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牛津英语模块四 unit1 Advertising学案.docx

1、牛津英语模块四 unit1 Advertising学案Unit 1 Reading advertisements 学案1. be used to become/get/be used to sth./to doing sth. be used to do sth. used to do sth.1) It takes several months for people to get used to the new environment.2) Wood is used to make wood.3) I used to live in London.4) I he used to live i

2、n the countryside and now he has got used to living in the city.巧辩异同used to do would do 1) People used to believe that the earth was flat.2) He would go to the park as soon as he was free.完成句子;1) He _ _ _ _ _ _(过去常常起的很早) when he was at the university.2) Every time she comes here to have a meeting, s

3、he _ _ _ _ _(总要来看我)3) At present, many tress are cut down and _ _ _ (用来做)chopsticks.重点提示;Used to do 否定usednt to do didnt use to do 变为否定句;I used to like opera. _.2. research do/ conduct/undertake/research into /on sb./ sth 完成句子:1)He stayed on at university to_ _.他留在大学里做研究工作。2)科学家正在对环境保护进行研究。_.3) He h

4、as carried out research into renewable energy sources._.4.)She has spent the last two years researching different types of butterflies. _.3. Share Share sth. with sb. Share sth. out /among/between 完成句子:1) I have very happy news to _ _you我有很高兴的消息要告诉你。2)Tom _her money _ his six grandchildren.约翰把他的钱分给了

5、他六个孙子。翻译句子:1)应该教育孩子们分享玩具。_2)They share the housework equally between them._.4. Persuade 翻译句子:1)The salesman tried to persuade her to buy his goods._2)我们不知道如何说服他放弃这个念头 _ 3) Can you persuade her out of her foolish plans? _5. believe in believe in sb.believe in sth.翻译句子:1)Some people believe in God and

6、 others dont2)I believe you, but I can not believe in you .6. for free = free of charge 翻译句子: 1)每个人可以得到一本免费的书。 _. 2) 如果你能回答我的问题,你可以得到一块免费的巧克力。 _.7. be meant to 翻译句子:a) The project is meant to help those who are homeless.b) I am mean to be work on Sunday, but I just fool around all day.c) This restau

7、rant is meant to be excellent.完成句子: The scholarship _ _ _ _ people the students to work harder at their lessons. 奖学金的目的是鼓励学生努力学习功课。8. protect sb./sth. from doing sth : keep sb. or sth. from danger.翻译句子;1) 雨伞可以保护你不致雨淋。_.2) 我们应该保护地球以防收到污染。_.Prevent ( from ) Stop .( from ) Keep.from 完成句子:The heavy snow

8、 _ us from _ out.大雪阻止我们出行.你必须阻止她告诉他们那个坏消息。_9. aware Be aware of sth. be well aware of Be aware that翻译句子: Were you aware that something was wrong? _. 他很清楚这个问题。 _.完成句子: Tom has _ _ _ _done something wrong. Tom 已意识到自己做错了事。10. even if = even though翻译句子: 1)即使下雨,他还是会准时来的._2) 我就是走也要走到哪_-11. fall for翻译句子;1)

9、 推销员说这辆汽车状况良好,而我那么傻竟然信以为真._2) 我感到惊奇,你竟然中了那个诡计。_.12. trick Play tricks on翻译句子:1)孩子们喜欢捉弄老师._. Trick sb. into sth./doingsth.2)她骗我借给了她100美元。_13. lie lied lied lying Lie lay lain lyinglie in /on /to the south of Lay laidlaidlaying翻译句子: 1) He always lies to his parents, so they dont like him.2) He had to

10、lie down for a while to rest his legs3) The town lies on the coast.4) He laid a hand on my arm. 5) The boy lying there lied to me that he had laid the egg that the hen had laid in the basket on the table.14. Figure out 翻译句子:1) Hes trying to figure out a way to solve the problem2) It didnt take the c

11、hildren long to figure out the correct answer3) Have you figured out how much the trip will cost?4) 我不明白为什么他缺席_.15. in advance 翻译: 提前一日/一星期/一年_如果提前订票,票会便宜。_15. determine:Be determined to Determine to doWe determine to start the new plan他们决定早点出发。_16 in order to = in order that = so as to = so that翻译:

