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1、3500词检测答案3500词检测答案1A. abnormal/ ability/ accuracy/ absolutely/ accessible. absent/ accident/ accomplish/ abroad/ absorb. 1.取消、废除制度等 2. 唐突的、陡峭的、不连贯的3. 绝对的、专制的 4. 丰富的、 充分的、大量的 5. 滥用、辱骂、虐待 6. 膳宿 7. 加速、促进8. 账目、描述9. 惯常的、习惯的 10. 会计人员、会计师c 1. capable2说明原因、占比例3. accuse sb of / charge sb with 4. 全神贯注于5. be a

2、bout to do when= be on the point of doing sth when 6. on purpose= by design= by intention 7. be addicted to doing sth= be hooked on doing sth= abandon oneself to doing sth 8. doing 9.某人不在时 10. be abundant in= be rich in1Bacquisition/ inadequate/ admission/ adjustment/ activeaddress/ adolescent/ adul

3、t/ adjust/ advantage1着迷的、上瘾的2. 陪伴、伴随3. 痛、疼痛4. 英亩5 . 热爱、爱慕 6 可钦佩的、极好 7. 适当的、足够的 8. 管理、行政、施行、政府 9. 相识、熟人10. 实际的、现实的1 ackonwledge doing =admit doing sth承认做 2. 以获得 3. putinto action 4. over 5. in advance 6. an adopted child 7 address/ handle/ deal with/ cope with the problem 8. in addition to = besides=

4、 apart from= aside from= as well as 9. achieve/ reach 10. adapt sth for sth2A.advertise/ advise/ agricultural/ African/ agreementaggressive/ airline/ aim/ agree/ afford1广告 2. 代理商 3. 惊恐、 警报、 警钟、闹钟 4.飞机 5. 农业6. 时事 7. 议程8. 代理机构、经销商 9. 喜爱 10. 拥护、支持、提倡1.advice 2. ringing 3. at doing = to do 4. with 5. co

5、me to/ reach/ arrive at 6同意某人的看法、意见等; 气候、食物等适应; 与一致 7. a child aged 9= a child 9 years old = a child 9 years of age 8.你先请 9. to do 10. doing 2Bamusement / amazement/ allowance/ anger/ analysisaltogether/ aloud/ ambulance/ ancient/ amout1大量的、充足的 2. 抱负、野心、雄心3. 模棱两可的、含糊不清的4. 大使 5. 祖宗、祖先 6. 业余爱好的7. 津贴、限

6、额、允许 8. 过敏的、 9. 代数 10. 海拔1. to 2. 基于,扎根于 3总计达到 4. 尤其、格外 5. all in all/ in a word/ in conclusion 6. have no choice/ alternative/ option but to do= do nothing but do= cannot choose but do= cannot help but do= cannot but do 7. to do 8 a person alive= a living person 9 let alone= not to mention 10.Areat

7、 minds think alike.3A.inappropriate 2. appearance 3. anxiety 4. approval 5. appointment1. announcement 2. application 3. applicant 4. appetite 5. apologize1.清晰可见的、显然的 、表面上的2. 周年纪念日3. 踝 4. 每年的、一年一次的 5. 南极地区 6. 古董 7. 不管怎样 8. 一套房间 9. 拍手喝彩 10. 附录、附加物、 阑尾1. an approach to doing sth 2. I would appreciate

8、it if 3. apply to应用,向.申请,把应用于4.appeal to sb to do sth 5. tell A from B/ tell the differences between A and B/ distinguish A from B 6.if any 如果有的话7if anything如果要说什么的话8judge a man by his appearance 9. some other day= another day too anxious to do sth非常渴望3Bassumption / assistance, assistant/ arri

9、val/ arise- arose- arisen/ argumentastonish/ assessment/ aspect/ ashamed/ arrange1.助手2. 人造的,假的3. 箭头,箭4. 建筑学5. 专横的,武断的6.接近,大约7.亚洲的,亚洲人的8.评估,评价9.分配,任务,转让10.联系,交往,联盟1. cover an area of 2. argue with sb about sth 3. arise from/ arise out of 4. an armed robber 5. join the army 6. an article of furniture/

10、 apiece of furniture wide awake 8. be fast/ sound asleep 9. arrange for sb to do sth 10. ask for trouble4Aluggage/ awareness/ awake-awoke-awoken/ attractive/ attention, attendance, attendantauthor/ available/ average/ background/ attitude尴尬的,笨拙的2.真实的,逼真的3.观众4.单身汉,学士5. 自治的,自主的6. 获得7. 自动的,无意识的8.

