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9b unit1.docx

1、9b unit1课题9 B Unit 1 Life on Mars Reading课型新授课教学目标知识目标:四会内容:词汇:imagine planet crowded polluted hopefully human develop sure settle float fashionable various compare force vehicle star population enjoyable normal句型:Many people believe that we will live on the planet Mars by the year 2100.However, nob

2、ody is sure if these planets can produce enough water.Many people believe that robots will do most of our work and that we will have more time for our hobbies.三会内容:词汇: spacecraft spaceshuttle gravity dome interplanetary 技能目标:1、了解未来在另一个行星上生活的语境。 2、识别和理解有关火星生活的词汇。3、识别并列出地球生活与火星生活的不同之处。情感、态度、价值观:培养学生的环

3、保意识。重点难点了解火星地理、环境背景,获取一定的信息,完成课文理解以及书后练习。学情分析学生具备一定的地理以及环保的常识,但是独立理解科普以及科幻的文章还是有一定困难,需要教师先对课文背景知识进行讲解与引导,并帮助学生分析课文结构和大意。教学方法任务型教学教具准备多媒体课件教学步骤教师活动学生活动个性化设计Step 1 Pre-reading T: Everyone knows that China has launched Change I into space. Thats really exciting. It can help us to know more about Moon.

4、Have you ever thought of living on Moon or some other planets We are used to living on Earth, but some people are thinking about moving to other planets. Why Lets look at some pictures first. (PPT) 1. Lead-inT: What can you find from the picturesWhat problems does Earth have T: The pictures show tha

5、t Earth has two problems: one is the large population ( Its crowded), the other is the serious pollution ( Its polluted).T: Now Earth is crowed and polluted. What shall we do Some scientists say there is a better worldMars. (PPT) Do you know the planet Mars And before we start to read the article Ma

6、rs. Lets have a look at these new words first. Present the picture of Mars and a spacecraft. Say: How can we travel to Mars (we can travel to Mars by space craft.)Teach “spacecraft” Say: Spacecrafts are too slow to take so many people to Mars at the moment. But by the year 2100, we can travel there

7、by space shuttles. Space shuttles Present a picture of space shuttles (PPT)2. Pre-readingT: Boys and girls, how much do you know about Mars Do you its color, its size and some other information Now let me show you my research on Mars. (PPT)1) The color of Mars: red ; 2) The size: about one-half the

8、diameter of Earth; 3) Location: Its between Earth and Jupiter in our solar system. 4) Its moons: Phobos and Deimos 5) Surface: The surface of Mars is a little like the surface of Earth.6)Temperature: The lowest temperature will be -133(degrees centigrade) and the highest will be 27 (PPT)T: (Present

9、more words and expressions)Mars is such a planet how will people live there The first settlers have to wear space suit and hemet to prevent laser light. People can easily float because of the low-gravity. So they wear special boots to make themselves heavier. People can live in domes. It is said tha

10、t Mars will turn into another blue earth in the future. I think people can live more comfortable by then.T: Now you have learned something about Mars from my research. But is there anything else you want to know about Mars T: Please fill in the blanks with the correct words according to the whole se

11、ntence and the English explanation in the brackets. (PPT)T: OK. Lets check the answers together. 1) A large body in space that moves around the star, e. g., the sun means planet. 2) A power that keeps us from floating in the air means gravity.3) A vehicle designed for travel in space means spacecraf

12、t. 4) People who go to live in a new place mean settlers. 5) Grow and improve means develop.6) Machines that can do tasks under the control of computer mean robots.7) Small round pieces of medicine mean pills. T: Now read the new words after me. (2遍)New words: planet gravity spacecraft settlers deve

13、lop robots pills T: What is the fastest way to learn more about Mars Thats searching the Internet. Now look at the keywords. Guess their meanings first and then use the search engines to help you. Try to find the information about them on the Internet. (PPT)1) crowded planet : The population on Eart

14、h is about billion in 2007. Its still increasing quicklypopulation here means the number of people. (PPT)2) space shuttles : They are new kinds of spacecraft which can travel faster in space. (PPT)3) speed boots : They are special shoes that can make you walk faster in space. (PPT)4) space home : It

15、s a special round house in space. (PPT)5) robot settlers: Settlers are the persons who move to a new place . / Maybe robots will move to Mars and live on it first. (PPT)6) online teacher:The teacher who can help you at any time and any place in an on-line schools is called e-teacher.(PPT)Step 2 Whil

