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1、英语高考复合句综合练习附详解答案1复合句综合练习1:Betty, _has never been abroad, is studying English very well. A. herB. sheC. thatD. who 2:Hewantedtomakesure_. A. howwewenttherebybusB. wheredidmegoC. whatdidwegothereD. whenwewentthere3:_ well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather. A. If B. Whether C. That D. Where 4:

2、Ill not ring you up _ I come back. A. when B. as C. until D. while 5:Do you know the man whom our teacher _ just now? A. shookhands B. shookhishands C. shookhandwith D. shookhandswith 6:Thesmallmountainvillage_wespentourholidaytwoyearsagoliesinHubei. A. what B. where C. that D. which 7:_hewantedtose

3、ewasanendtoallthearmiesoftheworld. A. What B. It C. Which D. That 8:Itisgenerallyconsideredunwisetogiveachild_heorshewants. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever 9:Thisisthefirsttime_here A. Iwas B. Iwillbe C. Ihavebeen D. Ihadbeen 10:HewouldntleavetheTVset,_hewasgoingtohaveanimportantexam

4、thenextday. A. evenifB. asifC. asthoughD. even 11:Hewonders_thesoundcamefrom A. where B. when C. how D. that 12:Haveyoufoundthewoman_pursewaslost? A. her B. ofwhich C. that D. whose 13:Helookedatthetrainmovingoutofthestation_ithaddisappeareA. when B. until C. after D. since 14:Themenwillhavetowaital

5、lday_thedoctorworksfaster. A. if B. unless C. whether D. that 15Wehavenodoubt_theChineseteamwillwingoldmedalaftergoldmedalintheOlympicGamesinAthensinGreece. A. whether B. if C. what D. that 16:Itwaslong_shereturnedmybooktome. A. when B. since C. that D. before 17:The boy I considered _ cheated in th

6、e exam. A. tobehonest B. thatishonest C. was honest D. being honest 18:Theywentonwellatfirstbuteventuallyeverything_theyhadworriedabouthappened. A. which B. what C. that D. when 19:Wedontdoubt_hecandoagoodjob. A. whether B. that C. how D. why 20:_,arabbitranacrossthecourseandknockedtheballintothehol

7、e. A. Whilegolfing B. Whiletheyweregolfing C. being golfing D. It was golfing 21:_Ihadwarnedhim,hewaslateforschool,_madehimnottaketheimportantexamination. A. What;that B. That;which C. Which;that D. As;which 22:_hecomesornot,Iwillwaituntil10p.m. A. Whenever B. Whether C. If D. Though 23:Itwas_thatwe

8、wantedtostayhereforanothertwodays. A. suchfineweather B. suchafineweather C. sofineweather D. sofineaweather 24:Perseverance is a kind of quality and thats _ it takes do anything well. A. what B. that C. which D. why 25:Hegaveabookto_enteredtheclassroom. A. who B. whom C. whoever D. whomever 26:John

9、mayphonetonight.Idontwanttogoout_hephones. A. aslongas B. inorderthat C. in case order to27:Theproblemsnow_atthemeetingisreally_. A. werediscussing;surprised B. beingdiscussed;surprising C. beingdiscussed;surprised D. werediscussing;surprising 28:Thereisntsomuchpollutioninthecountry_inbigcities

10、. A. that B. which C. as D. what 29:The day will soon come_ man will set foot on another planet. A. which B. that C. when D. who 30:Thebookisquitedifferentfrom_Ireadlastmonth. A. that B. whichC. whatD. / 31:It looks_ were going to have trouble with Mrs Jenkins again. A. that B. evenif C. asthough D.

11、 if 32:Thisisthebestfactory_Ihavevisitedallmylife. A. where B. which C. whenD. that 33 Icanthinkofmanycases_studentsobviouslyknewalotofEnglishwordsandexpressionsbutcouldntwriteagoodessay. A. why B. which C. as D. where 34:Isthisthemuseum_youvisitedtheotherday? A. that B. where C. inwhich D. theone 3

12、5:Ihatetheway_hetreatshismother. A. inthat B. which C. that D. how 36:_fashiondiffersfromcountrytocountrymayreflecttheculturaldifferencesfromoneaspect A. WhatB. That C. This D. Which 37:_Iknow,shellstayherefortwoweeks. A. Sofaras B. If C. What D. Because 38:Heoftenwritestousexpressinghisthought_oned

13、ayhellcometojoinus. A. which B. that C. whatD. whether 39:Johnmayphonetonight.Idontwanttogoout_hephones. A. aslongas B. inorderthat C. incase D. sothat 40:ThesewildflowersaresospecialIwoulddo_Icantosavethem A. whatever B. that C. which D. whichever 41:_hewenttotown,hewouldhavealookatthebookstores. A