11、宇航员9. 天文学10.原子avoid doing sht 2. an average student 3. awake sb= wake sb up 4. take positive attitudes towards life 5. from bad to worse每况愈下6. attract/ draw ones attention to 7. attend to= tend to照顾8. an attempted murder 9.attach importance to/ make much of 10. be under attack4Bbeat- beat- beaten/ b

12、ear- bore-born/ beaches/ bathe/ beautybasic/ abttle/ battery/ basketball/ bargain1狗叫声2. 阻碍。隔阂3. 地下室4. 牛肉5野兽,牲畜6. 下巴上的胡须7. 野外宴会,烧烤8. 绷带9. 浴缸10. 露台,阳台1. a glass of beer一杯啤酒2.make the bed铺床3.ban sb from doing 禁止某人做 the barbers 在理发店5.Thats the bargain一言为定6.a balanced diet 7. on a daily / regular bas

13、is 8. be bathed in 9. bear/ take/ shoulder responsibility to do sth5Abeneficial/ beliefs/ beginning/ bite- bit- bitten/ behaviorbiography/ birthplace/ biology/ bitter/ beyond1.账单2. 腹部,肚子3. 背叛,出卖,泄露4. 在上面5.皮带6. 弯的,决心的,专心的7.生物,生存8. 饼干9长凳 10. 铃声,钟声1. bid for the Olympic Games 2. at the beginning of 3.

14、on behalf of 代表某人4.not a bit一点也不 ones bit6. hold the belief that/ in the belief that 7. be determined to do = be bent on doing sht 8. behave oneself表现好,守规矩 beneficial to = be of benefit to 10. come into being/ existence5Bbotanical/ bored, boring / bowed- bowed/ bled- bled/ blew- blownboom/ b

15、ooklet/ boycott/ boundary/ blanket1.空白,空格2. 弓形物,弯腰3. 长筒靴4. 宽罩衫5. 联系,纽带6. 弹向,弹跳7. 植物学的8. 金黄色的9. 边界,边境10. 奖金,额外的红利1 a wet blanket一件令人扫兴的事、一个令人扫兴的人 the black有盈余3. Why bother?何必麻烦 blind to= turen a blind eye to对.视而不见 reserve a room the bottom of 7. be bored with/ be fed up with/ be t

16、ired of/ have had enough of/ be sick of8.block/ stop/ prevent / discourage sb from doing 9. sb be to blame for sth10. be blessed with幸有,赋有6Abreathe/ bravery/ burnt- burnt/ broadcast-broadcast/ broadenbudget/ breathless/ bridge/ brief/ brown1.一串,一群2.早午餐3. 小册子4. 官僚主义的5. 砖块6. 光辉的,辉煌的,英明的7. 入室窃贼 8. 胸怀,心

17、情9. 自助餐10.扫帚1.ease ones burden 2. burst into tears/ burst out crying 3. be buried in doing 4. make a breakthrough 5. 打断,折断6. build up ones strength/ body= get into shape 7. run into/ run across/ bump into/ come across6Bcalculation/ camping, camp/ bought- bought/ cancelled- cancelled/ candiescampaign

18、/ capable/ cancel/ candidate/ camp取消2. 灌木丛3. 骆驼4. 癌症5. 太空舱,胶囊6. 屠夫7. 小卖部,餐厅8. 蜡烛9. 糖果10. 出租车1.launch a campaign 2. put off / delay/ hold up/ postpone doing sht 3. call for要求,邀约,取某物4.have a butterfly in ones stomatch忐忑不安 and by 不久 up打电话给,使想出7. none of your business不管你的事 chosen captain 9

19、. die of/ from cancer10. be busy/ occupied in doing sth7Acautious/ casually/ cast, cast/ central/ celebrationcelebration/ career/ cave/ carriage/ cartoon1. 盒式录音带2. 种类、类别3. 摄氏的 4. 雕刻5. 灾祸、灾难6. 天花板、顶棚 7. 地毯 8. 目录、一览表9 说明 10 城堡1. be cautious of / about doing sth 2. five ( head of ) cattle 3. in celebra

20、tion of 4. 常有的事 5. the cause of the accident 6. cater to/ for ones taste 7. be caught doing sth 8. 冲走、带走、冲昏某人头脑 9.carry on a discussion/ conversation 10. 无意中泄露秘密7Bchangeable/ chiefs/ chefs/ certainty/ challengingcharacter/ champion/ charity/ chemical/ ceremony1. 奶酪2. 频道、通道、水渠3. 大厨 4. 追捕、追逐 5 吟诵、咏唱、圣

21、歌6. 检查、批改、核对7. 图表、航海图 8. 证明、证明书 9. 咀嚼 10. 箱子、盒子、胸部1. play chess 2. have no choice/ option/ alternative but to do = cannot choose but do = cannot help but do 3. 登记住宿 4. Chances are that.= Theres a chance/ possibility that 5. get changed= change ones clothes 6. in/ during the 1980s在20世纪80年代 7. 结婚证 8.

