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1、学年度日照岚山区第一学期八年级期末考试2013-2014学年度日照岚山区第一学期八年级期末考试英语试题第卷(选择题 共75分)一、听力测试(共20小题,计20分) (一)录音中有五个句子,听句子一遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能与句子相符的答语。(每小题约有5秒钟的读题时间和18秒钟的答题时间)1AI liked the food very much BI didnt go there CIt was great2ALast week BTwice a week CFor two weeks3AI dont mind them BI often watch them CI agree with

2、 them4ADont thank me BIts a pleasure CIts a secret5ASure,Id love to BGood idea CThats all right(二)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(每小题约有5秒钟的读题时间和18秒钟的答题时间)6How is Jack going to the party?ABy bus BBy bike CBy car7Why cant the girl go to the movie?ABecause she has to visit her parentsBBecause

3、 she has to do houseworkCBecause she has to do her homework8Where is the man going to move? A B C9What does Jenny usually do after school?ASings BPlays football CListens to the music10 Is Tara more outgoing than Tina?AYes,she is BNo,she isnt CWe dont know (二)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。

4、(录音播放前有25秒钟的读题时间,播放后有40秒的答题时间)11What are they talking about?ASinging and drawing BArt and music CTheir lives12What does the girl like better?AMusic BArt CPE13What is the girl bad at?ASwimming BDrawing CSinging songs14Does the boy draw well or badly?AWell BBadly, CWe dont know15What does the teacher

5、think of art and music?AArt is not importantBArt is easier than musicCBoth of them are popular (四)录音中有一段独白,听独白两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(录音播放前有25秒钟的读题时间,播放后有40秒的答题时间)16How old is Tom?A14 B15 C1617What is Tom going to learn?AChinese BEnglish, CFrench18Who asks Tom to drink milk every day?AHis moth

6、er BHis father, CHis grandmother19What lessons is Tom going to take?APiano lessons BAction lessons CGuitar lessons20What is Tom going to be when he grows up?AA musician BA teacher CA singer二、单项选择(共15小题,计l5分) 从每小题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。21-Do you know _ girl over there? - Of courseShe is _ most bea

7、utiful girl in our schoolAa; the Ba; / Cthe; the Dthe; /22-What _ can you give me on learning English? - I think you could join an English clubAadvice Bnews Cmessages Dinformation23-These two skirts look nice,I dont really know which one to _ -I think the purple one is betterAbring Bwash Cleave Dcho

8、ose24-Mr. Li is really a _ man -YesHe always forgets to close the door when he leaves homeAcareful Bcareless Cclever Dfriendly25You _ go and ask JetHe _ know the answer Acan; may Bneed; can Cmust; may Dmust; can26His parents _ English teachers in our school Aare all Ball are Care both Dboth are27My

9、teacher got angry with me _ my mistakes in my homeworkAbecause Bsince Cso Dbecause of28She always eats _ food in the eveningIts bad for her health Atoo many Btoo much Cmany too Dmuch too29This math problem is _ difficult than that oneI cant work it out Amuch Bmany more Cmuch more Dthe most30-Mike,yo

10、u look so excited -Yeah! There _ a tennis game played by Li Na this evening Awill have Bis going to have Care going to be Dis going to be31_ of us could live without water arid air ANone BNo one CNobody DNothing32_ the girl is only nine,she takes care of her mother and cooks meals every day AIf BBec

11、ause CAlthough DAs33They planted _ trees in the park last weekAtwo hundreds Btwo hundreds of Chundred of Dhundreds of34-Can you _ a story in English? - OK,Miss WangMy English is very poor,but I will tryAget up Bmake up Cstay up Dput up35- Can I get you a cup of tea?-_ AThats very kind of you BWith p

12、leasure CYou can,please DThank you for the tea三、完形填空(共10小题,计10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Nobody is perfect(完美的) 36 has some disadvantages(缺点),so we shouldnt laugh _37_othersI have a good friend and her name is LisaShe always stammers(口吃) when she 38 something in EnglishSometimes she is 39

13、nervous to say a wordOnce in an English class,our English teacher,Miss Li 40 Lisa to answer a questionI,I,Itis What should she do? I felt very 41 about herBut I didnt know how to help herThe whole class was quietEveryone was waiting for her 42 Lisas face turned red but she still couldnt say a wordTh

14、en she had to sit down Five minutes later,Miss Li 43 Lisa to answer againShe said to LisaLisa,believe in 44 You can do it well Lisa stood up slowly and began to speakLisa answered the question very wellAll the classmates clapped their 45 for LisaAfter that Lisa tried to speak English more often in c

