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1、届高考英语一轮总复习考点提升训练试题集042013届高三一轮总复习考点提升训练英语试题集(二十八)单项选择21. My parents always remind me to make sure the gas is turned off after a bath, which would _ cause danger. A. somehow B. meanwhileC. otherwise D. furthermore22. Thanks for your kind help! We would have _ lost the game!A. therefore B. or C. other

2、wise D. then23. Must I turn off the gas after cooking? Of course! You can never be _ careful with that. A. enough Btoo Cso Dvery24. Driving a car is not as difficult as you imagined if you _ the rules.A. depend on B. believe in C. turn to D. stick to25. - Who are you waiting for?- _ the man wounded

3、in the left leg. A. The doctor will operate on B. The nurse to be looked afterC. The doctor to operate on D. The nurse will look after26. Ones nationality isnt _ to whether he is a good lawyer or not. A. connection B. relevantC. relate D. link27. The other day he ran across one of his friends on the

4、 street, whom he _for ages.A. hadnt seen B. didnt see C. hasnt seen D. doesnt see28. Im amazed to hear from my old friend again_,it is ten years since we met lastAIn a word BWhat s more CThat s to say DBelieve it or not29. -Where did you come across our chemistry teacher?- It was in the supermarket

5、_ I purchased mooncakes.A. that B. which C. where D. when30. Let s move all the products into the hall and them in a proper orderAdesign Bdecorate Cdevelop Darrange31.You can _ this desk _ the height of any child.A. adjust, to B. make, to C. suit, to D. remain, for32. In choosing _ career, you shoul

6、d first consider _ type of work which will suit your interest.A. a, the B. /, a C. the, a D. a, /33. He said that doing part-time jobs did no good to students, but few his view. A. agreed B. permitted C. shared D. nodded34. -Could I borrow your car for a while?- _. I wont use it today.A. By all mean

7、s B. Never mindC. You are welcome D. Of course you could35. His health failing, _ last year.A. so the school gave Mr. Smith leave B. the school had given Mr. Smith leaveC. so Mr. Smith went on leave from work D. Mr. Smith went on leave from work三、完形填空If your father never says to you “I love you” whe

8、n you are a child, it 36 to be more and more difficult for him to say the words as he grows 37 .I do not 38 hearing the words from my father when I was growing up. 39 , I could not recall(回忆) when I had 40 said those words to him either.One day, I decided to 41 the ice and make the first 42 . So in

9、our next phone conversation I gathered all my 43 and let out the words in a low voice, “Dad I love you!”There was a 44 at the other end and he awkwardly 45 , “Well, same back at ya!”I was unexpectedly 46 and my voice was raised, “Dad, I know you love me, and I know when you are ready, you will say w

10、hat you want to say.”Fifteen minutes later my mother called and 47 asked, “Paul, is everything okay?”A few weeks later, Dad 48 our phone conversation with the words, “Paul, I love you.” I was so moved that tears were rolling down my cheeks as I finally “ 49 ” the love. As I sat there in tears I real

11、ized that this 50 moment had taken our father-and-son relationship to a new 51 .Shortly afterwards, my father narrowly 52 death following heart surgery(外科手术). Many times 53 , I have 54 if I had not taken the first step and Dad not 55 the surgery, I would have never “heard” the love.36. A. works out

12、B. breaks out C. comes out D. turns out37. A. wiser B. busier C. weaker D. older38. A. remember B. enjoy C. mind D. regret39. A. Truthfully B. Fortunately C. Naturally D. Obviously40. A. only B. last C. once D. first41. A. melt B. break C. strike D. build42. A. complaint B. promise C. move D. impres

13、sion43. A. strength B. ideas C. words D. attention44. A. sigh B. silence C. voice D. cry45. A. refused B. shouted C. replied D. explained46. A. touched B. frightened C. shocked D. annoyed47. A. excitedly B. nervously C. willingly D. sadly48. A. continued B. checked C. concluded D. interrupted49. A.

