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选七unit1教案 words and expressions.docx

1、选七unit1教案 words and expressions授课时间 周 星期授课教师授课班级课 题选六Words and expressions 一学习目标To grasp the key words重 点Ambition, suitable, beneficial, conduct难 点suitable文本1 ambition 1) 【u】雄心,野心,志气,抱负,志向 A boy who is filled ambition usually works hard. 一个有理想的孩子通常都会努力工作。 His ambition to become the Prime Minister is

2、 likely to be realized.他成为首相的理想可能会2) c目标,夙愿ambitious (adj.) 有雄心的,有志气的 be ambitious to do sth full of ambition 野心勃勃 = be ambitiousbe ambitious for/of sth/ have the ambition for sth 渴望得到某物1 He has great ambitions = He is a man of ambition. 他胸怀大志/他是一个有野心/抱负的人 2 He has an ambition for power.他心怀权利的野心。3 T

3、he young man is ambitious for fame. 这个年轻人满怀野心想要成名。4 他通过十二年的努力工作终于实现了他的抱负。He has realized/ achieved his ambition(s) by working hard for twelve years. 5他的理想之一是去国外学习。One of his ambitions is to study abroad.6我的理想是长大后到一家开发电脑软件的公司去工作。My ambition is to work for a firm that develops computer software when I

4、 grow up.文本2 suitable adj. 合适的,适宜的(fit) 常与for 连用 1 The wine was not suitable for drinking with a meal. 这种酒不适合就餐时吃。2 These storybooks are suitable for children to read. 这些故事书适合孩子读。fit adj. 某人适合于/能胜任某项工作常用于 工作+be fit for + sb. 和be fit to do 结构 adj. 健康的 = healthy 保持健康keep fit/ healthy vt; 衣服或鞋子的尺寸,大小“适

5、合于”某人 衣服/鞋子 fit sb. well / perfectly3这种食品不适合这个季节吃The food is not fit to eat in this season . 4我认为他适合/不适合这个工作I think/ dont think he is fit for the job .5这房子不适合老年人居住。This house is not fit for the old to live in.6这件夹克很适合我The jacket fits me well.7这双鞋非常适合身材瘦而且高的女孩。These shoes fit/ This pair of shoes fits

6、 the girl who is thin and tall perfectly.文本3 beneficial(adj) 有益的,有好处的 benefit (n) 利益,好处/ (vt.) 对有益 vt. be beneficial to sb. = benefit sb./ sth. = be of benefit to对有益从中受益benefit from /by 为了的利益for the benefit of1许多工人正在这里建造一条高速公路,这会给附近的很多居民带来好处。(三种方式表达)Many workers are building a freeway here, which wi

7、ll benefit many local citizens/ residents.=Many workers are building a freeway here, which will be of benefit to many local citizens/ residents. = Many workers are building a freeway here, which will be beneficial to many local citizens/ residents.2我的家乡正在修建一条公路,附近的村民将从中获益良多。(两种方式)There is a road bei

8、ng built in my hometown, from which the villagers around it can benefit a lot.= There is a road being built in my hometown, from which the villagers around it can get a lot of benefit 3正在这里建造的新医院将使我们受益匪浅。(定语从句)The new hospital being built here will benefit us a great deal4即将在我校举行的这次演讲比赛(speech compe

9、tition)将使我们受益匪浅。The speech competition which will be held in our school will be greatly beneficial to us.5为了我们的健康,我建议大家都不要吸烟,尤其是青少年们。For the benefit of all of our health, I suggest that all of us should not smoke,especially the teenagers.文本4 conduct vt 管理,传导(光,热,电等),指挥(乐队)& n. conductor n.管理者,乐队指挥,导

10、体,售票员1 He conducted the orchestra(管弦乐队). 他指挥管弦乐队。2 The manager conducted his business carefully. 这个经理处理业务小心翼翼。3 Copper wire can conduct electricity. 铜丝可以导电。4十二年前我父亲曾经是一名管弦乐队的指挥。My father was an orchestra conductor twelve years ago.5成为著名律师以前他曾经当过三年的售票员,He ever worked as a conductor for three years be