15、lass36ANobody BNo one CEveryone DNone37Ain Bto Cof Dat38Aspeaks Bsays Ctells Dtalks39Atoo Bsuch Cso Dvery40Arefused Blet Casked Dhoped41Ainterested Bexcited Crelaxed Dworried42Aanswer Bquestion Cproblem Ddifference43Arefused Badvised Cmade Dshared44Amyself Byourself Chimself Dherself45Ahead Barms Ch

16、ands Deyes四、阅读理解(共15小题,计30分) 阅读下列短文,然后从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。AMiss Green came into the classroom with a piece of paperThere was a big black dot (点) in the middle of the white paperMiss Green put up this piece of paper and asked,What can you see,children? All the children watched the b

17、lack dotA black dot, they answered quicklyBut cant you see this piece of white paper? The black dot is like unlucky things in our lifeIf we only see the dark dot,how can we be happy?The classroom was very quiet at the momentMiss Green took out another piece of paper from her bagThis was a piece of b

18、lack paper with a white dot in the middleWhat can you see,kids? she asked the children with a smile on her faceA white dot, the children answered loudlyMiss Green smiled,My children,although we may be unhappy or worried in our life,it is just like the clouds in the skyThe clouds can lift (消散) quickl

19、y and the sun can come out soonYou can be a happy child with the sun in your eyes all the time46What does Miss Green do? AA doctor BA speaker CA teacher DA student47Where is the black dot?AIn the middle of the white paper BIn the middle of the black paperCOn the right of the white paper DOn the left

20、 of the black paper48How many pieces of paper did Miss Green show the kids?AOne BTwo CThree DFour49Which of the following is RIGHT according to the article?AMiss Green likes whiteBMiss Green likes blackCMiss Green is telling jokesDMiss Green wants the kids to be positive in their life,50What does th

21、is article want to tell us?AWe should see the white dot in the black paperBWe should see the black dot in the white paperCWe are like the cloudsDLife is always beautiful although sometimes its terribleBBig Dream Summer CampMake the world a better placeLets learnabout the Earth about airlightwaternoi

22、se problems;how to make better use of rubbish(垃圾);how to grow trees and flowers Bring sleeping bag clothes for 7 days Join Camp l:July 511 Camp 2:July 1521 Camp 3:August l7 Camp 4:August 10一16 We welcome students between 12 and 18 years old Young Student Center51Which is the best logo for Big Dream

23、Summer Camp? A B C D52The kids cant learn _ in Big Dream Summer Camp Ahow to go fishing Bair problems about the earth Chow to grow trees and flowers Dhow to make better use of the rubbish53David needs to take _ with him for Big Dream Summer CampAhis pet dog and some clothes Ba sleeping bag and his M

24、P4 playerCa sleeping bag and some clothes Da mobile phone and some snacks54Jenny has to join _ because of her piano lessons from July 7 to August 7ACamp 1 BCamp 2 CCamp 3 DCamp 455Who cant join Big Dream Summer Camp according to the poster? AJack,a 15-year-oid boy BCindy,a college girl of 20 CTony,a

25、 naughty boy of 13 DTina,a 16-year-old school girlCHow to Make Egg Fried RiceWhen we stay abroad (在国外) for long,we may feel homesick sometimesBut if we can eat a bowl of Egg Fried Rice,it will make us feel as if we are at homeIts easy and quick to cook Egg Fried RiceNow Ill show you how to make Egg

26、Fried Rice:You need these ingredients(原料):350g pre-cooked rice2 eggs (beaten 打碎的)4 spoons of oii2 spoons of sliced(切割的) carrots1 onion,slicedsalt and white pepper First,fry the eggAdd a little oil to a hot pan,pour in the egg and stir(搅拌) quickly to break it upNext,add the riceAdd another spoon of o

27、il to the pan,then the riceStir until well mixedThen,mix the vegetablesAdd the carrots,onions and mix them upThen,add salt and white pepper and stir it and remove (移开) from the fireFinally,eat itPour the Egg Fried Rice into a bowlI cant waitChinese smell56From the passage,we know the writer may be a

28、 (an)_ AAmerican BAustralian CChinese DJapanese57According to the passage,Egg Fried Rice is a kind of traditional food of _AChina BJapan CBrazil DEngland58To cook Egg Fried Rice,you need four spoons of _ and two spoons of _ Aoil; sliced carrots Bsliced carrots; oil Cegg; rice Dsalt; onion59What does

29、 the underlined word homesick mean?A旅行 B故乡 C生病 D想家60Put the instructions of cooking Egg Fried Rice in the correct order: aPut the rice into the panbPut in the vegetables and mix them upcAdd oil and fry the egg dEat it eAdd salt and white pepperAabcde BeabcdCcabed Dedcba第卷(非选择题 共45分)五、词汇运用(共20小题,计20分)第一节 单词拼写根据首字母或汉语提示,写出下列句子中单词的完全形式。(10小题,计10分)61Look! A full moon is h_ in the sky62Thanks fo

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