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2、sued for ApprovalLiAiPingGuanyXiaotpTianghB18.May.2004Issued for ApprovalLiAiPingGuanyXiaotpTianghRevision informationRevDate Secotion No.Description of main changesA24.Apr.2004 all初版First issueB18.May.2004all翻译为中英文对照Translation to english目 录contents1.0 范围 scope 2.0 目的 purpose 3.0 职责 responsibilitie

3、s 4.0 概述 genral 5.0 编制依据 references 6.0 施工准备 construction preparation7.0 主要施工机械、工器具 main construction machines and tools8.0 劳动力组织 labor force9.0 施工工序和施工方法 construction process and methods10 质量控制及质量要求 quality control and requirement11 汽机油系统清洁度控制 ST oil system cleanliness control12 对相关专业的要求 relevant t

4、eams requirement13 有关产品保护措施 relevant products protection measures14 相关计算书 calculation15 附图 attached sketch16 工作安全分析(JSA)1.0 范围:scope本程序适用于南海石化项目汽电联产部分汽机油系统设备及管道的安装。主要包括:润滑油站就位安装、油净化装置就位安装、润滑油系统管道、顶轴油系统管道、控制油系统管道等安装。This instruction applies to installation of steam turbine oil system equipment and pi

5、peline for CSPC S&P plant, including lube oil station, oil purified unit, lube oil system, jacking oil system and control oil system.2.0 目的:purpose编制本程序旨在为了保证汽机油系统设备及管道的安装工作安全顺利进行。To ensure the installation to be implemented safely and smoothly.3.0 职责:responsibilities3.1 SECPO1负责汽机油系统设备及管道的安装工作。SECP

6、O1 responsible for the installation.3.2 SEPCO负责协调和质量验收工作。 SEPCO responsible for the coordination and quality inspection.4.0 概述:general汽机油系统施工范围广,系统复杂,对管道内部清洁度及安装质量要求高。润滑油站由SIEMENS AG公司供货,供货时整体供货。润滑油站安装在汽机房AB排5#7# 柱、9#11#柱、13#15# 柱、17#19# 柱之间,标高为+0.0m的混凝土基础上,每机一套,共四套。润滑油站主要包括油箱、主油泵、辅助油泵、顶轴油泵、事故油泵、冷油器

7、及连接管道等。Lube oil station to be supplied by SIEMENS AG in integral shipping, and located on elevation +0.0m foundation within column 5#7# ,9#11#,13#15# and 17#19# in row AB of ST building, one for each unit, total 4 sets. It includes oil tank, main oil pump, auxiliary oil pump, jacking oil pump, emerg

8、ency pump, oil cooler and piping etc.润滑油站重量及尺寸:Its weight and dimension:总重total weight:23000Kg尺寸dimension(长L宽W高H):9800 mm3700 mm4470mm5.0 编制依据: references5.1 设备厂家SIEMENS AG公司提供的有关图纸资料及说明书;manufacturers drawings and instruction 5.2电力建设施工及验收技术规范(汽轮机组篇);electrical power construction and acceptance spec

9、ification DL5011-92- ST5.3火电施工质量检验及评定标准(汽机篇) 1998版power construction quality inspection and evaluation-ST 5.4 设计施工图纸;design construction drawings5.5 有关的DEP和SP;related DEP&SP6.0 施工准备:preparation6.1作业指导书、质量检验计划等作业文件已经出版供使用。Work instruction and QP issued for use.6.2润滑油站基础已施工完毕并办理交接手续,基础准备工作已完成。Foundati

10、ons completed and handed over.6.3施工区域附近管道支吊架生根钢结构已安装并固定,预埋件位置正确。Pipe support structure installed and fixed, correct position of embedment.6.4施工人员应熟悉有关图纸及本作业指导书,了解安装程序并经技术、安全交底。All persons involved familiar with drawings and this instruction and procedure, and technical and safety clarification carri

11、ed out.6.5施工前材料已交付现场,在开工前由技术员与施工人员进行现场材料清点,确认后安排开工。Materials have been available and at field.6.6施工现场保持清洁,防止杂物进入油管是油管施工的基本要求,因此施工现场要及时清理,附近不得有砼施工交叉。Construction area cleaned and no cross concrete placing.6.7所使用的运输起重机械及工器具经检验性能良好。Construction machines and tools inspected and in good conditions.7.0主要施

