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1、最新英语五年下Myroom教案 精品文档5. T: Lets read together. T: Whats in my room? S: Theres Plan Teaching 5B M2 U3 My room6. T: Take out your paper and then decorate your room. 7. T: Oh,so beautiful room. Whats in your room? .Teaching aims: S: Theresin my room.(板书)Read after me.(2 students) New structure: whats in

2、 your room?/ Theres a T: Practice in pairs.(拍手做) Wheres the ? Its in/on/beside/under. T:Lets read together. New words: a bed a sofa a telephone a lamp beside under in on Step four:learning new structure. )(PPT .Teaching aids: Cards, pictures,1. T:You did a very good job. Congratulations. Look, this

3、is a box. Guess,Whats in the box?(露出兔子耳朵) .Teaching procedures S:rabbit. :say hello to each other. Step one: Greetings T: Theres a in the box. Follow her. T: Look , Wheres the rabbit? (板书) Step two: Warming up S: on the box. (小组读) 2.T: wheres the rabbit? S1.Its under the box. T: super. Follow 1.T: L

4、ets learn a song. First, lets read togther,OK? her. S: OK. Whats in your room?(2) Theres a sofa. Theres a bed. T: wheres the rabbit?Ss: Its under the box. Wheres your schoolbag?(2) On the sofa, on the bed. 3.T:Who can ask? S: wheres the rabbit? T:Follow me. T: Sing together. T:Who can answer? S: Its

5、 in the box. 2.T:I have a beautiful room. Lets visit my room. OK? This is my Boys ask girls answer. Girls ask boys answer. room. Read after me. Room, room , my room.(one line) 4.T:Ask together. Ss:wheres the rabbit? T: Now look carefully and answer my questions .(PPT) T: Who can answer? S: Its besid

6、e the box. T:I ask you room? Follow me. whats in myanswer.(一块读) T: whats in my room? 5. T:in,in里面; on on 上面;under,under下面;beside,beside What is this ? 旁边。(一块读) Step three: learning new words 6. T: wheres my book? S: on the desk. 出现图片,操作幻灯片1. S:a bed. () T: Wheres my pencil? S: under the book. T: Now

7、 use your her. say should You T:Clever. “Theres Follow S: bed”. a T: things practice in pairs.(1) S: (在这一环节中,主要讲的是介词的运用,通过实物演练,让学 T:one by one.生融会贯通) 2.a sofa.T: Anything else?7.T:Now, take out your room. I say you draw.OK? S: Theres a sofa. T: F ollow her.(one group by one group) a. The ball is und

8、er the desk. 快3.a telephone T:Whats in my room?S: Theres a telephone.( b. The schoolbag is on the sofa. )慢读 c. The pencil is in the schoolbag. )抽读Anything else?(:4.a lamp T d. The ruler is beside the schoolbag. 精品文档 精品文档 Step five:practising 1.Jims room is very beautiful.Lets visit Jims room,OK? Tur

9、n to page 24.Listen and repeat. 探索课: 2.Read after me.(picture1) 2和3 3.学生领读 4.Boys are Mike, girls are Jim. Step five: summary. Read the dialogue. Homework: Talk about your room with your parents. room 5B M2 U3 My Plan Teaching Writing on the blackboard: My room Whats in your room? Sofa in my room. T

10、heres a The lamp was on the end table . The lamp is on the bed . 农安镇长安小学 付志娟 精品文档精品文档 T: Theres a in the box. Follow her. T: Look , Wheres the rabbit? (板书) 5B M2 U3 My 教学反思 room S: on the box. (小组读) 2.T: wheres the rabbit? 在呈现完介词短语后,缺少让学生自己操练,应该让学生在我授课的内容是4A Unit4 My room.这堂课的教学目标是:欢快的氛围中加深介词短语的理解和记

11、忆。在这一环节应加上游your room? 己样会怎介绍自的房间;“Whats in 生让学学描绘物品的位置。Theresin my room.”怎样用in/on/under/beside戏I say you do,让学生利用手中的文具用品,听老师说你来摆出他们的位置,使学生在游戏中加深对单词的掌握,提高学生的竞句型来描述自己或他人的房间摆放物品的位置。本能用There be争意识。这部分学生分不太清介词,我操练的又太少,学生有时My room节课的重难点是介词短语及There be句型和介词的运用。会混淆。因此,在学每一组新单词时,操练的多少要因学生的掌是一个和学生的实际生活有着密切联系的内

12、容,特别是在学生学握情况而定。操练一定要有机械操练、意义操练、交际操练。 习完介词短语及家具这些名称后,再来学习句型,使得学生顺利 进入生活情境,从而培养学生对家的热爱。这节课, 我对学生的心理特点把握不好,没有能够很好的利用情境让学生讲大量的英语。 首先,如果能够在句式的教与学的过程中,引入新课,我通过教学生一首歌做好由易到难的衔接工作,给学生提供开口的机会,让学生有更学生在歌唱中既复习了以前的知识,这样,又起到了热身的效果。多的时间操练,课堂效果会更好一些。本节课我应尽可能的把课又通过简笔画将单词置于一栋房子中,引领学生迅速进入英语氛堂还给学生,让学生和学生,学生和教师之间进行语言的交流。

