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1、Eviews作图操作Eviews7中的图形操作Wfcreate wfopen wfselect wfstats wfsave 一、图形的分类1.线条图,如errbar、hile、line、spike2.填充图,如area、bar、pie图,如xy、xyline、xypair、scat4.统计图,如boxplot、cdfplot、hist、distplot kernel、qqplot5.其他对象的特有图形,如方程对象的置信椭圆cellipse图形能方便地实现数据和计量分析结果的可视化。图形对象包含对象的图形视图和图形对象。可以把图象视图定格成图形对象再进行修改。二、创建图形对象图形可以用grap

2、h命令创建,也可以从其他对象的图形视图定格而来。如graph gdp(或graph gf gdp,默认为线条图)用freeze命令把其他对象的图形视图定格成图形对象。如freeze(gf) merge命令是合并已有的图形对象freeze(g1) show g1graph m1show g2graph gf ggshow g3多个子图,用align命令设置排列方式,例如Graph (m) log(gdp) log(m1) rs(2,1)三、定制图形图形对象可以通过程序修改的部分有:线型(pattern)和填充,图例(legend)和图框(frame),坐标轴,还可以在图形对象上增加文本、线和阴影

3、等。1.图框 使用options命令,例如 graph rs Copy gf1 gf2 indent(缩进) Copy gf1 gf3 inbox(去掉边框)! Copy gf1 gf4 size(8,3)(修改为8,3虚拟英寸) Graph gf1 gf2 gf3 gf4 display(2,1,1)Delete gf 2.坐标轴有些图形命令,如line,对多个序列作图时,有如下坐标轴选项:a:自动选择坐标轴,横轴在底部,纵轴在左边。d:双坐标轴,第一个序列对应左边的坐标轴,其他序列对应右边的坐标轴,第一个序列的图形与其他序列不相交。$x:同d,但允许相交。n:将序列标准化。例如graph

4、rs prcopy gf1 gf2(left) log(采用对数坐标)copy gf1 gf3(2) axis(right)(将价格水平的坐标放到右边)copy gf3 gf4 overlap(允许相交)graph gf1 gf2 gf3 gf4(2,2,2)delete gfshow gfas命令scale有invert和range等选项,设置反向坐标轴和坐标轴的标注范围。如Graph log(gdp)Copy gf1 gf2 invertCopy gf1 gf3 linearzeroCopy gf1 gf4】 range(4,8)Graph gf1 gf2 gf3 gf4 display(

5、2,1,1)Delete gfShow gfa1坐标的外观,时间标度等也可以进行设置。例如Graph log(rs)Copy gf1 gf2 mirror zeroline (增加零线,左右同时给出刻度)Copy gf1 gf3 interval(year,10) (横轴刻度是10年)Copy gf1 gf4 label grid ticksin (去掉标度,增加网格线,刻度在里面)Graph gf1 gf2 gf3 gf4 display(2,1,1)Delete gfShow gfagwfopen hs#smpl 1988 lastgraph hsshow gf1 format(yyyy)

6、 interval(year,1) -displaycopy gf1 gf2show gf2 format(yyyy) interval(year,1) -spangraph gf1 gf2(2,1,1)show gf3.颜色和线型:wfopen demosmpl 1990 lastgraph gdp m1copy gf1 gf2show gf2(2) lcolor(orange) lwidth(2) copy gf1 gf3show gf3(1) lpat(dash1) symbol(star)copy gf3 gf4show gf4 -color Graph gf1 gf2 gf3 gf4

7、(2,1,1)Delete gfSmpl allShow gf1c4.填充和纹线matrix(2,3) mm 1,5,3,4,6,2show mmfreeze(gf1) show gf1Copy gf1 gf2 colorshow gf2 -colorcopy gf1 gf3(1) gray(5) hatch(7)(2) gray(1) hatch(3)(3) gray(3) hatch(4)copy gf3 gf4show gf4 -colorgraph gf1 gf2 gf3 gf4(2,2,2)show gff5.标注可以用addtext命令在图形中添加文字,用draw命令突出某些内容。

