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1、无公害蔬菜栽培技术的探究无公害蔬菜栽培技术的探究摘 要:发展无公害蔬菜就是采取无公害蔬菜生产技术措施,使基地环境、生产过程和产品质量达到无公害标准要求。要把好“三关”, 抓好“六大环节”。Pick to: the development of pollution-free vegetables is pollution-free vegetable production technology measures, the base environment, production process and product quality reached the standard requiremen

2、ts. To well three close, pays special attention to the big six link.关键词:无公害蔬菜栽培技术标准要求Keywords: pollution-free vegetables cultivation technique standard requirements无公害蔬菜是严格按照无公害蔬菜生产安全标准和栽培技术生产的无污染、安全、优质、营养型蔬菜,并且,蔬菜中农药残留、重金属、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐及其它对人体有毒、有害物质的含量控制在法定允许限量之内,要符合有关标准规定。Pollution-free vegetables are

3、in strict accordance with the pollution-free vegetable production safety standards and the production of pollution-free cultivation techniques, safety, high quality, nutritional vegetable, and vegetable pesticide residues, heavy metals, nitrate, nitrite and other poisonous and harmful substances to

4、human body content of control within the legal allowed limits, to comply with relevant standards.一、无公害蔬菜栽培技术A, pollution-free vegetables cultivation techniques发展无公害蔬菜,重点是把好生产基地选择与改善、种植过程无害化、蔬菜残留毒物检测“三关”,抓好产地环境、品种选用、培育壮苗、健身栽培、病虫防治、质量检测“六大环节”。总的来说就是采取无公害蔬菜生产技术措施,使基地环境、生产过程和产品质量达到无公害标准要求。Development of

5、 pollution-free vegetables, the key is to put the good selection and improve production base, planting process innocuity, vegetable residue toxicology testing three close, pays special attention to the environmental, variety selection, cultivation of seedling, health cultivation, pest management, qu

6、ality inspection six big link. In general is pollution-free vegetable production technology measures, the base environment, production process and product quality reached the standard requirements.二、大田种植与管理Second, planting and management field1、根据土壤类型不同,种植不同种类的蔬菜。2、精细整地。3、定植。根据不同品种要求,合理密植。4、中耕、除草、培土

7、。5、搭架、整枝、疏果。6、小拱棚、大棚温湿度管理。1, according to different soil type, plant different kinds of vegetables. 2, fine soil preparation. 3, engraftment. In accordance with the requirements of different varieties, reasonable density. 4, cultivating, weeding, soil. 5, a big, pruning, fruit thinning. 6, small Gon

8、gPeng, greenhouse temperature and humidity management.三、灌溉基本原则与方法Three, the basic principle and method of irrigation1、基本原则1, the basic principles(1)沙土壤经常灌,粘壤土要深沟排水。低洼地“小水勤浇”,“排水防涝”。(2)看天看苗灌溉。晴天、热天多灌,阴天、冷天少灌或不灌,叶片中午不萎蔫的不灌,轻度萎蔫的少灌,反之要多灌。暑夏浇水必须在早晨九点前或傍晚五点之后进行,避免中午浇水。若暑夏中午下小雷阵雨,要立即进行(版权声明:本文转载自论文网在线(),版

9、权归原作者所有。)灌水。(3)根据不同蔬菜及生长期需水量不同进行灌溉。(1) often fill sand soil, clay loam to ditch drainage. Low-lying land num frequently pouring, drains. (2) days look at seedling irrigation. Sunny, hot weather more, cloudy, cold day less or no irrigation, blade not wilting at noon. Its filling and mild wilting less

10、 irrigation, instead more to fill. Heat in the summer of water must be conducted before or after five o clock in the evening at 9 o clock in the morning, to avoid water at noon. If heat summer small thunder shower at noon, you must immediately (net of paper of copyright statement: this article repri

11、nted from online (), all peer originator.) Irrigation. (3) according to the different vegetables and growing water demand for irrigation.2、灌溉方法2, the irrigation method(1)沟灌:沟灌水在土壤吸水至畦高1/2-2/3后,立即排干。夏天宜傍晚后进行。(2)浇灌:每次要浇足,短期绿叶菜类不必天天浇灌。(1) the furrow irrigation, furrow irrigation water in the soil after

