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1、有关英语的名言警句摘抄精选100句有关英语的名言警句摘抄【精选100句】1、人生如戏,戏如人生,每个人都在上演着不同的角色。Life is like a play, play, as in life, everyone has played different roles.2、没有一种不通过蔑视、忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。No one without contempt, endurance and struggle to conquer fate.3、个人的痛苦与欢乐,必须融合在时代的痛苦与欢乐里。Pain and joy of the individual, must blend in t

2、he era of pain and joy.4、家,是一种心灵上的寄托,而不是我们生活上的负担!Home, is a kind of spiritual sustenance, rather than on our life!5、高峰只对攀登它而不是仰望它的人来说才有真正意义。Peak to climb it, not only look at its people have real significance.6、当一个人用工作去迎接光明,光明很快就会来照耀着他。When a man use work to welcome the light, the light will soon co

3、me over him.7、人生路上,并非只有帮过你的才是贵人,有时恰恰相反。The road in life, not only help you is noble, sometimes just the opposite.8、今天尽你的努力去做好,明天你也许就能做得更好。Do your best to do today, tomorrow you might have done better.9、能够使人超越死亡的,不是勇气也不好似放弃,而是爱。Able to transcend the death, not the courage to also dont like to give up

4、, but love.10、多笃志去细听别人怎么说,不要急着表达你本身的见解。Atsushi to listen what others say, dont rush to express your own opinion.11、提防别人不如提防自己,最可怕的敌人就藏在自己心中。Beware of people worse off than against themselves, the most terrible enemy is hidden in their hearts.12、我们要把人生变成一个科学的梦,然后再把梦变成现实。We want to turn life into a sc

5、ientific dream, then the dream into reality.13、伤感一类的情绪,是对短暂的生命的浪费,实在没必要。Sad mood, is a waste of short life, there is no necessary.14、行动是治愈恐惧的良药,而犹豫、拖延将不断滋养恐惧。Activity is a kind of medicine to cure fear and hesitation or delay will continue to nourish the fear.15、一个积极主动的人,还应当虚心的听取他人的批评和意见。A proactive

6、 person, should also be humbly listen to the criticism and the opinion of others.16、成功的人是跟别人学习经验,失败的人只跟自己学习经验。Successful people are learning experiences with other people, people with their own learning experience failure.17、势不可使尽,福不可享尽,便宜不可占尽,聪明不可用尽。Potential not make, do not enjoy, cheap not advan

7、tage, smart do not run out.18、当一个人先从自己的内心开始奋斗,他就是个有价值的人。When a person from his first heart begins to struggle, he is a man of value.19、大肚能容,断却许多烦恼障,笑容可掬,结成无量欢喜缘。Tatu accommodate, broken but many troubles, smiling, and formed a boundless joy.20、现在的失败未必是一件坏事,它会成为您今后成功的基础。Now the failure is not necessa

8、rily a bad thing, it will be your success in the future.21、发泄可以舒缓情绪,但是不可以用伤害自己和他人的方式。Vent can relieve mood, but no harm yourself and the way of others.22、只有真正了解别人痛苦的人,才能尽心为别人做美好的事。Only truly understand the pain of others, can we do good things for others.23、只要你有一件合理的事去做,你的生活就会显得特别美好。As long as you h

9、ave a reasonable thing to do, your life will seem especially good.24、你以什么样的心态去面对生活,你就会收获什么样的心情!You with what kind of mentality to face life, you will reap what kind of mood!25、有些人之所以认真调查事实,是为了更巧更快的颠倒事实。Some people are seriously investigate facts, is for the sake of more artful faster facts upside do

10、wn.26、何苦风雨兼程,何苦为了赶到终点,而忽略了路边的风景。Why trials and hardships, in order to get to the end, while ignoring the roadside scenery.27、把不忙不闲的工作做得出色,把不咸不淡的生活过得精彩。Do not busy not idle work well, not salty not light have a wonderful life.28、的,不一定是最合适的;最合适的,才是真正的。The best, not necessarily the most appropriate; Th

11、e most appropriate, is really the best.29、一个人所宣扬的和他所做的,恰好构成了他的道德的两面。Declaring a person and what he has done, is just two sides of the form of his moral.30、人可有傲骨,但不可有媚气;人不可有傲气,但可有正气。People can have pride, but do not have MeiQi; A man should not have haughtiness, but can be upright.31、你能找一个理由让自己伤心,也能找

12、一个理由让自己快乐。You can find a reason to let oneself sad, also can find a reason to make yourself happy.32、河流之所以能够到达目的地,是因为它懂得怎样避开障碍。River to reach the destination, because it knows how to avoid obstacles.33、即便对不起别人的事很小很小,也要做出及时、真诚的道歉。Even tiny sorry others, also want to make timely and sincere apology.34

13、、一个人的快乐,不是因为他拥有的多,而是因为他计较的少。A persons happiness, not because he owns much, but because he caring less.35、如果你诚实坦率,人们可能会欺骗你;无论怎样要诚实坦率。If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.36、共同的事业,共同的斗争,可以使人们产生忍受一切的力量。Common cause, common struggle, can make people endure all po

14、wer.37、自己曾经受过伤害,又去伤害别人的人,是很难被人原谅的。He had been hurt, and to harm others, is difficult to be forgive.38、真正的爱,应该超越生命的长度、心灵的宽度、灵魂的深度。The real love, should go beyond the length of your life, the width of the spirit, and the depth of the soul.39、我们的生命只有一次,但我们如能正确地运用它,一次足矣。Our life is only once, but if we