8、例如graph rsshow rsclose rs show gf1copy gf1 gf2(t) short trem interest rate(l) percentshow gf2(shade,bottom,rgb(235,200,180) 80 85(dashline,left,color(red) 8graph gf1 gf2。(2,1,1) -displayshow gfat6.图例可以控制图例的位置、文本和外观。graph log(gdp) log(m1) pr rsshow gf1(3) Price Levelcopy gf1 gf2 -inbox position, colu

9、mns(1)/(4)graph gf1 gf2(2,2,2)show gfag font(20) 设置字体 display 不要图例四、图形模板通过模板,可以复制图形类型、线型和填充的设置、坐标轴的标度方式、图例的各种属性和图框的各种设定等。graph log(gdp) log(m1)show gf0?(1) lwidth(4)(2) symbol(1)(shade,bottom) 80 85graph (o=gf0) pr*10 rsshow gf1graph (t=gf0) pr*10 rsshow gf2还可以在图形创建后再应用模板,例如$Graph pr*10 rs(o) gf0Gra

10、ph pr*10 rs(t) gf0五、打印和导出保存成图形文件。Save命令支持三种常用的矢量图形文件,分别是wmf文件、emf文件、eps文件。例如(t=wmf,u=in,w=4,-c) mygf命令名:freezegraphsavemergealigntemplateoptionsnameaddtextlegend draw scalesetelem直方图 hist关键字hist为命令distplot的分析设定(analytical spec)。hist有自己的选项。标度类型:scale=dens,freq,relfreg,分别表示密度直方图、频数直方图(默认)和频率直方图。柱宽:bin

11、w=eviews,sigma,iqr,silverman,freefman.锚点:anchor=num分界点:rightclosed图例文字:leg=def,n,s,det,默认给出最少信息,其他三个选项对应的图例文字信息分别为无文本、短文本和详细信息。折现直方图:distplot freqpoly边线直方图:distplot edgefreqpoly移位直方图:distplot ashwfopen demofreeze(gf01) freqpolyshow gf01Freeze(gf02) edgefreqpoly(fill)show gf02freeze(gf03) hist ashsho

12、w gf03freeze(gf04) hist(binw=silverman,anchor= ashshow gf04增加正态分布曲线:选中要画图的序列,打开,点view/gragh 在specific里选中distribution,右边的distribution框选择histogram。点击右边的option,在弹出来的框里点add,弹出的add框里选Theoretical Density。点击ok 再点击ok。最后点击ok。经验分布函数图Eviews5 cdfplotEviews7 distplot cdfDistplot cdf命令,默认绘制累积分布函数函数(选项c),还支持生存函数(选

13、项s)和分位数函数(选项q)。例如 cdf (说明:shows the cumulative distribution plot for lnwage, along with the default 95% confidence intervals. ) cdf(noci)则是不显示95%的置信区间、 survivor(noci) group gro1 weight height logsurvivor(ci=, leg=det) (说明displays the log-survivor plots for WEIGHT and HEIGHT along with 90% confidence

14、 intervals, and a detailed legend. The plots will be displayed in individual graph frames. )(s) quantile (说明shows the quantile plots for WEIGHT and HEIGHT in the same graph frame. )QQ图比较两个分布的工具。如果分布相同,QQ图应该是一条直线。理论QQ图(正态分布n,均匀分布u,指数分布e,Logistic分布l,第一类极值分布x),经验QQ图(s=name).series wage=exp(lnwage)group

15、 w wage log(wage)freeze(gfw) (n)show gfw(2,1,1) wfopen demorndseed(type=mt) 12357group dist rnorm rchisq(5)freeze(gf) (s=dist) show gf(2,1,1)(直接比较PDF.如何绘制序列和某种分布的PDFDo kernel(obsrange,b=3,o=mrs)series xseries rskgroup g x rskmtos(mrs,g)genr y=dchisq(x,5) chi-squre(5) interest rategraph x y rskshow g