12、 absorbing water to strip high 1/2 - two-thirds, drained immediately. Summer should be performed after the early evening. (2) water: every time to water the foot, short-term green leafy vegetables dont need to water every day.四、施肥基本原则与方法Four, the basic principle and method of fertilizing1、施肥原则1, the

13、 principle of fertilization(1)选用腐熟的厩肥、堆肥等有机肥为主,辅以矿质化学肥料。禁止使用城市垃圾肥料。莴苣、芫荽等生食蔬菜禁用人畜粪肥作追肥。(2)严格控制氮肥施用量,否则可能引起菜体硝酸盐积累。(1) selection of rotten manure, compost fertilizer is given priority to, complementary with mineral fertilizers. Banning the use of municipal waste fertilizer. Raw vegetables such as let

14、tuce, coriander, disable people and livestock manure as a fertilizer. (2) strict control of nitrogen, otherwise may cause vegetable nitrate accumulation.2、施用方法2, application method,(1)基肥、追肥。氮素肥70%作基肥,30%作追肥,其中氮素化肥60%作追肥。有机肥、矿质磷肥、草木灰全数作基肥,其它肥料可部分作基肥。有机肥和化肥混合后作基肥。(2)追肥按“保头攻中控尾”进行。苗期多次施用以氮肥为主的薄肥;蔬菜生长初期

15、以追肥为主,注意氮磷钾按比例配合;采收期前少追肥或不追肥。各类蔬菜施肥重点。、根菜类、葱蒜类、薯蓣类在鳞茎或块根开始膨大期为施肥重点。、白菜类、甘蓝类、芥菜类等在结球初期或花球出现初期为施肥重点。、瓜类、茄果类、豆类在第一朵花结果牢固后为施肥重点。(3)注意事项。看天追肥:温度较高、南风天多追肥,低温、刮北风要少追肥或不追肥。追肥应与人工浇灌、中耕培土等作业相结合,同时应考虑天气情况、土壤含水量等因素。(4)根外追肥(叶面肥)。(1) basic fertilizer and fertilizer. (1) of nitrogen fertilizer as basal, 70% and 30

16、% for fertilizer, fertilizer with nitrogen fertilizer 60%. (2) organic fertilizer, mineral phosphate fertilizer, plant ash all basal, other fertilizer can make basal part. (3) after the mixed organic fertilizer and fertilizer as basal. (2) according to according to protect TouGong central tail. (1)

17、seedling thin repeatedly applied predominantly nitrogen fertilizer; Vegetables grown with fertilizer is given priority to, early attention NPK in proportion; Before harvest time less fertilizer or fertilizer. (2) all kinds of vegetables fertilizing. , root vegetables, Onions and garlic, yam class at

18、 the beginning of the bulb or root swelled period for fertilization. , cabbage, kale, mustard, etc. At the beginning of the hitch balls or red appear early for fertilization. , melons, solanaceous fruit, legume in the first flower after strong results for fertilization. (3) the matters needing atten

19、tion. (1) according to the day, the temperature is higher, the day the south wind more fertilizer, low temperature, blowing north wind less fertilizer or fertilizer. (2) should be with the artificial water and intertillage ridging fertilizer such as homework, at the same time should consider factors

20、 such as weather conditions, soil moisture content. (4) the top dressing (fertilizer).3、土壤中有害物质的改良3, the harmful substances in the soil improvement(1)短期(1) short-term叶菜类,每亩每茬施石灰20公斤或厩肥1000公斤或硫磺1.5公斤(土壤PH值6.5左右),随基肥施入。(2)长期蔬菜类,石灰用量为25公斤,硫磺用量为2公斤。Every crop per mu of leaf vegetables, 20 kg or 1000 kg

21、barnyard manure or lime sulfur shi 1.5 kg (soil PH value of 6.5 or so), with the basal. (2) the vegetables for a long time, dosage of lime is 25 kg, the amount of 2 kg of sulfur.五、无公害蔬菜病虫害综合防治技术Five, the integrated pest management technology of green vegetables蔬菜病虫害综合防治技术是无公害蔬菜生产最关键的一个环节。防治原则:一是培育和选

