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1、牛津上海版学年英语八年级下册教案全集8B Unit 1 Trees1. pollute (v.) pollution (n.)*Pollution has become one of the most serious problems of todays society. *The factories arent allowed to let out dirty water for it may pollute the river. *Trees are thought as pollution fighters.2. f ight(v. n.)争斗,斗争 fight (against) sb

2、 / sth fighter (n.) 斗士3. scientist (n.)科学家 science ( n.)科学4. collect (v.)收集 collection (n.) 收藏品 *He used to collect stamps when he was a young boy. *The dustmen collect the rubbish once a day. *My father usually collects me after school 5. She is interviewing Doctor Ray. interview (v. n) interviewer

3、 (n.) interviewee (n.) trainer-trainee. / emplover-employee6. interest *He is telling a story to the children which interests them a lot. *Tom takes great interest in stamps collection. interested (a.) *be interested in +n./doing sth7 .live (v.) 生活 直播的(a.) a live football match alive (adj.) living (

4、adj.) lively (adj.) life (n.) *When the boy was found at last .he was still alive.*We must leart a living language not adead one.*The young are usually lively and active.8. on the earth = in the world 当earth作为地球时. 前加“the” space前不加“the”9. good. 文中为n. 用处 = use *I am only telling you this for your own

5、good. *What good is it repainting if you are thinking of moving?10. make. + adj. make us healthy / make it lighter. make. + n. We all made Mary our monitor.班长 make.+ do sth . make me finish it in an hour.11. else 通常位于疑问词what/ where/ who等或nothing/ nobody/ no one/ something/ anything 等不定代词之后 *What els

6、e did he say? *Do you want anything else, sir? -Thanks nothing else.12.woods (n.) a piece of wood woods =forest wooden (a.) a wooden table 13. in the end = finally =at last at the end of +time /place 14.1) suppose (that) + a sentence *Scientists suppose that large dinosaurs lived in swamps . 2)breat

7、he (v. )呼吸be out of breath 气喘吁吁 take a deep breath 做一次深呼吸15. thank (sb.)for+n./doing sth *Thank for your help *Thank you for lending me your notebook thankful (a.) 感激的 be thankful to sb. for sth.16. produce(v.) production (n.) 生产过程 the production of cars product (n.) 产品 well-made products cost more

8、制作精美的产品比一般贵17. enough oxygen/time/money enough + n. (+to do ) adj. +enough (+to do)18 .keep sb/sth +adj. 保持处于某种状态 keep the door open Im sorry to keep you waiting for so long keep sb/sth +doing 让.一直做某事19. Trees not only clean the air but also cool it. Trees cool the air and clean it as well.20. natur

9、al (a.) nature (n.) naturally (adv. )21. know / learn /eat a lot . a lot 跟 v .后22. begin (v .) begin to do .= begin doing beginning (n .) at the beginning of 在。开始23. warn (v .) warn sb. of sth. warn sb. (not) to do sth. warn (not) doing*The teacher warned the boys of the deep waiter.*She warned her

10、husband of the danger of driving so fast.*The policeman warned the boy not to play football in the streets.warning (n .) It happened without any warning.24. protect.from / against. 1) You should put on more clothes to protect yourself against /from cold. 2) Sun glasses many protect your eyes from th

11、e sun. protection (n .) protective (a .) *You may improve your spoken English by talking with the native speakers.25. chemical ( a . n . ) 化学的, 化学物质 chemistry ( n . ) 化学 a chemistry teacher . a chemical change. do chemistry homework dangerous chemicals.26. communicate (v .) 交流 communicate.with commu

12、nication (n .) 交流 *Being deaf makes communication difficult. deaf 聋子 * We should communicate with our parents if we meet some problems.27. one another each other 28. be in danger (n .) ( be out of danger ) dangerous ( a .)29. replace (re do sth again ) rebuild . repaint/ replay/ rewrite/ review/ rep