15、can use it correctly, once is enough.40、你的一生努力就是:用你自己的一半获得上帝手中的另一半。Your life is hard, with your own half of the other half in gods hand.41、人只有献身于社会,才能找出那短暂而有风险的生命的意义。Only dedicated to the society, to find out the short and has a risk of the meaning of life.42、每一个成功者都有一个开始。勇于开始,才能找到成功的路。Every success

16、ful person has a start. Start bravely to find a successful way.43、一个人的价值,应该看他贡献什么,而不应当看他取得什么。The value of a person, should see him what contribution, should not look at what he achieved.44、大自然是个忠实的供给者,但它只把报酬给予努力工作的人。Nature is a loyal supplier, but it only gives compensation to the people of hard wor

17、k.45、每一个人可能的幸福是在全体人所实现的幸福之中。Each person may be in the greatest happiness of all the people to achieve the greatest happiness.46、你热爱生命吗?那么别浪费时间,因为时间是组成生命的材料。Do you love life? So dont waste time, because thats the stuff life is made of time.47、自己打败自己是最可悲的失败,自己战胜自己是最可贵的胜利。Beat yourself is the most lame

18、ntable failure, his victory over his is the most precious of victory.48、成功的信念在人脑中的作用就如闹钟,会在你需要时将你唤醒。Belief in the role of the human brain as alarm clock, when you need to wake you.49、人生并非游戏,因此,我们并没有权利只凭自己的意愿放弃它。Life is not a game, so we dont have any right to only depend on their willingness to give

19、 it up.50、人生就象个球,无论如何滚来滚去,总有在个点上停止的时候。Life is like a ball, no matter how to rolling, always have to stop at a point.51、希望是附丽于存在的,有存在,便有希望,有希望,便是光明。Hope is attached to exist, there is, there is hope, there is hope, is light.52、在世界的历史中,每一伟大而高贵的时刻都是某种热忱的胜利。In the history of the world, every great and n

20、oble moment is some kind of victory.53、衡量一下,你所想要取得的成功与你为此所失去的是不是相值。Measure, what you want to achieve success with you for this lost value.54、生活*这杯浓酒,不经三番五次的提炼呵,就不会这样可口!Life like this cup of liquor, without repeatedly refining oh, would not be so delicious!55、过去再优美,我们不能住进去;未来再艰险,我们只能走过去!A beautiful p

21、ast again, we cant live in; Future disasters, we can only walk past!56、不大可能的事也许今天实现,根本不可能的事也许明天会实现。Unlikely things may achieve today, impossible things maybe tomorrow will come true.57、世界上只有一种英雄主义,那就是了解生命而且热爱生命的人。There is only one heroism in the world, that is to understand life and love life.58、如果你

22、某方面受到挫折,那只能说明你在哪个方面还不够成熟。If you setbacks in some way, it just means youre not mature enough in what aspects.59、你明白,人的一生,既不是人们想象的那么好,也不是那么坏。You know, human life, is not people imagination of so good, its not so bad.60、在夜晚,只要有一个家人还未回来,记得在家里为他开一盏灯。At night, as long as there is a family hasnt come back,

23、 remember to open a lamp for him at home.61、有些事情如果你不想提前去表达,等待你的只能是别人的误会。Some things if you dont want to express in advance, waiting for you only is the misunderstanding of others.62、人生是短暂的,这句话应当提醒每个人去从事他要做的切事情。Life is short, this sentence should remind everyone to do his of things to do.63、真正的幸福只有当你

24、真实地认识到人生的价值时,才能体会到。True happiness is only when you truly learn the value of life, can be realized.64、人的一生可能燃烧也可能腐朽,我不能腐朽,我愿意燃烧起来!Persons life may be burning may also decayed, I can not decayed, I am willing to burning up!65、青春是有限的,智慧是无穷的,趁短短的青春去学无穷的智慧。Youth is limited, wisdom is boundless, while a s

25、hort youth to learn wisdom.66、如果我们都去做自己能力做得到的事,我们真会叫自己大吃一惊。If we are to do their ability to do it, we would call surprise ourselves.67、习惯就是习惯,谁也不能将其扔出窗外,只能一步一步地引下楼。Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, only step by step and led downstairs.68、尽管时光要使爱情凋谢,但真正的爱,却永远保持着初恋的热情。A

26、lthough the time to make the love fade, but the real love, but maintained the enthusiasm of first love forever.69、读书的脸不仅仅是汲取知识,更重要的是了解人生懂得如何做人。Face is not only to study knowledge, more important is to know the life is to know how to behave.70、缺乏信心并不是因为出现了困难,而出现困难倒是因为缺乏信心。A lack of confidence is not

27、because of the difficulties and problems is because of the lack of confidence.71、在真实的生命里,每桩伟业都由信心开始,并由信心跨出第一步。In real life, each pile great begins with confidence, and the confidence to make the first move.72、有些东西当你不能在拥有的时候,你可以做的就是不要忘记。Some things when you cant have, the only thing you can do is not

28、 to forget.73、怨言是上天得到人类的供物,也是人类祷告中最真诚的部分。Complaints are the greatest offerings that god for human beings, is also the most faithful prayers human beings might utter to god.74、充满着欢乐与斗争精神的人们,永远带着欢乐,欢迎雷霆与阳光。Is full of joy and fighting spirit of the people, and always with the joy, welcome thunder and s

29、unshine.75、再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。Again long way, step by step, also can go through, again a short road, do not stride feet cant reach.76、谁若游戏人生,他就一事无成;谁不主宰自己,永远是一个奴隶。If who is the game of life, he accomplishes nothing; Who does not dominate oneself, is always a slave.77、一个人有了远大的理想,就是在最艰苦难的时候,也会感到幸福。A person with big dreams, is the most difficult hard, will be happy.78、人言为信,如果一个人没有“信”了,那他说的话也不算人话了。Human speech for letter, if a man doesnt “letter”, the words what he said is not pe

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