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本文(译林牛津版高中英语模块2 Unit 2 Wish you were here 单词126.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

译林牛津版高中英语模块2 Unit 2 Wish you were here 单词126.docx

1、译林牛津版高中英语模块2 Unit 2 Wish you were here 单词126译林牛津版高中英语模块2 Unit 2 Wish you were here 单词1. adventure n. 冒险;冒险经历;奇遇 If someone has an adventure, they become involved in an unusual, exciting, and rather dangerous journey or series of events. I set off for a new adventure in the United States on the first

2、 day of the new year. 新年第一天,我在美国开始了一次新的冒险。But Jules was not eager for classroom learning, he hungered for adventure. 但朱尔斯对坐在课堂里学习并不热心,他渴望冒险。From now on, Im gonna say yes-yes to love, yes to adventure, yes to life, whatever it maybe, the answers going to be yes. 从今天起,我要积极接受一切,接受爱,迎接挑战,拥抱生活,不管什么事,我都会勇

3、敢地去接受。adventurous adj. 冒险的, 勇于冒险的, 敢于创新的, 新奇的 Someone who is adventurous is willing to take risks and to try new methods. Something that is adventurous involves new things or ideas.; 爱冒险的;爱猎奇的 Someone who is adventurous is eager to visit new places and have new experiences. Warren was an adventurous

4、 businessman. 沃伦是个敢于冒险的商人。He had always wanted an adventurous life in the tropics. 他一直想到热带地区过冒险的生活。adventurer n. 冒险者, 冒险家 An adventurer is a person who enjoys going to new, unusual, and exciting places.; 投机取巧者;用不正当手段谋求钱财(或权利)者2. arrange vt. & vi. 安排, 准备, 筹划 ; 商定, 谈妥 If you arrange with someone to do

5、 something, you make plans with them to do it.; 排列, 布置, 整理 If you arrange things somewhere, you place them in a particular position, usually in order to make them look attractive or tidy. She arranged an appointment for Friday afternoon at four-fifteen. 她在星期五下午4点15分安排了一次会面。This time it was a friend

6、ringing to try to arrange a fishing trip in Scotland. 这次是一个朋友打来电话,想组织一次到苏格兰的钓鱼旅行。I will arrange for someone to take you round. 我会安排人带你转转。The hotel manager will arrange for a babysitter. 宾馆经理会安排人照看婴儿。Ive arranged to see him on Friday morning. 我已安排好星期五上午见他。It was arranged that the party would gather f

7、or lunch in the Royal Garden Hotel. 已经和这一行人说好将在皇家花园宾馆吃午餐。He had arranged for the boxes to be stored until they could be collected. 他已安排好这些箱子的存放事宜,直到被取走。When she has a little spare time she enjoys arranging dried flowers. 她稍有空闲便喜欢摆弄干花。He started to arrange the books in piles. 他开始将书成堆摆放。Cf. organize,

8、arrange, classify, sort这些动词均含“使有条理,安排”之意。organize:指按计划或需要把人或物安排组织成一个整体。arrange:指按计划、秩序、需要和可能等进行安排。classify:指按照事物类型、质量或是否相似进行分类。sort:通常指根据类型或种类分类或整理选择。 arrangement n. 安排, 准备, 筹划 Arrangements are plans and preparations which you make so that something will happen or be possible.; 商定, 约定, 协议;排列,布置,整理Th

9、e staff is working frantically on final arrangements for the summit. 工作人员正紧张忙乱地为峰会做最后准备。She telephoned Ellen, but made no arrangements to see her. 她给埃伦打了电话,但没有约她见面。3. extraordinary adj. 非凡的, 优秀的, 出色的 If you describe something or someone as extraordinary, you mean that they have some extremely good o

10、r special quality.; 非常奇特的,令人惊奇的 If you describe something as extraordinary, you mean that it is very unusual or surprising. Weve made extraordinary progress as a society in that regard. 在那个方面,我们的社会已经取得了巨大的进步。The task requires extraordinary patience and endurance. 那项任务需要非凡的耐心和毅力。Rozhdestvensky is an

11、extraordinary musician. 罗日杰斯特文斯基是位出色的音乐家。What an extraordinary thing to happen!. 这事儿真蹊跷!His decision to hold talks is extraordinary because it could mean the real end of the war. 他作出举行谈判的决定非同寻常,因为这可能意味着战争真的要结束了。Cf. special, especial, specific, particular, exceptional, extraordinary, peculiar这些形容词均含“

