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看听学第一册在线听 看听学第一册.docx

1、看听学第一册在线听 看听学第一册看听学第一册在线听 看听学第一册导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“看听学第一册”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对的支持! lesson 1 Meet Sandy and Sue . This is Sues class. Her teachers Mr. Crisp. Which is your pen, Sue? The red pen ,sir Here you are,Sue. Thank you, sir. Lesson 3 Narrator: This is Sandys class. Narrator: His teachers Miss Willia

2、ms. Miss Williams: Whose is this cap? 1 Tom: Its Sandys, Miss Williams. Miss Williams: Sandy! Sandy: Yes, Miss Williams. Miss Williams: Come here,please. Sandy: Yes, Miss Williams. Miss Williams: Is this your cap? Sandy: Yes, it is. Miss Williams: Here you are, Sandy. Sit down ,please. Sandy: Thank

3、you, Miss WIlliams. Lesson 5 Tom: Kick the ball, Sandy! Sandy: All right, Tom. Tom: Look ,Sandy! Mr Crisp: Oh! Sandy: Sorry, Mr Crisp. Mr Crisp: Its all right. Sandy. Mr Crisp: Whose is this ball? Mr Crisp: Is this your ball, Tom? Tom: No, it isnt ,sir. Mr Crisp: Is this your ball, Sandy? Sandy: Yes

4、, it is, sir. Lesson 7 2 Mr May: Whos that girl, Mr Crisp? Mr Crisp: Which girl, Mr May? Mr May: The girl on the red bicycle. Mr Crisp: Thats Sue Clark. Shes in my class. Mr May: Whos that boy,Mr Crisp? Mr Crisp: Which boy,Mr May? Mr May: The boy with the football. Mr Crisp: Thats Sandy Clark. Hes S

5、ues brother. Tom: Kick the ball, Sandy! Mr Crisp: Look out Mr May. Lesson 9 Mother: Hullo,Sandy! Hullo,Sue! Children: Hullo,Mum! Mother: Teas ready. Mother: Are you hungry,Sue? Sue: Yes,I am. Mother: Are you hungry,Sandy? Sandy: No, Im not. Sandy: Whats for tea? Mother: Look! Mother: Are you hungry

6、now, Sandy? Sandy: Oh yes,Im very hungry. (Hullo here is not a wrong word.) Lesson 11 Sandy:Look at my picture,Sue. Sue:Thats nice, Sandy. Sue:Whats that? 3 Sandy:Its a bicycle. Sue:Whos that? Sandy:Its Tom. Hes on his bicycle. Sue:Whats this? Sandy:Its a car. Sue:Whos this? Sandy:Its Mr Crisp. Sand

7、y:Hes in his car. Lesson 13 Mother: This egg is for you,Sandy! Sandy: Thanks, Mum. Sue: Listen, Sandy! Thats Dads car. Eat your egg quickly! Sue: Now put the egg in the egg-cup like this. Father: Good evening, Betty. Mother: Good evening, JIm. Father: Good evening, Children. Children: Good evening,

8、Dad. Sandy: Teas ready, Dad. 4 This egg is for you. Father: An egg! Thats nice. Im hungry. Father: Oh! Its empty! Lesson 15 Sue: Put on Dads hat,Sandy! Sandy: Put on Mums shoes,Sue! Sandy: You are funny, Sue! Sue: Youre funny, too, Sandy! Sue: Come with me. Sandy: Knock at the door,Sue. Mother: Come

9、 in. Sandy: Look at me! Im an actor. Sue:Look at me! Im an actress. Lesson 17 Sandy: Whos that boy,Tom? Tom: Which boy,Sandy? Sandy: That fat boy. Tom: Hes a new boy. 5 His names Billy Briggs. Sandy: Look at him! Miss Williams: Billy! Billy: Yes, Miss Williams. Miss Williams: Open your desk and give

10、 me that apple. Billy: Im sorry,Miss Williams. Im hungry. Lesson 19 Sandy: My bags heavy! Tom: Whats in it, Sandy? Sandy: Open it and see. Tom: Six books and six exercise-books. Billy: My bags heavy, too. Tom: Whats in it, Billy? Billy: Open it and see! Tom: One book, two apples, three oranges and a

11、 banana! Lesson 21 Tom and Billy: What nationality are you? French or German? Sandy: Im French. Tom: Come on my side! 6 Tom and Billy: What nationality are you ? Sue: Im Greman. Billy: Come on my side. Tom and Billy: Pull! Pull! Lesson 23 Sandy: Give me that box please, Sue. Sue: Which box, Sandy? T

12、his one? Sandy: No, not that one. The big blue one. Sue: Whats in it,Sandy? Sandy: Open it and see. Sue: Oh! Sandy: Its a Jack-in-the-box! Lesson 25 (A doorbell rings.) Sue: Theres a man at the door. Dad. Father: Who is it,Sue? Open the door! Sue: Its the postman,Dad. Postman: Good morning,Sue. Sue:

