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1、GRE写作常用表达札记发信人: xmsand (Sand), 信区: GRE标 题: GRE写作常用表达札记发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Sat Dec 11 12:15:37 2004), 站内 GRE写作常用表达札记 (xmsand,2004年秋于金陵)将自己近期关于GRE写作表达的回帖以札记的形式加以整理,希望给GRE版上的朋友提供一些帮助。由于笔者英语水平有限,回帖、整理和打字输入肯定有不足甚至错误之处,希望大家批评指正。1.网络化动词cyberize是比较通用的翻译,也有人用latticingCyberize vt. 使网络化;使联网:These days, even hotels

2、 are flogging the notion that anythings better if you cyberize it. 眼下,就连各旅馆也在大力宣传这样的观念:任何东西一经网络化将更具优势。2.人生观 outlook on life; Life outlook 例如:树立正确的人生观 Establish a positive outlook on life3.“不相上下地” be equally matched; /almost on a par; /roughly the same; /neither is better than the other; /eye ball to

3、 eye ball4.“需要注意的是” (need)special attention5.价值观,世界观,审美标准的英文翻译? 价值观values 例如:传统的价值观念 traditional values世界观world ideology/outlook/view 审美标准aesthetic standards 6.有钱能使鬼推磨怎麽译啊?我提供两种翻译,仅供参考_(fig) Money makes the mare go. (lit) If one has money one can even make the devil turn ones millstone.7.:“留学回国人员”怎么

4、说啊 现在有一个通用的说法:returned student(s)也可以加个解释(one who studied overseas and returned for development)8.请问:生产资料&生活资料 如何表达?生产资料means of production 生活资料means of livelihood/subsistence9.办签证怎么说啊 grant a visa; Visa比如我们说,给护照签证:Put a visa on a passport; have/get ones passport visaed10.对客户说我将帮你把电话转接过去”怎么翻译 Ill put

5、 you through.先把衣服泡着吧 Let the clothes soak for some minutes in (warm) water. 11.国外引进的技术怎么说?我建议你翻译的时候用动词短语表达_ import/introduce foreign technology12.请问归一化系数怎么翻? normalization factor13.请问五角大楼怎么说? The Pentagon14.由于政府的态度尚未明朗,市场人气看低。Since the governments attitude is unclear, public confidence in the market

6、 is waning.15.请教大侠,“核心思想”怎么说阿?核心思想core/kernel/key thought/idea/ideology 另外,指导思想guiding idea/ideology主导思想dominant thought 中心思想 central/main idea 16.嘉年华英语怎么说? Carnival17.请问“在线留言”怎么说?多谢! Online message18.请问“经销商”怎么说?多谢! Distributor; sales agent; dealer19.请问锡箔纸怎么翻译呢? Tinfoil paper20. 山盟海誓怎么翻译呀Oaths as hi

7、gh as the mountains and vows as deep as the oceans-solemn pledge of love;立下山盟海誓,swear eternal love; swear an oath of enduring faithfulness/fidelity; make a solemn pledge of love21.Re: 销售目标怎么说呀?Sales target22. “社会实践”用英语怎么说?Social practice23.Re: 请问:把眼光放长远 如何表达?See things in a broader perspective24.Re:

8、 请问大侠“攻防对抗”怎么翻译?Confrontation between offence and defense25.Re: 从帐户扣除怎么说?.will be deducted from ones (bank) account.26. Re: 水俣事件、痛痛病事件、伦敦烟雾事件英文怎么说?水俣事件the methyl mercuric chloride poisoning incident in Minimata, Japan痛痛病Itai-itai disease伦敦烟雾事件London smog incidents27.Re: 战利品怎么说?Spoils of war; war tro

9、phies/booty; loot; capture28.Re: 请问人在江湖身不由己怎么翻?You cant control everything in a traits world. 29.”心动不如行动“英文如何表达?There is no failure excepting no longer trying. 30.“占的比例大”怎么说?Form/constitute a large proportion31.不懈的努力enduring/relentless efforts 不懈追求、坚持不懈unremitting pursuit32.求助:静力用英语怎么表达?在线等.谢谢.静力学st

10、atics 静摩擦力breakdown friction; Static friction force33.Re: 请问“总量”怎么翻译地道一些? Total capacity; gross amount34.Re: 请问合同到期怎么说?我写几种表达,你可以根据你的句式来选择:1)expired contract 2)The contract has reached maturity.3) The contract has run out. 4) The contract has expired. 5) The contract becomes due.35.Re: 请问光辉的荆棘路用英文怎么

