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1、度成人本科学士学位英语考试语法复习试题成人本科学士学位英语统一考试句子核心-谓语动词一谓语动词一时 态1. Mary _ in the garden when it began to rain. (QE92-56) A. was walking B. walked C. walking D. had walked【答案】A it began to rain是一种过去时间点,因而主句因该用过去进行时。选A。句意为“当开始下雨时,玛丽正在花园散步。”2. No one can possibly recall any detail about the meeting. It is at least

2、five years since it _. (QE02-54)A. had taken place B. was taken place C. took place D. was taking place 【答案】:C。It is time since +从句(谓语动词用过去时),故选C。It is many years since World War Two was over.自从二次大战结束以来已经诸近年了。3. Dr. Robert went to New York, bought some books and _. (QE99-41)A. visiting his daughter

3、B. to visit his daughter C. visit his daughter D. visited his daughter 【答案】D 此句中有三个动词作并列谓语,由and连接,所此前后时态应一致。4. Lets go to the cinema tonight. I _ fr you at the gate. (QE95-21)A. wait B. shall wait C. am waiting D. shall have waited【答案】B 本句中tonight是一种将来时间,时态应用将来时。第一人称将来时可用 shall表达。5. While the secret

4、ary_ his desk, he found the long lost report. A. had been cleaning B. is cleaning C. has been cleaning D. was cleaning 【答案】D 一方面是过去时,排除BC。然后并不强调完毕,排除A。秘书在打扫桌子时候,她发现了丢失已久报告。6. Smith is to study medicine as soon as he_ military service. (QE93-40) A. will finish B. has finished C. finish D. would finis

5、h【答案】B句意:一服完兵役,史密斯就要开始学习医学。此处as soon as 引导时间状语从句,从句中用普通当前时或者当前完毕时表达将来,因此排除A和D;而如果用普通当前时,应当是finishes, 因而C项也不对的;因此选has finished,为当前完毕时。7. No one can be sure if the car on display fits him or her until he or she _ them. (QE02-45)A. tries B. will try C. are trying D. have tried【答案】:A。本题是测试考生时态。在时间和条件状语从

6、句中要用普通时表达将来动作。因而A 是对的答案。又如:“They will go home for winter vocation as soon as they finish their exams. 她们一考完试就回家过寒假。”8. Please be sure to telephone me the next time you_. (QE93-49) A. will come B. would come C. shall come D. come【答案】D the next time you come 是时间状语从句,“下次你来时候”,the next time 后普通用当前时表将来时。

7、9 You should visit this part of the country when _ A. spring will com B. spring comes C. It has been spring D. It will be spring 【答案】B。主将从现,你应当春天来拜访这个地区。10. I think Ill wait until the mail_. A. should come B. is coming C. comes D. will come 【答案】C。主将从现。我以为我会始终等到邮件寄过来。11. In recent years many football

8、 clubs _ as business to make a profit.(QE0904-20) A. have run B. have been run C. had been run D. will run【答案】B。本题考查是动词时态和语态。In recent years是当前完毕时标志。并且动词run(经营管理),和足球俱乐部之间是被动关系。因而选取B。近来几年诸多足球俱乐部作为赚钱机构被开办起来。12. Since he left the university, he _ in an accounting company. (QE06-04-16) A. has been work

9、ing B. had worked C. had been working D. was working【答案】D这句话意思是自从大学毕业后来,她就在这家会计公司工作。该句是since引导时间状语从句。由于该动作始终持续到当前,因此用完毕时进行时态。这句话强调是自从大学毕业后来她就始终在哪家公司工作.13. Until yesterday, Millers family_from him for six months. A. hasnt heard B. hasnt been hearing C. hadnt heard D. didnt bear 【答案】C。直到昨天,米勒家6个月没有收到她

10、消息了。时间段标志词“for six month”,因而选取完毕时。14. The chemistry class _ for five minutes when we hurried there. (QE95-24)A. had been on B. was on C. has been on D. would be on 【答案】A for five minutes是延续性时间状语,句子时态应用完毕时; when 引导时间状语从句为过去式,主句时态应与之相应,因此应当用过去完毕时。15. All the apparatus_before the experiment began. A. h