13、 Good morning, postman. 7 Postman: Theres a letter for your mother. And theres a letter for your father. Sue: Thank you. Sue: Dad! Theres letter for mum, and theres a letter for you. Father: This isnt a letter! Its a bill. Lesson 27 Gym Master: Look at these shoes! Gym Master: Which are your shoes,S

14、andy? Sandy: The brown shoes, sir. Gym Master: What colour are your shoes ,Tom? Tom: My shoes are black ,sir. Gym Master: Here you are,Tom. Tom: Thank you, sir. Gym Master: Theres a shoe on this locker. Whose is it? Tom: Its Billys ,Sir. Lesson 29 Mother: Are your hands clean, Sandy? Sandy: Yes, my

15、hands are clean,Mum. Mother: Show me your hands, Sandy. 8 Mother: Your hands arent clean. Theyre very dirty! Mother:Go and wash your hands at once! Sandy: All right,Mum. Mother: Are your hands clean now, Sandy? Sandy: Yes, they are, Mum. Mother: Sandy! Look at my nice clean towel! Lesson 31 Tom: Hea

16、ds or tails, Sue? Sue: Heads! Sue: Its heads! Tom: Come on our side. Tom: Heads or tails, Sandy? Sandy: Tails! Sandy: Its tails! Tom: Go on their side. Tom and Billy: Pull! Pull! Lesson 33 Mother: These shoes are nice. Try on these shoes, Sue. Salesman: Sit down here, please. Mother: How are they,Su

17、e? Sue: Theyre very tight, Mum. 9 Sue: Oh, Mum! Look at those shoes. Those are pretty shoes. Salesman: Here you are, young lady. Mother: How are they, Sue? Sue: Theyre just right! Lesson 35 Sandy: What are these, Billy? Billy: Theyre stamps. Billy: These are French stamps. Billy: And those are Itali

18、an stamps. Sandy: Show me your Italian stamps, Billy. Theyre very pretty. Sandy: Give me this one please,Billy. Billy; Give me two apples then. Sandy: Two apples for one stamp! No, thank you! Lesson 37 Mr Crisp: Good morning, children. 10 Class: Good morning, sir. Mr Crisp: Sit down, please. Mr Cris

19、p: These two girls are new pupils. Their names are Liz and Lillie. Mr Crisp: Liz and Lillie are twins. They are in our class. Mr Crisp: This is .er.Liz. And this is .er.Lillie. Lillie: Im not Liz. Im Lillie. Shes Liz. Liz: Im not Lillie. Im Liz. Shes Lillie. Mr Crisp: Twins! Lesson 39 Sandy: Whose a

20、re these sandwiches, Tom? Tom: Theyre Billys. Tom: Open the packet, Sandy. Tom: Take out the sandwiches. Tom: Put in this duster and this book. 11 Tom: hurry up! Theres Billy! Billy: Hey! Leave my sandwiches alone! Sandy: Here you are, Billy. Billy: Thats funy. These sandwiches are very hard. Billy;

21、 Oh! Give me my sandwiches quickly! Lesson 41 Sandy: Listen, Sue! Thats the school bell! Sue: Hurry up, Sandy! Were late for school. Sandy: Whats the time, Sue? Sue: Its nine oclock. Sandy: Look! Theres the headmaster. Hes in the playground. Sue: Oh, dear! Headmaster: Youre both very late this morni

22、ng. Sandy and Sue: Were sorry, sir. Headmaster: Go to your classrooms quickly! Sandy and Sue: Yes, sir. 12 Lesson 43 Father: The children are very quiet this morning, Betty. Mother: Sandy! Sue! Breakfasts ready. Father: Go upstairs and see ,Betty. Perhaps theyre still asleep. Mother: Wake up, Sandy!

23、 Its eight oclock. Sandy: Eh? Mother: Wake up! Youre late! Sandy: No,Im not ,Mum. The schools shut today. Its a holiday! Mother: Lazybones! Lesson 45 Sue: Give us two packets of sweets please, Mr Hill. Mr Hill; Which packets, Sue? These blue ones? Sue: No, not those. The big red ones. Sandy: How muc

24、h are they,Mr Hill? 13 Mr Hill: A shilling each. Sandy: A shilling each! Thats all our pocket-money! Sue: Give us two small lollipops instead. Lesson 47 Miss Williams: This prize is for Billy, Sandy and Tom. Here you are, Billy. Billy: Thank you, Miss Williams. Tom: What is it, Billy? Billy: Its a b

25、ox of chocolates. Sandy: How many chocolates are there? Count them, Billy. Billy: One, two, three, four, five, six. There are twenty-four. Tom: Eight chocolates each. Share them, Billy. Billy: One for Tom and one for me. One for sandy and one for me. One for Tom and one for me. One for Sandy and one

26、 for me. Sandy and Tom; Hey! Thats not right! Lesson 49 Mother: Post these letters for me please, Sue. 14 Sue: O.K.Mum. Sue: Good morning, postman. Postman: Good morning, Sue. How are you today? Sue: Fine, thanks. Sue: Are there any letters in the letter-box this morning? Postman: No, there arent any letters here. Sue: Just a minute. Sue: There are some letters in the letter-box now. Postman: Thank you, Sue. Lesson 51 Fathers glasses 15

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