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1、关于婚姻的名言英语关于婚姻的名言英语导读:本文是关于关于婚姻的名言英语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、婚姻生活有一种常态,就是忍耐。There is a normal state of marriage, which is patience.2、职业有如婚姻,久而久之,大家只觉得它有敝无利。The occupation is like marriage, and for a long time, we only feel that it is poor.3、只有以爱情为基础的婚姻才是合乎道德的。Only marriage based on love is moral.4、要热是火口子,要

2、亲是两口子。The heat is the fire, the kiss is two.5、在婆婆眼里,媳妇永远是外人。In the eyes of the mother-in-law, the daughter-in-law is always an outsider.6、好的婚姻能使一个人起死回生。A good marriage can bring a person back to life.7、女人的温柔是最有杀伤力的武器。The gentleness of a woman is the most lethal weapon.8、我们可以忘记这世间一切,可爱情却是例外的。We can f

3、orget everything in this world, but the lovable love is the exception.9、爱情是种选择,婚姻是种命运。Love is a choice, marriage is a fate.10、离婚是解决错误爱情和错误婚姻的最妙良法。Divorce is correct love and marriage is the most wonderful good error.11、女人的看家本领是撒娇,男人的拿手好戏是撒谎。The woman is spoiled mens special skills, masterpiece is a

4、lie.12、情人间的危机就是婚姻,夫妻间的转机就是外遇。The crisis between lovers is marriage, and the transfer between couples is an affair.13、完美的婚姻,就是忠实的女人配老实的男人。A perfect marriage is a faithful woman with an honest man.14、爱情促成婚姻,友情巩固婚姻,亲情保护婚姻。Love contributes to marriage, friendship consolidates marriage, and affection pro

5、tects marriage.15、以爱的名义,女人可以轻而易举地征服男人。In the name of love, women can easily conquer men.16、家人和朋友都不看好的人不能嫁。People who are not good at family and friends cant marry.17、爱情是机缘巧合,婚姻是对号入座。Love is coincidental, marriage is.18、一只燕子带不来夏天,见一面成不了婚配。A swallow not summer, not to see the side of marriage.19、女人结婚靠

6、直觉,男人结婚靠自觉。Women get married by intuition, and men get married on their own.20、结婚若是为了维持生计,那婚姻就是长期*。Marriage is a long-term prostitution if marriage is to make a living.21、有没有爱情的婚姻,就会有没有婚姻的爱情。There is no love in marriage, there will be no marriage love.22、算得出价值的感情根本没有价值。The feeling of value is of no

7、value at all.23、新人迎来旧人弃,掌上莲花眼中刺。The new man is abandoned by the old man and the thorn in the eyes of the lotus flower.24、婚姻是完整人生的精髓。Marriage is the essence of a complete life.25、婚姻中,争取和享有了应有的权益,才叫有尊严。In marriage, the rights and interests should be gained and enjoyed, and dignity is called.26、婚姻就好比桥樑

8、,沟通了两个全然孤寂的世界。Marriage is like a bridge, communicating two completely lonely worlds.27、思念,是会过期的,依恋,也是会过期的。Miss, is expired, attachment, will be expired.28、只为财富而结婚的人就是出卖自己。The man who marries only for wealth sells himself.29、爱情永远比婚姻圣洁,婚姻永远比爱情实惠。Love is always more holy than marriage, and marriage is

9、better than love.30、婚姻是场交易,只是酬码是你情我愿。Marriage is a trade, but the code is your love and my wish.31、要使婚姻长久,就需克服自我中心意识。In order to make a long marriage, it is necessary to overcome the self - centered consciousness.32、恋爱是美丽的,婚姻却是神圣的。Love is beautiful, marriage is sacred.33、只追求容貌的婚姻通常只是一种庸俗的交易。A marria

10、ge seeking only looks is usually a vulgar deal.34、如果心里没有喜欢的人,是不是就不惧怕婚姻了呢。If the heart does not like the person, is not afraid of marriage.35、婚姻只是一种打赌,赌谁会先不爱对方。Marriage is just a bet, betting who will not love each other first.36、结婚前就可以攒钱了,生孩子成本真的很高!You can save money before you get married, and the

11、cost of giving birth is really high!37、其实婚姻本就是笑话,让你变成神经病的笑话。In fact, marriage is a joke, making you a neurotic joke.38、爱折腾的女人实际都在等男人征服。Women who love to toss are actually waiting for men to conquer.39、择婿须观头脚,择妇须观庭训。To view Zexu head foot, women should choose the concept of family education.40、婚姻,是某种

