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1、应用胶体专业词汇英语字典acrylic coatings 118 activated charcoal 56 7 activation process for 57 adsorption on 6, 57 -8 experimental study 58 -9 production of 57 uses 6, 567 adhesive energy 28 adsorpti on isothermsGibbs adsorption isotherm 49 -52 Langmuir adsorption isotherm 58 thermodynamics 47 -59 aerosols, exa

2、mples 6 aggregatescritical packing parameter 69 sample problem(s) 75 typical values 70, 71 formation of 53, 63, 64 see also bilayers; liposomes; micelles; vesicles air bubblescoalesce nee of 153 -5 conditions of stability 16 T 7Laplace pressure for various sizes 17amphiphilic molecules 61ARD (anti-r

3、edeposition) polymers 74七Ballotini (glass) beads, flotation of 16871bilayers 69, 70, 71 biodegradable detergents/soaps 73 Bjerrum four-point charge model 130-1black-and-white photography 84 Bohr model for atom 131Boltzmann constant 173Boltzmann distribution 97, 100, 113Born repulsion 128Brownian mot

4、ion 2Bustama nte, H., in dustrial article by 148-9buttering of emulsions 87 Callaghan, I.C., industrial article by 74七拉普拉斯压力适用于各种尺寸17两亲分子61ARD (抗再沉积)聚合物74-5Ballotini (玻璃)珠,浮选168-71双层 69,70,71可生物降解洗涤剂/肥皂73Bjerrum四点充电模式130-1黑白摄影84玻尔原子131模型波尔兹曼常数173波尔兹曼分布 97,100,113 出生的斥责128布朗运动2Bustamante , H.,工业文章 14

5、8-9乳液乳液87卡拉汉,I.C.,工业文章74-5camphor duck toy 161 capacita nee definition 136 effect of dielectric material 136 7 capillary risefree energy analysis 21 七 surface energy measured using 19 20, 22charged colloids 93 -125 formation of, in water 93 4 chemical potential 48 changesin derivation of Kelvin equa

6、tion 24,25effect on in terfacial en ergy 51 Clarke, A., industrial article by 33 4clay domains (in soils) 54interaction within 54 -5threshold concentration for swelling of 55cloud point (for non-ionic surfacta nts)69definition(s) 66, 67solution properties at 64 coagulation of colloidal systems facto

7、rs affecting 113, 144 sample problem(s) 150 T coal, treatment of 159coated papers, photographic-quality inkjet papers 33 -4coati ngswater-based 82 4, 117 9 see also paintscohesion of solids, surface energies measured by 27 -8cohesive strength of solids, factors affecting 31colloid probe technique 14

8、1 colloidal solutionscoagulation of, factors affecting113, 144forces acting on 2 4meaning of term 1cmc (critical micelle concentration)53, 63樟脑鸭玩具161电容定义136介电材料136-7的作用毛细血管上升自由能分析21-3表面能测量使用19-20,22带电胶体93-125在水中形成93-4化学势48变化在开尔文方程的推导中24, 25对界面能量的影响51 克拉克,A.,工业文章33-4粘土域(土壤中)5454-5之间的互动 肿胀阈值浓度的55浊点(非离

9、子表面活性 剂)69cmc (临界胶束浓度)53, 63定义66,67解决方案属性在64 胶体系凝结影响因素113, 144样本问题150-1煤炭,治疗159涂层纸,摄影质量喷墨纸33-4涂料水基 82-4,117-19另见油漆固体的内聚力,表面能按27-8测量固体的内聚强度,因素影响31胶体探针技术141胶体溶液 凝血,影响因素113, 144力量在2-3, 4术语1的含义stabilityDLVO theory 4, 12, 140-1, 142 factors affecting 4, 113, 142 colloidal systems in foodstuffs 85 7, 85 t

10、ypes 5 -6 colloids origin of term 2 size range 5 surface area considerations 6 -7 colour photography 84 concentration gradie nt, n earinterface49contact angles advancing 33 listed for water 31 factors affecting 22, 33 measurements 42 experimental details 43 T in dustrial sign ifica nee 42 recedi ng

11、33 surface energies measured by 28 3, 42 water on various solids 31 contamination of liquid surface, in experiment 39 co-surfactants 69Coulombic interactions 129, 130 Coulomb s law 9各 -Cox, A., industrial article by 85 T crack propagation, factors affecting 31critical micelle concentration 53, 63 se

