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届高考英语总复习活学活用+能力提升Unit 2 The Olympic.docx

1、届高考英语总复习活学活用+能力提升Unit 2 The Olympic Unit 2The Olympic Games话题:你最喜欢的运动体裁:说明文写作思路:运动名称;喜欢的原因;总结全文。Of all the sports,I like table tennis best.I became interested in it when I was very young.Im fond of Chinese Team players,such as Wang Lan,Zhang Yining,Wang Hao and so on.I think it not only a sport but

2、also an art because it is a game that needs strength and skills.The reason why I like it so much is that it is our national sport and it can benefit us a lot.Playing table tennis can build up our bodies,keep us healthy and train our brains.Whats more,it can help us learn to cooperate with each other

3、.In a word,I like it very much.Though I cant play it well,I still try my best to practice it.写出下列必考单词1古代的;古老的adj. _2奖章,勋章,纪念章n. _3运动员,运动选手n. _4健身房;体育馆n. _5海报;招贴画n. _6志愿者;义务做某事n&v. _7现在,如今 adv. _8祖国,本土n. _9座右铭,格言,警句 n _10罚款v. _答案:1.ancient2.medal3.athlete4.gymnasium(gym)5.poster 6.volunteer7.nowadays

4、8.homeland9.motto 10.fine.写出下列单词的变化形式1比赛,竞争v. _比赛,竞争n. _竞争者n. _竞争的adj. _2规则的,定期的 adj. _不规则的adj. _3物理的,身体的adj. _身体上,肉体上adv. _4希望n.&v. _有希望的adj. _ 绝望的adj. _5傻瓜n. _愚弄 v _愚蠢的,傻的adj. _愚蠢 n _答案:pete;competition;competitor;competitive2.regular;irregular3.physical;physically4.hope;hopeful;hopeless5.fool;foo

5、l;foolish;foolishness用所给单词的适当形式填空。1My secretary left us a month ago and we expect a more capable person to_him,so we are advertising for a _.(place)2Youre_yourself if you think its OK to smoke.Stop making a_of yourself.(foolish)3She was one of the three hundred_who competed for the only post in that

6、 company,however,she impressed all the three _in the first three minutes of the interview.(interview)4The young _(act) was awarded the most_(promise) newcomer (最有前途新人奖) for her part of the movie.5_ and chemistry belong to _ Science,while geography and biology belong to Natural Science.(physical)答案:1

7、.replace;replacement2.fooling;fool3.interviewees;interviewers4.actress;promising5.Physics;Physical.翻译下列必背短语1参加,参与 _2一组,一套 _3也,又 _4陆续地,一个接一个地 _5过去常常(做某事) _6讨价还价 _7为了(纪念或表示敬意)而 _8允诺做某事 _9事实上 _10被录取 _答案:1.take part in 2.a set of well after another 5.used to(do sth.)6.make a bargain ho

8、nour of8.promise to do sth. a matter of admitted根据括号里的解释,用恰当的短语完成下列句子。1A ceremony was held in the park _ (to show respect and admiration for) those killed in the AntiJapanese War.2The media _(have a great effect on) influencing peoples opinions.3With _ (a similar group of) false teeth

9、 on,he finally can enjoy his favourite food again.4Excitedly,many students _(to be involved in) the voluntary work.5Lucks came _ (one by one)答案:1in honour of2.plays an important role/part in3a set of4.took part after another.重点句型1That is why they are called the Winter Olympics.这就是运动会被叫做冬奥会的原

10、因。(p.10) 句型用上述句型完成下列句子。(1)这就是我来参加比赛的原因。_ (2)这就是为什么运动员必须达到大家认可的标准的原因。_答案:(1)This is why Im here to join in the competition.(2)This is why all the competitors must reach the agreed standard.2Theres as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.(p.10)不同国家之间争夺奥运会举办权的竞

11、争和争夺奥运奖牌的竞争一样激烈。 句型用上述句型完成下列句子。(1)保护环境与发展经济在我国同等重要。_(2)生产更多粮食与发展工业一样紧迫。_答案:(1)It is as important to protect the environment as(it is)to develop the economy in our country.(2)It is as urgent to produce more rice as it is to develop industry.3This is important because the more you speak English,the be

12、tter your English will become.(p.16)这很重要,因为你说英语越多,你的英语水平就越高。 句型你越努力,你学得就越好。_答案:The harder you work,the better youll learn.4“I will marry Atlantaor die!” he said.(p.14)“我要娶阿特兰塔,否则我就死!”他说道。 句型You must pick up the book,or Ill beat you.你把书捡起来,否则我就会揍你。错误!未定义书签。(1)You leave the room at once,_(否则我就报警)(2)请说