12、工机械、工器具 main construction machines and tools7.1 主要施工机械machines30t运输车truck 1台10t运输车truck 1台40/10t行车 gantry crane 1台7.2 主要工器具、吊索具tools序号no名称description规格specification数量Qty备注1卷尺tape30m1把2水准仪level1套3水平仪level1把4钢卷尺 tape5m2把5钢板尺steel ruler1m1把6线锤plumbL=10m2只7撬棒tommy bar3212003根8塞尺feeler 100mm1把9百分表dial in

13、dicator3块10千斤顶jack2t2只11活口扳手spanner122把12钢丝绳wire rope32.5 L=22m1对13卡环shackles10t4只14磨光机grinder100、150mm各2台respectively15链条葫芦chainblock2t8只16链条葫芦chainblock5t2只17水平尺level400mm1把18丙酮acetone10Kg19油盘spit kit3只20白布white cloth10米21毛刷brush4支22红丹粉red lead3kg23墨汁chinaink2瓶24毛笔brush pen2支25基础锤hammer4把8.0劳动力组织l

14、abor force技术负责人technical supervisor:1名质量负责人quality supervisor:1名施工负责人construction supervisors:2名安装工erectors: 8名起重工lift persons: 4名电焊工welders: 3名架工scaffold erectors: 4名9.0施工工序及施工方法construction procedure and method9.1润滑油站就位找正 positioning and alignment9.1.1润滑油站就位positioning 根据设备尺寸复查基础的有关数据,用水准仪测量基础标高,偏

15、差不超过10mm;用钢卷尺测量基础纵横中心线,偏差不大于10mm。地脚螺栓孔内无杂物,尺寸符合图纸要求。To check foundation for elevation deviation not more than 10mm, centerline deviation not more than 10mm, and no debris in the bolt hole and dimension compliant to drawings. 基础水泥强度超过70%,表面已凿毛,并且基础表面无露筋、蜂窝、裂纹、疏松,无垃圾及油污,周围的沟道已回填完。Foundation strength m

16、ore than 70%, surface scabbled and free from rebar exposed, honeycomb, crack, loosen, waste and oil sludge, and surrounding trench backfilled. 根据图纸在地脚螺栓两侧及承力处,用墨汁画出垫铁摆放位置。To mark pack location on the sides of bolts and bearing as per drawing. 根据垫铁画线,将摆放垫铁的基础用基础锤凿平,用红丹粉检查垫铁与基础水泥面接触面积大于75%。To mark as

17、pack and chisel flat, to check for contact area of shim with foundation more than 75% by red lead. 垫铁表面经机加工,表面平整,无翘曲和毛刺,垫铁的坡度一般为1:101:25,且薄边厚度不小于5mm。Pack shall be machined, and the surface shall be flat and free from burrs and warp. The slope to be 1:101:25 with thin edge not less than 5mm thick. 在放

18、置垫铁位置的基础上,用水准仪测量基础标高值,此值与设备底座标高相比较,所得数值为此处垫铁的安装高度。根据计算的垫铁高度,选取垫铁的合理配置,垫铁布置一般不超过3块,特殊情况下允许5块,其中斜垫铁允许1对,并比底座边宽出1020mm。斜垫铁错开面积不大于垫铁面积的25%,并且斜垫铁的斜度为1:101:25,一组垫铁的厚度为5060mm。To survey the elevation of foundation where pack to be placed and it to be compared with bottom elevation of equipment, the differen

19、ce to be the installation height of pack. To select proper packs according to the height, and generally the number of packs not more than 3 pieces, in special situation 5 pieces allowed, in which one pair of slope packs allowed and 1020mm wider than base edge. 将润滑油站用30t运输车运至汽机房,运输过程中应用链条葫芦封好车。To car

20、ry LO station to ST building by 30t truck. 润滑油站运至汽机房后,选用一对32.5长22米的钢丝绳用汽机房行车通过+17.950米层及+11.950米层预留的空间区域将润滑油站吊放在设备基础上。吊装过程中注意调整起吊绳索的平衡,避免设备与建筑物碰撞。To lift LO station on the foundation by a pair of 32.5 wire ropes 22m long through remained space. Sling balance shall be taken care to avoid collides. 吊装

21、过程中,当设备下降到距基础约0.5m时穿上所有地脚螺栓拧上螺帽且露出螺帽23扣,地脚螺栓的丝扣部分应涂黑铅粉,以利于以后松紧螺栓。然后将润滑油站吊放在已布置好的垫铁上,检查地脚螺栓与其孔壁四周应有间隙,其地脚螺栓末端不碰孔底。When equipment lowering to 0.5 m above foundation, to fit all bolts and nuts and 2-3 threads to be left out, and black lead powder to applied to the treads for future loosing and tighteni