12、e also cmccritical packing parameter (for aggregates) 69sample problem(s) 75 typical values 70, 71 critical surface tension determi nation of 43 for methylated glass 45 -6 Cryptosporidium parvum, removal from drinking water 148 -9 CTAB (cetylitrimethylammonium bromide) 63in froth flotation 159, 168稳

13、定性DLVO理论 4,12,140-1,142 影响4,113,142的因素 胶体系在食品85-7,85类型5-6胶体术语来源2尺寸范围5表面积考虑6-7彩色摄影84浓度梯度,接近界面49接触角推进33列为水31影响因素22, 33测量42-6实验细节43-4工业意义42后退33表面能测量28-33,42-3各种固体水31液体表面污染,实验39助表面活性剂69库仑相互作用129,130库仑定律93-4Cox, A.,工业品 85-7裂纹扩展,影响因素31临界胶束浓度53,63另见cmc关键包装参数(for 聚集)69样本问题75典型值70,71临界表面张力决定43用于甲基化玻璃45-6 小隐范

14、子虫,去除从饮水148-9CTAB(十六烷基三甲基鞍 漠化物)63泡沫浮选159,168Gibbs adsorption isotherm 52ionization of micelles 67, 68, 75 TKrafft temperature 39, 68 micellization at cmc 67, 68 in zeta potential measurements 121, 122 -5DDAB(didodecyl-dimethylamm onium bromide) surfactant 87, 89Debye energy 130Debye -Hu eke I approx

15、imati on 103, 114Debye length 98, 99 T01 calculations 98, 174 factors affecting 98, 99 sample problem(s) 119, 120Derjaguin approximation 116 deterge ncycolloid scienee in 74 -5and surfactants 70, 72 -5dielectric constant 93, 137of air or vacuum 94experimental measurement of 137 of water 94, 173diffe

16、re ntial calculus,three-dime nsional179diffuse electrical double-layer(s)94-5interaction between 112 -15theory 94 -9thickness 99 -101dipole -dipole interactions 129, 130 dispersed particles, size range 10-11 dispersion forces 128, 131 2 dispersi ons 1see also colloidal solutionsDLVO theory of colloi

17、dal stability 4, 12, 140 T, 142applications 55experimental validation of 141, 143 double-layer theory 94 -9see also diffuse electrical doublelayerdouble-layer thickness 99see also Debye lengthdrinking water, treatment of 110 -11,146 -7, 148-9吉布斯吸附等温线 52胶束67,68,75-7的电离克拉夫特温度39,68胶束化在cmc 67,68在匸电位测量12

18、1中,122-5DDAB (二十二烷基 -二甲基鞍 漠化物)表面活性剂 87,89德拜能量130德拜-赫克尔近似103,114德拜长度98,99-101计算98,174影响因素98,99样本问题119,120Derjaguin 近似 116去污力胶体科学在74-5和表面活性剂70,72-5介电常数93,137空气或真空94实验测量137的水94, 173差分微积分,三维179扩散电双层94-5112-15之间的互动理论94-9厚度99-101偶极-偶极相互作用129,130分散颗粒,尺寸范围10-11分散力128,131-2分散体1另见胶体溶液DLVO胶体稳定性理论4,12,140-1,142

19、申请55实验验证141,143双层理论94-9另见漫电双层双层厚度99另见德拜长度饮用水,治疗110-11 ,146-7,148-9dry cleaning, detergency in 73duNo u y ring method, surface tensionmeasured by 27Einstein, Albert 82, 129electric field, definition 95, 96 electrical double-layer 94 -5 repulsion forces 113, 141 electromobility of colloidal particles

20、103, 105experime ntal determi nation of122 -5electrophoretic mobility of colloidal particles, as function of zeta potential 109, 110electrophoretic retardatio n effect109electrostatic potential 95decay away from charged surface99 TOOrelationship to local electric charge density 96 Tsee also surface

21、potential electrostaticsGauss s law 13, 179Maxwell s equations 95, 112emulsifying agents 80 -1HLB numbering system for 81emulsion (lateaints 81 -4,117 T9emulsion polymerization 82 3,117 T8emulsions 79 -92conditions required to form 79 -81 examples 6phase separation of 81factors affecting 80uses 80,

