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1、新视野大学英语第三版第一册电子书Unit 1 Fresh Start 1Text A Toward a brighter future for all 1Text B What we wish 7Unit 2 Loving parents, loving children 8Text A A childs clutter awaits an adults return 8Text B Time slows down 10Unit 3 Digital Campus 12Text A College life in the Internet age 12Text B Too much of a g

2、ood thing-a real addiction 14Unit 4 Heroes of our time 15Text A Heroes among us 16Text B A heros aspiration 18Unit 5 Winning is not everything 19Text A Cliff Yong, an unlikely hero 19Text B Shaping young lives with sports 21Unit 6 Earn as you learn 22Text A To work or not to work- That is a question

3、 22Text B Earn as you learn? 24Unit 7 Hoping for the better 25Text A When honesty disappears 25Text B Roys of hope in rising rudeness 27Unit 8 Friendship Across gender and boarder 28Text A Gender variable in friendship: Contradiction or not? 28Text B Similarities and differences: Friendship across c

4、ultures 29新视野大学英语第三版第一册课文Unit 1 Fresh Start Text A Toward a brighter future for all Toward a brighter future for all 1 Good afternoon! As president of the university, I am proud to welcome you to this university. Your achievement is thetriumph of years of hard work, both of your own and of your pare

5、nts and teachers. Here at the university, we pledge to make your educational experience as rewarding as possible. 2 In welcoming you to the university, I am reminded of my own high school graduation and the photograph my mom took of my dad and me. Posenaturally, Mom instructed us. Wait! said Dad, Le

6、ts take a picture of me handing him an alarm clock. The clock woke me up every morning in college. It is still on my office desk. 3 Let me share with you something that you may not expect. You will miss your old routines and your parents reminders to work hard and attain your best. You may have crie

7、d tears of joy to be finally finished with high school, and your parents may have cried tears of joy to be finally finished with doing your laundry! But know this: The future is built on a strong foundation of the past. 4 For you, these next four years will be a time unlike any other. Here you are s

8、urrounded by great resources: interesting students from all over the country, a learned and caring faculty, a comprehensive library, great sports facilities, and student organizations covering every possible interest from the arts to science, to community service and so on. You will have the freedom

9、 to explore and learn about new subjects. You will learn to get by on very little sleep, meet fascinating people, and pursue new passions. I want to encourage you to make the most of this unique experience, and to use your energy and enthusiasm to reap the benefits of this opportunity. 5 You may fee

10、l overwhelmed by the wealth of courses available to you. You will not be able to experience them all, but sample them widely! College offers many things to do and to learn, and each of them offers a different way to see the world. If I could give you only one piece of advice about selecting courses,

11、 it would be this: Challenge yourself! Dont assume that you know in advance what fields will interest you the most. Take some courses in fields youve never tried before. You will not only emerge as a more broadly educated person, but you will also stand a better chance of discovering an unsuspected

12、passion that will help to shape your future. A wonderful example of this is the fashion designer, Vera Wang, who originally studied art history. Over time, Wang paired her studies in art history with her love of fashion and turned it into a passion for design, which made her a famous designer around

13、 the world. 6 Here at the university, it may not always be pleasant to have so many new experiences all at once. In your dorm, the student next door may repeatedly play the one song, which gives you a giant headache! You may be an early bird while your roommate is a night owl! And still, you and you

14、r roommate may become best friends. Dont worry if you become a little uncomfortable with some of your new experiences. I promise you that the happy experiences will outweigh the unpleasant ones. And I promise that virtually all of them will provide you with valuable lessons which will enrich your li

15、fe. So, with a glow in your eye and a song in your heart, step forward to meet these new experiences! 7 We have confidence that your journey toward self-discovery and your progress toward finding your own passion will yield more than personal advancement. We believe that as you become members of our

16、 community of scholars, you will soon come to recognize that with the abundant opportunities for self-enrichment provided by the university, there also come responsibilities. A wise man said: Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another. You are the inheritor

17、s of the hard work of your families and the hard work of many countless others who came before you. They built and transmitted the knowledge you will need to succeed. Now it is your turn. What knowledge will you acquire? What passions will you discover? What will you do to build a strong and prosper

18、ous future for the generations that will come after you? 8 We take great pleasure in opening the door to this great step in your journey. We take delight in the many opportunities which you will find, and in the responsibilities that you will carry as citizens of your communities, your country, and

19、the world. Welcome!Words and Expressionstriumphn. (尤指苦战后获得的)胜利,成功,成就pledgevt. 发誓;作保证posevi. (为照相或画像而)摆姿势vt. 造成,导致(困难或危险)routinen. 例行公事;常规;惯例a. 常规的;例行的;惯常的attainvt. 得到;获得;赢得foundationn. 基础resourcen. 1 资源;2 自然资源facultyn. 1 全体教员;2 天赋;能力;本领comprehensivea. 综合的;多方面的facilityn. (为某种目的而提供的)设施,设备communityn. 1

