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1、完整版非谓语动词高考单项选择模拟试题非谓语动词高考单项选择模拟试题1.Finally that I was there, Rocky turned toward me with a sad smile.A. realized B. having realized C. realizing D. to realize2.Every detail should be thought of that nothing bad will happen during theOlympics.A. make sure B. to make sure C. making sure D. be made sur

2、e3.When I spoke to him, he pretended for something here and there.A. to look B. to be looking C. looking D. to have looked4.You can stay at home or go out, In a word, you can do whatever you.A. like B. like it C. like one D. like to do5.I think at the Net-bar will surprise Aunt Kate.A. your being B.

3、 you are C. you being D. you to be6.The squirrel was lucky that it just missed.A. catching B. to be caught C. being caught D. to catch7.You can never imagine what great difficulty I have your house.A. found B. finding C. to find D. for finding8.Many Chinese people were moved to tears each time the T

4、V showed our national flag in an Olympic stadium.A. to rise B. to be rising C. raised D. being raised9.If you use the computer to learn more knowledge, I ll.A. allow B. allow doing C. allow you D. allow you to use10.I was surprised to remember my keys were in my jacket that I had left on the double

5、bars on the playground.A. hanging B. hung C. to hang D. hanged11.It seems that Mona Lisa isn t quite the woman art historians.A. thought was B. thought she was C. think of being D. think what sheis12.Mr. Macfarlane completed the course successfully, all with hisexcellent performance. A.surprised B.s

6、 surprise D. havingsurprised13.I dare not tell him the truth though very much.A. I d like B. I d like it C. I like it D. I m afraid14.The purpose of new technologiesis to make life easier,it more difficult.A. not make B. not to make C. not making D. do not doing15.deep down in the earth

7、, the dead forests rotted away and became coal.A. Buried B. Burying C. To bury D. Being buried16.Asked if he could come to the party that night, .A. nobody said anything B. they did not get an answer from himC. nothing was said by him D. John nodded his head and left the room.17. Sorry, I didn t tel

8、l the truth.But you. A. have B. had to C. ought to D. ought to have18. I have to tell you that it wasn t sent to the front last night .I see, but it today.A. has to B. has to do C. has to be D. has to be sent19.Britain admitted several battleships in the war.20.No one would have dreamed of there suc

9、h a beautiful place.A. being B. was C. to be D. be21.So your question, you ve been unemployed.A. I answer B. for answering C. to answer D. havinganswered22. Did that book give the information you need?Yes but, I have to read it entirely.A. for finding it B. to find it23.In order well,this experiment

10、 must be demonstratedC. to be done D. to do it Yes, but I m very sorry so soon.A. for leaving B. of leaving C. to leave D. to have left25.I d like my bedroom _ clean and tidy.A. designed B. to design C. to be designed D. to havedesigned26.I meant to you with your homework but Father didn t permit me

11、 to.A. help B. have helped C. helping D. having helped27. How was your weekend?Tiring. Mr friend bought a new house, so I helped him.A. move B. move it C. to move it D. moved28.Everybody likes listening to good words, but nobody speak ill of B. to be spoken ill of C. speaking ill of D. sp

12、oken ill of 29.I know him a good football player while in college.A. to have been B. to be C. was D. had been30.To learn to speak English well, .A. much practice is needed B. one needs much practiceC. much practice is needed by one D. one is needed much practice31.The professor spoke slowly enough t

13、o make his speech easy .A. follow B. to follow C. followed D. following32.The steel plant being designed will be the greatest project next year.A. built B. being built C. to build D. to be built33.Nobody could have guessed, in those days, the place in history that MartinLuther King,Jr_.A. was having

14、 B. was to have C. had had D. would have had34.Education of this kind can only make children grow up each other.A. to hate B. to be hating C. hating D. and hate35.Would you mind me, sir, from the conference? I ll have to prepare for the celebrationA. staying away B. to stay away C. stay away D. to b

15、e stayed away36.The Chelsea Flower Show has a tradition back 141 years.A. dated B. to date C. dating D. which is dated37. I thought you had planned to practice the piano today. No. I did nothing but computer games all day.A. play B. to play C. played D. playing38. How do you like my new motorcycle?

