, should be exclusive breastf

21、eeding, then gradually add the side dish, but still recommends that breastfeeding to 2 years old. Working mom to strengthen confidence, use your head, prolonged breastfeeding as far as possible. At work, the interval milking time not more than 6 hours, otherwise it will reduce quantity of milk. If r

22、eally too busy, also want to compare first heaving breast emptying some first.9, Im ready to add the side dish. As the baby grew up day by day, 4 6 months babies no longer satisfied with only drink milk, start drooling looking for food. TongXiaoMei explanation, the babys digestive system development

23、 has been relatively mature, such as digestive enzymes form, chewing and swallowing ability development, teeth begin to appear, and so on. Started to shaft neck, suck finger movements, such as tip baby 4-6 months key window period is added to food. We suggest that the age of the baby into other food

24、 cannot be earlier than 4 months, also should not be later than August. Add consisting of quantity from 1 scoop of start, gradually add quantity, namely follow from less to more, from thin to thick, from one to more principle, to 6 7 months after the milk volume can be instead of 1-2 times.10, mothe

25、r dont hurry to lose weight. Given birth to the baby, I believe that all the mother hope as soon as possible back to her former shape, but cant be too eager to lose weight. Mother if suddenly go on a diet, with tea in lactation or diet pills, strenuous exercise, etc., are likely to affect the body, and even harm the baby. So, postpartum mother not in a hurry to lose weight, as long as a balanced diet, and exercise, body will slowly return to the former appearance, also wont produce skin flabby.

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