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1、小小班英语教案 公司内部编号:(GOOD-TMMT-MMUT-UUPTY-UUYY-DTTI-9018)小小班英语教案 幼儿园英语游戏教学备课笔记 班 教师: 第 周 月 日活动名称frog第 单元 第 课时活动目标知道frog的意思,并感受英语游戏的乐趣重点难点正确说出青蛙的英文名字及做出相应动作。活动准备小青蛙图片,闪卡,活动过程一、Greeting. Hello, boys and girls. Hello, July!二、Warm up. (up and down) orders cat and monkey (闪卡呈现)三、New content. 1、T: ppt 青蛙的叫声, c

2、an you guess ,what is this C:青蛙Yes ,you are clever , Teach: “frog ”。Ss read it one by one,and correct them how to say “g” 2,大小声教“frog”,会说的孩子 上前一步,学青蛙跳,边跳边说 “frog ,frog”四、Game. T: Look ,I have abox,what is in my box S:frog T:I f you want these frogs,you can jump like a frog and to the box to get them

3、 .Do you ynderstand S:Yes五、Check. 请小朋友分组来说单词“frog”。六、Bye-Bye. T:Goodbye,boys and girls! S: Goodbye, July!分段评析:活动反思幼儿园英语游戏教学备课笔记 班 教师: 第 周 月 日活动名称Review frog第 单元 第 课时活动目标进一步认识frog,并能在生活中灵活运用。重点难点正确说出青蛙的英文名字及做出相应动作。活动准备闪卡,青蛙头饰若干。活动过程一、Greeting. Hello, boys and girls. Hello, July!二、Warm up. talk and re

4、view (闪卡呈现以前所学的单词) orders (up and down)三、New content. in “frog” T jump like a frog ang ask “Who am I” S: frog T :GOOD,you are all clever 2、T不断问: What is thisS:frog ,说对的和图片青蛙击掌为胜。 T: Yes, you are clever!Touch it ,and Read it,” frog”. S: frog四、Game. 1.掷骰子,If you see the size of frog ,you cay “frog”and

5、 jump like a frog , and if you see the boom, you can say “boom” loudly ,and you see cat ,you say “cat ,miaomiao”,Do you understand”五、Check. 请小朋友分组来说单词“frog”。六、Bye-Bye.T:Goodbye,boys and girls!S: Goodbye, July活动反思幼儿园英语游戏教学备课笔记 班 教师: 第 周 月 日活动名称Book 第 单元 第 课时活动目标初步认识book,并能说出书的英文,并能在游戏中感受英语的乐趣。重点难点正确说

6、出书的英文名字。活动准备书若干。活动过程一、Greeting. Hello, boys and girls. Hello, July!二、Warm up. talk and review (闪卡呈现以前所学的单词) orders (up and down)三、New content. in “book” T Close your eyes I will have a lot of things ,Ok ,now look what are these S: 书 T :GOOD,you are all clever,read it after me “book”(大小声读)2、T不断问: Wha

7、t is thisS:book ,说对的奖励一本故事书,。四、Game. T:now I have a book too,and I can put a book on my head and walk like this ,can you do like me ,and when you walk you can say “book”,can you Ss: Yes .五、Check.请小朋友分组来说单词“book”六、Bye-Bye.T:Goodbye,boys and girls!S: Goodbye, July活动反思幼儿园英语游戏教学备课笔记 班 教师: 第 周 月 日活动名称Rev

8、iew book第 单元 第 课时活动目标进一步认识book,并能在生活中灵活运用重点难点正确说出书的英文名字及体会英语的乐趣活动准备书,闪卡活动过程一、Greeting. Hello, boys and girls. Hello, July!二、Warm up. talk and review (闪卡呈现以前所学的单词) orders (up and down)三、New content. Lead in (图片小朋友们在翻阅书籍,激发兴趣) Look,What is this Ss: T :good, clever T不断问: What is this S:book、T 纠正个别发音 T:

9、 O k,look at my hand ,when I put my hand high ,you can read loudly,and when I put low ,you can say softly,OK S: 大小声读,老师的指令也忽快忽慢四、Game. What is missingT show two cards book and frog ,and put on the Bb,point to the picture ,and ask What is this And take one away ,ask ,what is missing 五、Check.请小朋友分组来说单

10、词“book”六、Bye-Bye.T:Goodbye,boys and girls!S: Goodbye, July活动反思幼儿园英语游戏教学备课笔记 班 教师: 第 周 月 日活动名称Pig 第 单元 第 课时活动目标初步认识pig,并能感受游戏中学习英语的乐趣重点难点正确说出猪的英文名字及体会英语的乐趣活动准备闪卡,猪的头饰和幻灯片活动过程一、Greeting. Hello, boys and girls. Hello, July!二、Warm up. give orders (up and down)三、New content. Lead in PPT:猪八戒的图片,问who s he

11、Ss: T :good, clever Hes a pig ok ,follow me“ pig”T show the card “pig” and ss read it and touch it四、Game. 敲打游戏: there is a pig and a tiger on the floor,when I show a pig the other students,youcansay loudly,and theSs in front ,you can beat it ,OK.五、Check. 请小朋友分组来说单词“pig”六、Bye-Bye.T:Goodbye,boys and g

12、irls!S: Goodbye, July活动反思幼儿园英语游戏教学备课笔记 班 教师: 第 周 月 日活动名称Review pig第 单元 第 课时活动目标进一步认识pig,并能在生活中灵活运用重点难点正确说出猪的英文名字及体会英语的乐趣活动准备猪的闪卡,电视图片活动过程一、Greeting. Hello, boys and girls. Hello, July!二、Warm up.give orders (up and down)三、New content.Lead in (幻灯片猪,激发幼儿的兴趣)Look,What is this Ss:T :good, clever 2、T不断问:

13、What is thisS:pig,(纠正个别发音)T: O k,look at my hand ,when I put my hand high ,you can read loudly,and when I put low ,you can say softly,OKS: 大小声读,老师的指令也忽快忽慢四、Game.抢食物All the pigs like eating .IF you want something to eat ,you must go quikly,and get the food there ,and when they go ,the others say :pig

14、,pig,go,go, go五、Check.请小朋友分组来说单词“pig”六、Bye-Bye.T:Goodbye,boys and girls!S: Goodbye, July活动反思幼儿园英语游戏教学备课笔记 班 教师: 第 周 月 日活动名称bus第 单元 第 课时活动目标初步认识bus,并能在游戏中感受英语的乐趣重点难点正确说出公共汽车的英文名字并能在生活中运用活动准备公共汽车图片,和模型活动过程一、Greeting. Hello, boys and girls. Hello, July!二、Warm up. give orders (up and down)三、New content.

15、 Lead in Look,,I have a box,what is in my boxGuess Ss: T :may be,do you want to see Show, “bus”,and read after me . T不断问: What is this S:busT: Ok,good,when you say “bus” and you can touch it.四、Game. 开汽车 Divide the Ss in two groups ,and go one by one,just like driving bus, see the red light ,we can s

16、top and say bus ,Do you understand五、Check. 请小朋友分组来说单词“bus”六、Bye-Bye.T:Goodbye,boys and girls!S: Goodbye, July活动反思幼儿园英语游戏教学备课笔记 班 教师: 第 周 月 日活动名称Review bus第 单元 第 课时活动目标进一步认识bus,并能在生活中运用重点难点正确说出公共汽车的英文名字活动准备图片和汽鸣声活动过程一、Greeting. Hello, boys and girls. Hello, July!二、Warm up. give orders (up and down)三、

17、New content. Lead in (幻灯片汽鸣声,激发幼儿的兴趣) Listen,what is this Ss: T :good, clever T不断问: What is this S:bus,纠正错错误的发音 T: when I say “didi”,the children can say “bus”四、Game. 跳格子 准备十个格子,当跳到猴子的图片,大声喊monkey, 当跳到公共汽车的格 子,大喊bus到终点做胜利手势五、Check. 请小朋友分组来说单词“bus”六、Bye-Bye.T:Goodbye,boys and girls!S: Goodbye, July活动反思

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