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1、英语演讲稿旅行多篇英语演讲稿旅行in july 25, just my summer holiday i went to the huangshan mountain with my parents.we went there by car. there were a lot of plants, such as bamboo, pine. the weather was bad. it was raining and cool. we took the cable car up the mountain. huangshan is well known for its pine trees,

2、rock formations,the sea of clouds and hot springs.we took seven hours to climb. we are so tired in afternoon.but i am so happy.i hope e here next time.第二篇:旅行经历的英语作文文章一:旅游英语作文travel is a very good means of broadening a persons perspective. it makes you e into contact with different cultures, meet peo

3、ple of different colors and go through peculiar rites and ceremonies. travelling much, you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences, but also be aware of the vastness of may also relieve person of boredom and gloom. travel brings you enjoyment and attraction. it gives you a

4、pleasant experience, which will disperse your boredom and make you forget whatever annoys you. travel broadens your mind and leaves you good memories. later, you may go over these memories and enjoy your past experiences, thus keeping a fresh and sunny mind.文章二:旅游英语作文the fields his study, nature was

5、 his can choose different modes of transportation which have advantages and disadvantages. airplanes are the fastest but also the most expensive. buses and trains are less expensive, but they soon make you feel cred and unfortable. ships provide you with fort unless you get seasick. m

6、ost people can afford traveling by bicycle, which, although slow, can limber up your muscles and get you closer to nature.文章三:关于旅游的英语作文i love traveling. traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes to the world. whats more, it refreshes me. you can go to disneyland and experience w

7、hat its like to be “a child again!” you can visit one of the “seven wonders of the world,” such as the grand canyon and feel the magnificence of nature! you can taste the “magicial” ice water on a glacier, which can help you bee more beautiful and make you live longer. just forget all trifles and bu

8、rdens that you have in your mind. experience is a type of living knowledge. youll be sure to experience many new things when traveling. you dont even need a tour guide if you long for more freedom. just dont forget to bring your backpack!第三篇:英语作文 旅行i was born and grow up in the south where is not to

9、o cold in winter and i had never had a chance to see, snow. happily, i made a trip harbin this winter and i finally enjoy the of my aunt lives in harbin and she invited me to visit her. i stayed at her home for almost ten days. it snowed two times when i was there. one day, the weather r

10、eport said that there would be a snow in the next day. since then, i expected it so much. next morning, when i woke up and looked out the window, i saw the outside bee white. it was so beautiful. i went out immediately after i had my breakfast. the snow was on everywhere, the street, the car, the tr

11、ee and the roof. i was excited to walk on the snow, leaving my footprints. besides, i also went to see the ice engraving. they were all made by ice and were made into various figures, such as castles, cartoons, animals and so on. when the colorful lights turned on at night, it was another amazing im

12、age. it seemed in the fairy wonderful the visit to harbin was!我在南方出生、成长,这里的冬天并不算太冷,所以我一直没有见过下雪。值得高兴的是,这个冬天我去哈尔滨旅游,终于欣赏到了雪景。我的一个阿姨住在哈尔滨,她邀请我去玩,我在她的家里住了差不多十天,期间下了两次雪。有一天,天气预报说第二天会下雪,我十分期待。第二天早晨,当我醒来看向窗外时,外面全部变成了白色,非常漂亮。早餐过后,我迫不及待地出门去。外面到处都是雪,街道上、汽车上、树上和屋顶上都铺满了雪。我兴奋得踩在雪地上,留下一串串脚印。另外,我还去看了冰雕,它们

13、全都是用冰做成的,被刻成了各种形象,有城堡、卡通人物和动物等等。晚上,当亮起彩灯时,又是另外一番美景,像在童话故事里一样。这真是一次精彩的哈尔滨之行!last year, i traveled to beijing by train. it was very fast. i like travel by train, because i like the feeling in the train. besides, i can enjoy the scenery on the way.however, after the journey last week, i dont want to tr

14、avel by train anymore, because it (请关注)is too tired to have fun. it took me sixteen hours on the train. i was very tired and i had to spend a day to have a good rest. and it was boring on the train. therefore, i think it should not travel by train if its far.去年我坐火车到北京旅游。火车速度很快。我喜欢坐火车去旅行,因为我喜欢在火车上的感觉

15、。除此之外,我还可以享受沿途的风景。但是,上个星期的旅程过后我就再也不想坐火车了,因为我累得不能好好玩。我在 火车上度过了十六小时。我觉得很累,不得不花一天时间休息。而且火车上很无聊。所以,我觉得路途遥远的话就不要坐火车旅行。nowadays, people prefer to travel by air. this isbecause air travel has some advantages. first of all,airplane, the miracle created by man, is the fastest means of transport. it takes the

16、 least time for one to travel by air from one place to another. besides, traveling by air isconvenient and fortable. friendly air hostesses are affectionate and considerate. they look after passengers all the way to their destinations. in addition, on longdistance flights there are films and music f

17、or people to entertain a popular saying goes, everything has two sides. the same is true of air travel. it has some disadvantages, too. for one thing, air travel is expensive. the averagechinese are not rich enough to afford expensive air fares. so they prefer to take trains, which sav

18、e a lot of money.for another, although passengers are assured of their safety, they are still worried about it during the journey because flying always involves more or less for i am concerned, the advantages mentionedabove exceed the disadvantages. if i were given choice between traveling b

19、y air and by train, i would certainly prefer the former, especially the long distance journey,because time is the most important thing i have to take into consideration whatever i do.现在,人们喜欢坐飞机去旅游。这是因为坐飞机旅游有一些优点。首先,飞机是人类发明的奇迹,是最快的交通方式。坐飞机从一个地方到另一个地方花的时间最少。此外,坐飞机旅游方便舒适。友好的空姐深情体贴。她们一路上都照顾乘客。另外,长途飞行有电影


21、惫。这个时候,何不去旅行呢?在行走中领悟人生,在与大自然的接触中找到自我。旅行,让人见多识广。在旅行中,我们总能发现那些在书本上找不到的东西,我们可以看美丽的风景,了解新的文化习俗。我们可以用自己的脚步来发现这个奇妙美丽的世界。所以,不要在被束缚在书本里了,旅行吧,更好的去了解人生的意义。旅行,能让我们的心灵得到一次真正的解脱,远离现实的复杂,远离城市的喧嚣,远离所有的烦恼。沐浴在阳光下,行走在微风中。在那样的美景里,每一秒钟的自己都是全新的。 当我们来到不同的城市,遇见陌生的人,领略不同的风景,就像是找到了一个全新的自我。所谓旅行,并不光是去过多少地方,吃过多少美食,看过多少美景,而是在一个


23、从心里冲出来对着孩子们一阵吼叫,每天下班回到家总累得精疲力尽、声音沙哑!从那时起,一年级成了我最怕教的年级、汉语拼音则成了我最惧怕的教学内容!而今,其中一个成了我同事的学生,在听了我的一节课后,不无羡慕地说:“张老师,您现在的学生好幸福哦,因为您对他们好宽容、好温柔,当年的你我们都有些害怕呢!”我这才醒悟原来,孩子们的心胸,比我更博大更宽容,因为当年那些孩子温顺的神情至今还保留在我记忆的底片上呢!所有曾经坐在我教室里的孩子们,我感谢你们,是你们让我感受到了生命的厚重、生命的成长!在我眼中,“厚重通灵”的语文教学,又何尝不是一场生命的旅行呢? 第一次听说“厚重通灵”应该是在六年前,那是一位专家在



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