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1、度米文库汇编之关于英语的名言警句度米文库汇编之关于英语的名言警句for a young man, the most amazing, the most exciting thing, than in an old man found the spirit of youth. - maurois我们活着不能与草木同腐,不能醉生梦死,枉度人生,要有所做为。方志敏we cannot live together with grass and trees can not rot, and lived, to make a difference. - fang zhimin人生是海洋,希望是舵手的罗盘,使

2、人们在暴风雨中不致迷失方向。狄德罗life is an ocean, hope is the helmsman of the compass, so that people dont lost in the storm. - diderot纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。陆游the paper come zhongjue shallow, and must know this to practice. - lu you在一个崇高的目标支持下,不停地工作,即使慢,也一定会获得成功。爱因斯坦under the support of a lofty goal, working non-stop, e

3、ven slow, it will certainly be successful. - einstein道德不是良心的可卑的机谋,而是斗争和艰难,激情和痛苦。托马斯曼morality is not the conscience of the despicable means, but the struggle and hardship, passion and pain. - thomas man如果人们都能以同情慈善,以人道的行径来剔除祸根,则人生的灾患便可消灭过半。爱迪生if people are in sympathy with charity, humanitarian acts t

4、o remove the curse, it can eliminate half life disaster. - edison我的生活原则是把工作变成乐趣,把乐趣变成工作。艾伯乐the principle of my life is to turn work into fun, and to turn it into a job. - ai bole青春不是人生的一段时期,而是心灵的一种状况。塞涅卡youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind. - seneca人生在勤,勤则不匮;户枢不蠹,流水不腐。许名奎life in the gr

5、ound, often not want not a door-hinge is never worm-eaten, water does not rot. - xu mingkui世界上有许多好书,但这些书仅仅对那些会读它们的人才是好的。皮丁there are a lot of good books in the world, but these books are good only for those who will read them. - pidding历史使人聪明,诗歌使人机智,数学使人精细,哲学使人深邃,道德使人严肃,逻辑与修辞使人善辩。bacon,francishistori

6、es make men wise; poems the witty; mathematics subtle philosophy makes people profound, moral, grave, logic and rhetoric makes an orator. - bacon, francis科学的惟一目的是减轻人类生存的苦难,科学家应为大多数人着想。伽利略the only purpose of science is to relieve the suffering of human existence, and the scientist should think for mo

7、st people. - galileo只要愿意学习,就一定能够学会。列宁as long as you are willing to learn, you will be able to learn. - lenin读书谓已多,抚事知不足。王安石reading that has been more, to ask the lack of knowledge. - wang anshi对真理的最大尊敬就是遵循真理。爱默生the greatest respect for truth is to follow the truth. - emerson白眼观天下,丹心报国家。宋教仁his view o

8、f the world, in the national newspaper. - song jiaoren追求科学需要特殊的勇敢。伽利略the pursuit of science requires special courage. - galileo力成文学:只有一种成功能以你自己的生活方式度过你的一生。克里斯托弗莫利:there is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way. - christopher molly保持人格不仅靠功劳,也要靠忠诚。歌德to maintain the personali

9、ty not only by the credit, but also rely on loyalty. - gerd以国家之务为己任。韩愈duty of the state. - han yu机关工作的情况类似于制造业,工作的成果不是以制造者个人的成果面貌呈现,而是以工厂之成果的面貌呈现。蒙森agency work is similar to the manufacturing industry, the results of the work is not to create a personal performance of the face of the show, but the r

10、esults of the factory to show the results of the factory. - meng sen书籍一面启示我的智慧和心灵,一面帮着我在一片烂泥塘里站了起来,如果不是书籍的话,我就沉没在这片泥塘里,我就要被愚蠢和下流淹死。高尔基books a revelation of my wisdom and soul, side help me to stand up in a mud, if it is not a book, i sank in the mud puddle, i would be stupid and indecent drowning. -