16、It s very nice, but would you please park it here?A. not B. not to C. to not D. don t39.any answer, she sent a second e-mail to the company to ask about it.A. Receiving not B. Not to receive C. Not being received D. Not havingreceived40.While having our dinner,.A. the doorbell rang B. we heard the d

17、oorbell rangC. we heard the doorbell ringing D. the doorbell was heard to ring41.Once a tin case was ploughed out in the field,in which was an ancientbook. A. found B. finding C. to find D. having found42.It was so old that the papers were rotten and most of them became broken as.A. turning B. to tu

18、rn C. to be turned D. turned43 , the decay can cause severe pain and result in tooth loss.A.Leaving untreated B.Left untreatedC.Left not treating D. Not leavinguntreated44.It is I, that blame for the fault.A. not him; is to B. not he; is C. not he; am to D. not him;are to45.In order to pass the coll

19、ege entrance examination, I spent every dayin my room. A. locked B. locking C. being locked D. to lock46.mountains and rivers, the foreigners finally covered the whole route of the Long March. A. Crossed B. CrossingC. Being crossed D. Having crossed47.In Britain people will have a break during 4 to

20、5 pm; it s time for afternoontea . A. serving B. being served C. to serve D. to be served48.We ll soon have to face annual problem for Annt Matilda for her birthday.A. what to be given B. what to give C. what to have given D. whatto be giving49. Father is scolding somebody again. I m getting tired a

21、loud in the room.A. of talking B. with his talking C. to talk D. of histalking50.It is important for parents and young people to learn how to get throughto each other and develop skills in understanding and understood.A. being B. be C. are D. to be51.When water becomes very cold reaching the point i

22、t turns into iceA. zero B. ice C. freezing D. frozen52.such a good chance, he determined to make every effort to learn more. A.To be givenB. Having givenC. Giving D. Having been given53.My letter,to the wrong number, reached him late.A. to have addressed B. being addressedC. having been addressed D.

23、 to have been addressed54. , Tom jumped into the river and saved the drowning girl.A. Being a good swimmer B. Good swimmer as he wasC. He could swim very well D. Being that he was a good swimmer55.We still have many difficulties in our socialist construction. A. toovercome B. to be overcome C. overc

24、ome D. to have overcome56. I ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind helping meask for a day off? Not at all,.A. I ve no time B. I d rather not C. I d like itD. I d be happy to57.When only a small boy,to see Eiffel Tower.A. my father took me with him to FranceB. I went with my father to France

25、C. my father went with me to France D. my father took me to France58.One can know autumn is coming from the leaves.A. fall B. fell C. fallen D. falling59. What has made you be late again today?to the office was very slow this morning because of the traffic.A. Driving B. To drive C. I drove D. That I

26、 drove60.The lost child desired nothing but home to see his parents.A. go B. to go C. going D. went61.He was lucky enough when he cheated in the exam.A. not to be seen B. to not have been seenC. not to have been seen D. to not be seen62.Mrs. Harley has a habit of asking questions.A.but then not list

27、en to the answers B.and then not listen to the answersC.but then notlistening tothe answers D. and then doesn t listen to the answers63.There is what may happen in the future.A. not saying B. no saying C. not to say D. saying not64. You were lost on your way to the lake, weren t you?Yes, we were and

28、 had to stop the way.A. asking B. for asking C. to ask D. having asked65. I m disappointed with the officers elected in our club. I am too, but it s no use about it.A. to worry B. worrying C. with us worrying D. if we worry66.No one can help Tom; he is such a lovely boy.A. liking B. to liking C. to

29、like D. like67.The old hostess stood for a moment when she saw a beggar appear before hersuddenly.A. surprisingB. to surpriseC. surprised D. having surprised答案与简析:1.C意识到和后面的行为几乎同时发生,所以不必用现在分词的完成式( B)。2.B 这是think of sth, to do 的被动结构。 3. B 不定式的进行态表与谓语同时进行的行为。4. A like, want 等后的不定式符号 to可以省略。5. A 动名词的复合

30、结构作主语。6. C 习惯用法:miss doing sth. ,这里表被动。 7. B 固定结构:have difficulty / trouble (in) doing sth.8. D our national flag being raised 是动名词的复合结构作宾语。9. C在不会引起起义的情况下,作宾补的不定式符号 to也可以省略。10.A 完整结构是 had left my jacket hanging 。11. B 这里的 she 指 Mona Lisa,而 t he woman才是was的宾语。12. B 分词短语作结果状语。13. A 有修饰语时,would liketo

31、中的to可以省。14. B 与前面的to make life easier 做并列表语。15. A 后面的thedead forests 是逻辑主语,所以是被埋葬的。 16. D 根据语境,可知John是被问起时点头表示同意。17. D ought to / should / be to have done sth. 的省略式要保留表过去时态的have。18. C不定式的被动式省略时,要保留表被动的助动词 be。19. D习惯搭配:admit doing sth.,当句子中有表次数的状语时,动名词用完成式。 20. A there be 的动相当于 as the answer名词形式,作介词 of的宾语。21. C to answer your question to your question 。22. B 不定式表目的。23. C 目的状语的被动式, this experiment 是do的动作对象。24. D 不定式的完成式表过去的行为。 25. C 习惯表达:would like do sth. ,但是要说 would like sth. to be done 。 26. B meant to have done sth. 意思是本打算做某事(但没做成),还

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