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1、徐虎龙法律翻译徐虎龙:中国法律法规中“监管要求”的英文翻译总汇 2011-02-19 17:31:56| 分类: 默认分类 | 标签: |举报 |字号大中小订阅保税区与中华人民共和国境内的其他地区(以下简称非保税区)之间,应当设置符合海关监管要求的隔离设施。Separation facilities that meet the requirements for Customs supervision and control shall be erected between bonded zones and other areas of the Peoples Republic of China

2、 (Non-bonded Areas).【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 保险公司合规管理部门应当及时向中国保监会咨询,准确理解和把握监管要求,并反馈公司的意见和建议。The compliance department of an insurance company shall seek advice from the CIRC to accurately apprehend the supervisory requirements, and feedback the opinions and suggestions of its company.【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐

3、虎龙 翻译 (六)根据中国保监会的监管要求,向中国保监会报送股票资产的相关数据,定期和不定期地提供股票资产的风险评估、绩效评估等报告;(6) submit relevant data regarding stock assets, and provide regular and ad hoc reports on such matters as risk evaluation and performance appraisal regarding stock assets to the CIRC in accordance with the regulatory requirements of

4、 the CIRC;【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 (四)自营业务资产状况和流动性良好,符合有关监管要求;(4) the position and liquidity of assets of the business that it operates for its own account are good and comply with relevant regulatory requirements;【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 第一条 为指导保险公司和保险资产管理公司加强保险资金运用管理,防范保险资金运用风险,保护被保险人的利益,依据中华人民共和国保险法、

5、保险公司管理规定等法律、 法规、行政规章和中国保险监督管理委员会(以下简称“中国保监会”)的审慎监管要求,制定本指引。Article 1: These Guidelines are formulated in order to provide guidance for insurance companies and insurance asset management companies to strengthen management over insurance funds utilizations, take precautions against insurance funds uti

6、lization risks, and protect the interests of the insured, in accordance with the PRC Insurance Law, Administration of Insurance Companies Provisions and other laws, regulations and administrative rules, and the requirements of prudence regulation by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (hereaft

7、er, the CIRC).【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 (四) 对电子银行业务风险管理情况和业务运营设施与系统等,进行了符合监管要求的安全评估;(4) it has carried out a security assessment, complying with regulatory requirements, of the management of the risks associated with the electronic banking business and its business operation facilities and systems;【来源】

8、中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 人民银行现有对传统银行业务的风险监管要求对网上银行业务仍然适用,但应充分认识网上银行业务监管工作的复杂性和艰巨性,突出对技术性风险的监管,督促银行机构加强对网上银行业务运行安全的检查,并加强对网上银行业务监管人员的培训,建立网上银行业务专业监管力量。Existing PBOC requirements on risk oversight governing traditional banking services shall also apply to online banking services. However, the complexity and

9、 formidability of the task of overseeing online banking services need to be fully realized, the oversight of technology related risks needs to be stressed, banking institutions shall be urged to strengthen examinations of the security of their online banking service operations and the training of th

10、e personnel overseeing online banking services shall be improved, so as to establish professional capabilities to oversee such services.【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 法律和监管要求变化 Change in legal requirements and regulatory requirements【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 三、公司还应根据中国证监会审慎监管要求,提交其他相关材料。3. A Company shall addi

11、tionally provide other relevant materials in accordance with the CSRCs prudent regulation requirements.【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 第四条保税港区实行封闭式管理。保税港区与中华人民共和国关境内的其他地区(以下称区外)之间,应当设置符合海关监管要求的卡口、围网、视频监控系统以及海关监管所需的其他设施。Article 4 The close management shall be implemented to bonded port areas. There shall be c

12、heckpoints, fences, video surveillance systems and other facilities meeting the requirements for customs supervision set up between a bonded port area and any other area within the customs territory of the Peoples Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the outer area).【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 区

13、内企业应当应用符合海关监管要求的计算机管理系统,提供供海关查阅数据的终端设备和计算机应用的软件接口,按照海关规定的认证方式和数据标准与海关进行联网,并确保数据真实、准确、有效。An enterprise within the area shall apply the computer management system meeting the requirements for customs supervision, provide the terminal equipment and computer application software interface for the custom

14、s house to consult the data, connect to the network of the customs house according to the authentication methods and data standards prescribed by the customs house, and ensure the truthfulness, accuracy and validity of the data.【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 第十一条区内企业应当依照中华人民共和国会计法及有关法律、行政法规的规定,规范财务管理,设置符合海关

15、监管要求的账册和报表,记录本企业的财务状况和有关进出保税港区货物、物品的库存、转让、转移、销售、加工和使用等情况,如实填写有关单证、账册,凭合法、有效的凭证记账和核算。Article 11 An enterprise within the area shall, according to the Accounting Law of the Peoples Republic of China as well as other relevant laws and administrative regulations, regulate its financial management, set u

16、p account books and statements meeting the requirements for customs supervision, record its financial conditions and relevant information on storage, assignment, transfer, sale, processing and use, etc. of the goods and articles entering and exiting the bonded port area, truthfully fill out relevant

