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1、15级英语复习题doc英中互译1.你们要集中精力学习。You should be focused on leaning.2.对于年轻人来说,教育很重要。Education dose count to young people.3.我们在这所职业学校里学习许多课程。We study many subjects in this vocational school.4.你要好好利用这次千载难逢的机会。You should take advantage of this chance of a lifetime.5.德国绝大多数职业学校不收学费。The majority of vocational sc

2、hool in Germany dont change tuition fees.1.他的一番话伤了朋友的感情。What he said hurt his friends feeling.2.约翰对比尔来说很重要,因为他总是给比尔许多帮助。John means a lot to Bill because he often helps him a lot.3.我们大家都同情她。We all have sympathy for her.4.比起电子通讯,我更喜欢面对面的交谈。I prefer face-to-face talk to electronic communication.5.他们小时候

3、常在一起玩。They often hung out together when they were young.1.在拜访外教时,你可以送给他一件文化小礼品。When you visit your foreign teacher,you may present him with a small cultural gift.2.只有在知道主人喝酒的情况下,你才能送给他一瓶酒。You can give the host a bottle of wine as a gift only when you know that the host drinks wine.3.女店员用彩纸把礼物包好。The

4、saleswoman wrapped up the gift in color paper.4.在解决这个问题的时,杰克遇到了一些困难。Jack had some difficulty in solving the problem.5.妈妈告诉我生活充满惊喜,要随时做好准备。Mum told me that life was full of surprise and one should be ready for them.1.米老鼠是我最喜欢的动画人物。Mickey Mouse is my favorite character.2.现在中国电影在欧美国家很受欢迎。Chinese movies

5、 are quite popular in American and European countries now.3.动画片给人们带来娱乐。Animation films bring people amusement.4.六岁时她开始出演电影。She began to star in films at the age of six.5.李小龙的电影打破了西方对中国人的刻板印象。Bruce Lees films smashed the western stereotypes of the Chinese.1.就我们所知,地球是人类可以居住的唯一星球。As far as we know,the

6、earth is the only planet where people can live.2.田野被一层薄薄的雪覆盖着。The field was covered with a thin layer of snow.3.大城市汽车很多,严重污染了空气。There are a let of cars in big cities.They seriously pollute the air.4.我们应当勇敢地承担起对地球的责任。We should bravely take our responsibility for the earth .5.地球日让人们更关注环境问题。Earth pay d

7、raws more attention to environmental problems.Its true that i dropped out of college to start Microsoft ,but i was at Harvard for three years before dropping out .As ive said before ,nobody should drop out of college unless they believe they face the chance of a lifetime.And even then they should co

8、nsider carefully.不错,我是大学没读完,就中途辍学开创了微软公司。 但是在此之前我在哈佛念了三年的书。正如我以前所说的那 样,任何人都不应中途辍学,除非他确定已经遇到了一生中 最好的机遇。即便如此,他还是要慎重考虑。When i was quite young ,my family had of the first telephones in our neighborhood.Soon i discovered that somewhere inside that wonderful device lived an amazing person 一her name was In

9、formation Pleaseand there was nothing she did not know.My mother could ask her for anybodys number;when our clock stopped,Information Please gave us the correct time at once.在我还很小的时候,家里有了所在街区的第一部电话。 不久,我就发现那个奇妙的装置里住着一个神秘的人一她的 名字叫“请接查询台”。他简直我所不晓:妈妈要别人的电 话号码会找她;家里的钟坏了,她会立刻给我们准确报时Be careful in giving a

10、lcoholic drink as a gift.A bottle of wine is usually all right if you know your host drinks wine,but hard liquor can be given as a gift only when you know the host well and are certain that he would welcome such a gift.送酒做礼物时要当心了。如果你知道主人喝葡萄酒,那 送上一瓶葡萄酒还是不错的,但如果是烈性酒,那只有当你 与主人很熟,并且确定主人会喜欢收到这样一份礼物时才能 送。

11、One night he heard some mice in the wastebasket.He caught them and kept them in small cages on his desk.One of these little mice became his particular friend and gave him the idea for the famous cartoon character Mickey Mouse* clean mouse in a clean world.In 1928 Mickey first appeared in a cartoon f

12、ilm.一天晚上他听到废纸篓里有老鼠的声音。他把老鼠抓来 关在小笼子里,摆在了桌上。其中一只老鼠成了他特殊的朋 友,给他带来了创作著名卡通形象米老鼠一一只生活在纯洁 世界里的纯洁的小老鼠一的灵感。1928年,米老鼠首次在卡 通电影中亮相。The earth means many thing to the people who live on it.To a farmer,the earth is rich soil.To a road builder,the earth means mountains of hard rock.For a sailor,the earth is water a

13、s far as the eye can see.A pilots view of the earth may include part of an ocean,a mountain,and patches of farmland.An astronaut speeding through space sees the earths round shape and the outline of lands and oceans.Each of these different views helps describe the earth but none really tells what th

14、e earth is.地球对于地球上的居民来说,意味着许多事物。对于农 民来说,地球是肥沃的土壤;对于修路工人来说,地球是由 坚硬石块构成的山峰;对于水手来说,地球是一望无际的水 域。在飞行员眼中,地球可能包括部分海洋、山峰和成片农 田;在太空高速行进的宇航员看到的地球是圆形的球体,还 有海洋和陆地的轮廓O他们关于地球的不同看法都有助于对 地球进行描述,但都没有真正揭示地球究竟是什么。连线题1. education教育2. software软件3. success成功,胜利4. programmer程序师,编程员5. subject科目,课程6. e-mail电子邮件7. ability能力,