13、eat30.destroy 彻底毁灭,很难恢复。 damage 价值降低,或外表破损,有修复可能 *The heavy rain destroyed our hope of a panic. *The heavy rain damaged a lot of houses in this area. *The town destroyed by the war.8B Unit 2daily adv. 每天(every day) 例如:want to study English well, so I have to practise it daily. 我想学好英语,因此我必须每天练习。daily

14、 adj. 每日的;日常的 n. 日报 例如:here are great changes in their daily lives. 他们的日常生活有巨大的变化。increase v. (使)增加 例如:The wheat production increased a great deal this year. 今年的小麦产量大幅度增加。We have increased the price of paper. 我们提高了纸张的价格。【反义词】: decrease v. 减少 例如:The population in Germany decreased last year. 去年德国的人口减

15、少了。impatient adj. 不耐烦的 例如:She is becoming impatient. 她变得着急起来。【同根词】:patient; impatient; patience 1.patient adj. 有耐心的, 例如:She is so kind and always patient with those naughty children.她对这些淘气的孩子们是如此的和蔼,有耐心。2.impatient adj. angry at having to wait 不耐烦的,急躁的,例如:As a nursery teacher, you mustnt be impatien

16、t with the children.作为幼儿园教师,你不该对孩子急躁。3. patience n. 容忍;耐心,例如:I have no patience with him again. 我对他不再有耐心了。comfortably adv. 舒服地 例如:He is sitting comfortably in that armchair. 他舒服地坐在那把扶手椅子里。【同根词】:comfort; comfortable; comfortably 1. comfort v. 安慰;鼓舞 n. 安乐;舒适;安逸,例如:He lives in comfort. 他过得很舒服。(n.)She c

17、omforted the sick child. 她安慰这个生病的孩子。(v.)2. comfortable adj. 舒适的,舒服的,例如:She lives a comfortable life. 她过着舒适的生活。3. comfortably adv. with no pain or worry 舒适地,安乐地pump 1. v. push by machine (用泵)抽,抽吸;打气,例如:The villagers had pumped the well dry and could get no more water. 村民们已把水井抽干了,再也抽不出水来了。2 . n. 泵;水泵,

18、例如:They are watering the fields with many pumps. 他们正用许多泵浇灌着田地。freeze v. (froze frozen freezing) freezing wind1. stop moving suddenly (突然停止,惊呆),例如:Fear made him freeze in his tracks. 恐惧使他突然停止前进。He froze in front of the audience. 他在观众面前吓呆了。2. 冷冻,冷藏(食物),例如:plant n. 1. building with machines in it 工厂,车间

19、 works When the plant closed down, many factory workers lost their jobs.工厂关门了,很多工人失业了。【词义辨析】: speed; hurry 1. speed v. (sped sped speeding) move quickly 指快速运动或行动。The ambulance sped to the hospital. 救护车快速开往医院。The train sped through the countryside. 火车从乡间飞驰而过。Postal workers labored overtime to speed d

20、elivery of the Christmas mail.邮政工人加班加点已加速圣诞期间新信件的发送。2. hurry v. move or do sth. quickly or too quickly 意指比通常快得多的速度,经常伴随着混乱或骚动。 If you dont hurry, youll miss the plane. 如果你不迅速些,你将会错过班机了。reply; answer (v. & n.)1. reply 和answer 都表示“回答”,都可以做名词和动词。answer 为一般用语;reply 的用法比较正式,多用于经过深思熟虑后对对方问题和论点作出解释、辩论或陈述性回

21、答。这两个词在做名词时都可以与to连用,指“的答案或答复”。answer 较常用,如:answer a question ( the door bell, the phone, the letter, etc.) 例如: He has answered my letter. (此句仅表明他回了我的信,说明他已经收到我的信。) I received no reply / answer to my request. 我的要求没有得到任何答复。(名词)They did not reply to our new suggestion. 他们对我们的新建议没有作出答复。(动词)2. answer 是及物

22、动词,后面可直接跟宾语;而reply是不及物动词,跟宾语须与to连用;answer 可表示对电话、敲门等作出的应答,而reply则没有这种用法。例如: He has replied to my letter. (此句表明他将我信中的问题都一一回答了。)You must reply to / answer this letter right away. 你必须马上回复这封信。Who answered the telephone? 谁接的电话?如果是指练习题的“答案”,一般用answer。answer to+五.常用词组:vanish v. disappear 消失,突然不见, 常用词组有:van