12、特殊的,特别的”之意。special:普通用词,指不同于一般、与众不同,着重事物的专门性,突出与一般不同。specific:着重指某种、某类事物具有的特殊或特定的属性,也可指专门提出作特别考虑的事物。 particular:侧重不同于普遍性的个性或特殊性。exceptional:指不同于一般,本身是特别的或异常的事物。extraordinary:语气比exceptional强,指极大地超过一般或正常情况。 peculiar:强调指与众不同或独特的意思。4. desert vt. 离弃,舍弃(某地) If people or animals desert a place, they leave

13、it and it becomes empty.; 抛弃,遗弃(某人) If someone deserts you, they go away and leave you, and no longer help or support you. n. 沙漠, 荒漠; 枯燥乏味的地方(或境况)Farmers are deserting their fields and coming here looking for jobs. 小农场主正舍弃他们的土地,到这里来寻找工作。After the show, the audience deserts the Blackpool streets. 演出结

14、束后,观众从布莱克浦的大街上消失了踪迹。Mrs. Rodings husband deserted her years ago. 罗丁太太的丈夫数年前抛弃了她。He has been deserted by most of his advisers. 他的大多数顾问都弃他而去。Cf. abandon, desert, forsake, leave, give up这些动词或词组均含“抛弃,放弃”之意abandon强调永远或完全放弃或抛弃人或事物等,这可能是被迫的,也可能是自愿的。desert:着重指违背法律责任和义务,或自己的信仰与誓言的行为,多含非难的意味。forsake:侧重断绝感情上的依

15、恋,自愿抛弃所喜欢的人或物。也指抛弃信仰或改掉恶习。leave:普通用词,指舍弃某事或某一职业,或终止同一某人的关系,但不涉及动机与果。give up:普通用语,侧重指没有希望或因外界压力而放弃。5. shade n. 阴凉处, 背阴, (树)阴 Shade is an area of darkness under or next to an object such as a tree, where sunlight does not reach.; Temperatures in the shade can reach forty-eight degrees celsius at this

16、time of year. 一年中的这个时间,背阴处的温度可达到 48 摄氏度。Alexis walked up the coast, and resumed his reading in the shade of an overhanging cliff. 亚历克西斯顺着海岸前行,走到一处悬崖下的阴凉地又重新开始阅读。Cf. shade, shadow这两个名词均有“荫,荫凉处”之意。shade:指阳光被遮挡后出现的荫凉处,如树荫等,无一定的轮廓或边界。shadow:常指光线被物体挡住所产生的阴影,影子,有明显的轮廓。6. Brilliant adj. (光线等)明亮的,夺目的,灿烂的 Yo

17、u describe light, or something that reflects light, as brilliant when it shines very brightly.; (颜色)鲜明的,绚丽的 A brilliant colour is extremely bright. ; 非常好的, 很棒的, 出色的 You can say that something is brilliant when you are very pleased about it or think that it is very good.; 聪颖的, 技艺高超的The event was held

18、 in brilliant sunshine. 这一活动是在阳光明媚的日子举办的。It was 250 million times more brilliant than the Sun. 它比太阳亮2.5亿倍。The woman had brilliant green eyes. 这个女子有双明亮的碧眼。.a brilliant white open-necked shirt. 一件雪白的开领衬衣If you get a chance to see the show, do go its brilliant. 如果你有机会去看那个演出,你一定要去棒极了!Cf. bright, clever,

19、 wise, brilliant, intelligent, ingenious, smart, shrewd这些形容词均含有“聪明的”之意。bright:口语常用词,多指年轻人,尤指小孩思路敏捷,理解力强,机灵等。clever:强调头脑灵活,接受新事物快,有智有谋,但不一定暗示全面妥当地考虑问题。wise:侧重不是一般的聪明伶俐,而是有远见,有智慧,能明智地处理问题。brilliant:指人的才华出众,思路敏捷,常令人赞叹不已。intelligent:正式用词,指在理解新的、抽象东西或处理解决问题时,智力超过一般常人。ingenious:指思路敏捷,并暗示有创造与发明的才能和技巧。smart

20、:普通用词,与bright和clever的意思很相近,但更强调机灵。 shrewd:指精明老练,有头脑,善于判断,把握有利机会。7. altogether adv. 总共 If several amounts add up to a particular amount altogether, that amount is their total.; 完全, 全然, 全部地 You use altogether to emphasize that something has stopped, been done, or finished completely.; 总体来说, 总之, 基本上 Yo