22、in chaos= in a great mess 9. choke off the traffic= block the traffic 10. turn/ change for the better转好8Acirculation/ cloudy/ chose; chosen/ classic; classical/ civilianclimate/ civilian/ click/ classic/ clinic1.声称、索取、认领、夺去2. 教练、马车、长途车 3. 电线、线路、环形道4. 从句、分句 5. 委托人、当事人 6. 笨拙的、笨重的7. 文明8.鼓掌、拍手9. 线索、迹象、提

23、示 10. 使清楚、澄清1. 致命的缺陷2. 夜以继日的3. come close to doing sth差点儿4. two cups of coffee5. under no circumstances/ in no case, way, sense/ on no account, consideration, condition/ at no time/ by no means 6. come to an end/ bring( put)to an end 7. 由于巧合8. an article of clothing/ a piece of clothing 9. 海滨城市

24、nior citizens/ the elderly/ the old8Bcombination/ commitment/ comedies/ communication / competitor, competitioncolleague/ command/ companion/ company/ collection1. 社区、社会、团体、共有、享有2. 柱子、专栏、纵队3. 倒塌、瓦解、昏倒4. 委员会5. 商业的、商务的6. 能力7. 指南针、圆规8. 委员、特派员、长官9. 梳子 10. 共产主义1. combine work with pleasure把工作和娱乐相结合2. 出来、

25、发芽、出版、结果是3. live/ lead a comfortable life; live in comfort; live comfortably 4. common sense 5. have a good command of 6. have much in common with 7. compare notes with和交换意见;商量;核对8. 弥补;补偿9. complain to sb about sth/ make a complaint to sb about sth10. commit oneself to doing sth; be committed to doi

26、ng sth; make a commitment to do sth 9Aconcentration/ conduct, conductor, conduction/ construction/ considerate, considerable/ unconsciousconfident/ constant/ conference/ conflict/ confirm1. 良心2. 保守的3. 概念4. 秘密的5. 妥协,折衷6. 数量相当大7. 具体的、混凝土8. 一致的9. 组织、宪法、体格10. 理解concentrate on, focus on, fix ones attenti

27、on on2. be aware of, be conscious of 3. have confidence/ faith/ belief in 4. 相关的人5. correspond to, agree with, be consistent with 6. consider doing sth 考虑做 consequence of, as a consequence/ result of 8. in good conditon, in good shape9. 必修科目10. be made up of, consist of, be comprised of , be com

28、posed of 9Bconsultant/ contradiction/ controlled, controlled/ conveyed, conveyed/ convinced, convincingcontribution/ cooperation/ consume/ convenience/ content1. 大公司2. 合同,契约3. 背景,环境,语境4. 传统的5. 腐败6. 大陆7. 有争议的8. 保守9. 容器10. 运输,运送,表达1.即将来临的 2.与一致3. bring convenience to sb 4. in contemporary society 5. c

29、onvince/ assure sb of sth6. 耗时的工作7. cope with/ deal with , struggle with = handle= address= approach 8. 与矛盾9. 根据语境/上下文 10. consult/ refer to / turn to the dictionary, look up the word in the dictionary 10Acriticism,critic/ creation, creativity/ curiosity/ criminal/ crowdedcouple/ courage/ crash/ cru

30、el/ culture1. 小木屋,村舍,别墅2. 棉花(的)3. 地方议会, 委员会,市政服务机构4. 堂(表)兄弟、堂(表)姐妹5. 生物、动物6. 批评家,评论家7. 庄稼,收成8. 立方形的东西,立方体9. 货币,现金10. 总课程1. at the cost/ expense/ price/ sacrifice of 2. 偏离航线3. be curious about 4. cure sb of sth 5. 在十字路口,处于关键时刻6. global financial crisis7. 使sb发疯8. a credit card 9. 可以指望10. take sb to co

31、urt10Bdecoration/ increase/ death/ dangerous/ dawndecision/ daughter/ declare/ deed/ debt1. 降低、减少2. 十年(间) 3. 资料库、数据库4. 潮湿(的)5. 堤、坝6. 垫子、靠垫7. 窗帘8. 海关、关税9. 聋的10.讨论、辩论1. decide on sth 2.set/meet/ miss the deadline 3. 追溯到4.cause/ do damage to 5. follow a custom 6. 砍伐、缩减、减少7. make a dash for 8. 成交、就这么办9. 陷入衰退中10. be deep in thought11Adefinition/ demanding/ depressed, depressive/ description/ defencedelicious/ destination/ detail/ deliberate/ desk1. 投递信件(邮包)2. 牙科医生3. 离开、离去4. 侦探5. 尽管6. 预期的7. 舍弃、遗弃8. 放置、放下、存放9. 否认10. 娇弱的,纤细的,脆弱的,易碎的1. delay/ put off/ hold up/ postpone doing sth 2. 在一定程度上3. tak

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