16、e-reading 1. SkimmingT: Now would you please open your books at page 8 Read the article quickly and find out the keyword of each paragraph. It can be a word or some words. You dont have to read it word by word. Just skim it. This kind of reading skill is called skimming. T: OK, boys and girls. Lets

17、check the answers now: (PPT)Para 1 Crowded, polluted (population , pollution)Para 2 TransportPara 3 Food, water and airPara 4 GravityPara 5 HomePara 6 SchoolPara 7 Food2. ScanningT: Thats very easy for you, right. Read each paragraph again, this time you should be more careful and pay more attention

18、 to the details. While reading the article, please find out the answers to the questions .Its another kind of reading skill called scanning T: Now, boys and girls , please look at the screen here, lets check the answers.(PPT)Transport (PPT)1) What vehicle do people use to Mars at present And how lon

19、g does it take ( Spacecraft. Months.)2) What vehicle may people use to go to Mars in the future And how long will it take(Space shuttles. Only a very short time.) air, water, food (PPT) 3) What will scientists do to solve the problems of food, water and air( Scientists will develop plants that can g

20、row on Mars and produce the food, water and oxygen .)4) What will food on Mars be like(Maybe the food will be in the form of pills and will not be as tasty as they are today.) Gravity(PPT)5) Is gravity on Mars a big problem Why(Yes, it is. Because the gravity on Mars is three-eighths of the gravity

21、on Earth. )6) What may happen then (People may jump high easily and float away into space.)7) What kind of shoes should people wear (People should wear special boots to make themselves heavier.) Home(PPT) 8) What kind of house may people live in ( A special dome with 10 bedrooms is highly possible.)

22、9) Who will do most of our work (Robots will do most of our work.) School(PPT) 10) What kind of school will students study in And what do they call their teacher(Students can study in online schools and they call their teacher e-teacher.) T: Well, you really did a good job today. From the reading we

23、 know that life on Mars is very different from that on Earth. Please compare these differences and fill in the form below (PPT)T: Have you finished now Lets check the answers together.Step 3 Post-reading 1. Fill in the blanks (PPT) Earth todayMars in 2100polluted and crowded1Spacecraft are slow.2Gra

24、vity is not a problem for us.3People can wear many types of shoes.4People do not have much space.5We take exams at school.6We have many kinds of food with different tastes .7Keys:1) clean and has lots of space2) Space shuttles travel at half the speed of light.3) only about three-eighths of the grav

25、ity that we have on Earth4) People wear special boots. 5)People live in a dome with 10 bedrooms.6) We take exams in online schools.7) Meals are just pills. T: Congratulations! Youve got all the right answers. You know every coin has two sides. Here are some good points and bad points of living on Ma

26、rs. We call the good points “advantages” and bad points “disadvantages”. Please look at the screen and fill in the right words. T: OK Lets check the answers now. Advantages Its not _or_. The _ is more convenient . People will wear special _ People will have _space. _ will do most of our work. Well h

27、ave more time for_. Students will study in _ schools.Keys:1 crowded polluted 2 transport 3 boots 4 more 5 Robots 6 hobbies 7 onlineDisadvantages: Low _ will be dangerous. Food does not taste _. Space travel make people feel _. Its too _to stay outside. Its too _ away from friends on Earth.Keys:1 gra

28、vity 2 good 3 ill/sick 4 cold 5 farT: Now would you please open your books at page 11 of the Students Book. Please complete Exercise C1 on page 11 T: .Have you finished them Lets check the answers. (PPT)Keys:1 a 2 b 3 c 4 c 5 b 6 b 7 a 8 bT: Well done, youve remembered so much about Mars. Do you hav

29、e any difficulties while reading Lets look at some sentences together.Step 4 Explain some important sentences 1 There will be various designs for settlers to choose from. 将有许多种设计可供移居者选择。to choose from “从中挑选”。 . 我有很多双鞋子可以选择,但我决定不了选哪双。I have many pairs of shoes _(to choose from), but I dont know which

30、 pair _. (to choose) 2. The journey might take only a very short time in space shuttles that travel at half the speed of light.用以光速一半速度飞行的太空穿梭机进行旅程可能只花很短的时间。分析:此句是that连接的定语从句。that引导的定语从句修饰先行词space shuttles, 从句中的动词的人称和数由先行词space shuttles决定。3. Compared with life on Earth, life on Mars will be better in many ways . 与在地球上的生活相比,火星上的生活在很多方面将会更好. compare with意思是“与做比较”。在句中是过去分词短语作状语,此时with和to可通用。 .与我们的那条路相比,这条路繁忙得多。This ro

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