21、u can use altogether to introduce a summary of what you have been saying. Britain has a dozen warships in the area, with a total of five thousand military personnel altogether. 英国在该地区驻有12艘战舰,共有5,000名军人。Altogether seven inmates escaped by scaling a wall and climbing down scaffolding. 总共有7名犯人攀墙从脚手架上爬下

22、来逃走了。When Artie stopped calling altogether, Julie found a new man. 当阿蒂彻底不再上门后,朱莉又找了个男人。His tour may have to be cancelled altogether. 他的旅行可能不得不彻底取消Altogether, it was a delightful town garden, peaceful and secluded. 总体上说,这是个令人愉快的城市花园,宁静而偏僻。Cf. all together 一起;总共;同时;大家一起来8. uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的, 不舒适

23、的 Something that is uncomfortable makes you feel slight pain or physical discomfort when you experience it or use it.; 不自在的, 不安的, 尴尬的 If you are uncomfortable, you are slightly worried or embarrassed, and not relaxed and confident.; Wigs are hot and uncomfortable to wear constantly. 头上老是顶着假发,又热又不舒服。

24、The Metro journey back to the centre of the town was hot and uncomfortable. 乘地铁返回市中心又热又不舒服。The request for money made them feel uncomfortable. 索要金钱让他们有些不安。If you are uncomfortable with your counsellor or therapist, you must discuss it. 如果面对咨询顾问或治疗师时你觉得不自在,一定要提出来。I feel uncomfortable lying. 说谎时我觉得很不安

25、。discomfort n. 不舒服, 不适 Discomfort is a painful feeling in part of your body when you have been hurt slightly or when you have been uncomfortable for a long time.; 尴尬, 惭愧, 窘迫 Discomfort is a feeling of worry caused by shame or embarrassment. She carried her left arm at an awkward angle, as if it were

26、 causing her discomfort. 她的左胳膊很不自然地抬着,好像它让她不舒服似的。He sniffed, fidgeting in discomfort, uneasy at the suggestion. 他吸了吸鼻子,对这项提议感到窘迫不安,心烦意乱。comfortable adj.9. rough adj. (天气)恶劣的,狂风暴雨的;(海面)波浪滔天的, 汹涌的, If the sea or the weather at sea is rough, the weather is windy or stormy and there are very big waves.;

27、 (表面)粗糙不平的,不光滑的 If a surface is rough, it is uneven and not smooth.; (人或行为)粗暴的,粗野的,粗鲁的 You say that people or their actions are rough when they use too much force and not enough care or gentleness.; (计算、猜测)大概的,粗略的,不精确的 A rough calculation or guess is approximately correct, but not exact. A fishing v

28、essel and a cargo ship collided in rough seas. 一艘捕鱼船和一艘货船在波涛汹涌的海上相撞了。His hands were rough and calloused, from years of karate practice.由于多年练习空手道,他的双手粗糙不平,布满老茧。Rugbys a rough game at the best of times. 即使是在比赛最不激烈的时候,橄榄球也是一种粗野的运动。They have complained of discrimination and occasional rough treatment. 他

29、们抗议遭受歧视,而且偶尔还会遭到粗暴的对待。We were only able to make a rough estimate of how much fuel would be required. 我们只能对所需燃料作一个粗略的估计。As a rough guide, a horse needs 2.5 per cent of his body weight in food every day. 作为一个大致的参照,一匹马每天需要吃相当于其体重2.5的食物。Cf. tough adj. 坚强的, 吃苦耐劳的, 坚韧不拔的 A tough person is strong and deter

30、mined, and can tolerate difficulty or suffering.; 不泄气, 坚持不懈 If someone who is trying to achieve something hangs tough, they remain determined and do not give up, even when there are difficulties or problems. He built up a reputation as a tough businessman. 他树立了铁面生意人的名声。She is tough and ambitious. 她坚

31、韧顽强,满怀抱负。The White House is hanging tough for a good agreement to be reached. 白宫为达成一项有利协议寸步不让。10. in case 假如;以防;万一;假使Im waiting for Mary Ann, she said, in case youre wondering. “我在等玛丽安,”她说,“要是你想知道的话。”In case he comes, let me know. 如果他来的话, 告诉我一声。The meeting will be put off in case it (should) rain. 若

32、遇下雨, 会议延期举行。Be quiet in case you wake the baby. 轻点儿, 别吵醒婴儿。Keep the window closed in case it rains. 把窗户关好, 以防下雨。in case of 万一,如果; 防备In case of fire, walk quickly to the nearest door. 如果失火, 就赶快朝最近的门跑。The wall was built along the river in case of floods. 沿河筑了防护墙以防洪水。Take a spare tire along in case of need

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