11、fore he became a famous lawyer.6铜丝可以用作电的导体。Copper wire can be used as the conductor of electricity.文本5 cut out 切下,剪下 删除 裁剪衣服 cut back 截短树枝等缩减生产,减少开支 cut up 切碎,剁碎 cut across 取捷径 cut in 插嘴,插队 cut down 砍倒 缩减 cut off 切断水,电,暖等,停止供应使孤立,隔绝翻译:1 He used to cut out articles from a newspaper.2 He cut out the f

12、irst two chapters which he thought was not so good. 3 他从报纸上剪下了关于他儿子在奥运中获得第一的文章。He cut out the article which is concerned with his sons winning the first place in the Olympic Games.4你应当删除掉这些不重要的细节。You should cut out the unimportant details.综合练习:1. The small factories_ from the fall of the prices.A. b

13、enefits B. benefited C. benefited to D. are beneficial2 He has devoted himself _ mankind. A to benefit B benefiting C to benefiting D benefited填空 1 Glass cannot conduct electricity, nor can rubber. 玻璃不能导电,橡皮也不能导电。2 They conduct a series of experiments using computer modeling .做一系列实验3 How to choose a

14、 suitable job? 怎样挑选一个合适的工作?4 They are busy preparing a suit of texts suitable for beginners to learn 适合初学者学习5 Is organic food more beneficial to health? 有机食品对身体健康更有益吗?6 You can use it to make more beneficial choices in your life.你可以.做出更有益的选择。授课时间 周 星期授课教师授课班级课 题选六Words and expressions 二学习目标To grasp

15、the key words重 点Cut out, adapt, annoyed难 点adapt文本6 adapt (1) 改编,改写(rewrite) adapt A from B从选取/改编adapter/adaptor (n) 改编者 adaptation (n) 适应,改编 adaptable (adj) 能适应的,可改编的(2) 使适应/合,常与to 连用:adapt (oneself ) to,相当于adjustto近义词辨析: adjust强调调整或调节以适应 ,后常接介词toadapt指修改或改变,使某人或某物做些改变以适应新条件,此意时可互换。adopt 采纳,采用;收养 用a

16、djust,adopt和adapt填空并翻译:1 The play which is popular among the old is adapted from a novel. 2 Difficult books are sometimes adapted for use in schools. 以适应学校之用。3 You cant see through the telescope until it is adjusted/adapted to your eyes .4 Youll quickly adjust/ adapt yourself to student life. 5 Im a

17、fraid he cant adapt to the idea of having a woman as his boss. 6 They adopted an orphan because they had no children after being married for so many years.7 It took her a while to adjust to living alone after the divorce(离婚).8 It was difficult for the stubborn man to adopt the new idea9他用了好几秒钟才使他的眼睛

18、适应黑暗 He spent several seconds in adjusting/adapting his eyes to the dark.10她到那后不久就适应了那里的新环境。She adapted herself quickly to the new environment soon after she arrived there.11 这部深受中国人民欢迎的影片是由一位著名作家的同名小说改编而来。(定语从句) The film which/ that is popular with the Chinese is adapted from a novel written by a f

19、amous novelist which has the same name with it.文本7 annoy (vt) 打搅,干扰,使烦恼,使生气(尤用于被动语态)annoyed (adj) 恼怒的,生气的 annoying ((adj) 令人恼怒的,令人生气的annoyance n.恼火,恼怒 be annoyed with sb. at/ about sth. 令人恼怒的是. to ones annoyance1 He was annoyed with his wife because the dinner was badly cooked.2男孩的没礼貌使他很恼火。(三种方式)He

20、got /was/felt annoyed with the boy for being so rude. = He was annoyed at the boys rudeness.= The boys rudeness annoyed him.3老师因为他上课总是迟到很恼火。The teacher was annoyed with him because he was always late for class. 4我必须采取措施让这些烦人的苍蝇立刻从我的房间里消失。I must take some effective measures to make the annoying flies

