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届高考英语一轮复习精品专题辅导 高二 Units 78 doc.docx

1、届高考英语一轮复习精品专题辅导 高二 Units 7 8 doc中学2009届高考英语一轮复习精品专题辅导 高二 Units 7 - 8重点句型 1. I can became infected with HIV by swinmaing . 2. I wish that she were here with me and that we werent sick. 3. The most important thing to keep . is to stay calm. 4. If I had known more about giving first aid, I could have h

2、elped them. 5. Many hospital recommend that we use the letters . 6. If I were to live long enough to have a job, I would .7. As with most diseases and disasters, the young suffer the most. 8. She might have been hit by a car .9. Send whatever you find to the hospital to help .10. There were days whe

3、n I wished that I were dead so that I would not have to feel so sick. 重点词汇1. deadly a. 致命的2. quiz n. 小测验;竞赛3. false a. 错误的,假的4. virus n. 病毒5. via prep. 通过,经由6. blood n. 血7. prevention n. 防止,预防8. persuade v. 劝服9. illness n. 病;(身体)小舒服10. treatment n. 治疗;对待;处理11. sex n. 性别;性12. proper a 正确的,适当的13. avai

4、lable a. 可利用的;有效的14. network n. 网络15. specialist n. 专家16. fierce a. 野蛮的,凶猛的;激烈的17. cell n. 细胞;单人牢房18. radiation n. 辐射,放射19. recover v. 恢复,康复20. drown v. 溺死,使淹死21. scream v. 尖叫,呼啸22. witness vt. & n. 目击,为作证;目击者23. response n. 响应24. slight adj. 轻微的,纤细的25. chest n. 胸膛;箱子26. circulate v. 循环,流通27. wound

5、n. 伤口28. motorcycle n. 摩托年29. sudden a. 意外的30。 loose a. 松散的31. tap n. (水,煤气等)龙头32. bandage n. 包扎带33. ambulance n. 救护车34. choke v. 窒息,哽住,使窒息 重点短语1. be / become infected with 受感染2. get tested for 测试3. break down 损坏4. suffer from 患病5. fear of disease 怕疾病6. lack of 缺乏7. free from 不受影响,没有8. cheer up 使振奋,

6、使高兴9. medicine for cold 感冒药10. last days of ones life 生命的最后日子11. a great many 许多12. samples of blood 血样13. incurable disease 不治之症14. go to end 结束。到头了15. on the contrary 相反16. for the moment 暂时,目前17. think 把当作18. live life to the fullest 生活得充实19. first aid 急救20. first of all 首先21. roll over 翻转2

7、2. die of 死于23. in honor of 纪念,庆祝24. in case of 以防25. keep in mind 记在心上 交际用语1. A lot of people cant tell the difference between.2. Are there many differences?3. What do you mean by.4. Im sorry, I dont quite follow you.5. Do you use American or British spdling?6. American spellings ale used more and

8、more in Canadanow. 7. We must carry her to the side of the road. 8. You should / shouldnt. 9. I ought to go home.10. Dont try to get up.词汇短语7. available a. 可用的,可达到的,有效的 The books are readily available for reference. 这些书随时可供参考。 Is Mr. Smith available for the opening of the school? 史密斯先生能参加学校的开学仪式吗?17

9、. breathe, breath (1) breathe 是动词,呵及物也可不及物。 breathe hard 费力地呼吸 breathe into ones mouth 向某人嘴里吹气 breathe dust / fresh air 吸进灰尘呼吸新鲜空气 start ones breathing 让某人呼吸起来 (2) breath 是名词。 take a deep breath 深吸一口气 take breath 喘口气;休息一下 hold ones breath 屏住气 lose ones breath 喘不过气来 out of breath 上气不接下气,气喘吁吁 注意 out o

10、f sight 看不见;out of order 出故障;out of question 没问题;out of control 失去控制;out of danger 脱离危险;out of work 失业。8. cheer vt. & vi. 使高兴,使振奋,喝彩 The good news cheers them all. 这个好消息使我们大家很高兴。 The fans cheer (for) their football team. 球迷为他们的足球队加油助威。 主要搭配: (1) cheer up (使愉快,使高兴) 作及物或不及物用法: Cheer up! My little man.