22、用抗(耐)病虫品种、调节蔬菜生育期等一系列措施,提高蔬菜对病虫的抵抗能力;二是防止新的病虫侵入,对已有的病虫采取压低越冬技术、切断传播途径等手段,防止病害侵染,或将虫害消灭于严重为害之前;三是栽培管理,改善菜田生态系统,创造一个有利于蔬菜生长发育而不利于病虫发生发育的环境条件。Integrated pest management technology is a pollution-free vegetables vegetables production one of the key link. Control principle: one is the cultivation and sel

23、ection (resistance) variety of diseases and pests resistance, adjust the vegetable growth period, and a series of measures to improve the vegetables resistance to diseases and pests; 2 it is to prevent a new invasion of diseases and pests, diseases and pests are taken down wintering technology, cutt

24、ing off route of transmission, infection, prevent diseases or insect pests in the serious hurt before; Third, cultivation management, improving vegetable plantation ecological system, to create a conducive to vegetable growth and development and against diseases and pests in the development of envir

25、onmental conditions.1、农业防治。通过选用抗(耐)病虫品种、采取健身栽培、合理轮作等一套农业措施,提高蔬菜抗逆性,减轻病虫害。1, the agricultural prevention and cure. By choosing (resistance) variety of diseases and pests resistance, take fitness cultivation, a set of agricultural measures such as reasonable crop rotation, and improve vegetable resist

26、ance, reduce plant diseases and insect pests.2、物理防治。通过创造不利于病虫发生但有利于或无碍于蔬菜生长的生态条件的防治方法,是一种较理想的无公害防治方(版权声明:本文转载自论文网在线(),版权归原作者所有。)法。2, physical prevention and control. By creating against diseases and pests occurred but benefit or clear on vegetable growth of ecological condition of prevention and cur

27、e, is a kind of ideal pollution-free prevention (net of paper of copyright statement: this article reprinted from online (), all peer originator.) Method.3、生物防治。生物防治是利用生物或它的代谢产物来控制有害动植物种群、有害微生物或减轻其危害程度的方法。3, biological control. Biological control is use of biological or its metabolites to control ha

28、rmful flora and fauna, harmful microorganisms, or reduce the degree of the harm.4、化学防治。无公害蔬菜并非不使用化学农药,化学农药是防治蔬菜病虫害的有效手段,特别是病害流行、虫害爆发时更是有效的防治措施,关键是如何科学合理地加以使用,既要防治病虫害,又要减少污染,使上市蔬菜中的农药残留量控制在允许范围内。4, chemical prevention and control. Pollution-free vegetables is not the use of chemical pesticides, chemi

29、cal pesticide is an effective method for prevention and control of vegetable diseases and insect pests, especially when the disease epidemic, insect pest broke out more effective prevention and control measures, the key is how to use scientific and reasonable, both to prevention and control of plant

30、 diseases and insect pests, and to reduce pollution, make pesticide residue in the vegetables control within the scope of the permit.无公害蔬菜栽培,除了选好环境条件、改善田间生态条件、健全栽培管理措施外,还要做好以下两点工作:Pollution-free vegetables cultivation, in addition to choose the right environmental conditions, improve ecological cond

31、ition and improve the field cultivation management measures, but also to do a good job of the following two points:一是采收前自检。查看是否过了使用农药、肥料的安全间隔期,有条件的可用速测卡(纸)或仪器进行农残检测。Is a self-checking before harvest. Check whether the use of pesticides, fertilizers security clearances, conditional use measuring card

32、 (paper) or the instrument for detecting pesticide residues.二是采收和分级。要适期采收,采后要做到净菜上市(符合各类蔬菜的感官要求,净菜用水泡洗时,水质应符合规定标准),还要按品质、颜色、个体大小、重量、新鲜程度、有无病伤等方面进行分级。分特级、一级、二级三个等级。2 it is harvested and grading. To suitable harvest, gather to do after washed vegetables listed (conform to the requirements of the senses of all kinds of vegetables, clean vegetables with blisters when washing, water quality should comply with the stipulated standards), and according to the quality, color, size

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