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1、九年级上册英语英语阅读理解汇编试题有答案和解析九年级上册英语英语阅读理解汇编试题(有答案和解析)一、中考英语阅读理解汇编1阅读理解 Different countries have different greeting customs. Read this article to know more about the greeting customs in different cultures, and make sure you greet people in the right way next time. France French people greet each other wit

2、h a handshake, but close friends kiss each other on both cheeks when they meet. They do this gesture when meeting and before leaving. South Korea In South Korea, it is a sign of respect for people to bow when greeting each other, In South Korea, a bow is followed by a handshake. While shaking someon

3、es hand, it is polite to support the right forearm with the left hand. However, South Korean women do not shake hands with Western men; instead, they bow slightly. Brazil Kissing women on the cheek is a common way of greeting. In a formal situation, a handshake is often done to show respect. Men sho

4、uld shake hands before and after meeting, and once they have become familiar with each other, a light hug is often given to each other. Ghana In a social situation, its polite to greet everyone in the room. A handshake is used in greeting, and the palm must directly touch the palm of the other. Its

5、considered disrespectful to touch the back of the hand. The Philippines There are several ways of greeting people in the Philippines. An elderly person places his or her right hand on the forehead of a child to bless the latter. This is called mano. Relatives and family members greet each other with

6、 a kiss on the cheek. Friends greet each other with a polite nod or a handshake. (1)Mike kisses a French boy Jim on the cheek, they may _. for the first close in a social in a formal situation(2)In Brazil, it is very common to _ between good friends. A.shake

7、 handsB.kiss on the cheekC.bow to each otherD.give a light hug(3)Which of the following is about Ghana? A.Friends can give a light hug to each other.B.People can give a nod or handshake.C.Its impolite to touch the back of the hand.D.Family members can greet each other with a kiss.【答案】 (1)B(2)D(3)C 【

8、解析】【分析】本文介绍了不同的国家有不同的问候习俗,了解更多不同文化中的问候习俗,确保下次你用正确的方式问候别人。 (1)推理题。根据close friends kiss each other on both cheeks when they meet亲密的朋友见面时会亲吻对方的双颊可知, 迈克亲吻一个法国男孩吉姆的脸颊,他们可能是亲密的朋友 , 故选B。 (2)细节题。根据 a light hug is often given to each other 可知, 在巴西,好朋友之间轻轻拥抱一下很常见 , 故选D。 (3)细节题。根据 Its considered disrespectful

9、to touch the back of the hand 可知,在加纳触摸手背是不礼貌的 , 故选C。 【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题、推断题,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;推断题需要联系上下文,推断出需要的信息。2阅读理解 Barry is having a very difficult time in his life. His wife recently passed away. He is very sad. Barrys neighbor, a very old woman named Gertrude, sees him from her yard one day. She

10、has not seen him outside for days! Hello, Barry! Just look at this fence. It is broken. You are a strong man, and you have some free time. I want you to fix this fence for me, Gertrude says. Barry is angry. He thinks the old lady is very selfish. Still, he knows she is a nice woman, and he respects

11、her. He agrees to help her. Barry works for days. Gertrude brings him lemonade while he works. When he finishes, he smiles for the first time in months. You did such a wonderful job. Do you think you could paint it for me? Gertrude smiles at him. Barry cannot believe his ears. Doesnt she know how sa

12、d he is? But because he respects her so much, Barry agrees. He works hard in the hot sun, but Gertrudes lemonade and encouragement are wonderful. He feels proud of the beautiful fence he is making. Over the next few weeks, Gertrude keeps giving Barry jobs. He even repairs her door. All the neighbors

13、 pass by and tell Barry what a beautiful job he has done. He finally realizes that she has never been rude. She is really very wise. He knows that simply getting busy with something can take sorrow away. He helps her, but she truly saves him.(1)Why does Barry agree to help Gertrude to fix the fence?

14、 A.Because he thinks Gertrude is too old.B.Because he has some free time.C.Because he is strong enough.D.Because he respects her.(2)Barry does a lot for Gertrude, but he doesnt _ for her. the doorB.fix the fenceC.paint the lemonade(3)What does the underlined word sorrow mean in C

15、hinese? A.愤怒B.遗憾C.悲伤D.喜悦(4)From the text, we can learn that Gertrude is _. A.selfish and rudeB.kind but rudeC.nice and wiseD.friendly but selfish【答案】 (1)D(2)D(3)C(4)C 【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章中介绍了一个叫巴里的男子丧妻,非常难过,他的邻居是一位老太太,为了让他从痛苦中解脱出来,就让巴里为她干一些家务活,通过不断地干活与交流,巴里从悲伤中解脱出来,同时感受到到邻居的爱心与良苦用心。 (1)细节理解题。根据Still, he