11、 别灰心,老弟! She told a joke, trying to cheer me up. 她讲了个笑话来让我开心。 (2) cheer on (鼓励,鼓劲) We all cheered the runners on as they rushed to the tape. 当运动员冲刺时,我们都为他们鼓劲。5. discourage 使泄气;使失去信心、希望或精神(做某事) 1) sb. (from doing sth.) 阻拦某人不要做某事 His parents discouraged him from joining the air force. 他的父母劝他不要参加空军。 2)

12、 try to stop (sth.) 试图阻止;阻拦;劝阻 The school teachers discourage smoking. 学校老师不赞成吸烟。 3) be discouraged, get discouraged / discouraged adj. If you meet with any difficulty in your study, dont be discouraged. 如果你学习中遇到什么困难,不要灰心。 discouraging adj. a discouraging result, reply 使人泄气的结果、回答2. false a. 假的,错的,不实

13、的 The report is false. 这份报告不真实。 He is false of heart. 他不忠实。 常见结构 be false to 意为“违背,不忠,欺骗”。 He is false to his country. 他背叛祖国。 She is a girl false to her promise / word. 她是一个不守诺言的女孩子。【考点8】free 的用法 构词: freedom n. U自由 freely adv. 自由地 搭配: for free 免费(作表语、状语) 释放;使自由 free of charge 免费(作表语、状语) be

14、free from 免于;不受;无的;免去 的 have a free talk(with sb)(about sth) 和(某人)就某 事进行自由交谈 enjoy free medical care 享受公费医疗 enjoy freedom of speech 享受言论自由 fight for freedom 为自由而战句型: sb be free = sb have free time 有空 sb be / feel free to do sth 随便干,随心所欲地干 。无拘无束地干 free + sb / sth 使自由 友情提示:“免费”的其他表示法: for nothing (作状语

15、);without payment (作状语); free(作表语、定语) at ones own expense / charge 自费(作状语) at public expense 公费 (enjoy)public health services = (enjoy) free medical service / care (享受)公费医疗【考例8】The prisoner was _. A. set freely B. enjoyed free C. get freedom D. set free考查目标考查free,freely,freedom等词的运用。答案与解析D set sb fr

16、ee为一个固定短语,表示“释放某人”。1. infect 1) 使某人某物传染,感染 sb. / sth. (with sth.);cause sb. / sth. to have a disease The laboratory animals had been infected with the bacteria. 试验室里的动物都受到这种细菌的感染。 Police have sealed off infected areas of the country. 警方已将全国各感染区封锁了。 One of the boys in the class had a fever and he soo

17、n infected other children. 班上的一个孩子发烧了,不久他就传染上了其他孩 子。 2) 使受影响,使受感染 fill (sb.s mind or spirit) with happy and positive ideas or feelings Her cheerful spirits and bubbling laughter infected the whole class. 她那快乐的情绪和爽朗的笑声感染了全班。6. lack 缺乏,不足 (1) 名词用法 She has no lack of supporters. 她不缺支持者。(有很多支持者) The dra

18、ught was caused by a lack of rain. 这场旱灾是雨水不足造成的。 注意 lack作可数或不可数名词,lack前面常与for 搭配,表示“缺乏”的原因,此时常用作不可数名词, 如: We now cant discuss the plan for lack of time. 因时间所限我们现在不能讨论这个计划。 (2) 动词用法 lack 可作及物或不及物动词用,作不及物动词时与 for 搭配表示原因,与in搭配表示“在方面缺 乏”。 The young completely lacks experience. 这个年轻人完全缺乏经验。 They lack for

19、 money at present. 目前他们缺乏资金。 He is lacking in responsibility. 他缺乏责任心。【考点2】lack的用法 搭配: for lack of 因缺少 lack in 缺少 句型: There is a lack of sth 缺少 There is no lack of sth = have no lack of sth 不缺【考例2】(2002上海)Though _ money, his par-ents managed to send him to university. A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacki

20、ng D. lacked in考查目标 考查省略句。答案与解析C 当从句的主语和主句的主语相同时或从句的谓语是be动词时,可以省略主语和be动词,本句补全应该为:Though (they were) lacking.【考点5】manage 的用法 构词: manager n. 经理 management n. 经营,管理句型: manage to do sth 设法做成某事 I can manage it myself. 我自己能应付对付过去。辨析:attempt;manage;succeed;try;seek该组词均含“设法”之意。try表示尽力、设法、试图去做某事,但未必一定成功,所做之事

