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1、人教精通版小学英语三年级下册默写英汉互译 Unit1Letsgotoschool.一、单词学校 教室 课本 故事书 语文书 英语书 练习本 笔记本 桌子 椅子 二、重点句型 1.很高兴再次见到你。 2.很高兴再次见到你。 我们去上学吧。 好。我们走吧。 3.我有一本新故事书。 4. 噢,好!我可以看看吗? 当然。给你。 5、猜,我的书包里有什么? 噢,是一个练习本。 6.桌子上是什么? Unit2IminClassOne,GradeThree.一、单词一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二 二、重点句型1.我在一班。 2.很高兴见到你。 3.我在三年四班。你呢? 4.用手比划五给我

2、看。 5.你几岁了? 我八岁。 6.几点了? 九点了。 7.看你的嘴。 Unit3Thisismyfather.一、单词爸爸 妈妈 兄弟 姐妹 女儿 儿子 祖父 祖母 叔叔/舅舅 阿姨/婶 二、重点句型1. 这是我的父亲。 2.很高兴见到你。 3.给我看看你的照片。 4.这是谁? 这是我的祖母。 5.那个男人是谁? 那是我的叔叔。 6.那个女人是谁? 那是我的阿姨。 7.在它上面贴上照片。 8.介绍你的家庭成员。 9.我们回家吧。 10.这些送给你。 11.母亲节快乐。 Unit4Doyoulikecandy?一、单词芒果 面包 糖果 果酱 面包圈 咖啡 水果 葡萄 蜜糖 冰淇淋 二、重点句型

3、1.我喜欢香蕉,你呢? 2.我不喜欢香蕉。 我喜欢芒果。 3.给我看看大写字母”A”。 4.给我看看单词”bread”. 5.吃块蛋糕,高伟。 不,谢谢。 我不喜欢蛋糕。 我喜欢热狗。 6.我喜欢牛奶和鸡蛋。我也是。 你喜欢水果吗? 是,我喜欢。 我喜欢桔子。你呢? 我喜欢芒果。 7.吃鸡蛋 闻闻这个芒果。喝咖啡。 Unit5Itsaparrot.一、单词长劲鹿 狮子 鸟巢 猫头鹰 鹦鹉 鹌鹑 公鸡 大象 老虎 二、重点句型1.打扰一下,妈妈。 这是什么? 2.这是一只狮子。 3.爸爸,那是什么? 那是一个鸟巢。 4.那是一个鸟的家。 5、它是一只鸡吗? 噢,它是一只鹌鹑。 6.现在什么时间啊

4、? 老虎(表演)的时间。 Unit6Isthisyourskirt?一、单词衬衣 T恤衫 制服 背心 手表 盒子 游艇 拉链 斑马 大衣 毛衣 连衣裙 短裙 水 自行车 二、重点句型1.这是你的裙子吗? 噢,是的。谢谢你。 2、这是你的制服吗? 是的,这是我的校服。 3.打扰一下,那是你的手表吗? 噢,是的。 4.那是你的游艇吗? 不,不是。这是我的游艇。 5.我们写字母A到Z吧。一,二,开始! 6.你太棒了! Unit 1单词:school classroom textbook storybook Chinese book. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) English book

5、exercise book notebook desk chair ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )句子:1.Nice to see you again. Glad to see you again. 2.Lets go to school. OK. Lets go. Lets go to the classroom. 3.I have a new textbook. I have a new storybook. 4.Can I see it? 5.Sure. Here you are. 6.Whats in my bag? 7. Whats in my desk ? 8. Whats

6、in my hand ? 9.An English /exercise book. 10. Whats on the chair? 11.Whats on the desk ? 12.Very good./Good!/Super!/OK/Cool!(都是一个意思) Unit 21. Im in Class Five, Grade Three. 2. Im in Class One. 3. Pleased to meet you. 4.Whats your name? My name is Liu Yu. 5.Whats your name? My names Liu Yu. 6.Show me

7、 five. 7.What about you? Me too. 8.How old are you? Im eight. 9.What time is it? Its nine oclock. 10.Good night! 11. Excuse me. What time is it ? 12.Happy birthday to you. 13.Look at your mouth. 14.Lets sing. 15. How are you ? Im fine ,thank you. How old are you ? Im eight. How about you ? I like ap

8、ples. Here you are. Thank you. Unit 3单词:father(dad) mother(mum) brother sister ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) daughter son grandfather(grandpa) grandmother(grandma)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) uncle aunt he she little ducks man woman ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) 句子:This is . This is my . This is a pen. This is my father. Pleased

9、 to meet you. Pleased to see you. Nice to meet you. Nice to see you. 汉语一样 Glad to meet you. Glad to see you. Show me . photo. Show me your photo. Show me your mothers photo. Show me your family photo. 三单元第二页Father and mother love their son and daughter. Brother and sister help each other. How old ar

10、e you ? Im six. Whos this? This is my. Whos that? Thats my. Whats this? This is a. Whats that?That is a. Whos that man? Thats my uncle. Whos that woman? Thats my aunt. Glue photos on it. Introduce your family. Lets go home. Lets go to school. one three five seven nine two four six eight ten( ) ( ) (

11、 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )eleven twelve ( ) ( )Unit 4apple mango banana bread cake candy doughnut hot dog( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )egg coffee fruit grapes hamburger honey ice cream juice jam ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1、I like mangoes.What about you? 2、 I dont like cakes. I like bana

12、nas. 3、Show me the big letter “A”. 4、Show me the word “bread”. 5、Have a cake. No,thanks. 6. I like . and .如: I like milk and eggs. 7.I dont like .or. 如: I dont like coffee or fruit. 8.Eat the egg. Smell the mango Drink the coffee 9. Do you like cakes? No, I dont. I like honey. 10. Do you like.?你喜欢吗?

13、 Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。No,I dont.不,我不喜欢。11An ice cream,please. 12Heres some fruit for you. 13. All right/OK/yes/sure(一个意思) Unit 5kangaroo lion monkey mouse nest owl parrot panda ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) quail rabbit roosterhenchick elephant tiger ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1、Excuse me. (礼貌用语) 2、Whats th

14、is? Its a lion. Its big. 3、Whats that? Its a nest. Its a birds home. 4、Show me the big letter “G” and grapes. Show me the small letter “b” and bear. 5、Act like a kangaroo. Act like an owl. 6、What is it then? Its an owl. 7、Is it a chick? No, its a quail. 8、Let us sing from A to R. 9、What time is it ?

15、 Its tiger time! 10、Whats this? (近处的) Its aan. Whats that? (远处的) Its aan. Unit 6 skirt T-shirt uniform vest watch water box( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) taxi yacht yellow zip zebra coat sweater ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1. Is this your skirt ? Yes. Thank you. 2. Is this your uniform ? No. Thats my un

16、iform. 3. Show me the letter U and show me your uniform. 4. Excuse me. Is that your watch ? 5. Is that your yacht ? (一般疑问句) Yes, it is.(肯定回答) No, it isnt.(否定回答) 6. Is that your sweater? No, it isnt. This is my sweater. 7. Is that your yacht ? No, it isnt. This is my yacht. 8. Show me your bag. 9. Lets write the letters from A to Z. One , two, start!

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