16、knows she is a nice woman, and he respects her. He agrees to help her at last.可知Barry非常敬重这位老太太,故选D。 (2)细节理解题。根据I want you to fix this fence for me;Do you think you could paint it for me?以及He even helps repairing her door.可知Barry为老太太修门,篱笆以及在篱笆上画画,但是没有买柠檬水,故选D。 (3)词义推断题。根据 His wife recently passed awa

17、y. He is very sad. 可知Barry很悲伤,但是他的邻居 Gertrude,通过让Barry忙碌起来的方式,让Barry忘记自己的悲痛,因此sorrow意为“悲伤”故选C。 (4)理解归纳题。由文章内容可知Gertrude是一个友善明智的人。故选C。 【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题、推断题和主旨题三种常考题型,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;推断题需要联系上下文,推断出需要的信息;主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。3阅读下列材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 It was Day 1 of our vacation on Cortes, a

18、beautiful quiet island. iPhone, iPhone, iPhone, my son kept moaning (呻吟). In front of him was a big window facing the blue ocean. And a cool gentle wind was coming in from the door. Clearly, he saw and felt none of it. Back at home, Id soon give up and hand the phone over to him after five minutes o

19、f listening to this kind of moaning. But not here. Before we left, I had told my 10-year-old son the ruleno emails, no Facebook, no video games, and no iPhone. We came here to get away from them all. Here we were on our first day and already, he couldnt stand it. I walked down the grass road to the

20、beach and looked out to the sea. My 6-year-old daughter and my husband were drawing on pieces of wood. They were doing just fine. On Day 2, we spent the whole morning digging for shells (贝壳). This time, my son joined us. He collected shellfish and other sea treasures. When we got back to our little

21、wood house, I gave my son a book, and put him on the lovely garden chair. It was almost dinner when he looked up. The next few days passed in peace. On Day 6, my son was lying beside me on the beach, watching the sun going down. He was playing with the sand. And there was something shining in his ey

22、es. I realized how time slowed down for both of us. It was exactly what I wanted. Finally, we were able to sit quietly without thinking about screens, phone calls and e-mail. A week away from all the electronics arid Lile is good.(1)What is the special rule for the writers vacation? A.They couldnt u

23、se their electronics.B.They must keep quiet and stay in the house.C.They had to spend their vacation on an island.D.They should collect as many shells as possible.(2)Which of the following can be put in in Paragraph 4? A.I felt really tired and went to bed.B.I closed the door and stayed with him.C.I

24、 just walked outside to leave him alone.D.I gave him his iPhone and let him stay inside.(3)The change of the sons feelings can be described as _. A.angry surprised proudB.excited peaceful boredC.worried angry hopefulD.bored peaceful pleased(4)The best title for the passage can be _. A.A Terrible Lif

25、e on the IslandB.A Special iPhone for My SonC.A Fight between Mother and SonD.A Vacation Away from Electronics【答案】 (1)A(2)C(3)D(4)D 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是为了远离电子产品我和儿子在 科尔特斯岛进行一周度假,在每天电子产品的的情况下是怎样度过这一周的和这几天儿子的改变。 (1)细节理解题。根据 Before we left, I had told my 10-year-old son the ruleno emails, no Facebook,

26、no video games, and no iPhone. 可知作者假期的规定是不能使用电子产品,故选A。 (2)细节理解题。根据 I walked down the grass road to the beach and looked out to the sea. My 6-year-old daughter and my husband were drawing on pieces of wood. They were doing just fine.我出来散步,女儿和丈夫在树木上画画,可知把儿子独自留在家里。故选C。 (3)细节理解题。根据 In front of him was a

27、 big window facing the blue ocean. And a cool gentle wind was coming in from the door. Clearly, he saw and felt none of it. 可知他感到无聊,The next few days passed in peace. 第二天平静度过; On Day 6, my son was lying beside me on the beach, watching the sun going down. He was playing with the sand. And there was

28、something shining in his eyes.到最后一天儿子的眼中有什么东西在闪光。可知此刻他很高兴。儿子思想的变化从开始的无聊到平静再到高兴。故选D。 (4)题目归纳题。文章内容讲述的是没有电子产品的这一周假期是怎样度过的,故选D。 【点评】此题考查阅读理解。对于细节理解题,先分析问题,弄清题意,然后阅读短文从短文的细节中找出问题答案。对于题目归纳,要根据文章的中心思想确定。4仔细阅读广告内容选择最佳答案。 (1) are not in the sale. A.FridgesB.TV setsC.Smart phonesD.Cameras(2)The big sale can last . weekB.two weeksC.three weeksD.four weeks(3)You can buy at half price. A.everythingB.TV phonesD.cameras(4)The biggest saving is off. A.25%B.30%C.50%D.80%(5)A camera is normally 4000, in the sale it is . A.1000B.1200C.2000D.3000【答案】 (1)A(2)B(3)B(4)D(5)D 【解析】

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