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1、中考英语词汇复习每日一练1. A: How do you s_(拼读) book? B: B-O-O-K.2. Please c_ (打电话)Steve at 529-6403.3. Is that your ring in the l_(失去) and found case?4. Do you have a b_ (棒球)bat?5. Where i_(是) “A”?6. She is our English t_(老师).7. My father and mother work at s_(学校). Theyre teachers.8. I like playing c_(电脑) game

2、s at home.9. Is the English-Chinese d_(词典) yours?10. It is my w_(手表). It can tell me time.11.There are my p_(父母), my father and my mother.12.-What c_(颜色) is the book? -Its Red.13.Those are my two_ (兄弟).14. Is this your _(叔叔)?15. Mimi _(be) the name of a cat.16. Are these your _(书)?17. This is _(她的 )

3、 book .18.Jack likes _ (数学) very much. 19.Do you _ (知道) her name?20.My watch is _(在下)the chair.21.I _ (需要) some things.22.Is this _ (你的) video tape?23.My _ (钥匙) are on the dresser.24.Please _ (带) your dictionary to school tomorrow.25.I_ (能够) see my CDs on it.26.There is a _ (图片) on the wall 27.Where

4、 is my _ ?(足球)28.-W _(哪里) is your club? -Its in my school.29. She likes _(体育运动)very much.30. _(让我们) play tennis.1. That music _(听起来) good.2. My mother _(看) TV every day.3. I have a computer game. Its _(有趣的).4. _ _(放) your math book here. 5. The store s_ (卖)_ kinds of things. They are very cheap. 6.

5、Watching TV is b_ _(无聊的). But playing soccer is very interesting. 7. His first name is John, and his f_(姓) name is Green.8. All the fruit and vegetables are at a very good p_(价格)_.9. How much are the (短裤)_ _? 10. In the store, we can (买)_ _school things. 11. Come and see for (你亲自) _ at Huaxing Cloth

6、es Store!12 We often have an English p_(聚会) on weekdays.13 When do they have a speech c_(竟赛)?14 Do you like pop m_(音乐)_?15 When is your fathers b_(生日)? Its March 21st.16 Whats your a_(年龄)? Im fifteen years old.17 Do they have an Art F_(节日)? No, they dont.18 Therell be a b_ (篮球)match on TV. If you li

7、ke Yao Ming , watch it.19 Well have a school t_(旅游) to Mountain Huang next month.20 Whats the d_(日期)_ today ? Its December 16th.21.I think Beijing O_(戏剧) is very interesting.22.I can l_(学习) a lot about Chinese history.23.His f_(最喜爱的) food is chicken.24.Her brother w_(想要) to be an artist.25.Do you wa

8、nt to go to a m_(电影).26.Wang Ming likes a_(动作片) but he doesnt like documentaries.27.My brother likes action movies. He thinks its e_(令人激动的).28. What kind of movies do you like? I like c_(喜剧片).29.I like documentaries. Its _(放松的).30.My socks arent w_(白色的). Theyre black.姓名_ 得分_1. Today Im very b_(忙的).

9、I have no time to play football. 2.His father is an English t_(老师).3. After school I like p_(打) basketball . 4.T_(星期四) is the fifth day of a week.5.I dont like math. Its too d _(困难的).6.We learn many _ (学科)in middle school .7.We are _ (累) after P.E. 8. _ (星期三)comes after Tuesday.9.My parents often ta

10、ke a walk(散步)with me _ (在 周围) our school after dinner.10. My little sister often _ (问)me questions.11.My partner doesnt like _ (科学)12.Jennifers _ (最喜欢的) day is Friday, because he can play football.13.I like art very much. Its i_ (有趣的)14.My m_(数学) teacher is Mr. Liu.15.I eat l_(午餐) at twelve oclock.1

11、6.He likes English because it is f_(有趣的).17.We can play games on M_(星期一) afternoon.Kate Smith is_a student. She _18_(有)a brother and a _19_(姐妹)_. _20_are Jack Smith _21_Jenny Smith . They all_22_ (喜欢)sports. Jack likes soccer and Jenny likes baseball. _23_ (他们的)mother gives(给)_24_(他们)lots _25_(健康的)f

12、ood every day.26.How many _(字典) are there on the desk?27.April the _(三十) is my mothers birthday.28.I usually go _(跑步) in the morning.29That idea _(听起来) great. 30.Dont worry. Let me h_ you.姓名_ 得分_1. Johns pen pal is from C_(加拿大). He lives in Toronto.2. What l_(语言)_ do American people speak?3. I like

13、p_(做) sports with my friends after school.4. Paris is a city of F_(法国)_.5. My pen pal is from Japan. He speaks _(日语) .6. There are(有) many _(国家) in the world.7.What is her _(最喜欢的) subject? English.8. His brother _(想要) a Japanese pen pal.9. I like math, but I _(不喜欢) science.10.The streets here arent

