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1、高中英语反意疑问句用法归纳高中英语反意疑问句用法归纳反意疑问句用法归纳 一、反意疑问句的一般情况 1(当陈述部分的主语是:等everyone, everybody, someone, no one, nobody, somebody合成代词时,附加疑问句的主语非正式文体中往往they用。(也可以按语法一致原则用单数。) 2(当陈述部分以one不定代词做主语时,附加问句的主语在正式常场用one,非正式场合用he。 3(当陈述部分的主语是不定式、动名词、从句、this或that,附加疑问句的主语用it。(是those, these则用they) 4(当陈述部分的主语是表示物的不定代词everyth

2、ing, anything, nothing等,附加问句的主语用 it。 5(陈述部分带有否定词或半否定词,例如:never, hardly, scarcely, seldom, no, none, no one, rarely, nowhere, nothing, nobody, few, little等,附加疑问句的动词要用肯定形式。 6(如果陈述部分中的否定词仅带有否定的前缀或后缀,那么该陈述句应作肯定句处理,附加疑问句应用否定形式。 二、常见句型的反意疑问句 7(当陈述部分是there be 存在句型时,附加疑问句的主语也用there。 8(感叹句的附加疑问句,其谓语要求用否定句。 9

3、(祈使句后面的附加疑问句问题 A) 祈使句是否定形式,附加疑问句只能用will you。B) 祈使句是肯定形式,附加疑问句用肯定、否定均可。 C) Let开头的祈使句要注意: 1.Lets 在意义上包含谈话的对方在内,表示提出建议或征求对方意见,其反意疑问句往往用shall we。 2. Let us 在意义上一般不包含谈话的对方在内,表示请求对方允许做某事的含义,let 有allow的意思。附加疑问部分用will you。 3. Let me 开头表示请求,附加疑问句用will you,或用may I。 三、复合句的反意疑问句 10(当陈述部分是一个(带that引导宾语从句的)主从复合句时,

4、附加疑问句的主谓要和主句的主谓保持对应关系。但是, 当陈述部分的主语是:I suppose, I think, I believe, I imagine, I expect等结构时,附加疑问句的主语和谓语要和从句的主语,谓语保持一致关系。而且要注意到否定的转移问题。 11(当陈述部分是Im sure that,;we are sure;Im afraid that;We are sure that;I feel sure that 等后面跟宾语从句时,反意疑问句与后面的宾语从句一致。 12(当陈述部分是并列句时,附加疑问句的主谓语要和离它最近的句子的主谓保持对应关系。 四、关于情态动词的反意疑

5、问句 13(陈述部分中有have一词,且表示“所有”含义时,附加疑问句部分既可用have也可用do。 14(陈述部分中有have to,附加疑问句部分用do。 15(含有ought to 的反意疑问句,陈述部分是肯定的,疑问部分用shouldnt / oughtnt +主语。 He ought to know what to do, oughtnt he? / shouldnt he? 16(陈述部分有used to,附加疑问句部分可用used 也可以用did 。 17(陈述部分有neednt时,附加疑问句部分用need但有时也可用must。 18(陈述部分有must,且表示“必须”,附加疑问

6、句部分用mustnt,如果表示“必要”则用neednt。 19(陈述部分中是mustnt表示“禁止”时,附加疑问句部分用must。 陈述部分中的must表示“一定”、“想必”等推测意义时,附加疑问句部分而是根据陈述部分的谓语动词或其助动词来定。 2 0(陈述部分是I wish, 表询问或征求意见,附加疑问部分用may I。 21(弄清陈述句中的d rather = would rather;d better = had better附加疑问句部分前者用would,后者用had。 其它特殊结构的反意疑问句 22(陈述部分的主语是each of.结构时,附加疑问句在强调整体时用they,当作个别时