11、翻译?我们一般翻译为光荣的荆棘路_ The Thorny Road of Honor36.“随便说说”,怎么说? Make a casual comment37.Re: 接待客人 怎么说? Receive/play host to some guests38.请问 城市燃气 怎么说? 谢谢! City fuel gas39.请问欢迎莅临指导怎么翻译?Your presence and instructions are requested/ appreciated.40.Re: 请问 利用率 怎么说?Utilization ratio41.Re: “心态”应该用哪个词? Psychology;

12、state/habit of mind; mental attitude42.Re: 请问“小五金”“浴帘”如何翻译?小五金 metal fittings(such as nails, bolts, etc) 浴帘 shower curtain 43.Re: 获得某人的认同 怎么说? 1) approve/endorse 2) identify44.Re: 上游发展战略中的“上游”怎么翻译啊?1) Upper reaches (of a river) 2) advanced position45.Re: 投稿用英语怎么说? (转载) Contribute to. send/submit a c

13、ontribution to.46.Re: 请问人才招聘怎么说? Recruit people with talent47. Re: “人才培养”怎么翻译 personnel training48.Re: 请问,如韬光养晦的翻译怎么译呢? Hide ones capacities and bide ones time49.Re: 请问辅导员和学生工作助理怎么翻译呢?辅导员advisor;instructor;councellor 助理assistant; Aide50.Re: 研究生部怎么翻译啊?在线等急! Graduate department51.Re: 如何翻译“人事科” personn

14、el section/department52.Re: 请问“道高一尺,魔高一丈”怎么说?(Lit)If the Tao/Buddha rises one foot, the demon rises ten feet.(Fig)Originally:The virtuous are outnumbered by evil doers.Now:One just force outnumbers an opposing force, or, no sooner does one solve one problemtahn another arises.53.Re: 通用性 怎么说 急! 多谢 in

15、terchangeable/universalize54.Re: 可编辑的怎么说? Editable55.Re: 请问开普勒和第谷的英文名是什么?开普勒(J•Kepler)第谷(Tycho.Brahe)56. Re: “车到山前必有路”如何翻译?(Lit)When the car gets to the mountains, there will have to be a way through. (Fig)Cross that bridge when you come to it.57.XXXX公安局XXX派出所英文怎么说?Local police station/police

16、substation58.Re: 请问“签定合同”如何译?Enter into/make/conclude/sign a contract (with)59.Re: 请多多关照怎么说?I command myself to your notice. Many thanks for your help.60.Re: 掌握情况的掌握怎么翻译比较好?Grasp; master; know well; have a good command of; have in hand; hold; control61. Re: 决策理论decision-making theory? Decision theor

17、y62.Re: 并列第二名 怎么说?我和你并列第二。I tied with you for the second place.63.Re: 求助:“炼狱”的英文怎么讲?(1)【天主教】purgatory (2)abyss of misery64.Re: 请教:(官员或领导)的行政级别 怎么说? (Administrative) rank 65.Re: 请教“满足约束条件”的翻译? Meet restraint conditions/requirements66.Re: 问2个中国单位的翻译方法,请帮助!人事局personnel bureau 劳动社会保障局Bureau of Labor and

18、 Social Security党校Party school 小区housing estate67.量化怎么说?可用quantify; Quantize常用搭配:量化分析quantitative analysis 量化管理quantitative management68.Re: 请教翻译,谢谢! 造币厂mint 货币money; currency 爵士knight69.Re: 半杯水,英语怎么说的一般我们都说 half a cup/glass of 例如:半杯咖啡half a cup of coffee70.Re: 人口流动 population shift71.“伴随一生”怎么表示好?感觉

19、用名词会不会好一些呢?或尝试改一下表达。仅供参考:. is/are my lifelong companion(s). . is my whole life and my soul.72.Re: 请问“悖论”用英语怎么说?谢谢antinomy; Antilogy; paradox73.Re: 局部冲突怎么说?Local/partial conflict74.Re: 请问“时势造英雄”怎么翻译circumstances create heroes;times produce their herosIt is the times that produce their heroes, not the

20、 heros who usher in the times.是时势造英雄而非英雄造时势。75.Re: “电视转播”比较好的说法是什么?用relay;rebroadcast吧,例如:向全国做实况转播.be relayed/transmitted live nationwide76.Re: 宗教改革怎么说?我们在翻译这个词语的时候,关键看你用在什么环境下:如果是指在欧洲历史上发生的那次宗教改革可以翻译为the Reformation一般意义上的可以翻译为religious reform77.Re: 时代的局限性怎么说?Limitations of the times78. Re: “宣誓”怎么说?