15、本领8. range范围9. focus(使)集中,(使)聚焦 spirit团队精神1.neighborhood附近地区2.device装置3.hometown家乡4.sympathy同情5.sob哭诉,啜泣6.dial拨(电话号码)7.bleed流血8.fridge冰箱9.pet宠物10.airport飞机场l.wine葡萄酒2.business商业,买卖,生意3.task任务;作业4.present给,赠送;介绍,引见5.paper-cut剪纸6.host主人7.personal私人的,个人的8.attention注息,关心9.modest适度的;谦虚的,谦让的lO.inte

16、rview面试,访谈1.amusement娱乐,消遣2.expand扩张,扩展3.Hong Kong香港4.cage笼子5.character人物,角色6.screen银幕7.studio画室,工作室;制片厂8.cartoon卡通片,动画片9.adult成人,成年人10.alike同样地,相似地1.mankind人类2.outline轮廓,外形3.living活的,有生命的4.sailor海员,水手5.length长度,时间的长短6.surround包围,围绕7.soil土壤,土地8.warmth温暖9.pilot飞行员,领航员lO.huge巨大的,极大地选择题1.Here is my car

17、d.Lets keep in .A.touch B.relation C.connection D.friendship2. ont forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.- B .A.I dont B.l won,t C.l cant D.l havent3.The number of people invited fifty, but a number of them C 、absent for different reasons.A.were;was B.was;was C.was;were D.were;were4.Lisa has

18、three B D.brothers-in-laws5.Th is is not your shirt, but C .A.yours brother B.your brotherC.your brothers D.your brother6.How beautifully she sings! I have never heard DA.the better voice B.a good voiceC.the best voice D.a better voice7.The boy wa

19、nted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him A .A.not to B.not to do C.not do it not to8.Next to the table B two old chairs and some books.A.was B.were C.was lay D.were laying9.If by any chance anyone comes to see me,ask them to leave a A .A.message B.letter C.sentence D.noti

20、ceIQ.There C a lot of sugar in the jar.A.has B.are D.werel.This radio is almost the same as C.A.shes B.her C.hers D.she2.She told me two stories.but C of them was interestingA.either B.both C.neither D.none3.1agree with most of what you said,but I dont agree with B.A.all things B.everything C.s

21、omething D.nothing4.The doctor said that she would try B best to cure me.A.ones B.her C.his D.the5.Mary young people read the English newspaper called The 21st Century C improve their to that order to order that6.Which newspaper do you think B young people in Australia?A.

22、most popular of the most popular most popular of D.are the most popular with7.1was in the kitchen D something when the doorbell rangA.cooked B.cook cook D.cooking8.There D a swimming pool in the school.A.lived B.happened C.seemed D.was9.When will those shops open?/ dont know when

23、A .A.those shops will open B.will those shops be openC.will those shops open D.those shops are opening10. Please A me that I must call her before nine.A.remind B.remember C.let D.talk1.They were all tired,but C of them would stop to take a rest.A.any B.some C.none D.neither2. hy dont we take a littl

24、e break? idnt we just have C a while ago? B.that C. one D.this3. hat did you think of her speech?She B for an hour but didnt much.A.spoke;speak B.spoke;say C.said;speak D.said;say4.As she B the newspaper, Granny;was falling B.was reading;fellC.was reading;was felling;fell5.H

25、elen C her keys in the office so she had to wait until6.The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, C that he had enjoyed his stay here.A.having added add C.adding D.added7.We decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining D .A.badly B.hardly C.strongly D.heavily

26、8.If I had A ,rd visit Europe,stopping at all the smallinteresting places.A.a long enough holiday enough long holidayC.a holiday enough long D.a long holiday enough9.Would you like a cup of coffee C shall we get down to business right away?A.and B.then C.or D.otherwise10.Mother was worried beca

27、use little Alice was ilespeciallyA Father was away in France.1.1dont know the restaurant,but itfs A to be quite a good one.A.said B.told C.spoken D.talked2. an I join your club, Dad?You can when you A a bit older.A.get B.will get C.are getting D.will have got3.Its nearly seven o/clock.Jack D be here

28、 at any momentA.must B.need C.should D.can4.1dont like A you speak to her.A.the way B.the way in thatC.the way of which D.the way which5.1have never heard of anything more A than this.A.exciting B.excited C.excitedly be excited6.Wed better complete the job with B money and people.A.few; little

29、B.less;fewer C;fewer;less D.more;much7.It is dangerous for people A the streets if they dont 、 the traffic cross;observe B.across;followC.crossing;carry out D.cross;rememberS.Would you mind C me here at nine oclock?9.When we are A trouble they often help B.on C.with D.without10.1w

30、as so sleepy that I could hardly keep my eves B yesterday evening.A.opening be opened open1.C the help of the guide dog, the old man his son avisit.A.Underspent B.With;tookC.With;paid D.Under;showed2.Because A bad weather we had to have our physical education class in the classroom.

31、A.of was C.of the D.the3.1often dream C mv old see B.seeing C.of seeing seeing4.the end they succeeded in finishing the task the end of June.A.At;at B.ln;in C.ln;at D.At;in5.Can you translate the passage C English.A.with B.from C.into D.by6.We couldnt help D when we heard the heros story.A.moving move be moved D.being moved7.Please pay twenty dollars for these,t

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