7、用he。 23(陈述部分有neither.nor.(either.or.)做并列主语,附加疑问部分根据其实际逻辑意义而定。 Neither you nor I am engineer, are we? 24(陈述部分是:Im .结构,附加疑问句一般用arent I? 25. 陈述部分有had better + v. 疑问句部分用hadnt you? Youd better read it by yourself, hadnt you? 26. 陈述部分有would rather +v.,疑问部分多用 wouldnt +主语。 He would rather read it ten times

8、than recite it, wouldnt he? 27. 陈述部分有Youd like to +v. 疑问部分用wouldnt +主语。 Youd like to go with me, wouldnt you? 28. 带情态动词dare或need的反意疑问句,疑问部分常用 need (dare ) +主语。 We need not do it again, need we ? He dare not say so, dare you? 当dare, need 为实义动词时,疑问部分用助动词do + 主语。 She doesnt dare to go home alone, does

9、she? 附加疑问句 热点一、 祈使句后的附加疑问句。 1( We forgot to bring our tickets, but please let us enter,_. A. do you B. can we C. will you D. shall we 2( Alice, you feed the bird today,_? But I fed it yesterday. (NMET 1999) A. do you B. will you C. didnt you D. dont you 3. Be sure to write to us,_? (NMET 1993) A. wi

10、ll you B. arent you C. can you D. mustnt you 4. Dont smoke in the meeting-room, _? (NMET 1991) A. do you B. will you C. can you D. could you 5. It is a fine day. Lets go fishing, _? (NMET 1990) A. wont we B. will we C. dont we D. shall we 【解析】 1. C2. B3. A4. B5. D。在由“祈使句+附加疑问”构成的附加疑问句中,附加疑问部分一般用will

11、 you, wont you, would you等。但是,以lets开头的祈使句,附加疑问部分用shall we;以let us开头的祈使句,含义不包括听话人在内,疑问部分用will you。例如: Lets have a basketball match this afternoon, shall we? Let us go out for a rest, will you? 热点二、 There be 句型后的附加疑问句。 There was a loud scream from the backstage immediately after the concert ended, _?

12、A. wasnt there B. was thereC. didnt it D. did it 【解析】 A。当陈述句为there be结构时,附加疑问句也用there。 Theres no help for it, is there? Theres something wrong, isnt there? 热点三、 含有宾语从句的主从复合句中的附加问句。 A) 一般主从复合句: 1( He never said that he was good at mathematics, _ ? A. was he B. wasnt heC. did he D. didnt he 2( Mrs. Bl

13、ack doesnt believe her son is able to design a digital camera,_? A. is he B. isnt heC. doesnt she D. does she 3( Brain told you that there wasnt anyone in the room at that time,_? A. was there B. wasnt ther C. didnt he D. did he 【解析】 1. C2. D3. C。当陈述部分为主从复合句时,附加疑问部分一般应与主句的主语和谓语动词保持对应关系。例如: 1. She sa

14、ys that I did it, doesnt she? 2. I told them not everybody could do it,didnt I? B) 特殊主从复合句: 1( Im sure youd rather she went to school by bus,_? A. hadnt you B. wouldnt you C. arent I D. didnt she 2( I dont suppose anyone will volunteer_? (上海2001) A( do I B( will they C( dont I D( wont they 【解析】 1. B

15、2. B。当陈述部分的主语是I,而句子又用来征询对方的意见时,附加疑问句中的主语用you。如: 1) I find English very interesting, dont you?2) I dont like that film, do you?但当陈述部分的主语是I,谓语是think, believe, suppose, expect这类动词时,附加疑问部分则往往与从句中的主语和谓语动词保持对应关系,但要注意否定的转移的特殊情况。 I suppose that hes serious, isnt he? I dont think she cares, does she? 热点四、 动词

16、、形容词含有否定前缀时的附加问句。 1. The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him,_? A. did they B. didnt they C. did it D. didnt it 【解析】 D。一般来讲,陈述部分带有seldom, hardly, never, rarely, few, little, nowhere, nothing等否定词或半否定词时,附加疑问部分的动词用肯定形式。例如: Bob rarely got drunk, did he? Few people know him, do they?