17、 documents and account books, keep accounts and make accounting upon the strength of lawful and valid vouchers.【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 有关储罐、装置、设备等设施应当符合海关的监管要求。通过管道进出保税港区的货物,应当配备计量检测装置和其他便于海关监管的设施、设备。The relevant storage tanks, devices, equipment and other facilities shall comply with the requirement

18、s for customs supervision. Goods that are transported into and out of the bonded port area through pipelines shall be equipped with measuring and testing devices, and other facilities and equipment for the convenience of customs supervision.【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 承运保税港区与其他海关特殊监管区域或者保税监管场所之间往来货物的运输工具

19、,应当符合海关监管要求。The means of transport for carrying the goods circulated between a bonded port area and any other area under special customs supervision or bonded supervision shall conform to the requirements for customs supervision.【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 (二)海关保税监管场所内被核查人是否应用符合海关监管要求的计算机管理系统,并与海关实行计算机联网

20、;(2) Whether the Entity under Verification within the bonded supervision areas of the Customs uses the computer administration system which meets the supervisory requirements of the Customs and conducts computer networking with the Customs; and【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 (三)海关保税监管场所经营企业是否设置符合海关监管要求的账簿、报表

21、等。(3) Whether the enterprises operating the bonded supervision areas of the Customs have established the account books and report forms, etc. which meet the supervisory requirements of the Customs.【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 第二十六条海关实施保税核查,发现被核查人存在不符合海关监管要求的,可以采取以下处理方式,并填制保税核查处理通知书(见附件2)书面告知被核查人:Article 2

22、6 In the course of implementation of the bonded verification, where the Customs discovers that the Entity under Verification has committed the circumstances which fail to meet the supervisory requirements of the Customs, the Customs may take the following disposal measures and inform the Entity unde

23、r Verification thereof in writing by filling in the “Notice of Disposal after Bonded Verification” (refer to Annex 2):【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 第四条园区与中华人民共和国境内的其他地区(以下简称区外)之间,应当设置符合海关监管要求的卡口、围网隔离设施、视频监控系统及其他海关监管所需的设施。Article 4: Checkpoints, fencing facilities and video monitoring systems which meet the

24、 requirements of and other facilities necessary for customs supervision shall be set up between the Park and other areas within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China (hereinafter, the Out-of-Park Area).【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 园区企业应当建立符合海关监管要求的计算机管理系统,提供供海关查阅数据的终端设备,按照海关规定的认证方式和数据标准与海关进行联网。An

25、 enterprise in the Park shall set up a computerized management system in conformity with the requirements of customs supervision, provide terminal equipment to customs to enable data access by customs, and connect its system with the system of customs in accordance with the authentication method and

26、 data standard specified by customs.【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 第十六条园区企业应当依照中华人民共和国会计法及有关法律、行政法规的规定,规范财务管理,设置符合海关监管要求的账簿、报表,记录本企业的财务状况和有关进出园区货物、物品的库存、转让、转移、销售、简单加工、使用等情况,如实填写有关单证、账册,凭合法、有效的凭证记账和核算。Article 16: An enterprise in the Park shall, pursuant to the PRC, Accounting Law and the relevant laws and a

27、dministrative regulations, standardize its financial management, prepare account books and statements in conformity with the requirements of customs supervision, keep records of the financial conditions of the enterprise and the warehousing, assignment, transfer, sale, simple processing and use of t

28、he goods and articles that enter or leave the Park, truthfully complete the relevant manifests and account books, and conduct bookkeeping and accounting on the basis of legal and valid documentary proofs.【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 第四十三条园区企业需要开展危险化工品和易燃易爆物品存储业务的,应当取得安全生产管理、消防、环保等相关部门的行政许可,并报园区主管海关备案。有关储罐

29、、装置、设备等设施应当符合海关的监管要求。Article 43: If an enterprise in the Park requires to carry out storage of hazardous chemicals and inflammable and explosive items, it shall obtain administrative licensing from the relevant authorities such as the safe production administration, fire prevention and environmental

30、 protection authorities and shall file a record with the Parks competent customs. The related tanks, devices and equipment shall meet the supervision requirements of customs.【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 第四条 加工区与中华人民共和国境内的其他地区(以下简称区外)之间,须设置符合海关监管要求的隔离设施及闭路电视监控系统。经海关总署对加工区的隔离设施验收合格后,方可开展加工区有关业务。Article 4 Se

31、paration facilities and close circuit television supervision and control systems that meet the requirements of Customs supervision and control shall be installed between processing areas and other areas of the territory of the Peoples Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as outside areas). Onl

32、y after the General Administration of Customs has tested and accepted the separation facilities of processing areas, may business operations related to processing areas be engaged in.【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 翻译 第八条 区内企业应当依据中华人民共和国会计法及国家有关法律、法规的规定,设置符合海关监管要求的账簿、报表。凭合法、有效凭证记账并进行核算,记录本企业有关进、出加工区货物和物品的库存、转让、转移、销售、加工、使用和损耗等情况。Article 8 Enterprises within the areas shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Accounting Law of the Peoples Republic of China and the relevant laws and regu

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