14、. When B. While C. Whenever D. After 42:Whatashame_youareleavingsosoon A. that B. which C. what D. whose 43:Myquestionis_youllgothere. A. if B. whether C. that D. what 44:Thehorseisgettingoldandcannotrun_itdid A. asfaster B. sofastthan C. sofasteras D. sofastas 45:TheroadiscoveredwithsnowIcantunders

15、tand_theyinsistongoingbymotorbike A. why B. whether C. when D. how 46:Someoneisringingthedoorbell.Goandsee_. A. whoishe B. whoheis C. whoisit D. whoitis 47:Ithoughtherniceandhonest_Imether. A. firsttime B. forthefirsttime C. thefirsttime D. bythefirsttime 48:Hes got himself into a serious situation

16、_ he is likely to lose control over the plane. A. where B. which C. while D. why 49:Allthestudentswenttosee_withher. A. whatthematterwas B. whatwasthematter C. whatwrongwas D. whatwasthewrong 50:MrZhanggavetextbookstoallthepupilsexcept_whohadalreadytakenthem. A. theones B. ones C. some D. theothers

17、51:_measureswetakemustsatisfytheneedofpeople. A. Nomatterwhich B. Whatever C. No matter who D. Whoever 52:_youhaveseenbothfighters,_willwin? A. Since,doyouthinkwho B. As,whodoyouthink C. When,whoever D. Since,whodoyouthink 53:Canyouthinkofasituation_thisidiomcanbeused? A. which B. that C. withwhich

18、D. where 54:-Weneverknow_heis.-Heissaidtobeasalesman.A. who B. what C. which D. whoever 55:Thisbookistheonlyone_Iwanttorea. A. that B. who C. which D. whom 56:_shedidthisisunknown. A. That B. How C. Why D. Allthethree 57:PeoplehaveheardwhatthePresidenthassaid;theyarewaitingtosee_hewilldo.A. how B. w

19、hat C. when D. that 58:Itseems_pitythatyoushouldhavetospendthedayatthehotel. A. so B. such C. soa D. sucha 59:Icanstillrememberthesitting-room_mymotherandIusedtositintheevening. A. what B. which C. that D. where 60:Theexperimentturnedouttobeverysuccessful,_wasmorethanwecouldexpect. A. what B. that C

20、. which D. it 61:Iwasjustcomingalongtoseeyou_IranintoMr.Wilson A. as B. while C. then D. when 62:Iworkinabusiness_almosteveryoneiswaitingforagreatchance. A. how B. which C. where D. that 63:Idontknowhisaddressexcept_itwasLead-enhallStreet. A. when B. where C. that D. how 64:IfyougotoXianyouwillfindt

21、heplacetheremoremagnificentthancommonly_. A. supposingB. supposed C. tosuppose D. suppose 65:AfterlivinginParisforfiftyyearshereturnedtothesmalltown_hegrewupasachil.A. which B. that C. where D. when 66:Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, _ of course, made the others envy hi

22、m. A. who B. that C. whatD. which 67:Iwasadvisedtoarrangeforinsurance(保险)_Ineededmedicaltreatment.A. incase B. sothat C. although D. if 68:Ireadaboutitinsomebookorother,doesitmatter_itwas? A. where B. what C. how D. which 69:DidyouremembertogiveMarythemoneyyouowedher?Yes,Igaveittoher_Isawher.A. whil

23、e B. themoment C. suddenly D. once 70:Firstofall,_weshouldpreventhimfromdoingitisthemostimportant. A. that B. what C. D. which 71:_isexpected,theboysucceededintheexam. A. It B. As C. That D. Which 72:Im rushed off my feet all day. Im trying to get out of the endless business, _ I find impossible. A.

24、 but B. whileC. whichD. that 73:_wecantgetseemsbetterthan_wehave A. What;what B. What;that C. That;that D. That;what 74:Thefilmis_atruestory. A. accordingto B. accordingas C. basedon D. dependedon 75:Peterkepttheyoungplantsinthesunshine_growwell. A. sothat B. sothattheycould C. inordertothey D. inor

25、derhe 76:Itistenyears_hejoinedthearmy. A. since B. after C. that D. when 77:Heisthestudent_youthinktobeworthyofourpraise. A. who B. whom C. he D. him 78:Thoughheisyoung,_knowsalot. A. yethe B. buthe C. andhe D. howeverhe 79:When you answer questions in a job interview,please remember the golden rule:Always give the monkey exactly _

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