23、ish into thin air 消失不见 vanish from sight 消失不见 vanish in darkness 在黑暗中消失 vanish into nothing 化为乌有reply v. & n. 常用词组有:in reply (to) 为答复;作为对的答复 make (no) reply (不)作答复reply for sb. 代表某人作答辩 / 答谢祝酒 reply to 回答;答复look v. use ones sight; turn the eyes in some direction; try to see 看;视;望。常用词组有:look around 四周

24、环顾 look round 环视look after 照料,照顾 look out of 朝外看look back (与on, to连用)回想,想起 look down on 轻视,看不起look for 寻找 look forward to 盼望,期待look like 看起来像 look out 注意,小心 look through 从头看完,透视 look up 在书中查到,查阅(词典) finish with 以为结束,例如:He finished with the work. 他以这项工作做为结束。He finished the performance with a song. 他以

25、一首歌曲结束表演。mean by . 意思是,例如:What do you mean by saying that? 你那样说是什么意思?语 法 知 识一.句型 It is + adj. + for sb. (of sb.) to do sth. (对事加以评论 / 对人加以评论)不定式短语作主语时,常用形式主语it来代替,而真正的主语放在句子的谓语后面。It is difficult for you to read through this book a week or so.对你来说一星期左右看完这本书有困难。It is useful for you to learn how to use

26、 the computer. 学习使用计算机对你有好处。It was brave of you to go into the burning building to save the child. 你冲入火场救那个孩子,真勇敢。Its necessary for us to learn English today. 现在对我们来讲,学英语非常重要。二.(a)few 和(a)little 的用法1. (a) few 用在可数名词n.C之前,(a) little 用在不可数名词n.U之前。例如:2. few/ little可由hardly any 或almost no 所替代,含否定的意味。例如:

27、 The composition is well written; it has few mistakes. = The composition is well written; it has hardly any mistakes. 这篇作文很好写,几乎没有多少错误。 Few men can solve it. = Almost no men can solve it. 几乎没有人能解决它。3. a few相当于some, several, 含肯定的意味。4.只是(a) little 修饰不可数名词,表量或程度。He grows worse; there is little hope of

28、his recovery. 他病情恶化了,恢复的希望很小了。 三.其它的数量形容词1. plenty of, a lot of, lots of 都表示许多,修饰复数可数名词或不可数名词。例如:2. a great deal of, a good deal of, a large quantity of, a small quantity of, a large amount of, a smallamount of 均表量,修饰不可数名词。3. a number of “许多;一些”;a great number of, a large number of, a good number of

29、 “许多”,修饰复数可数名词,并且要与复数动词连用。例如:A number of books are missing from the library. 图书馆的许多书丢失了。The number of books from the library is large. 图书馆的图书数量很大。the number of + 复数名词 + 单数(be)动词The room contained a great / large / good / number of students. (复数可数名词) 这个房间容纳了许多学生。8B Unit 3 serve; service; servant:serv

30、e v. 意为:“为服务;待客”。例如:They served the guests a wonderful dinner. 他们以盛宴招待客人们。service n. 意为“服务”。例如:The train service to the capital is very good. 去首都的火车服务设施非常好。servant n. 意为“仆人;佣人”。例如:Fire and water may be good servants, but bad masters.(谚语)水火是忠仆,用之不慎成灾主。 electric; electrician; electricity:electric adj.

31、 意为“发电的;由电产生的;电动的”。例如:They build electric automobiles. 他们制造电动汽车。electrician n. 意为“电工”。例如:Master Wang is an electrician. 王师傅是电工。electricity n. 意为:“电”。例如:The power station supplies electricity to this area. 这个点站供应这个区域的电。 explain; explanation: explain v. 意为 “解释;说明”。例如: Can you explain why you were late? 你能解释一下你为什么迟到吗? explanation n. 意为“解释;解说;说明”。例如: The only explanation for his behaviour is that he

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