13、实话,否则我再也不会相信你。_答案:(1)or Ill call the police(2)Tell me the truth,please,or I wont believe you any more.用上述句型翻译下列小片段。我弟弟要参加英语演讲比赛。他说:“我要得第一名,否则我就放弃比赛。”这就是他日日夜夜练习口语的原因。然而,他越努力,我越担心。我多么想告诉他不要把得奖看得太重,有机会向别人学习就行了。提高自己与得奖同样充满快乐。_答案:My younger brother was to join the English speaking competition.He said,“I

14、will take the first place,or Ill give up the competition.” That was why he practised his oral English day and night.However,the harder he worked,the more worried I became.How I wanted to tell him not to think too much of the prize.It was OK so long as he had a chance to learn from others because the

15、re was as much happiness to improve himself as to get the prize.语篇领悟根据课文An Interview完成下列短文。Pausanias and Li Yan are talking about the similarities and 1. _between the ancient and modern Olympics.The ancient Olympic Games were first held in Athens,in 2._ only men from the Greece had the 3._ to compet

16、e.The champions were awarded olive wreaths 4._ prizes.The 5._ Olympics started in 1896.From then on,athletes from all over the world have come to take part in the games every four years.There are two sets of Gamesthe summer and the winter Olympics.All countries can take part if their athletes reach

17、the standard 6._ (admit) to the games.There are over 250 sports.To host all the competitors,7._ special village is usually built,with a stadium,a very large swimming pool,a gymnasium as 8._ as seats for those who watch the games.The winners of the first 9._ places are awarded gold,silver and bronze

18、medals.The motto of the Olympic Games is: 10._ (swift),Higher and Stronger.答案:1.differences2.which3.right/honour4.as5modern be admitted7.a8.well 9.three 10.Swifter.考点活用根据所给中文,用所学词组、句型完成英语短文。下周将举行英语演讲比赛,有一百多名学生将角逐第一名。并不是每个喜欢英语的学生都可以参加比赛的,只有那些达到规定水平的学生才可以参赛。我的表弟也要参赛, 他正忙着准备比赛呢。他总是说:“我要得第一, 否则就不参赛

19、。”看到了吧?他是一个有野心的家伙!这就是他为什么要花一个又一个小时练习口语的原因。 他越努力,我越担心。要是万一他输了,那该怎么办?我真想告诉他:“亲爱的表弟,能有机会向别人学习就行了,不要把获奖看得太重, 提高自己和获奖是一样重要的。”A speaking competition will be held next week and over 100 students will compete in it for the first place.Not every student 1._ can take part in the competition.Only those who hav

20、e reached the agreed standard can be admitted to the contest.My cousin will join in the contest as well.2._.He always says,“I will win the first,or give up the chance.” You can see he is an ambitious boy.3._ he is practising oral English one hour after another.The harder he is working,4._.What if he

21、 should fail?How I want to tell him,“My dear cousin,its OK so long as you have a chance to learn from others.5._.Its as important to improve yourself as it is to get the prize.” 答案:1.who likes English2He is busy making preparations now3Thats why 4the more I worry about him5Dont think too much of the

22、 prize语法填空专题训练(二)动词变化 (2)技巧点拨如果需要填写的动词后面有by,则用过去分词,表示被动意义。如果所需填写的动词前面是一个句子并且有逗号,一般应用现在分词,表示伴随或结果。如果需要填入的动词前有and,或者and后面需要填入动词,一般考虑and前后的动词形式相同。序数词后如有动词修饰语, 该动词一定用不定式。(一)用所给动词的适当形式填空。1An old man_(support) by a young girl came out of the hall.2_(frighten) by the stranger,the girl ran away in a hurry.3

23、Football is played in over 80 countries,_ (make) it the most popular game in the world.4A few students sat under the tree,_(discuss) something heatedly.5If you eat brain foods regularly,they helped you pay attention,keep you motivated,improve your memory and _(lessen)stress from studies.6Tom was the

24、 last _(know) the truth.答案:1supported(表示被动)2Frightened(表示被动)3making(表示结果)4discussing(表示伴随)5lessen(与and前面的动词pay,keep,improve构成并列谓语,所以此处应填 lessen)6to know(修饰前面的序数词the last,应填to know,意思是汤姆是最后一个知道真相的人)(二)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。In the international business there is always

25、a great need for creative talents.On the other hand creative people are also searching for areas 1._ they can put their talent to use.A talent to be noticed nowadays is much 2._ (easy) than it used to be in the old times.In the early days,for example,if one wanted to be a singer,he or she had to hav

26、e a great amount of talent in singing.That was the only way they could promote 3._ and be recognized.Now sources like the Internet help a great deal in promoting oneself.The Internet is like a global village.4._ (seat) in your home you are capable 5. _finding a lot of sources.People with 6._ (vary) of talents can be recognized through the Internet.7._

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