13、围。这样,既激发了孩子学习英语的兴趣,又很自然的引入新内 容。 展示我的房间,学习单词然后通过 课件bed, telephone, lamp, There sofa.通过提问的方式引出这节课的be句型,学生们都掌握 的不错。当学生掌握了基本句型后,通过让学生共同装饰房间, 创设相对真实的对话情境,让学生将所学的知识用到实践中去, 从而获得成就感。但是让学生自己操练的时间少,没有在有限的 时间里,让每个学生都能获得足够的实践机会,实现全体参与, 群体互动。 小学生学英语最重要的是培养他们学习英语的兴趣。只有激 发了学生的兴趣,调动了学生的热情,那么这样的知识就是学生 乐于接受、记忆深刻的。在学四

14、个介词时,我通过Guessing game 引入新句型,学生带着好奇心继续学。例如: Step four:learning new structure. 1. T:You did a very good job. Congratulations. )露出兔子耳朵Look, this is a box. Guess,Whats in the box?( rabbit.:S 精品文档精品文档 通过教师适当地引导,放手让学生自己观察、发现、使用和创新,使他们灵活地掌握所学内容。也使学生能够有效地运用所 说课稿5B M2 U3 My room学知识完成有实际意义的任务活动。同时,培养学生的思维、自学等

15、全方位的能力,从而达到基础教育最重要的任务说教材 “学会学习”。 一. Unit 5 My new room Part A Lets learn 和Lets play部分主要根据本节课的重难点,我把多媒体和图片作为主要教学手段,在呈现操练、巩固新知和实际应用等活动中结合这些看得见,摸教学一些基本的家具单词以及如何运用这些单词描述自己的房得着的精美图片,以帮助学生尽快地掌握词汇的音、形、义,正是在学生在四年级学习了各个房间的单词的基间。My Room确的将所学语言知识应用于实际生活从而培养学生形成良好的学础上再来学习的。把这一内容安排在五年级上册来学习,既体现习能力。了本套教材循序渐进、螺旋上升

16、的编排意识,又体现了英语知识 四. 承前启后的紧密相关性,符合学生的认知规律。同时,Unit 5 My 说过程 1. 导入设计New Room所要学习的单词和句子都是与学生的实际生活息息相 Greeting 关的,是每天都出现在学生视野中的家具摆设,这样的学习内容 T: Hello, boys and girls. 不仅能提高学生的学习兴趣和学习效率,同时又大大丰富了学生 Ss: Hello, Miss Ma. 日常交流的元素;并且为以后的学习奠定了基础。 说教学目标 二. T: Are you helpful at home? Ss: Sure! 依据教材自身的体系、本节的内容和学生现有的认

17、知水平确 Free talk 定以下教学目标。 curtain, closet, mirror, end 知识目标:能听、说、读、写单词:T: What can you do, S1? S1: I can sweep the floor/set the table/“In -“airconditioner” 和句子 说、和table trash bin。能听、读单词 my room, I have” (学生在回答的同时用肢体语言表达该动作) “In my room I have a” 和所学的家 T: Great! Youre helpful. 学会使用句型 能力目标: 具单词描述自己的房间。

18、 Lets sing T: Oh! 情感目标:引导学生形成仔细观察事物的良好习惯,培养学 Everyone is helpful. Lets sing a song “I can help”. (Book5 P54) 生按一定顺序,有条理地进行描述的能力。 教学重难点Lets chant 该内容的教学重点是如何运用这些单词了描述自己的房间。 学生观察教师的肢体语言快速反映出以下的歌谣。 五年级的学生虽然通过前两年的学习,已经具备一定的知识基础I can, I can, I can sweep the floor. 和学习能力,但怎样较好的整合所学词汇和语句类似这样的问题I can, I can

19、, I can cook the meals. 都还需要教师通过正确的、有趣的方式进行积极地引导。 I can, I can, I can empty the trash. 说教法三 . I can, I can, I can water the flowers. I can, I can, I can clean the bedroom. 为了充分调动学生的学习积极性,发挥他们的主体性,使他 设计意图:通过师生间的闲谈和吟唱歌谣等热身活动迅速地们变被动机械地接受为主动愉快地学习。我利用各种接近学生生引导学生进行角色转变,走进英语世界。并且通过这些学生喜闻活的元素,学生热点讨论的话题和学生喜闻

