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1、贵州遵义四中高三第二次月考英语doc遵义四中2011届第二次月考英语试题(本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分。考试时间120分钟)第卷(两部分,共95分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分)第一节:语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。1. accept A. curious B. police C. especially D. electricity 2. scold A. second B. soft C. some D. radio 3. pity A. rise B. qui

2、te C. rapid D. surprise 4. health A. breath B. reality C. beautiful D. eager 5. exact A. exercise B. example C. excuse D. expert 第二节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)6May I have a glass of beer, please?Beer? There is _ left, but you can have some orange juice.1,3,5 Anone Bno one Cnothing Da little7_ team wins

3、 on Saturday will go through to the national championships.A. No matter what B. No matter which C Whatever D. whichever8Good evening, Mr. Green. Im sorry to bother you. But its the fourth of December today.Oh, Mrs. Baxter, _ rent! Im sorry its late. Ill write you _ check right now. Athe; the Ba; a C

4、a; the Dthe; a9Victor apologized for to inform me of the change in the plan. Ahis being not able Bhis not being able Chim not to be able Dhim to be not able10In order to _ a good command of German, she quitted her job and went to study in Germany.Arequire Binquire Cacquire Drequest11Soccer is the mo

5、st truly international team sport, but theres still some question _ whether it should be called a game or open warfare. Adue to Bin addition to Cas to Dowing to12Everybody said it was an ideal marriage; no one had ever known _ couple. Athe happier Ba happier Ca happy Dthe happiest13Moms gift? She _

6、have chosen a better one for me.She must be very happy to know it. Ashould Bmight Ccouldnt Dmustnt14_ the problem of land erosion getting more serious, the government is searching for a way to deal with it. AAs BWith CWhen DBecause15I really dont know _ I had my money stolen. Awhen was it that Bthat

7、 it was when Cwhere it was that Dit was where that16When he looked up, he suddenly found himself by a group of teenagers, looked at him anxiously. Ato be surrounded; which Bsurrounded; who Cbe surrounded; who Dhaving been surrounded; which17Its many years since I saw you last, I _ you at all.I would

8、nt have, either, if someone _ you by the name. Adidnt recognize; hadnt called Bdidnt recognize; didnt call Chavent recognized; didnt call Dcant recognize; had called18Hi, Tina ,were going to Sams house to celebrate his graduation. Would you like to ?Great! Lets go. Acome up Bcome on Ccome out Dcome

9、along19“_ the election is over,” said Powell, “the time has come for me to step down as secretary of state and return to private life.” ANow that BIn case CSo long as DAs far as20Do you have the time?Sorry, I have no watch._. AWhat a shame. BThanks anyway. CIt doesnt matter. DWhy not buy one?第三节:完形填

10、空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Some myths are stories told since ancient times to explain the causes for natural happenings. The Greek myth that explains why there are changes of 21 is about Demeter, the goddess of the harvest. She had a daughte

11、r, Persephone, whom she loved very much. Hades, god of the underworld, fell in love with Persephone, and he asked Zeus, the 22 of the gods, to give Persephone to him as his 23 . Zeus did not want either to disappoint Hades or to upset Demeter, so he said he would not agree to the marriage, but neith

12、er would he 24 it. Hades, therefore, decided to take the girl without 25 . When Persephone was picking flowers in the garden, he seized her and took her to the underworld. When Demeter 26 what happened to Persephone, she became so 27 that she caused all plants to 28 . People were in 29 of starving.

13、But Demeter was determined not to let crops grow 30 her daughter, Persephone, was returned to her. 31 , still not wanting to disappoint Hades, decided upon a condition for Persephones 32 . She could go back to her mother if she had not 33 anything while she was in the underworld. Demeter 34 it becau

14、se she did not know that Persephone had eaten several pomegranate (石榴) seeds in the underworld. When Zeus 35 this, he agreed that Persephone could spend part of the year with her 36 , but he added that since she had eaten the seeds, she must spend part of the year in the underworld. And so it 37 tha

15、t when Persephone is in the underworld, Demeter is sad and therefore 38 not let the crops grow. That is 39 we have winter when plants do not grow. When Persephone returns, Demeter is 40 , it is spring, and plants begin to grow again.21. A. periods B. time C. seasons D. age22. A. winner B. ruler C. a