17、 She seldom goes to the cinema, does she? 但是,如果陈述部分的否定词带有否定前缀,那么该陈述部分看作肯定句,附加疑问部分一般仍用否定形式。例如: He was unsuccessful, wasnt he? Tom dislikes the book, doesnt he? 热点五、 谓语动词为have / had 时的附加问句。 Sarah had her washing machine repaired the day before yesterday,_ she? A. had B. did C. hadnt D. didnt 【解析】 D。此处

18、had 无“有”的含义,故只可以用did 的形式,当陈述部分带有表示“所有”含义的动词have(has)时,疑问部分既可用have形式,也可用do形式。例如: You have a new bike, havent you(或dont you)? She doesnt have any money in her pocket, does she? 热点六、 must have done / been表推测时的附加疑问句。 There is no light in the dormitory. They must have gone to the lecture,_? A. didnt they

19、 B. dont they C. mustnt they D. havent they 【解析】 D。当陈述部分带有情态动词must表示“必须”时,疑问部分用mustnt。例如: You must work hard next term, mustnt you? I must answer the letter, mustnt I? 但若表推测这层含义时,不能用must,而要根据陈述部分的不定式结构(即must之后的动词)以及含义采用相应的动词形式。具体说来,如果没有时间状语或for a long time之类状语时,就看成完成时;如果有明显的表示过去的时间状语如:last night/yes

20、terday等,就看成一般过去式。例如: You must have made a mistake, havent you? They must have seen the film last week, didnt they? He must be in the library, isnt he? 巩固练习: 1. I dont think that the necklace is made of diamond,_? A. do I B. do you C. isnt it D. is it 2. His wife had the carpets and the curtains clea

21、ned,_? A. hadnt she B. had she C. didnt she D. did she 3. Its my sons wedding next week, and I have to do my best for that,_? A. havent I B. dont I C. dont he D. isnt it 4. Harry wouldnt become a teacher if it hadnt been for the holiday,_? A. would he B. had it C. would it D. had he 5. No one left h

22、ere yesterday,_? A. didnt they B. did they C. didnt one D. did one 6. Birds rarely build nests in our garden, _? A. dont they B. do they C. didnt they D. did they 7. You must have been to the Great Wall, _? A. mustnt you B. havent you C. arent you D. must you 8. Learning how to repair motors takes a

23、 long time,_? A. doesnt it B. dont they C. does it D. do they 9. They must have stayed at home last night, _? A. mustnt they B. havent they C. didnt they D. must they 10. I feel like going to the cinema tonight, _? A. dont I B. dont you C. do I D. do you 11. Lets start out early tomorrow morning,_?

24、A. shall we B. will you C. do you D. cant you 12. Theres not much news in todays newspaper,_? A. isnt it B. is it C. isnt there D. is there 13. They need our help badly at the moment, _? A. neednt they B. need they C. dont they D. do they 14. She is unfit for the position,_? A. is she B. isnt she C.

25、 doesnt she D. does she 15. I wish to visit America,_? A. dont I B. can I C. may I D. may you 16. Shes been a worker here for many years,_? A. isnt she B. is she C. hasnt she D. has she 17. What beautiful flowers,_? A. arent they B. are they C. isnt it D. is it 18. Mother used to live in a poor vill

26、age, _? A. used she B. usednt she C. didnt he D. did he 19. Youd better go at once,_? A. wouldnt you B. had you C. hadnt you D. should you 20. I am very interested in Mark Twains novels,_? A. arent I B. am not I C. arent you D. are you Keys: 1. D2. C3. B4. A5. B6. B7. B8. A9. C10. D11. A12. D13. C 14. B15. C16. C17. A18. B19. C 20. A

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