20、乐见的方式引导学生乐见的形式复习旧知从而为接下来的新课教授做好铺垫。另外,观察、发现和使用。促使他们掌握有效的学习方法,培养他们形能够有效地将所学的英语知识运用于实际talk 成良好的学习习惯。free 师生之间通过 精品文档精品文档 生活中,营造一个良好的用英语的氛围,让学生在一个自然的环 Mirror, mirror, clean the mirror! 境中学英语、用英语。 Trash bin, trash bin, empty the trash bin! 2 新课呈现End table, end table, clean the end table. Air-conditioner,

21、 air-conditioner, make me feel cool! Learn to say the new word. Teach the word: thrash bin Encourage the students to say more. T: What can you see on the floor? You can put the trash in it. Lets clean the bedroom T: This room is clean and beautiful. But Miss Ss think and guess. Mas room is untidy an

22、d dirty. Can you help me? T: Yes, its a trash bin. Ss listen and read the word like this “Trash bin, trash bin, empty Use CAI: Show a bedroom. the trash bin.” T: Look! What is untidy? S1: The bed is untidy. T asks some students to read and gives the word card to the best student. T: What can you do?

23、 S1: I can make the bed. Teach the word: end table T: Great! Youre helpful! T: Where is the lamp? S: Its on the table. S2: The trash bin is full. T: What can you do? T: No, its on the end table. S2: I can empty the trash. Ss listen and read the word like this “End table, end table, clean the end tab

24、le.” T asks some students to read and gives the word card to the best T: Oh! Now my room is clean and tidy! Thank you very much. student. 设计意图:把活动设计成请学生帮老师的忙,目的是更好的激发学生参与积极性。另外,这些活动把前后的新旧知识进行了 设计意图:本环节利用多媒体课件结合教师对房间里物品 融会贯通,使学生能在一个良好的语言环境中更有力地巩固所学从而达到学习新知的描述,让学生通过观察、猜测,进行回答, 词汇,更全面地使用所学语言。的目的。既活跃了学生

25、的思维,又提高了他们的口语表达能力。 4拓展延伸此外,词句结合的阅读方法,有效地帮助学生进行从词到句的思 维转换,促进他们对语言的感知能力。 Describe the room 3.操练巩固Show a big picture (an empty room) and some small pictures (a bed, a closet, a trash bin, Lets practice two end tables, an air-conditioner and curtains.) on the blackboard. T: If you have a word card, plea

26、se come here and to be a little T asks some students to design their rooms on the blackboard teacher. and then describe the room likeS1 (put a bed in the room): In Closet, this: like good these follow the read Ss words students my room, I have a bed. closet, open the closet! Then put the word cards

27、on the blackboard. Lets chant S2 (put a closet in the room): In my room, I have a bed and a closet. Use CAI: Show the chant S3 (put Closet, closet, open the closet! a trash bin in the room): In my room, I have a bed, a closet and a trash bin. Curtain, curtain, close the curtain! 精品文档精品文档 S4 Task: de

28、sign your room Give every group of students a big picture (an empty room) and 探索课: some small pictures (a bed, a closet, a trash bin, two end tables, an air-conditioner and curtains.). Enable them design their rooms. Then describe the room like this: In my room, I have 设计意图:这两个活动把知识的学习转变成知识的应用,能 充分体

29、现学生的学习能力,同时这些活动也对学生的学习能力和 想象能力提出了更高的要求。 5B M2 U3 My room 课后作业 5Listen to the tape and read the activity book. Do exercises in 稿课 说 Introduce your bedroom to your parents. the new words. 5. 说评价 为实现课前预设的教学目标,提高课堂教学效率,本节课我 在呈现操练、把多媒体和图片作为主要教学手段并发挥它的优势, 巩固新知和实际应用等环节中,都运用了大量学生看得见,摸得 着的精美图片,以帮助学生尽快地掌握词汇的音

30、、形、义,正确 的将所学语言知识应用于实际生活以及培养学生形成良好的学习 习惯。此外,在整个学习过程中,注重前后知识点的融会贯通, 词句的有效整合以及学生各种能力的培养。 农安镇长安小学 付志娟 精品文档精品文档 三、练习评定,组际交流 教学叙事5B M2 U3 My room课内练习是学生巩固知识的必要环节,也是检测教学效果的有效手段,在组际交流后,我运用预先设计好的练习题(Look,read 本课的内容是牛津小学英语5B第二模块第三单元的第一and fill in the blank)课时。本课的教学目标是让学生学会用各种家具的单词描述总结让学生操练。因为用当堂检测教学效果的方法,反馈迅速,校正有效,有利于提高英语教学质量。在反馈时,的房间。教学设计的中心目的就是让学生一步步将已知的知识和我组织学生以同桌分角色问答的形式,这样在检测学生独立思考新授的语言信息有机结合,提高语言的交际能力和整合能力。在的同时,又锻炼了二人小组的默契度。本节课的教学中,我做了以下三点: 由于本人的教学水平有限,在组织实施过程中还存在诸多有 一、创设情境,活跃氛围待完善之处: 创设与主题相应的的英语教学情景,让学生充分感知新的语 首先,教学环节的安排和内容的处理上还有待斟酌

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