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1、复旦附中18届月考有答案2019届浦东复旦附中分校高三月考(一)英语试卷 II. Grammar and Vocabulary (20%)Section A (10%)Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for

2、 the other blanks, used one word that best fits each blank.Documentary in Japan Reveals Dark HistoryEvery September 2 - a day marking Japans surrender in the War of Aggression Against China - is a sensitive day for China and Japan. It has become routine (21)_ on the day Japans prime minister gives a

3、n empty speech and China urges Japan to reflect upon the history. This year, however, Japanese broadcaster NHKs independent voice won universal praise in China.Last month, NHK, Japans national public broadcasting organization, broadcast a documentary titled The Truth of Unit 731. Unit 731 was a secr

4、et chemical warfare development of unit of the Japanese military during WWII. Set up around 1936 in Harbin, it conducted cruel experiments (22)_ live human beings to test chemical weapons. Most of the victims were Chinese, some of (23)_ were children. The unit is a subject seldom touched in Japan. T

5、he authorities have been eager to cover up that part of history. The documentary, however, reveals the cold-blooded truth to the public.“I have seen no one who left the camp alive after (24)_(experiment) on,” said an officer of Unit 731. Another officer told NHK that (25)_(cover) up their crimes, th

6、e unit killed all the people who survived their experiments. “The war was so cruel. it was something that (26)_ never have happened,” he said with tears in eyes in the documentary.In China, Unit 731 has had such a bad reputation that even kids in kindergarten (27)_(hear) about it. The documentary im

7、mediately caught Chinese audiences attention (28)_ was widely discussed on Chinas social media. Many netizens praised NHKs courage and called it a “station with a conscience” for releasing the documentary at such a sensitive time.When (29)_(ask) about Chinas opinion on the documentary, the Foreign M

8、inistry spokesperson replied that the country appreciates the courage of (30)_ who chose to reveal the historical truth. Meanwhile, she urged the Japanese government again to deeply reflect upon the history of aggression by the Japanese military.21. that22.on23.whom24.being experimented 25. to cover

9、26.should27.have heard 28.and 29.asked30.thoseSection B (10%)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. merchandize B. completed C. fueled D. concerns E. significantF. magnificent G. exe

10、cutive H. volume I. consumption J. createdK. providedAlibaba Group Holding Ltd, Chinas e-commerce giant, on Friday set another sales record for Singles Day, the worlds biggest online shopping event, reporting that about 120.7 billion yuan ($17.79 billion) was spent in 24 hours.Alibaba, which _31_ th

11、e annual shopping festival on November 11, 2009, said that this years sales far exceeded last years 92.1 billion yuan in transactions (交易).Jack Ma, _32_ chairman of Alibaba Group, said he was very satisfied with this years sales. Ma made his comments in Shenzhen, where Alibaba held an event and invi

12、ted 600 media from China and abroad to witness the real-time transactions of _33_ sold on its platforms.Similar to Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the US and the UK, Singles Day has grown into the worlds largest online shopping event with the participation of not only e-commerce players, but also b

13、rick-and-mortar retailers (零售). Alibabas sales _34_ accounts for a large quantity of the total sales on Singles Day.The event has become a celebration of _35_ for urban residents and more and more for those who live in rural China.The rising penetration (渗透) rate of smartphones in China has _36_ the

14、 growth in Singles Day. About 82 percent of this years transactions were _37_ using mobile devices, a _38_ increase from 68.67 percent recorded last year, according to Alibaba.The increasingly convenient Internet consumer-finance services in China have helped more people to shrug off _39_ about shop

15、ping as they can afford more purchases by borrowing small loans.By 5 pm on Friday, about 21 percent of the Nov 11 shopping purchases were paid by Ant Check Later, an online consumer finance service _40_ by Ant Financial Services Group.31. J.created 32.G.executive33. A.merchandize 34. H. volume35. I.