11、 golgi没有哪一种友谊的基础比有着一个共同的敌人更稳固。爱尔兰there is no basis for friendship that is more stable than a common enemy. - ireland一个人年轻的时候年轻,固然有福,可是把自己的青春保持到进入坟墓为止,那就更加百倍地有福。契诃夫when a young man is young, is blessed, but to keep his youth to enter the tomb, it is more than 100 times the blessed. - chekhov在无限的时间的河流

12、里,人生仅仅是微小又微小的波浪。郭小川in the infinite time of the river, life is only a small, small wave. - guo xiaochuan人在自己的劳动中创造自己并理解劳动的美。苏霍姆林斯基in their own labor to create and understand the beauty of labor. - sue home linsky没有青春的爱情有何滋味?没有爱情的青春有何意义。拜伦what is the taste of love without youth? what is the meaning of

13、 youth without love. - byron机会是极难得的,但他具备三大成功的条件,那就是“像鹿一般会跑的腿,逛马路的闲功夫,和犹太人那样的耐性。巴尔扎克opportunity is very rare, but he has the three most successful conditions, that is, like a deer in general will run legs, stroll the streets of leisure time, and the jews that tolerance. - balzac向真理弯腰的人,一旦挺起胸来,将顶天立地。沈

14、舜福bend to the truth, once the rise chest, will be of indomitable spirit. - shen shunfu关于英语的名言警句:性情稳静愉快的人,不大会感到老年的压力,但是对于具有相反之性情的人,青年和老年同样都是重负。帕拉图a happy disposition is calming, congress does not feel the pressure of age, but with opposite disposition, young and old are equally a burden. - plato一个尝试错

15、误的人生不但无所事事的人生更荣耀,并且有意义。萧伯纳an attempt at a wrong life is not only an idle life, it is more glorious, and it is meaningful. - bernard shaw时间是审查一切罪犯的最老练的法官。莎士比亚time is the most sophisticated judge of all criminals. - shakespeare理想的书籍是智慧的钥匙。托尔斯泰the ideal book is the key to wisdom. - tolstoy人生的本质在于运动,安谧宁

16、静就是死亡。帕斯卡the essence of life is movement, death is peaceful and quiet. - pascal没有思想自由,就没有科学,没有真理。勒南without freedom of thought, there is no science, no truth. - lenan就是神,在爱情中也难保持聪明。培根is god, in love, it is difficult to keep smart. - bacon幻想是丝毫没有害处的,它甚至能支持和加强劳动者的毅力。皮萨列夫fantasy is no harm, it can even

17、support and strengthen the perseverance of workers. - pisarev友谊的基础在于两个人的心肠和灵魂有着最大的相似。贝多芬the foundation of friendship lies in the fact that the heart and soul of the two people are the most similar. - beethoven常思奋不顾身,而殉国家之急。司马迁often think of the death of national emergency regardless of personal dang

18、er. - sima qian爱情埋在心灵深处,并不是住在双唇之间。丁尼生love is buried deep in ones heart,not between the lips. - tennyson对于不屈不挠的人来说,没有失败这回事。俾斯麦there is no such thing as failure for an indomitable man. - bismarck争论是思想的最好触媒。巴甫洛夫the debate is the best catalyst of thought. - pavlov人要独立生活,学习有用的技艺。凯德people want to live ind

19、ependently, learn useful skills. cade:科学决不是也永远不会是一本写完了的书。每一项重大成就都会带来新的问题。任何一个发展随着时间的推移都会出现新的严重的困难。爱因斯坦science is by no means a book that will never be finished. every great achievement brings new problems. any development with the passage of time will be the emergence of new serious difficulties. -

20、einstein心灵不在它生活的地方,但在它所爱的地方。英国谚语the soul is not where it lives, but where it loves. - english proverb她们希望你总是伟大,总是漂亮。她们根本不会想到,天才总是病态的。巴尔扎克they hope you are always great, always beautiful. they wouldnt have thought that genius was sick. - balzac友谊!你是灵魂的神秘胶漆;你是生活的甜料,社会性的连接物。罗布莱尔friendship! you are the

21、soul of the mysterious paint; you are the life of the connection of social sweeteners. - lo blair生活的主要悲剧,就是停止斗争。奥斯特洛夫斯基the main tragedy of life is to stop fighting. - aositeluo生活里没有做不到的事,但需要有强烈的愿望,必要时应该不惜生命。列列昂诺夫life can not do anything, but the need to have a strong desire, if necessary, at the exp

