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1、东莞市莞美学校高二下期期末复习最后篇后附答案东莞市莞美学校2018年高二下期期末复习最后篇(2015-07)第一节完型填空(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 There are many kinds of book clubs where members discuss a different book every month. What about dinner clubs, where housewives get together once a month or four times a yea

2、r to _11_ and eat dinner? In the dinner club that I joined, the _12_ would prepare a big dinner first, and then the members would begin discussing the food. This was the beginning of our dinner club. There are two kinds of dinner clubs. One has a group of people who try a different _13_ once a month

3、. One member usually _14_ on the restaurant, where they all meet and order and _15_ different dishes. This is a great idea,_16_ if you live in a big city where there are hundreds of different restaurants. The second kind of dinner clubs has many different _17_. One way is to have the hostess for the

4、 month decide on a type of food. The hostess is _18_ for cooking the entrees(主菜). The other members make different _19_ at home like salad and dessert, and _20_ them to the dinner club. For an even more exciting and interactive type of dinner clubs, the _21_ group comes together in the hostess kitch

5、en and prepares the entire meal in a group effort. In this way the members of the group not only learn about _22_ types of food, but also different methods of _23_. The great thing about a dinner club is its adaptability. You can make the dinner club even more special one month by _24_ partners. Cou

6、ples can get together for some food and great conversation. If you are a stay-at-home mother, get a couple of other stay-at-home mothers together and start a lunch club for _25_. If you have a group of friends that love to get together and experiment with different types of food, the possibilities a

7、re endless!11、A.makeB.startC.enjoyD.finish12、A.parentB.hostessC.customerD.waitress13、A.hotelB.canteenC.restaurantD.shop14、A.agreedB.decidedC.workedD.lived15、A.shareB.suckC.sniffD.prepare16、A.generallyB.logicallyC.especiallyD.slightly17、A.purposesB.processesC.casesD.forms18、A.suitableB.desperateC.ava


9、第二节语法填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)根据句子结构的语法性,在下面空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在标号为26-40的相应位置上。26. Everyone could hear them singing and dancing _ (merry) out in the street.27. The parents were shocked at the news that their daughter needed _ operation on her knees.28. His hard work paid _ in the end and he

10、 got the first prize in the contest.29. By the time George got to the cinema, the film _ (begin).30. If you get into difficulties, the lifeguard will come to your _ (assist).31. _ (seat) at the back of the classroom, Candy sometimes cannot hear her teachers.32. When he applied _ a position in the of

11、fice of the local newspaper, he was told to see the manager.33. Tom felt very _ (comfort) lying on such a hard and cold floor during cold winter months.34. Last year Mary returned to the small town _ she was born and brought up.35. _ Hawking finally became a scientist made people greatly encouraged.

12、36. Whether they can adapt to the new college entrance examination very quickly is _ most students are concerned about.37. Compared with letters, we find _ more convenient to communicate with each other by We-chat.38. The politician _ (interview) now on TV doesnt seem to be answering the questions h

13、onestly.39. There is some doubt _ they will finish the work within two month.40. No matter how angry Sedna felt, she had no choice but _ (stay) with the sea bird.写作(共两节,满分40分第一节句子考查(共6小题,66-68每小题2分,69-71每小题3分;满分15分)66. Tom is tired of his present job and is considering finding a new one for a change

14、. (改写) Tom _ _ _ _ his present job and is considering finding a new one for a change.67. He failed again in the driving test, _ _ _ _ (这使他失望).68. It turned out that the party was much more successful than we had expected.(改写) The party _ _ _ _ much more successful than we had expected.69. They saw T

15、om put a letter into the mailbox just now.(改为被动语态) _.70. The girl decided to stay on the farm for another two days. She was attracted by the beauty of nature.(用过去分词改写句子) _. 71. 只要我们不灰心,我们就能找到克服任何困难的办法。(翻译) _.(2016-07)III.英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完型填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以

16、填入空白处的最佳选项。On the day before Thanksgiving, a light rain was falling. I grew _31_ as I was busy caring for three children day and night. And I was fast _32_ food for the children. But when I _33_ my purse, all I found was only about $2.50- and this was supposed to _34_ me until the end of the month.S

17、uddenly, the church secretary knocked at my door and _35_ me a special gift envelope, and said, You and your kids are in our hearts and prayers. Feeling _36_ I opened the envelope. I found two grocery certificates inside. Each was _37_ $20. I was moved to tears as we _38_ each other.Then I purchased

18、 some _39_ items for the children. At the check-out counter I had a little over $14.00 worth of _40_, and I handed the cashier one of the gift _41_. Handing me the change, she asked _42_, Do you have a turkey? You can get _43_ you want for Thanksgiving dinner? Go back into the store!”I felt awkward

19、as I went back to do some more shopping, but I _44_ selected a fresh turkey, few yams and potatoes. Then I _45_ the shopping cart up to the same cashier. As I _46_ my groceries on the counter, she looked at me once more with her _47_ eyes. Then she reached for her purse, took out a $20 _48_, paid fo

20、r my groceries and even handed me the change.I was touched by this _49_ and churchs kind deeds. My heart was _50_ filled with thanks. That evening, while eating, we appreciated our communitys love31、A.excitedB.interestedC.satisfiedD.exhausted32、A.running out ofB.running forC.getting offD.getting clo

21、se to33、A.deliveredB.touchedC.pickedD.checked34、A.spendB.gainC.lastD.approach35、A.choseB.handedC.pressedD.donated36、A.thoughtsB.worriedC.blessedD.merciful37、A.worthB.soldC.writtenD.told38、A.toldB.helpedC.huggedD.understood39、A.fresh-bakedB.good-lookingC.mouth-wateringD.much-needed40、A.booksB.groceri


23、、A.strangerB.relationC.helperD.friend50、A.lovelyB.trulyC.eagerlyD.lightly第二节语法填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)根据句子结构的语法性,在下面空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在标号为5165的相应位置上。51. We are nearly of _ age, so we share a lot in common.52. The car has been well maintained and is _ excellent condition.53. She telephoned

24、 me last night, asking me to make all the _ (arrange) for the conference.54. Id appreciate _ if you could tell me in advance.55. Mr. White will come to the party on Sunday, _ he promised to every one of us.56. They complained that some children in the subway played _(noise).57. They lost their way i

25、n the forest and _ made matters worse was that night began to fall.58. _ (wander) along the street, Jane came cross an old friend59. In some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in _, knives and forks.60. Thoughtfully _ (write), the book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their

26、 own answers.61. What many people are worried about is _ we will be able to build a better future or not.62. Much of the information was of no _ (practise)use, which forced them to change their plan.63. Is it Dave William who runs a website _ he encourages people to protect the environment?64. If Mo

27、lly _ (come) here yesterday, she would have met Song Joong Ki.65. The news reporter hurried to the airport, only _ (find) the film star had left.IV.写作(共三节,满分50分)第一节句子考查。(共7小题,66-69小题,每空0.5分,70-72每小题3分,满分15分)根据以下各个句子的要求,完成、改写或翻译句子。66. The river is5 meters deep。(句型转换) The river is 5 meters _ _.67. As

28、is known to all, Taylor Swift has a talent for music.(句型转换) _ _ _to all _ Taylor Swift has a talent for music.68. I bought an expensive car, and he bought an expensive one as well.(用同级比较句型) He bought _ _ _ _ as mine.69. It took them over half an hour to get the boat back to James.(句型转换) They _over half an hour _ in the boat back to James.70. I didnt expect that I would

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