11、ave been tested B. had been tested C. were tested D. had tested【答案】B。所有设备都在实验开始前被测试过了。“test”是在过去某个时间(began)之前发生,即过去过去,因而选取完毕时。16. I _ writing the article by the time you get back. (QE00-24)A. shall finish B. must have finished C. have finished D. shall have finished【答案】:D。本句为将来完毕时。表达在将来某一时刻或将来某一时刻之前

12、已完毕,这一动作可以继续下去。When you come again in July we shall have moved into a new house.七月份你们再来时候,我们就搬进新居子里去了。I shall have done it by the end of this week.我要在周末做完它。本句意思是“我要在你回来之前写完这篇文章”。17. Mrs. White became a teacher in 1985. She _ for twenty years by next summer. (QE07-11-43) A. will teach B. would have t

13、aught C. has been teaching D. will have been teaching【答案】D此题考查是动词辨析。A 建议,但无suggest sb to do 这种用法;B 吸引;C 引诱,D劝告。依照题意应当是:Alice很相信你,只有你能劝告她放弃这种愚蠢念头。故选D18. In another year or so, you _ all about it. (QE08-04-33) A. forget B. would forget C. have forgotten D. will have forgotten 【答案】D大概一年后来,你就会完全忘掉它了。将来完

14、毕时。19. By this summer, Elizabeth_here for ten years. A. will work B. works C. will have worked D. has worked 【答案】C。到今年夏天为止,伊丽莎白就在这里工作十年了。标志词“By this summer”到将来某个时间为止,因此用将来完毕时。20. You neednt hurry her. She _ it by the time you are ready. A. will have been finishing B. would finish C. will have finish

15、ed D. will be finishing 【答案】C。你没必要催她。你准备好了时候,她就会做完了。标志词“by the time”。二语态1. English _ in a new way at my college in the past few years.A. has been teaching B. was being taught C. has been taught D. had been taught【答案】C 在过去几年里,英语已被用一种全新方式专家。英语是被专家,因而用被动。2. According to the art dealer, the painting _ t

16、o go for at least a million dollars. A. is expected B. expects C. expected D. is expecting【答案】A 据这个艺术拍卖家所说,这幅油画预期至少100万美元。3. I dont suppose the police know who did it. Well, surprisingly they do. A man has been arrested and _ now. A. has been questioned B. is being questioned C. is questioning D. ha

17、s questioned【答案】B 我不以为警察懂得是谁干。噢,令人惊奇是她们懂得,一种男已经被捕了并且正在被审讯。4. Your job _ open for your return. Thanks. A. will be kept B. will keep C. had kept D. had been kept【答案】A 你工作将会被保存,直到你回来。工作被保存,因而选被动。5. The windows is dirty. I know. It _ for weeks. A. hasnt cleaned B. didnt clean C. wasnt cleaned D. hasnt b

18、een cleaned【答案】D 窗户已经几种星期没擦了。窗户与擦之间是被动关系6. More than a dozen students in that school _ abroad to study medicine last year. A. sent B. were sent C. had sent D. had been sent【答案】B 去年十各种学生被送到国外学习医学。7. The silence of the library _ only by the sound of pages being turned over. A. has been broken B. break

19、s C. broke D. was broken【答案】D 图书馆一片沉静,只有偶尔翻书声音打破这种安静。8. I had to go to work by taxi because my car _ at the garage. A. will be repaired B. was repairedC. was being repaired D. had been repaired【答案】C 我乘出租车去上班,由于我车送到修理厂修理了。9. An official said that another new gymnasium _ in Beijing next year. A. would

20、 be completed B. was being completed C. has been completed D. had been completed【答案】A 一种官员说另一种新体育馆将会在来年建成。体育馆被建造。10. After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment _. A. is damaged B. had damaged C. damaged D. was damaged【答案】D 实验室失火后,诸多仪器被损坏了。11. She _ on a special mission to Belgrade(贝尔格莱德)n

21、ext year. A. will be sent B. was sending C. sends D. sent 【答案】A 来年她将会被送到贝尔格莱德执行特殊任务。12. This election had many firsts and many stories that _ for generations. A. was telling B. will be told C. tells D. was told 【答案】B 这个选举浮现了诸各种第一次,尚有诸多故事被传诵。13. The actual launch date of this satellite _ later, takin