12、一般的生活方式。Marriage is a general way of life.41、结婚就像煮咖啡,时间久了自然香味醇厚!Marriage is like cooking coffee, long time long natural fragrance mellow!42、婚姻是爱情的坟墓,婚姻是自由的枷锁。Marriage is the grave of love, and marriage is the yoke of freedom.43、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。Love makes people forget time, time also makes people

13、 forget love.44、承担义务是幸福而长久的婚姻关系的基础。Commitment is the basis of a happy and long - term marriage.45、不要在结婚前就把肚子搞大咯,那样你会搞错事实!Dont make your stomach big before you get married, so you can make a mistake.46、给不了婚姻,就不要霸占别人的青春。If you cant give up marriage, dont make up for others youth.47、婚姻的基础是爱情,是依恋,是尊重。Th

14、e foundation of marriage is love, attachment and respect.48、寂寞不是最痛苦的,想象才是最痛苦的。Loneliness is not the most painful, imagination is the most painful.49、爱情总是轻巧的来,但帐单会很严重的来。Love is always light, but the bill will come very seriously.50、婚姻不是爱情的结合,而是条件的加减乘除。With the marriage is not love, but the add, subtr

15、act, multiply and divide.51、对爱情不必勉强,对婚姻则要负责。Love does not have to be reluctant to be in charge of marriage.52、夫妻者,有骨肉之恩也,爱则亲,不爱则疏。Husband and wife, have bone meat, love, love, not love is thinning.53、嫁女莫望高,女心愿所宜。Marry a woman not to look high, a womans wish.54、新人从门入,故人从阁去。The couple from the door in

16、to the old, from the pavilion to.55、婚姻不是独木桥,不是人人非过不可。Marriage is not a single bridge, not everyone.56、最亲莫如母子,最爱莫如夫妻。Is the most pro mother, love is husband and wife.57、婚姻,若非天堂,即是地狱。Marriage is not heaven, that is hell.58、女人啊,在婚姻中一定要抓住实实在在的东西!Women, in the marriage must grasp the real thing!59、人们因为不了

17、解而结合,因为了解而分开。People are combined because they do not understand, and they are separated by understanding.60、恋爱是感觉和谈的,婚姻是生活和过的。Love is feeling peace, marriage is life and life.61、爱情是婚姻的坟墓,但入土为安总比暴尸街头好。Love is the tomb of marriage, but always laid to rest than Baoshi street.62、婚姻不是一张彩票,即使输了也不能一撕了事。Mar

18、riage is not a lottery, and even if you lose, you cant tear it up.63、婚姻的目的就是告诫你不要太相信你的判断力。The purpose of marriage is to warn you not to trust your judgment too much.64、永远不要想证明自己比他的母亲贤惠。Never want to prove that you are better than his mother.65、令你心仪的女人的数目与你结婚的年龄成正比。The number of women you are interes

19、ted in is proportional to the age of your marriage.66、以爱情为基础的婚姻,乃是人间无可比拟的幸福。Marriage based on love is an unparalleled happiness in the world.67、男人不喜欢婚姻像迷宫,比较喜欢婚姻像后宫。Men do not like marriage like a maze, and they prefer marriage to the back of the palace.68、老婆怀孕的时候,更是一个考验你爱情的时刻!When the wife is pregn

20、ant, it is a time to test your love.69、在真正幸福的婚姻中,友谊必须与爱情融合在一起。In a truly happy marriage, friendship must be combined with love.70、男人通常都伪装坚强,女人一般都假装娇弱。Men are often disguised strong, women generally pretend delicate.71、太太需要丈夫的一切,除了丈夫本身。The wife needs everything of her husband, except her husband.72、现

21、代的婚姻是情感的产物,更是竞争的结晶。Modern marriage is the product of emotion, and it is the crystallization of competition.73、婚姻就像迷宫,盖婚姻的人自己就已经先迷路了。Marriage is like a labyrinth, and the man who covers the marriage is already lost.74、如果他说配不上你,就马上相信他吧!If he says he doesnt deserve you, just believe him right away.75、婚

22、姻的持久靠的是两颗心,而不是双方的*。The lasting of marriage is two hearts, not the body of both sides.76、哪里有没有爱情的婚姻,哪里就有不结婚的爱情。Where there is no love marriage, there is no marriage love.77、头发丝绑得住老虎,善良妻劝得转恶丈夫。The hair is tied to the tiger, the good wife persuaded to turn the evil husband.78、当年不肯嫁春风,无端却被秋风误。They did not marry the spring wind, but they were mistaken by the autumn wind.79、婚姻的源头是爱情,但婚姻却不等于爱情。Marriage is the source of love, but marriage is not equal to love.80、信任是是经营婚姻中最需要的一种能力。Trust is one of the most necessary abilities in running a marriage.

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