22、85 7ferricflocs 146experimental study of 110 -11 film pressurein Langmuir trough 161, 162 soap films 158flocculation 142 -7and pH effects on zeta potential1101干洗,去污力73 杜奈戒指法,表面 张力由27测量爱因斯坦,阿尔伯特电场,定义95,96电双层94-5排斥力113,141胶体颗粒的电动性103,105实验测定122-5胶体电泳迁移率颗粒,作为匸的功能潜力 109,110电泳延迟效应109静电电位95从带电表面衰减99-100与当

23、地电费的关系密度96-7另见表面电位静电学高斯定律135-6,17982,129麦克斯韦方程95,112乳化剂80-1HLB编号系统81“乳液”(乳胶)油漆81-4,117-19乳液聚合82-3,117-118乳液79-92形成79-81所需的条件示例6相分离81影响因素80使用 80, 85-7铁絮体146-7实验研究110-11胶片压力在 Langmuir 槽 161,162肥皂膜158絮凝142-7和pH对匸电位的影响110-11 foam stabilizers 73, 85, 153 foams 6, 153 destruction of 157, 171 factors affec

24、ting stability of 155Franklin, Benjamin 161free energyand capillary rise 21 43 of tran sfer 15 sample problem 75 water -air interface 15 see also Gibbs free energyFriel, J.M., industrial article by117 T9froth flotation technique 9, 32153, 158 -9collector surfactant used 32, 159,168experimental study

25、 168 71first invented 159fun dame ntal constants 173Gauss s law of electrostatics 13,179Gibbs adsorption isotherm 52 derivation of 49 -52 sample problem(s) 55 -6 surfactant adsorption densitydetermined using 52Gibbs free energy factors affecting 47 surface energy in terms of 48Gibbs surface tension

26、equation 51Gibbs theorem 61glassflotation of Ballotini beads 168 71 methylated 8 -9, 8, 45critical surface tension determined for 45 -6pre pa rati on of 44 -5 wetting of surface 8 -9 see also silica/water in terface glue, function of 28Goretex membra nes, applicati onusing22, 23Gouy -Chapman (GC) th

27、eory 12,97使用52确定吉布斯自由能量影响因素47表面能为48吉布斯表面张力方程 51吉布斯定理61玻璃浮选 Ballotini 珠 168-71甲基化8-9,8,45临界表面张力确定为 45-6准备44-5润湿表面8-9另见二氧化硅/水界面胶水,功能28Goretex膜,应用使用22, 23Gouy-Chapman (GQ 理论 12,97泡沫稳定剂73,85,153泡沫6,153销毁 157,171影响稳定性的因素155富兰克林,本杰明161自由能量毛细血管上升21-3的转让15样品问题75水-空气接口 15 另见吉布斯自由能Friel, J.M.,工业文章117-19泡沫浮选技术

28、9,32-3,153, 158-9“收集器”表面活性剂使用32, 159,168实验研究168-71第一次发明了 159基本常数173高斯定律135-6 ,179吉布斯吸附等温线 52派生49-52 样本问题55-6表面活性剂吸附浓Graham, Thomas 2, 10 gravitational force 2 gumarabic 85Hallimond tube apparatus 159, 168, 169experimental details 169 71 Hamaker constant 134 -40 factors affecting 135 sample problem(s

29、) 151 typical values 134 uses 140 heterocoagulation 146 historical notes 2, 11 -A2, 127 -8, 161,162 43HLB (hydrophile 4ipophile balanee) numbering system for emulsifying agents 81Hu eke I equation 103-5 hydrocolloids 85 hydrophilic minerals 32, 159 hydrophobic minerals 32, 159 ice cream 86 7 inkjet

30、papers, photographic-quality printing on 33 -4 interaction energybetween flat surfaces 115 between spheres 116between spherical colloids 141 sample problem(s) 150in terfacial en ergyeffect of adsorption on 50 -2 effect of surfactants 62lowering of, in emulsions 79, 80 measurement of 30solids in contact 28inverted micelles 70, 71, 73, 82 ionic surfacta ntsadsorption isotherm for 52 aggregation of, thermodynamics 67-8examples 63solution properties 64se

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