14、accepted B. expected C. learned D. heard50. A. quiet B. difficult C. special D. different51. A. level B. idea C. world D. end52. A. managed B. escaped C. avoided D. faced53. A. then B. ago C. before D. since54. A. realized B. found C. doubted D. wondered55. A. challenged B. experienced C. survived D

15、. received四、阅读理解(福建省厦门市2012届高三上学期期末质量检查)AI lost my biological mother when I was 9 and when she was alive she was not much of a mother to me.I met my step-mom for the first time when I moved to America to be reunited with my father. from the beginning she made sure to let me know that I was safe and

16、welcome. I remember when I first saw her at the airport was different but not uncomfortable. After I was picked up from the airport we went home and she unpacked my luggage. Then she took me shopping for new clothes since the ones I had brought with me from Africa were a bit worn.That night before I

17、 went to bed she came to my room, which was the. first room 1 had ever had for my own, with the first bed I didnt have to share. She told me she was glad to have me and that she would take good care of me.Before she walked out of my new room , she asked me for a hug. I had no idea what she was talki

18、ng about. I did not know what the word hug meant, not because I didnt speak English, but I had just never heard the word before, let alone knew what it meant. So, I just looked at her with a questioning expression on my face.But she didnt give up. She called my father into the room and asked him to

19、explain to me what she meant. When my father was explaining I looked at her and wondered why she wanted to hug me. She then told me it was because she loved me and opened her arms wide. Shyly I opened mine and we hugged.That was my very first hug and I was 11 at that time. Im 23 now and, thankfully,

20、 I have received many hugs since them.1 consider her my birth mother because life began when I came to stay with her. For the first time there were no kids for me to take care of and I became a child for the first time. There was no work waiting for me every day other than the occasional chores that

21、 she gave me to teach me responsibility. Today I say thank-you to my mother; thank you for giving me my childhood back after it had been taken away from me. I am who I am today because of your love!56. What was the authors life in Africa? A. Difficult. B. Amusing. C, Challenging. D. Satisfactory. 57

22、. The author was puzzled at her new moms request for a hug because . A. her new mom didnt open her arms wide in timeB. the word” hug” made no sense to her at that timeC. her English wasnt good enough to understand itD. she didnt hear what her new mom was talking about58. We may lean from the passage

23、 that the author .A. didnt need to do any work in her second homeB. met her new mom when she was nine years oldC. felt safe and loved by what her new mom did D. had a very big family to support in Africa59. What can be the best title for the passage? A. My New Home B. My First HugC. My American Drea

24、m D. My African MemoryBWelcome to the nuclear winter, NBA fans. The first sign of severe weather in the so-called nuclear winter arrived last week when a handful of NBA players turned down what NBA owners called “their best offer” a 51 percent share of basketball-related income. The players swore to

25、 send the five-month-long lockout(停摆)to the court, threatening to pull the plug on the entire 2011-1 2 season. Greed is at the root of the NBA problems. The fight is all about millionaire NBA players and their billionaire bosses trying to get more millions in pay for themselves. But it is the fans s

26、haring their strong love for basketball who will be the biggest loser of the NBA drama. It seems that fans wi11 suffer a lot as the games are a big source of entertainment. But dont worry here are some tips for all those NBA fans who are worried about the idea of going through a long , cold winter w

27、ithout Dirk or Kobe to keep them company. Occupy David Stern. Write e-mails to Stern. If the NBA commissioners e-mail box gets occupied with angry complaints from around the world, hopefully, he might push a little harder to get the lockout lifted. Check out international basketbal1 games. There wil

28、l still be basketball if there is no NBA Season, Give the Chinese Basketball Association and the Euroleague a try. And the good news is, some NBA players are thinking about p1ay1ng overseas if the lockout continues.Start your own basketball team. You know how you and your friends have joked about ho

29、w you can shoot like DirkWe11 heres your chance. Grasp your boys, challenge those guys from another department or school and start a four-month season. Also dont forget to come up with a cool term name like the “Kingsmen”. After all, you will all survive just fine if there is no NBA season.60. What

30、can we learn from the passage? A. Fans can 90 easily without NBA. B. NBA has been canceled due to then nuclear winter.C. Fans fear a bare winter for basketball. D. Many NBA players refused to accept the best offer. 61. The underlined phrase “pull the plug on” in Para. 2 most probably means . A. hold

31、 B. open C. destroy D. continue 62. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Fans throng love for basketball was under attack. B. NBA is the only source of peoples entertainment in the nuclear winter. C. Without NBA, life is meaningless for NBA lovers. D. The NBA problems result from the disagreement between players and their bosses. 63. The author of the passage tries to . A. give fans advice on how to pull throu

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