21、/ which are annoying medisappear from my room. 5令我恼怒的是,那个讨厌的孩子又迟到了。 To my annoyance, the annoying boy was late for class again .文本8 all in all (1) 极其重要的, 重于一切的, 最关心的,最爱的 They were all in all to each other . 极为关爱All in all, he admitted his mistake. 最重要的是他承认错误了。Music is his all in all .音乐就是他的一切。(2)从各个

22、方面考虑,总的来说 All in all, he is a perfect man. All in all, it had been a great success.相关词组:1)above all 首要的,最重要地 2)after all 毕竟,终究 3) first of all 首先 4) all of a sudden突然,突如其来 5)in all 总共 6)all the same 仍旧, 尽管如此 7)not at all 根本不,一点也不 填空并翻译辨析:1 I dont like classic music at all.2 All in all, the party is

23、pleasant though not every one present behaves so well.3 I hope you dont be annoyed with him. After all, he is only a little boy at 12. 4 Are you sleepy? - Not at all. 5 “How much is it in all? “ the customer asked the assistant politely.6 It is not so surprising that you have got a stomachache. Afte

24、r all, you have eaten too much 7 I want a house, not so big, but it should be tidy and clean and above all, it must be quiet综合练习:1. I was very_ to find that the cinema was not accessible to the elderly or people in wheelchairs. A. annoyed B. annoying C. annoy D. annoyance 2. Once or twice he has had

25、 difficulty making decision on his own, but_ he is anindependent man. A. in all B. in word C. all in all D. word in word3. You should try to _ new circumstances as quickly as you canA. fit B. suit C. adapt D. adapt to4.-Ken, why do you look so tired? -I _ myself _ the climate since I came here.A had

26、nt adapted; to B. havent adapted; to C. dont adapt; from D. didnt adapt; from填空:1 I suggested he(should)adapt himself to his new conditions. (adapt)2 He adapted himself to the change quickly. 他调整自己很快适应变化。3 Bess was annoyed to find that coffee was not ready. 贝斯恼火的发现咖啡没有准备好。4 It annoyed me to be kept

27、waiting so long. 我等了那么长的时间,这使我很是恼火。5 The cat gave him a slightly annoyed look. (annoy)6 I was annoyed at the boy for spoiling the toy. 那个孩子把玩具弄坏了,我很是恼火。翻译:7我可以很快地使自己适应新环境。I can quickly adapt myself to new circumstances.8让我恼怒的不是你说的话而是你做的事。What annoyed me is not what you said but what you did.9他对玛丽非常恼

28、怒因为她忘了给她打电话。She was annoyed with Mary for forgetting to phone her.授课时间 周 星期授课教师授课班级课 题选六Words and expressions 三学习目标To grasp the key words重 点All in all, as well, make fun of 难 点as well文本9 as well as+ 从句或名词 as well “也”,后不能加名词或从句1) as well as(除之外)也,连接两个并列主语时谓语动词与前面的主语保持一致。1 The ole man as well as his t

29、hree sons were invited to attend the wedding. (be)2 He sent me a letter and some money as well. 3 They sell books as well as newspapers.4 Are they coming as well? 5他会说英语也会说法语。He speaks English as well as French . 6这个老师和他的学生们都喜欢这部影片。The teacher as well as his students likes the film.2)与一样好 Tom plays

30、basketball as well as , if not better than Bob. She cooks as well as her mother does.这个小女孩画画和她哥哥一样好。The little girl can draw as well as her brother.类似的结构:1) as /so long as 只要(引导条件状语从句)2) as soon as 一就(引导时间状语从句)as soon as possible as far as I know就我所知3)as far as Im concerned 就我而言 学会猜词: as far as the

31、eye can/could see 极目所尽 as far as 远达,远至 as far as I can remember/see /tell 尽我所能记得的 / 依我看 注:as well as常用于句中,连接两个并列成分;而as well 常用于句末。注意搭配may/might just as well “ 还是好,不妨做, 最好” 类似于had better do sth.1 If no one else wants it, we might as well give it to him.2 You might (just) as well throw money away as spend it in gambling(赌博)3 你还是提前告诉你妈妈真相的好,省得她总是为你担心,况且她迟早都会知道这事。You might tell your mother the truth in advance as well to make he

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