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1、作文学案doc青岛十六中20102011学年度第一学期一、基本项目:高考写作复习专题一课题:英语高考书信类作文模板学科:英语 授课时间: 第 周 课时 课型:一轮复习授课班级: 备课人:胡晓霞二、目标设置:学习套用英语高考书信类作文模板特别标注1、考纲要求:掌握书信类写作的格式及要求2、教学重点:熟练掌握书信类作文的模式3、教学难点:高级词汇的使用1、考情分析(书信类作文是高考的基本考试类型,且该类作文有着严格的格式要求。书信的开头和结尾都有固定的句型可以套用)2、学情分析(学生对于书信类写作的格式基本了解,但是在实际操作中往往经常忽略开头和结尾好句型的套用,文章无法提高档次。)3、突破重难点

2、的方法4、互动设计三、本节复习过程(一)、高考基础知识梳理:回顾高考写作基本要求及步骤(二)、课堂探究:英语书信的常见写作模板开头部分:How nice to hear from you again.Let me tell you something about the activity.Im glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th.Im pleased to hear that youre coming to China for a visit.Im writing to thank you for your help during my

3、stay in America.结尾部分:With best wishes.Im looking forward to your reply.Id appreciate it if you could reply earlier.(三)、总结提升:满分作文赏析Dear Bob,Im very glad to have received your letter, and Im glad to hear that you will go to China to learn Chinese here. I have already found a fiat for you. It is on Don

4、ghai Street, which is not far from Jianxin Chinese School. Bus No.11 can take you there, and it is one stop before the Chinese School. The flat is on the third floor with 3 rooms, one of which is bedroom, the other two are bathroom and kitchen. There are a bed, a sofa, a desk and some chairs in this

5、 25 square-metres small flat, and the rent is 500 yuan per month. Maybe this fiat is not as good as your wish, but Ill try my best to meet your needs. If it is not suitable enough, write to me and I will look for another better place. Hope you will come here soon! With best wishes.Yours, Li Hua 满分理由

6、:本文格式正确,意思表述完整,行文流畅自然。作者在写作过程中注意长短句并用,还使用了以which,引导的非限定性定语从句,从而使文章层次分明,富于变化,不愧为考场佳作。(四)巩固检测假如你是王华,18岁生日后,真的有种长大成人的感觉。于是你想就父母对你的关怀和你今后的打算,以书信形式同爸爸妈妈谈谈。_4、作业布置:分层布置 5、作业分层指导(设计思路)五、课后反思:青岛十六中20102011学年度第一学期一、基本项目:高考写作复习专题二课题:英语高考作文模板学科:英语 授课时间: 第 周 课时 课型:一轮复习授课班级: 备课人:胡晓霞二、目标设置:学习套用英语高考作文模板特别标注1、考纲要求:

7、2、教学重点:3、教学难点:1、考情分析(在知识体系中的地位,高考考题当中呈现方式、高考中出现的频率等)3、学情分析(学生易混淆、易错、常错的知识点)以下空白教师写3、突破重难点的方法4、互动设计学生写本节课需要重点梳理的知识点、补充的典型例题或变式训练等三、本节复习过程(一)、高考基础知识梳理:回顾高考写作基本要求及步骤(二)、课堂探究:图画类写作模板1.开头Look at this picture./The picture shows that./From this picture, we can see./As is shown in the picture./As is seen in

8、 the picture.2.衔接句As we all know, ./As is known to all,./It is well known that./In my opinion,./As far as I am concerned,./This sight reminds me of something in my daily life.3.结尾句In conclusion./In brief./On the whole./In short./In a word./Generally speaking./As has been stated.(三)、总结提升:假设你是中学生李华,最近

9、发现一些同学经常到学校附近的网吧(cyber caf ).几天前,你也去了一次,发现了许多不良现象,请根据下面四幅图画所示内容,写一封信给某报社编辑,发表看法,提出建议。Dear Editor,Im a middle school student named Li Hua. Im writing to tell you something. Recently Ive noticed that many of my schoolmates often go to the cyber caf near our school. The other day, I went there, too. I

10、was surprised to see many students playing computer games, seeing movies or chatting .Some students were even sending love letters online.In my opinion, cyber cafes should be a place where we can find much useful information. Internet should be a window to the outside world rather than a place for p

11、laying games. Internet is good if we make good use of it. Otherwise, it will do us great harm. So the local government should take measures to make sure of the “safety” of students in cyber cafes. Yours,Li Hua(四)巩固检测阅读下面漫画,先对漫画的内容进行描述,然后对这一现象发表自己的看法。(100词左右)_5、作业布置:分层布置 5、作业分层指导(设计思路)五、课后反思:青岛十六中201

12、02011学年度第一学期一、基本项目:高考写作复习专题三课题:英语高考议论文作文模板学科:英语 授课时间: 第 周 课时 课型:一轮复习授课班级: 备课人:胡晓霞二、目标设置:学习套用英语高考作文模板特别标注1、考纲要求:掌握议论文写作的模式及技巧2、教学重点:熟练掌握议论文作文的模式3、教学难点:高级词汇及衔接句的使用1、考情分析(在近几年的高考中,议论文所占的比重越来越大,形式多种多样。要求观点鲜明,层次分明,突出中心思想,语言简洁有力)4、学情分析(学生在写议论文时往往思路混乱,不会使用衔接句。不会套用固定模版,高级词汇错用)3、突破重难点的方法4、互动设计三、本节复习过程(一)、高考基