21、有很多种表达,我列举几个经常用的吧:Take/swear an oath; vow; make a vow/oath一般用到的表达有:宣誓就任总统be sworn in as president 宣誓入党take the oath on being admitted to the party 宣誓入伍be sworn into the party宣誓效忠swear allegiance 庄严宣誓make a solemn vow79.Re: 逛街怎么说?Stroll through streets; go window-shopping; loiter along streets80.Re:

22、弱弱的问物理里的永动机怎么说阿?Perpetual-motion machine81.Re: 表示“*思想现在已经深入人心”怎么好啊?Strike/take root in the hearts of the people; be deeply implanted in the hearts of the people;Strike a deep chord in the hearts of the people.给你几个例句参考一下:Peaceful reunification has taken root in the hearts of the people.和平统一已经深入人心。New

23、 ideas are slowly filtering into peoples minds. 新思想逐渐深入人心。The Chinese reform and open policies have won popular support.中国改革开放政策深入人心。82.Re: 成人仪式怎么说?Coming of Age ceremony 83.Re: 请问:奥姆真理教该怎么拼?谢谢! Japanese Aum Doomsday Cult. B. 84.Re: “表面上地”怎么说?在不同的情况下,表达也不太一样。给你几个常用的表达参考一下:表面上不情愿be seemingly reluctan

24、t 表面上生气apparent anger 表面上相似superficial resemblance 流于表面上的检查superficial inspection 受表面现象迷惑be misled by the externals 从表面上看outwardly 他表面文静,其实脾气很暴躁。Beneath that ostensible calmness is a man of fierce temper.85.Re: 对某事抱太高的希望用英语怎么说?Put ones expectations too high86.Re: 右下角怎么说? Lower right-hand corner87.Re

25、: 请问“外因还要通过内因起作用”该怎么说?External causes become operative through internal causes.88.Re: 农作物的产量怎么说?(Crops) output/production89.Re: 浓郁的人文环境怎么翻译啊可以用“浓郁的人文环境”这种说法,英文中这样表达:Strongly humanistic atmosphere 90.Re: 请问“贞观之治“如何翻译?谢谢!Golden Years of Zhen guan, marked by peace, prosperity, openness, and efficient g

26、overnment91.Re: 请教:违约金怎么说的亚penalty/liquidated damages 92.Re: 请教大家:良药苦口怎么说阿Good medicine tastes bitter; bitter pills have wholesome effects.常用翻译:良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。 Just as bitter medicine cures sickness, unpalatable advice benefits conduct. 93.Re: 居里夫人发现镭这个事情怎么用英文阐述?Madame Curie discovered the element

27、radium. 94.Re: 有没有中东问题相应的翻译The Mideast95.因材施教 Teach students in accordance with their aptitude;Modify ones way of teaching to suit the special requirements of each class;Offer an individualized quality education for every student英雄所见略同great minds think alike; Heroes have similar views96.Re: 请问,可持续发展

28、怎么说sustainable development常用的表达:推动国民经济的可持续发展Further the sustainable development of the national economy97.Re: 文化的传承?怎么说Impart and inherit culture; impart and pass on culture98.Re: 请问奥斯特怎么说呀Oersted 99.Re: 求教翻译大陆法系,英美法系/大陆法系continental law system; Romano-Germanic family; system of civil law英美法系Anglo-A

29、merican law system100.Re: 请问,交换苹果和交换思想是谁说的呀?Bernard Shaw “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.101.Re: 请问“不胜枚举”及“合理统一”

30、该怎么说?不胜枚举too many to enumerate/list; defy enumeration; unable to mention individually。合理统一 这个词语的翻译得给出完整的句子。rational/proper unity/uniformity.?102.Re: “占据越来越大的比例”该怎么说?Hold/account for a growing proportion of 103.Re: 请教“快节奏的生活”怎么说?He was not quite used to the quick pace of life there.104.Re: 眼光只停留在表面现象

31、上怎么翻译呢?我觉得用remain/stay on the surface of比较自然一些吧,个人观点。105.Re: “请问一下圣赫勒拿岛”怎么说?Saint Helena Island 106.Re: 社会动荡 请问怎么讲?Social turbulence/turmoil/agitation/unrest107.Re: 问一些翻译。关于道德法律,圣诞老人。谢谢指教!道德败坏be morally degenerate; Be immoral不道德的思想 也可以用unethical表达严厉的惩罚 severe punishment可以,用动词表达会好一些,severely punish punishment作“惩罚;惩处” 不可数,作“刑罚;处罚”可数限制节目内容place/impose restrictions on;restrict;limit;confine;+programme(item)提高价格的幅度raise margins of price fluctuation归根结底 in the final/last/ultimate analysis; in essence; at bottom; boil down轻视法律的作用 underestimate the roles of law圣诞老人 F

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