16、dvisor D. fighter23. A. wife B. lover C. partner D. daughter24. A. accept B. forgive C. admit D. forbid 25. A. arrangement B. warning C. permission D. reason 26. A. let out B. worked out C. thought out D. found out27. A. excited B. angry C. tired D. serious28. A. grow fast B. start growing C. stop g

17、rowing D grow slowly29. A. danger B. hope C. turn D. case30. A. since B. until C. after D. when31. A. Persephone B. Zeus C. Demeter D. Hades32. A. return B. change C. marriage D. journey33. A. stolen B. found C. eaten D. heard34. A. understood B. refused C. doubted D. accepted35. A. discovered B. st

18、udied C. forgot D. prepared36. A. daughter B. mother C. god D. ruler37. A. works B. remains C. happens D. starts38. A. should B. can C. dare D. will39. A. where B. because C. why D. how40. A. happy B. friendly C. fresh D. nice第二部分:阅读理解(共二节,满分45分)第一节:(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳

19、选项。AInformal conversation is an important part of any business relationship. Before you start a discussion, however, make sure you understand which topics are suitable and which are considered taboos(禁忌) in a particular culture. Latin Americans enjoy sharing information about their local history, ar

20、t, and customs. They expect questions about their family and are sure to show pictures of their children. You may feel free to ask similar questions of your Latin American friends. The French think of conversation as an art form, and they enjoy the value of lively discussions as well as disagreement

21、s. For them, arguments can be interesting and they can cover pretty much or any topic as long as they occur in a respectful and intelligent manner.In the United States, business people like to discuss a wide range of topics, including opinions about work, family, hobbies, and politics. In Japan, Chi

22、na, and Korea, however, people are much more private. They do not share much about their thoughts, feelings, or emotions because they feel that doing so might take away from the harmonious business relationship theyre trying to build. Middle Easterners are also private about their personal lives and

23、 family matters. It is considered rude, for example, to ask a businessman from Saudi Arabia about his wife or children.As a general rule, its best not to talk about politics or religion with your business friends. This can get you into trouble, even in the United States, where people hold different

24、views. In addition, discussing ones salary is usually considered unsuitable. Sports is typically a friendly subject in most parts of the world, although be careful not to criticize a national sport. Instead, be friendly and praise your hosts team.41. The author considers politics and religion _.A. c

25、heerful topics B. taboosC. rude topics D. topics that can never be talked about42. Which is typically a friendly topic in most places according to the author?A. Sports. B. Children. C. Personal feelings. D. Families.43. Why are people from Asia more private in their conversation with others?A. They

26、dont want to talk with others much.B. They dont want to have their good relationship with others harmed by informal conversation.C. They are afraid to argue with their colleagues.D. They want to keep their feelings to themselves.44. What shouldnt you do when talking about sports with colleagues from

27、 another country?A. Praising your own countrys sports. B. Criticizing your own countrys sports.C. Praising the sports of your colleagues country.D. Criticizing the sports of your colleagues country.B The common cold is the worlds most widespread illness, which is plagues(病疫) that flesh receives. The

28、 most widespread fallacy(谬误) of all is that colds caused by cold. They are not. They are caused by viruses passing on from person to person. You catch a cold by coming into contact,directly or indirectly, with someone who already has one. If cold causes colds, it would be reasonable to expect the Es

29、kimos to suffer from them forever. But they do not. And in isolated arctic regions explorers have reported being free from colds until coming into contact again with infected people from the outside world by way of packages and mail dropped from airplanes. During the First World War soldiers who spe

30、nt long periods in the trenches(战壕), cold and wet,showed no increased tendency to catch colds. In the Second World War prisoners at the notorious Auschwitz concentration camp(奥斯维辛集中营),naked and starving,were astonished to find that they seldom had colds. At the Common Cold Research Unit in England,

31、volunteers took part in Experiments in which they gave themselves to the discomforts of being cold and wet for long stretches of time. After taking hot baths,they put on bathing suits, allowed themselves to be with cold water, and then stood about dripping wet in drafty room. Some wore wet socks all day while others exercised in the rain until close to exhaustion. Not o

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