13、础知识梳理:回顾高考写作基本要求及步骤(二)、课堂探究:议论文模板1.正反观点式议论文模板导入:第1段:Recently weve had a discussion about whether we should. (导入话题)Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧)正文:第2段:Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点)Here are the reasons. First. Second. Finally.(列出23个赞成的理由)第3段:However, the others are s

14、trongly against it. (反方观点)Their reasons are as follows. In the first place. Whats more. In addition.(列出23个反对的理由)结论:第4段:Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more good than harm, so I support it.(个人观点)(三)、总结提升:例文目前,越来越多的中学生利用周末上各种各样的培训班或请家教。对于这一现象,存在两种不同观点

15、。请你根据下表提示,以Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary?为题,写一篇短文,反映表中内容,并简要阐述自己的观点。有些人认为有必要另一些人认为没有必要跟老师学比自己学好可以巩固课堂所学内容可以学到更多的东西容易养成依赖习惯学生需要时间休息许多培训班和家教以赢利为目的要求:(1)层次清晰,连贯流畅;表达灵活,但不要逐字逐句翻译;(2)词数:120 词左右(文章开头已给出, 不计入总词数);(3)参考词汇:巩固strengthen vt.Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary?More

16、 and more middle school students are going to all kinds of training classes or having family teachers at the weekend. There are two different viewpoints about it.Some thinks it necessary. Firstly, its more effective to study with a teacher than by themselves. Secondly, it can strengthen what is lear

17、nt in class. Besides, they can learn a lot more, Others think it unnecessary. For one thing, students can easily form the habit of dependence. For another, students need time to relax from time to time. Whats more, the purpose of many training classes and teachers is to make money.In my opinion, whe

18、ther a training class or family teacher is needed just depends. If you are really very weak at or interested in a certain subject, maybe its OK for you. But be sure to choose a good and suitable class or teacher, otherwise it would be a waste of time and money.(四)巩固检测你班同学参加了“二十一世纪中学生英文报”组织的一场讨论。讨论的主

19、题是:城市宁日是否可以豢养宠物(狗和猫)。请你根据下表所提供的信息,给报社投稿,介绍讨论情况,并说明自己的观点和建议。反对饲养宠物的同学认为支持饲养宠物的同学认为1、造成环境污染2、吵闹声,甚至伤人1、安慰孤寡老师2、人与动物和谐相处,增添生活乐趣_四 作业布置:分层布置 5、作业分层指导(设计思路)五、课后反思:青岛十六中20102011学年度第一学期一、基本项目:高考写作复习专题四课题:英语高考作文模板学科:英语 授课时间: 第 周 课时 课型:一轮复习授课班级: 备课人:胡晓霞二、目标设置:学习套用英语高考作文模板特别标注1、考纲要求:(本节知识点在高考大纲中的级别要求)2、教学重点:3

20、、教学难点:1、考情分析(在知识体系中的地位,高考考题当中呈现方式、高考中出现的频率等)5、学情分析(学生易混淆、易错、常错的知识点)以下空白教师写3、突破重难点的方法4、互动设计学生写本节课需要重点梳理的知识点、补充的典型例题或变式训练等三、本节复习过程(一)、高考基础知识梳理:回顾高考写作基本要求及步骤(二)、课堂探究:(三)、总结提升:例文目前,越来越多的中学生利用周末上各种各样的培训班或请家教。对于这一现象,存在两种不同观点。请你根据下表提示,以Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary?为题,写一篇短文,反映表中内容,并简要阐述自己

21、的观点。有些人认为有必要另一些人认为没有必要跟老师学比自己学好可以巩固课堂所学内容可以学到更多的东西容易养成依赖习惯学生需要时间休息许多培训班和家教以赢利为目的要求:(1)层次清晰,连贯流畅;表达灵活,但不要逐字逐句翻译;(2)词数:120 词左右(文章开头已给出, 不计入总词数);(3)参考词汇:巩固strengthen vt.Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary?More and more middle school students are going to all kinds of training classes or hav

22、ing family teachers at the weekend. There are two different viewpoints about it.Some thinks it necessary. Firstly, its more effective to study with a teacher than by themselves. Secondly, it can strengthen what is learnt in class. Besides, they can learn a lot more, Others think it unnecessary. For

23、one thing, students can easily form the habit of dependence. For another, students need time to relax from time to time. Whats more, the purpose of many training classes and teachers is to make money.In my opinion, whether a training class or family teacher is needed just depends. If you are really

24、very weak at or interested in a certain subject, maybe its OK for you. But be sure to choose a good and suitable class or teacher, otherwise it would be a waste of time and money.(四)巩固检测你班同学参加了“二十一世纪中学生英文报”组织的一场讨论。讨论的主题是:城市宁日是否可以豢养宠物(狗和猫)。请你根据下表所提供的信息,给报社投稿,介绍讨论情况,并说明自己的观点和建议。反对饲养宠物的同学认为支持饲养宠物的同学认为1、造成环境污染2、吵闹声,甚至伤人1、安慰孤寡老师2、人与动物和谐相处,增添生活乐趣_

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