20、 (同住一地的人所构成的)社区;2 群体;团体explorevt. 探讨,研究(主题、思想等)v. 勘探;探测;考察fascinatinga. 吸引人的;迷人的;使人神魂颠倒的pursuevt. 1 追求;致力于;2 追赶;追逐passionn. 1 强烈的爱好;热爱n. 2 强烈的情感;激情uniquea. 1 特别的;极不寻常的;极好的;2 不同的;独特的enthusiasmn. 热爱;热情;热心reapvt. 收获;获得v. 收割(庄稼)benefitn. 好处;益处;裨益opportunityn. 机会;时机overwhelmvt. (数量大得)使无法对付availablea. 可获得

21、的;可利用的;现成的samplevt. 1 体验;2 对作抽样检验n. 样本;样品;货样assumevt. 假定;假设;认为emergevi. 1 出现;为所公认;2 出现;露出gianta. 巨大的;特大的maten. 同事;同伴roommaten. (尤指大学里的)室友owln. 猫头鹰virtuala. 1 几乎相同的;实质上的;2 虚拟的;模拟的virtuallyad. 1 实际上;几乎;差不多;2 虚拟地;模拟地enrichvt. 使丰富;充实;强化glown. 1 (某种)强烈的情感;2 柔和稳定的光vi. 发出柔和稳定的光confidencen. 1 信心;信赖;信任;2 自信心

22、yieldvt. 1 产生(结果等);2 出产;产生vi. 屈从;让步abundanta. 大量的;丰富的;充裕的responsibilityn. 1 (道德、社会)责任,义务;2 责任;3 职责;任务;义务inheritvt. 沿袭,秉承(信仰、传统或生活方式)v. 继承(财产)inheritorn. 1 (生活或思想方式的)后继者,继承人;2 遗产继承人transmitvt. 传送;传递;传播acquirevt. 1 学到,获得(知识、技能);2 取得;获得;3 购得;得到prosperousa. 富裕的;繁荣的;兴旺的remind sb. of sb./sth.1 使某人想起某人或某事2

23、 使某人想起(相似的)人或事get by过活;过得去;勉强应付make the most of sth.最大限度地利用某物reap the benefits (of sth.)得享(某事物的)好处in advance预先;提前stand a chance (of doing sth.)有(做成某事的)希望over time逐渐地;慢慢地turn (sb./sth.) into sth.(使某人/某物)变成all at once1 同时2 一下子;突然take pleasure in (doing) sth.乐于做某事open the door to sth.给以机会;给敞开方便之门take d

24、elight in (doing) sth.以(做)某事为乐Vera Wang王薇薇(1949 ,著名美籍华裔设计师,被誉为“婚纱女王”)Text B What we wishMy dear child,1 You are about top anticipate in the next leg of your journey through life. For us, this part is bittersweet. As you go off to college, exciting new worlds will open up to you. They will inspire an

25、d challenge you; you will grow in incredible ways.2 This is also a moment of sadness. Your departure to college makes it undeniably clear that you are no longer a child. There has been no greater joy than watching you arrive at this moment. You have turned our greatest challenge into our greatest pr

26、ide. Although we have brought you to this point, it is hard to watch you depart. Remember above all things, we will miss you.3 College will be the most important time of your life. It is here that you will truly discover what learning is about. You often ask, Why do I need to know this? I encourage

27、you to stay inquisitive, but remember this: Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school. What you learn is not as important as the fact that you learn. This is the heart of scholarship: moving from teacher-taught to master-inspired, on over to the point where yo

28、u become a self-learner. So, take each subject seriously, and if something doesnt immediately engage you, dont despair. Embrace it as a challenge. Find a way to make it your own.4 Of course, you must still take care to sign up for courses which stimulate your passion youre your intellectual capacity

29、. Dont be bound by what other people think. Steve Jobs said, when you are in college, your passion will create many dots, and later in your life you will connect them. So, dont worry too much about what job you will have; dont be too practical. If you like French or Korean, study it even if someone

30、else tells you that its not useful. Enjoy picking your dots. Be assured that one day, you will find your own meaningful career, and you will connect a beautiful curve through those dots.5 You know that we always want you to do your best, but dont let the pressure of grades get to you. We care only t

31、hat you try your very best, and that you learn. It is better that your greatest effort earns a lesser grade than that no effort earns you a decent or higher grade. Grades in the end are simply letters fit to give the vain something to boast about, and the lazy something to fear. You are too good to be either. The reward is not the grade but what you learn.6 More importantly, make friends and trust others. The friends you make in college can be the best ones you will ever have. Duri

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