22、ng of bolts. Then to lay down on packs. To check for space between bolt and its hole. 采用斜铁调整润滑油站组件标高,组件与垫铁、垫铁与垫铁之间,0.05mm塞尺一般应塞不进,局部塞入部分不得大于边长的1/4,其塞入深度不得超过侧边长的1/4,并且用0.30.5kg的手锤轻敲不动。To apply slope packs to adjust equipment elevation, generally 0.05mm feeler cannot fill into in between component and

23、 packs or between packs. 然后利用千斤顶等工具,调整润滑油站使其纵横中心线误差小于10mm, 标高偏差应在+10mm以内。To adjust station by jacks and make deviation of centerline less than 10mm, and that of deviation within +10mm. 标高及纵横中心线找正都满足设计要求,经有关质检人员验收合格后,将油站底座与垫铁、垫铁与垫铁之间用电焊点焊,每块垫铁不少于2点,再进行一、二次灌浆,灌浆前将地脚螺栓调正,使地脚螺栓位于螺栓孔的中间且螺栓下部不与螺栓孔壁接触;待灌浆料

24、凝固达到设计强度的70%以上时紧固地脚螺栓,复查润滑油站组件标高及中心线仍符合要求,然后进行第二次灌浆。Alignment of elevation and centerline shall comply with design requirement. After inspection and acceptance, to tack weld packs and base and carry out first or second grouting. Bolts alignment shall be done before grouting to make bolt in the cente

25、r of the hole and lower part not touch the hole wall. To tighten bolts after the strength of grouting up to 70% that of design and above. 9.1.2油泵对轮找正 pump coupling alignment 以泵为基准,进行联轴器找中心。Base on pump, to carry out alignment of coupling. 泵与电机间有联轴节的找正:联轴器找中心采用四点对中法,即在周围方向上,在互成90的位置分别标记为0、90、180、270,

26、用一块百分表测圆周,两块百分表测端面,其误差值及预留偏差要符合厂家要求或验标中的机716。Alignment of pump and motor with coupling: 4-point alignment to be applied, that is to mark 0, 90, 180and 270 in girth of coupling and measure girth with one dial indicator and measure end face with two dial meters, the error and preset deviation shall co

27、mply with manufacturers requirement or “inspection criteriamachine 716”. 泵与电机间无联轴节的找正:联轴器找中心时,应使两联轴器间保持一定的距离,其值要大于泵与电机轴向窜动的总和,以防止泵与电机各自产生轴向窜动时的相互碰撞。由于联轴器间距有限,不能使用百分表,可用塞尺来测量端面偏差。圆周方向仍用百分表来测量偏差。在用塞尺测量时,每次塞尺插入的深度及使用的力量都力求相同,塞尺塞入时的力量不要过大,以防卡子走动,引起误差。其预留偏差和误差值均要符合厂家要求或验标中的机716。Alignment between pump and

28、 motor without coupling: the two couplings shall keep a distance more than sum drunkenness of pump and motor shaft to avoid mutual collide. Feeler is to be used to measure ends deviation instead of dial indicator. Radial deviation to be measured with diameter. The depth and force for inserting feele

29、r each time shall be identical. Its remained deviation and error shall meet manufacturers requirement or “inspection criteriamachine 716”. 联轴器连接coupling connection泵与电机的联轴器通常采用销式螺栓连接,当螺栓拧紧后,全部螺栓均应受力并不得有卡位现象。Pin-bolt to be applied for connection of coupling between pump and motor. 9.2油管安装:汽机油系统管道材料供货为

30、半成品即预制状态供货的,不需进行酸洗工作。油系统管道安装施工工序和工艺如下:oil piping installation: its delivered with semi-products, with no need of acid flushing. To be installed as following procedure:9.2.1润滑油管道安装LO piping installation9.2.1.1管道安装前应具备以下条件: pre-conditions: 与管道有关的土建工程经检查合格,满足安装要求;related civil work inspected and acceptable. 与管道连接的设备找正合格,固定完毕;equipment connected with equipment to be aligned and fixed. 管道、管件及阀门等已经检验合格,按设计要求核对无误,内部已清理干净无杂物,封头无脱落。Pipes, fittings and valves inspected and acceptable.管道安装:piping installation 普通油管道的安装亦遵循一般中低

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