16、fd -inbox position, columns(1)盒图wfopen garchgroup g raaa r3freeze(gfb) show gfb产生盒图的命令中,boxplot 是群对象命令,进行多个序列的盒图比较。而boxplotby是序列对象的命令,绘制单个序列内不同分组的盒图。修改盒图元素的命令为setbpelem.例如Copy gfb gfn ci(notch)将盒图中间的阴影部分改为凹槽。*Syntax语法boxplot(options) o1 o2 o3 . (options) categorical_spec(arg) where o1, o2, ., are se

17、ries or group objects. You may specify general options after the boxplot keyword. The optional categorical_spec allows you to specify a categorical graph (see Categorical Spec). Options q=arg Set the quantile method, where arg can be: r - Rankit-Cleveland, o - Ordinary, v - van der Waerden, b - Blom

18、, t - Tukey, g - Gumbel. rotate Rotate the graph so the observation axis is on the left. |Multiple series options (categorical graph settings will override these options) m Plot boxplots in multiple graphs. Panel options The following option applies when graphing panel structured data: panel=arg (de

19、fault taken from global settings) Panel data display: stack (stack the cross-sections), individual or i (separate graph for each cross-section), combine or c (compute cross-section graphs in a single frame). (Note: more general versions of these panel graphs may be constructed as categorical graphs.

20、) Examples Basic examples .displays boxplots for the series WAGE. group g1 wage sex race displays boxplots for WAGES, SEX and RACE in a single graph frame. (m, rotate) places the rotated boxplots for each series in a separate frame. Panel examples (panel=individual) displays boxplots for each cross-

21、section in a separate frame, while, (panel=stack) displays a single boxplot computed from the stacked panel data. (panel=combined, rotate) shows rotated boxplots computed for each period (across cross-sections) in a single frame. Categorical spec examples across(firm, dispname) displays a categorica

22、l boxplot graph of SER1 using distinct values of FIRM to define the categories, and displaying the resulting graphs in multiple frames with common scaling. Each frame is labeled using the FIRM display name. across(firm, dispname, iscale) constructs the same graph with individual scaling. within(firm

23、, label=value) constructs a boxplot for each value of FIRM and displays the results in a single frame. The individual boxplots are labeled using the value of FIRM associated with the category. across(firm) within(income, bintype=quant, bincount=4) constructs a categorical boxplot with FIRM defining

24、the across dimension, and INCOME defining the within dimension. Boxplots for each INCOME quartile of a given firm will be contained in a single frame, with different firms displayed in different frames. ¥ within(sex) within(union) creates an boxplot for within categories based on both SEX and UNION.

25、 Since we have not specified behavior for the implicit SERIES in GRP1, each series in the group will be displayed in a separate frame, with individual scaling. element_list The element_list may contain one or more of the following: median, med / -median, -med Show / Do not show the medians. mean / -

26、mean Show / Do not show the means. whiskers, w / -whiskers, -w Show / Do not show the whiskers (lines from the box to the staples). ,staples, s / -staples, -s Show / Do not show the staples (lines drawn at the last data point within the inner fences). near / -near Show /Do not show the near outliers

27、 (values between the inner and outer fences). far / -far Show / Do not show the far outliers (values beyond the outer fences). width(arg) (default =fixed) Set the width settings for the boxplots, where arg is one of: fixed (uniform width), n (proportional to sample size), rootn (proportional to the

28、square root of sample size). Set the display method for the confidence intervals, where arg is one of: none (do not display), shade (shaded intervals), notch (notched intervals). Examples . -far width(n) ci(notch) hides the far outliers, sets the box widths proportional to the number of observations

29、, and enables notching of the confidence intervals. distplotDisplay a distribution graph. Syntax distplot(options) o1 o2 o3 . (options) analytical_spec(arg) categorical_spec(arg) where o1, o2, ., are series or group objects. When used as a command, distplot only allows you to display the default his

30、togram view. When used as an object view, you must specify the type of distribution graph you wish to create in the analytical_spec. You may select from: histogram, histogram polygon, histogram edge polygon, average shifted histogram, kernel density, theoretical distribution, empirical CDF, empirical survivor, empirical log survivor, or empirical quantile (see Analytical Spec).

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