12、 He raised his voice in order to /so as to be heard. He raised his voice in order that /so that he could be heard.为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了_17. it is time for sb. to do sth.It is time that did翻译:该到我们交作业的时间了。_该到我们还书的时间了。_-18. appeal to sb.Appeal sb. to do sth.Appeal sb. for sth.翻译:Does jazz hold any appeal f

13、or you?This policy will not appeal to the voters吸烟对我没有吸引力。_政府呼吁我们节约用水。_19. react React to sth.翻译:He reacted angrily to the news.他们对你的建议有什么反应_20. care about 翻译:Dont you care about anybody?I dont care about the price, so long as the car is in good condition.她根本不关心她的丈夫。_21. be concerned about Be concer

14、ned with翻译:Please dont be concerned about me.We are all concerned about his health.许多人都关心环境污染问题._这个案件和你有关。_这本书与欧洲有关。_.21. get sth across( to sb)get across( to sb)翻译:Did your speech get across to the audience?Your meaning didnt really get across.他不擅长表达自己的思想。_22. due to 翻译:他的失败是由于粗心。_他的成功是由于他的幸运。_23.

15、do/ cause damage to sth.洪水毁坏了大量农作物._24. discourage sb. from doing sth.Try to discourage him from driving too fast他的父母试图阻止他当演员。_25. inform sb. of /about sth.It fell to me to inform her of her sons death.地址若有任何变化请通知我。_Test for Unit 1 Book IVI单项填空 (125分)1. - Excuse me, may I ask you some questions? - S

16、orry, Im too busy and I havent even a minute to _. A. spend B. share C. spare D. stop 2. -Does he work hard at his lesson? -Yes, he _ no effort, I dare say. A protects B determines C spares D wastes 3. You dont have to _the umbrellas; Ill give you one each. A. advertise B. be used to C. share D. per

17、suade4. We have to _ the practical measures. A. come out B. come up with C. come up D. come about5. The crowd is too noisy, but anyway I have to make myself _ to them because the news is so important to them. A. supposed B. understood C. heard D. known6. I was looking through China Daily when an _ f

18、or a second-hand car attracted my attention. A. advertise B. advertising C. advertisements D. advertisement 7. We _ him to stop surfing the internet, but he wouldnt listen. A. persuaded B. tried to persuade C. suggested D. demanded 8. Would you _ me a good dictionary? A. command B. demand C. recomme

19、nd D. recommendation 9. The mother is _about her sons future. A. cared B. known C. concerned D. impressed 10. _is a highly developed twentieth-century industry. A. Advertisement B. Advertising C. Advertise D. Advertiser11. The newly published book, which refers _ basic English grammar, is _only for

20、beginners. A. as; meant B. for; intended C. to; planned D. to; intended12. The official, who had much _ at dealing _ troublesome affairs, was shot to death by a terrorist. A. experiment; with B. experience; with C. experiences; for D. experienced; for 13. The popular musician was asked _ she should

21、intend to be her partner in the next concert. A. what B. whom C. how D. when14. - Was the judge _ with the result? - I dont think so. But perhaps no judge is easy _.A. satisfying; satisfied B. satisfied; to satisfy C. satisfactory; to be satisfied D. satisfaction; satisfactory 15. Wind _ electricity

22、 widely in any parts of the world. A. is used to produce B. is used to producing C. used to produce D. used to producing 16. When he was there, he _go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day. A. would B. should C. had better D. might 17. Mother _ us stories when we were young. A. was

23、used to tell B. was used to telling C. used to tell D. used to telling 18. More and more people nowadays have come _ taking exercise every day.A. believe B. believe in C. to believe D. to believe in 19. They picked the town of Tobermory on Mull because the brightly colored houses appeal _ children.

24、A. to B. for C. against D. with 20. They tricked the pretty girl _stealing money from the store. A. into B. to C. with D. against21. Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does _his boss. A. serves B. satisfies C. promises D. supports 22.-You _part in the party in time. -Sorry, I was delayed by the accident. A. are supposed to take B. have supposed to take C. are supposed to have taken D. supposed to take 23. Your suggestion is _to us.A. of very value B. great valuable C. of g

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