22、g into account the situation of GIOVE-A and GIOVE-B. A. decides B. was deciding C. will be decided D. decided【答案】C考虑到GIOVE-A和GIOVE-B位置,这个卫星发射日期被推迟了。14. Reward _ to whoever offers the information on the lost child. A. gives B. will be given C. was giving D. gave【答案】B 悬赏奖励提供线索者。赏金和give之间是被动关系。15. Most

23、 probably life _ in other stars in universe. A. finds B. found C. was being found D. will be found 【答案】D 在宇宙中,其她星球上也也许会发现诸多生命迹象。三语调专项练习1. I would ask George to lend us the money if I _ him. (QE95-38) A. had known B. have known C. knew D. to have read【答案】C 该句使用了虚拟语调,从主句would ask 判断,if 从句谓语动词可以用普通过去时k

24、new,表达对当前事实虚拟。句意为“如果我结识乔治话,我就让她借给我们钱了”。2. If I _ you, I _ more attention to English idioms and phrases. A. was/ shall pay B. am/ will pay C. would be/ would pay D. were/ would pay【答案】D。如果我是你,我会在英语成语和短语上多关注某些。对当前虚拟。3. Dont touch the sleeping tiger. If he woke up, he_ you. A. would come to B. would co

25、me at C. would have come toward D. will come to 【答案】B。别动那个正在睡觉老虎,她要是醒了会咬你。if条件句中对当前虚拟。4. We _ delighted if the report _ true. A. were/ were B. shall be/ were C. should be/ were D. were/ would be【答案】C。如果这个报告是真是,那我们就会很高兴。if条件句中对当前虚拟。5. If I _ plan to do anything I wanted to, Id like to go to Tibet and

26、 travel through as much of it as possible. A. would B. could C. had to D. ought to【答案】B。如果我可以筹划做任何我想做事情,我想去西藏并且尽量地旅行那个地方大某些地区。6. _ today, he would get there by Friday.A. Would he leave B. Was he leaving C. Were he to leave D. If he leave【答案】C。如果她可以周五到那里,她将会今天就走。省略if条件虚拟。对将来虚拟。7. _ to do the work, I

27、should do it some other way. A. If were I B. I were C. Were I D. Was I【答案】C。如果我来做这个工作,我会换一种工作方式。8. Most probably Ally wont come tomorrow. But if she_ I _her to call you up at once. A. should come, would ask B. come, would have asked C. will come, will ask D. is coming, should ask【答案】A。Ally很也许明天不会回来,

28、但是如果她回来,我会让她立即给你打电话。对将来if条件虚拟。9. If it _ tomorrow, what would we do? A. rains B. were to rain C. would rain D. rain 【答案】B。如果明天下雨,我们做什么呢?对将来if条件虚拟。10. If it _ rain, we _ get wet. A. is to, should B. were to, would C. were going to, would D. was going to, should 【答案】B。要是下雨了,我们会淋湿。对将来if条件虚拟。11. If a be

29、tter material _, the strength of the part would have been increased. (QE92-58) A. had been used B. had been using C. being used D. using 【答案】A 本句考察虚拟语调。与过去事实相反假设,从句应当用过去完毕时;又由于material 是use 宾语,应用被动式。12. If you that night, you might have been too late to get your ticket. (QE94-38)A. didnt hurry B. ha

30、dnt hurried C. wouldnt hurry D. hadnt to hurry【答案】B 从给出主句看,本句为虚拟语调,架设过去已发生事情,因而从句用过去完毕时。13. With all this work on hand, she _ to the dance party last night. (QE06-11-30) A. oughtnt to go B. hadnt gone C. shouldnt have gone D. mustnt have gone【答案】C 原句意思“她手头尚有这样多工作,昨晚本不应去参加舞会”,对过去状况虚拟用 “should have done”构造。14. He abandoned a career that _ to his becoming one of the most influential people in the world. (QE05-11-33)A. could have led B. would lead C. should have led D. must lead【答案】A 本题考查情态动词表达虚拟语调用法。与过去事实相反,是could/should have

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