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1、美赛论文LaTeX实用模板documentclassicmmcmusepackageurl % For formatting URLs and other web or % file references.usepackagemflogo % Provides the METAFONT logo; you % wont need it for your report.usepackagegraphicx % For importing graphics.usepackagenatbib% Sample ICM/MCM Contest Submission% Based on sample se

2、nior thesis document% Last modified by Jeremy Rouse% Summer 2000% and on the LaTeX Hints document% created by C.M. Connelly % Copyright 2002-2012% -% Local mand and Environment Definitions% If you have any local mand or environment definitions, put them% here or in a separate style file that you loa

3、d with usepackage.% newtheorem declarationsnewtheoremTheo1TheoremnewtheoremTheo2TheoremsectionnewtheoremLemmaTheo2Lemma% Each of the above defines a new theorem environment.% Multiple theorems can be done in the same environment.% Theo2s number is defined by the subsection its in.% Theo3 uses the sa

4、me numbering counter and numbering system as% Theo2 (thats the meaning of Theo2).% You probably wont want any of the following mands, which are% here to allow various the names of mands, make examples typeset% properly, and so on. You can, of course, use them as examples for% your own user-defined m


6、og1texttt#1xspacenewmandmand1textttbsl#1xspacenewmandctttextttp.text.texxspacenewmandtexTeXxspacenewmandlatexLaTeXxspace% Note that the xspace mand es from the xspace package. It% allows you type a mand that inserts text without having to% worry about how you end that mand.% Without xspace, you woul

7、d need to end a mand with a backslash% followed by a space or with an empty set of braces if you followed% the mand with a space. For example,% foo is a very important algorithm.% might produce% The foobarbaz algorithmis a very important algorithm.% whereas with the xspace mand, the same code would

8、produce% The foobarbaz algorithm is a very important algorithm.% If you need to butt a mand that produces text against a letter% of some sort - say, to pluralize it - you need to tell TeX% where your mand name ends so that it expands the correct% macro. So you might do% bars are very busy creatures.

9、% TeX has an amazingly good hyphenation algorithm, but sometimes it% gets confused and needs some help.% For words that only occur once or twice, you can insert hints% directly into your text, as in% our data-base system is one of the most plex ever devised% For words that you use a lot, and that se

10、em to keep ending up at% the end of a line, however, inserting the hints each time gets to% be a drag. You can use the hyphenation mand to globally tell% TeX where to hyphenate words it cant figure out on its own.hyphenationwhite-space% End Local mand and Environment Definitions% -% -% Title Blockti

11、tlelatex Hints for ICM/MCM Contest Reports% Which contest are you taking part in? (Just one!)contestICM/MCM% The question you answered. (Again, just the one.)questionReport Sample% Your Contest Team Control Numberteam21247% A normal document would specify the authors name (and possibly% their affili

12、ation or other information) in an author mand.% Because the ICM/MCM Contest rules specify that the names of the% team members, their advisor, and their institution should not% appear anywhere in the report, do *not* define an author mand.% Defining the date mand is optional. If you leave it blank,%

13、your document will include the date that the file is typeset, in% the form Month dd, yyyy.% date% End Title Block% -begindocument% -% Summarybeginsummary This document is meant to give you a quick introduction to TeX and LaTeX. It covers a lot of material, but still barely manages to scratch the sur

14、face. It should provide you with some inspiration and, I hope, with some useful code you can copy, modify, and use in your report. You should use the fileblank-template.tex file as a basis for your report rather than this file. Be sure to change its name to something sensible (maybe your team contro

15、l number), and to set the values of the title, question, and team mands to appropriate values. Good luck! hfill- Claireendsummary% End Summary% -% -% Print Title Block, Contents, et al.maketitletableofcontents% Unment the following lines if you have figures or tables in% your report:listoffigureslis

16、toftables% End Print Title Block, Contents, et al.% -sectionIntroduction: What Is latex?%labelsec:introductionlatex is a tool that allows you to concentrate on your writing whiletaking advantage of the tex typesetting system to producehigh-quality typeset documents.latexs benefits includebeginenumer

17、ateitem Standardized document classesitem Structural frameworks for organizing documentsitem Automatic numbering and cross-referencing of structural elementsitem Floating figures and tablesitem High-level programming interface for accessing texs typesetting capabilitiesitem Access to latex extension

18、s through loading packagesendenumeratesectionStructured Writing%labelsec:structured-writingLike HTML,footnoteHyperText Markup Language latex is a markuplanguage rather than a acronymWysiwygfootnoteWhat You See Is What You Get. system. You write plain text files that use specialkeymands and keyenviro

19、nments that govern the appearance andfunction of parts of your text in your final typeset document.subsectionDocument Classes%labelsec:document-classesThe general appearance of your document is determined by your choiceof keydocument class. Document classes also load latex packagesto provide additio

20、nal functionality.latex provides a number of basic classes, including classarticle,classletter, classreport, and classbook. There are also alarge number of other document classes available, includingclassamsart and classamsbook, created by the AmericanMathematical Society and providing some addition

21、al mathematicallyuseful structures and mands; classfoils, classprosper, andclassseminar, which allow you to create slides forpresentations; the math departments classthesis class, forformatting senior theses; and many journal- or pany-specificclasses that format your document to match the house styl

22、e of aparticular periodical or publisher.subsectionPackages%labelsec:packages%labelsec:ctanlatex packages, or keystyle files, define additional mands andenvironments, or change the way that previously defined mands andenvironments work. By loading packages, you can change the fonts usedin your docum

23、ent, write your document in a non-English language with anon-acronymAscii font encoding, include graphics, format programlistings, add custom headers and footers to your document, and muchmore.A typical tex installation includes hundreds of style files, andhundreds more are available from the prehen

24、sive tex ArchiveNetwork (CTAN), at mands%labelsec:structural-mandsbegintablecenteringbegintabularlltoprulemand & Notes midrulepart & classbook & classreport only chapter &classbook & classreport only section subsection subsubsection paragraph subparagraph bottomrul

25、eendtabularcaptionStructural mands in latexStructural mands in latex.%labeltab:structural-mandsendtablelatex provides a set of structural mands for defining sections ofyour document, as shown in Tablereftab:structural-mands.Note that the argument to structural mands are moving arguments(see Sectionr

26、efsec:fragile-mands) because they can be reused inthe table of contents or in page headers or footers. Structuralmands can take an optional argument in which you specify nonfragilemands or a shorter version of the actual section title that fits.Youll generally know when you need to provide an option

27、al argument byTeXs behavior.subsectionLabels and References%labelsec:labels-and-referencesSections are numbered automatically by latex during typesetting. Ifyou change your mind and decide that a subsection should be promotedto a section, or moved to the end of your document, the sections willbe ren

28、umbered so that the numbers are consistent.Sections can also be mandlabeled with a tag such asbeginquotebeginverbatimsectionOur plicated Equations%labelsec:plicated-eqsendverbatimendquoteand referred to with a mandref or mandpageref mand, asinbeginquotebeginverbatimIn Sectionrefsec:plicated-eqs, we pointed out.endverbatimendquoteorbeginquotebeginverbatimOn pagepagereffig:gordian-knot, we illustrated.endverbatimendquotelatex substitutes the correct section number when typesettin

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