14、q_ _(安静) but busy.11.Dongta Park is a good p_ _(地点) to have fun.12.The pay phone isnt in front of the bank,its b_(在后面) the bank.13.They v_ _(拜访) their grandparents every week.14.Our house is b_(在之间) a school and a vegetable market.15.The o _(老的) man is 87.16.The streets in New York are all very b_ _

15、(忙的) .17.If we are hungry,we can go to the r_ _(餐馆) .18.June is the s_ _ month of a year.19.Class 1 is c_(干净的) ,but Class 2 is dirty.20.Whata_(动物)doyoulike?Ilikedogsbest.21.Therearemanygreenl_(叶子)onthetreeinsummer.22.Theg_(长颈鹿)havelongnecks.Manypeoplewanttoseethem.23.WehaveChinese,math,Englishando_(

16、另外的)subjects.24.Heisc_聪明的.Heisverygoodatmath.25._(为什)doesntshegowithyou?Becauseshehasmuchhomeworktodo.26.Where_lionscome_(来自)?27.Letsseethe_(熊猫)first.28._(哪里)is koalasfrom?Australia29.Please have a l_(看) at this shop.30.Im very s_(对不起) Im late. 姓名_ 得分_I have a friendHis name is BettyBetty has a sist

17、er, KarenKaren is very_1_ (年轻的),only 4 years old。SO there are two _2_(孩子)in her familyBettys mother is a teacherShe_3_ (教)us EnglishShe is a good teacherShe often tells us some_4_ (故事)and _5_ (新闻)in our countryHis father is a reporterHe works for a_6_ (杂志)He works_7_ (努力)_8_ (有时)he comes back home v

18、ery _9_(晚)But next year he will work for the English_10_(报纸)11.Kate, who are you w_(等待) for?12. My mother likes s_购物 at the mall.13. Im w_(写) a letter to my pen pal now.14. Jack often swims in the swimming p_(池) at school.15. We need a c_(相机) to take photos.16. What _(活动)do you usually do after scho

19、ol?17. Thanks for _ (来) to my birthday party.18. We live a _ (幸福快乐)life today.19.Dont go out. It is _ (下雨) outside.20Today is _ (多云的). I feel sleepy.21Today is _ (阳光充足的). Lets go out for a walk.22_ (每个人) should have the right to go to school.23Now my brother _ (学习) in Harvard University.24 Whats the

20、 w_ like in Xian? - Snowy.25 Hows it going? - P_ good.26. A g_ of girls are singing and dancing in the park.27. Look! The children are h_ a good time on the playground.28.The _(第九) month is September.29.In the morning Jackie plays the _(钢琴) and his brother plays the guitar.30.Rick ,dont _(说) English

21、 now.姓名_ 得分_1. I like the in the restaurant.(特色菜)2. We have some bananas.(也)3.She has long curly h (头发)4. Apple juice is a kind of (饮料)5. What do you have?(型号、尺寸) 6. Do you often do some r_(阅读)?7. How do you s_(度过) the weekend?8. Do you think everyone e_ (喜欢)their weekends?9.He often goes out for a

22、walk w_(和) Wang Wang.10. I think he is very h_(重的)?11.I practiced English last night. What a_ you?12. I think math is a l_ (一点儿)difficult.13.I v_(拜访) my grandmother with my mother last week.14.I w_(想要) like some water.15.Please give me your _(菜单)?16.He is of medium_(体形) .17.What k_(种类) of noodle wou

23、ld you like.18.Idont like onions green tea or s_(汤)19.What color are the shoes? They are b_(棕色的).20.N_(十一月) is the eleven month in a year.21.He a _ (总是)get up early.22.We joined the music club_(昨天).23.He is _(高的).24She is p_(受欢迎的) in our school.25.He is a good boy.He is _(从不).late for school.26.Plea

24、se _(记住) to turn off the lingts.28.I like _(面条)29.I like _(呆在)at home.30.You must_(练习) English姓名_ 得分_1.Whatdoyouthinkofsoapo_戏剧?2I cants_(忍受)them.3.Thereisalotofnewsintodaysn_(报纸) _.4dontm_(介意)them.5.Where did you go on v_(假期).6.He s_(呆在) at homeyesterday.7.Mariaaskedherstudentswhattheyt_(认为) aboute

25、achthing.8.WelikeyourWhatsCool?articleintheschoolm_(杂志).9.Iwearc_(彩色)clothesbecauseIwanttobeyoungandbeautiful.10.Thereisnomoneyinthew_(钱包) _.11. It is Sunday today, so the shop is c_(关着的) _.12. We should p_ _(练习) our spoken English every day.13. Jim sits in the_ (角落) of the classroom, on the right side.14. Its raining o_(外面). Youd better take a raincoat. 15. The school has too many r_(规则) .16.We will have an _(考试)17.The food is _(美味的)18.I want to drink some _(水)19.I _(感觉) exciting.20.Lets _(讨论)this problem.21.This is a beauful b

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