21、不一定有困难;try还可作名词,have a try = try = have a go 试一次;have another try = try again再试一次;want a go 想试一次。attempt 是try 的更正式的说法,试图做某事,有时可以表示“企图”的意思。manage表示设法(得以)完成(某件困难之事),还可作及物动词,意为“经营,管理”;不及物动词,意为“能办到”,常用于口语I canmanage (it) myself. 我自己能行。succeed 去做所希望的事并成功地干了该事,常见结构是succeed in(doing) sth。seek意为“试图、企图干某事”。例

22、如:The boys attempted to leave for camping but werestopped by their parents. 男孩子们想去野营但被他们的父母拦住了。She succeeded in taking a first-class degree in physicstWO years after arriving in Paris. 到巴黎之后,她取得了一级物理学位。He tried to do the operation with very little help, butdidnt succeed. 他试图在没有帮助的情况下做这个手术,但没有成功。【考例5

23、】He _ the operation with very littlehelp. A. succeeded to do B. attempted to C. managed to do D. managed doing考查目标 考查同义词的辨析。答案与解析C succeed in doing sth,而 manage todo sth; attempt 为vt. 后面直接接宾语,而不要接介词。4. persuade vt. cause sb. to do sth. by arguing or reasoning with him 说服,劝服;使相信 persuade sb. into / o

24、ut of sth. 说服,劝服某人做某事 persuade sb. to do sth. persuade sb. that. 后接宾语从句 Who persuaded you to join this society? 谁说服你参加这个团体? I am almost persuaded of his honesty. 我几乎相信他是诚实的。【考点l】persuade的用法 句型: persuade sb (not) to do sth说服某人(不要)干某事 persuade sb into / out of doing sth (= advise sb not to do sth)说服某人

25、(不要)干某事 persuade sb that. 使人信服【考例l】(2001上海)Alice trusts you: only you can_ her to give up the foolish idea. A. suggest B. attract C. tempt D. persuade考查目标 考查动词之间的辨析与实际运用。答案与解析D suggest 不能接 sb. do sth;句子的意思为:Alice 相信你,只是因为你能说服她放弃愚蠢的想法。【考点3】prevent 的用法 搭配:prevent.from.妨碍;阻碍;防止;预防 句型: prevent sth 阻止,预防

26、 prevent sbs doing sth prevent sb / sth (from) doing sth = stop sb / sth (from)doing sth = keep sb / sth from doing sth 阻 止防止某人干 注意:在prevent sb / sth from doing sth和stop sb /sth from doing sth中,from在主动句中可省略,在被动句中不能省略;keep sb / sth from doing sth 中 from 的不可省略。 辨析:prevent; protect两词意义相近,但用法和意思略有差别。pro

27、tect常用于protect sb / sth from / against sth 结构中,from或against 后常接名词不接动词-ing形式。而prevent常用于prevent sb / sth from doing sth 结构中,而且只能与from连用,不能与against搭配from后常接动词一ing形式,也可接名词。例如:My parents are trying to prevent me from going abroad.我父母极力阻止我出国。His advice prevented me from making a serious mis-take. 他的忠告使我免

28、于犯下严重的错误。He raised his arm to protect his face from the blow. 他伸出胳臂护住脸部免受被拳击打。【考例3】 No one can prevent the plans _ out. A. to be carried B. from being carried C. not to carry D. from carrying考查目标 考查 prevent 短语的搭配与语态的用法。答案与解析B prevent sb. / sth tom doing sth 结合上下文,the plans应该“被实施”。故动名词用被动形式。15. recom

29、mend vt. 推荐,介绍;劝告,建议;使可接受;使受欢迎;使成为 可取;托(付);交付 He recommended to try a new medicine. 他建议试服一种新药。 The woman manager recommended her child to her colleague. 那位女经理把她的孩子托给同事照管。 Your plan has very little t0 recommend it. 你的计划几乎毫无可取之处。 The dying man recommended his soul to God. 这垂危病人把灵魂交付上帝。10. recover 恢复,病

30、愈 (1) 通常作不及物动词用,名词为recovery。 Her father has fully recovered. 她父亲已完全康复。 (2) 常与from连用,如: He has just recovered from severe illness. 他大病初愈。 The city is recovering from the effects of the earthquake. 这座城市正在从地震中恢复正常。【考点9】remember 的用法 搭配: be remembered as 作为而被铭记 be remembered for. 因为而被别人记住 句型: remember sth / that clause remember to do sth (=dont forget to do sth) 记

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