22、ense of life. - leo leonov人生大病,只是一“傲”字。王阳明life is a serious illness, just a proud word. - wang yangming人类的全部尊严,就在于思想。帕思卡尔all human dignity, lies in the thought. carle - perth不参加变革社会的斗争,理想永远是一种幻影。吴运铎not to participate in the struggle to change society, the ideal is always a mirage. - wu yunduo对所学知识内容

23、的兴趣可能成为学习动机。赞科夫interest in the content of the knowledge may become a learning motivation. - zankov现实是此岸,理想是彼岸,中间隔着湍急的河流,行动则是架在河上的桥梁。克雷洛夫the reality is that on this side, the other side is ideal, across the middle of the river rapids, action is the bridge on the river. - krylov所谓青春,就是心理的年轻。松下幸之助the s

24、o-called youth, is the psychological young. - konosuke matsushita我会有这样的爱情全世界在我眼中这时分为两半:一半是她,那里一切都是欢喜,希望,光明;另一半是没有她的一切,那里一切是苦闷和黑暗。列夫托尔斯泰i would have such a love the world in my eyes at this time is divided into two parts: half her, where everything is happy, hope, bright; the other half is not her ev

25、erything, where all is depressed and dark. - lev tolstoy夫读书将以何为哉?辨其大义,以修己治人之体也,察其微言,以善精义入神之用也。王夫之reading will do for a husband? to identify the cause, to repair the kiji human body, the head, with good absorbedly study for. - wang fuzhi生命是短暂的,空余时间很少,因此我们不应把一刻空余时间耗费在阅读价值不大的书籍上。罗斯金life is short, so we

26、 shouldnt spend a quarter of our time on books that are not worth reading. - john ruskin国王,可以说是一架报时巨钟的主发条,它无情地规定了作息时间。从生到死的一举一动,从清晨起身到暮夜上床,甚至爱情嬉戏的瞬间片刻,不属于他自己。茨威格the king, can be said to be the mainspring a giant clock time, which mercilessly rules of the schedule. from life to death of every move, f

27、rom morning to night to go to bed, and even love to play in the moment a moment, not his own. - zweig美是道德纯洁、精神丰富和体魄健全的强大源泉。苏霍姆林斯基beauty is a powerful source of moral purity, mental health and physical strength. - sue home linsky真理的小小钻石是多么罕见难得,但一经开采琢磨,便能经久、坚硬而晶亮。贝弗里奇the truth of the little diamond is

28、 rare and rare, but once the mining, can be durable, hard and bright. - beveridge生活不是局限于人类追求自己的实际目标所进行的日常行动,而是显示了人类参加到一种宇宙韵律中来,这种韵律以形形色色的方式证明其自身的存在。泰戈尔life is not limited to human pursuit of their actual goal of day-to-day operations, but shows the human to participate in a cosmic rhythm and the rhy

29、thm in all kinds of ways prove its own existence. - tagore为了在生活中努力发挥自己的作用,热爱人生吧。罗丹in order to play their role in life, love life. - luo dan青春是一种持续的陶醉,是理智的狂热。拉罗什富科youth is a kind of continuous intoxicated, is a rational crazy. - laroche fraser c任何一个可信的道理都是真理的一种形象。布莱克any credible truth is a kind of im

30、age of truth. - black我想正是伸手摘星的精神,让我们很多人长时间地工作奋战。不论到哪,让作品充分表现这个精神,并且驱使我们放弃佳作,只求杰作。李奥贝纳i think it is reaching for the stars of the spirit, has made many of us work long time. no matter where, let the work full performance of this spirit, which makes us lay aside good work for better work. - leo burnett关于英语的名言警句:青春留不住,白发自然生。杜牧youth does not keep, the white hair natural born. - du mu人生活的世界上好比一只船在大海中航行,最重要的是要辨清前进的方向。潘菽people living in the world is like a ship sailing in the sea, the most important is to identify the direction of progress

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