16、 consumption36.C. fueled 37. B. completed 38. E. significant39. D. concerns 40. K. providedIII. Reading Comprehension (45%)Section A(15%)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits

17、 the context.You already know that colors can suggest a mood or attitude, but do you know that color is a _41_ that can persuade us to buy things? According to some researches, color can be up to 85 percent of the reason we _42_ to purchase something. Smart marketers know: Color _43_!“Right” colors

18、make products “better”Colors _44_ how we feel about the food we eat. For example, orange juice with _45_ orange color was preferred over naturally colored orange juice and was thought to be sweeter.In the case of _46_, color also plays a role. Have you ever noticed that pink is often used as the col

19、or of face creams? Thats for a good reason. In a research study, some women were given pink and white face creams, which were _47_ except for their color. One hundred percent of the women said that the pink face creams were more effective and _48_ on sensitive skin.More colorful, more personalizedWe

20、 need not only good quality products, but personalized ones. This urges manufacturers to make their products more and more “colorful”.Take M&Ms Milk Chocolate Candies for example. Having a packet of M&Ms candies in _49_, choosing which ones to eat first according to their colors - many of us probabl

21、y have had such experience. A variety of colors is the _50_ of the classic candies. Now they have come with even more custom colors that will be sure to “_51_ in your mouth, not in your hand!” Gold, silver, pink and many other colors are available to choose from. Eating such candies must be a _52_ “

22、sweet” experience.Another successful color marketing example is Apples iPod. Does Apple have _53_ MP3 technology? Maybe, but thats not the point, marketing experts say. What makes the iPod so successful is “the _54_ that makes it easy for people to express themselves through color choices.” The four

23、th generation of iPod Nano features nine colors - pink, red, orange, yellow and so on. Color, as a personal statement, adds a touch of _55_ to the MP3 player.41. A. sign B. therapy C. tool D. phenomenon42. A. decide B. cause C. refuse D. swear43. A. advertises B. sells C. claims D. exclaims44. A. re

24、flect B. recall C. influence D. stimulate 45. A. enhanced B. developed C. strengthened D. addicted 46. A. fashion B. cosmetics C. physiology D. psychology 47. A. ideal B. smooth C. identical D. ripe 48. A. efficient B. influential C. practical D. milder 49. A. mind B. mouth C. hand D. pocket 50. A.

25、signature B. taste C. innovation D. signal 51. A. swallow B. digest C. chew D. melt 52. A. specially B. particularly C. normally D. unusually 53. A. inferior B. superior C. priority D. supportive 54. A. design B. color C. content D. system 55. A. humanity B. popularity C. individuality D. activity41

26、-45 CABCA 46-50 BCDCA 51-55 DBBACSection B (22%)Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the

27、 passage you have just read.()A Conversation between Mr. Wordy and Mr. TerseT: Dont you think we should express ourselves in English better and use words more economically?W: Yes. It is an unrealistic illusion to separate such principles from language ; they should be united as one.T: Well, you shou

28、ld practice what you think is right. Why didnt you just leave out the word “unrealistic”? You cant have a “realistic illusion”, can you? And you should have left out “as one”. You cant be united “as two”. To unite means to become one. Youre always making that sort of mistake.W: Thats a groundless fa

29、brication (捏造).T: There you go again. A fabrication is a statement with no foundation. If its not groundless, its not a fabrication.W: I really dont see the important significance of all these criticisms of yours.T: Well, you certainly cant see the “unimportant significance” of them. If a things sig

30、nificant its important, and if its important its significant. Whats the point of saying “ important significance”? Its about the same as “important importance”.W: If you could just stop interrupting me all the time Id tell you about the meeting Ive just been to.T: Please do.W: Well, the speaker just

31、 came to our country not long ago.T: Naturally.W: What do you mean naturally?T: If he just came it was not long ago.W: As I was just saying when I was so rudely interrupted: the speaker arrived here after a long journey of 5,000 miles.T: He couldnt very well have made a “short journey of 5,000 miles”, could he? Unless he was a spaceman.W: The hall was packed full and the audience shouted slogans loudly.T: It couldnt be “packed empty”, could it? And they couldnt “shout quietly”.W: He said that the imperialists had been bullying his people arbitrarily

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