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1、高中英语面试写在前面:我之所以想出这篇经验贴, 是想帮助像我刚开始一样,面试毫无头绪的朋友们。毕竟自己经历了,虽然还不知道过没过,但还是想把自己的一些经验分享给大家。简单介绍一下,我是面试高中英语,考点在湖南省内,考试时间是2021年1月9日。对于流程,我觉得最重要的部分还是试讲的环节。废话不多说,开始吧!一流程1.结构化(5分钟)简单来说,就是分为七大类型的题目,具体的我就不展开说了,我是在微博上关注了部分教育博主,到最后我就只看姜姜的微博,因为真的很全并且押题很准,我结构化的题目两道都是姜姜讲过的!考官会一起把两道题都读了,大概30秒,这个时候没必要立马回复,可以说:“感谢考官提问,考生思

2、考片刻。考生思考完毕,考生开始作答。”思考大概30秒左右就可以答题了,每道题1分30秒最佳。这个部分重点是要练习!如果有的朋友有很多公众演讲或者讲话的机会,那这个不是难事。但如果是演讲小白或者不习惯在公众面前说话的朋友必须要练习!并且要计时练习,看看自己边思考边作答的时长,时间不要过长。2.试讲(10分钟)这个部分很重要!直接影响到面试的结果。时间最好控制在8-9分钟左右。高中英语总共有7个课型,按模式来分,可以分为两大类:(1)PWP模式:pre-, while-, post-;用于阅读课,写作课,听力课,口语课(2)PPP模式:presentation, practice, product


4、.答辩(5分钟)这个部分是根据试讲来提问,一般是英文,我答辩时是英文的,我抽到的语音课,问了一个让我一下懵的问题:what are the differences between consonant and vowel? 我当时反正就不慌不忙地乱扯,重度弱读,后来下来查了一下,还是答了一点边边。这个部分试讲讲好了都不是难事,根据你试讲的内容或者这个课型来提问的,这个不用过于担心。二复习安排对于冬季1月份面试的朋友,面试考试必然和期末考冲突,我是8号刚考完期末考,9考面试,真的蛮裂开。我是在笔试成绩出来之后大概12月20号,我把语法知识,语音知识,专业词汇过了一遍;然后每天在姜姜微博结构化打卡;


6、,那就可以在流利程度上下功夫。总之就是自信,抬头挺胸,有老师那范儿最重要!四 仪容仪表我的观点是,要有老师的气质,可以打扮的稍微成熟一些,要美丽而不失端庄。第一印象很重要,你想想在众多考生当中,如果自己打扮的十分正式,所有的仪容都一丝不苟,那么这些考官是不是会觉得,这考生很重视这次面试啊,那么印象分会不会给高一点点呢。当然,这是我个人的看法,实力当然是第一位的哈,不容置疑。但妆容和外表也不能忽视!OK,接下来就上干货啦,自己一个字一个字码的逐字稿,希望对大家有帮助。 ReadingLead-in: greetings + pictures (relevant materials)Pre-rea

7、ding: 1.Let students answer some relevant questions2.Lead in the new topicWhile-Reading: 1.Skim the passage (in order to get the main idea)2.Words (in order to sweep away the new words)3.Detailed reading and answer some questions (T/F、Fill in blanks、Detailed questions)Post-reading:1.Group discussion

8、 2.Thinking questionsSummery and homework1.Let students summarize & Summarize yourself2.Homework: Reading more materials by the strategies we have learnt 阅读真题InsomecountriesinwesternEurope,suchasFrance,BelgiumandBritain,thecountrysideischanging.Lifehasbecomediffcultformanyvillages,andsomearedisappea


10、hevillage,wheretheycomeandstayatweekends.Thepricesofhousesgoupandpeoplefromtheareacannotaffordtobuvahousethere.Anotherproblemisthatitisbecomingmoreandmoredifficultforfarmersto makemoneyfromthefarms.So, theyselltheirlandandfindanotherjob.AllthesethingsmeanthatmanyvillagesinwesternEuropearefightingtos

11、urvive.Wecanonlyhopethattheywillremain.Thecountrysidewouldbeasadderanduglierplacewithout them.逐字稿Good morning, boys and girls, how about your New Years holiday? Pretty good? Yes, Everyone like holiday, right? Ok, welcome back to my class. I will give you two pictures to start our class. Please look

12、at the screen. What are they? Can anyone tell me? Yes, our monitor, please. Ok, very good, its two pictures of the countryside and the city. So, I have a question for you: which one does you want to live and why? Ok, Rory, please. You want to live in the city because there are more opportunities, le

13、ss pollution and more attractive things for us to do. Wow, very good, its a good answer. Sit down, please. Any other ideas? Yes, Lisa please. I think you are a romantic girl. And you want to live in the countryside, because you have seen the movie “pride and prejudice” in which people live in a quie

14、t and comfortable life and you want to try to live in the same life style. Ok, sit down please. Of course, the countryside gives us the opportunity to have a rest and the villages there are the most important part for the countryside, without villages, no fun, no people, no energy. Right? But now, i

15、n some countries, the villages are disappearing gradually, and today, we will have a reading class. Can you guess the topic of it? Yes, pretty good, our topic is the changing countryside. (写标题板书)Please turn to page 37, and I will read this passage for you and you need to get the main idea of this pa

16、ssage. Ok, start, any volunteer? Yes, Tom please. Yes, I think you are a quicker learner, and the main idea of this passage is the reasons that some countries are facing the dilemma that the villages is disappearing day to day. Yes, very good sit down please (写main idea板书). So, do you have difficult

17、 words in this passage? Yes, the first one, disappear and survive. I will give you two minutes to rea this passage to guess the meanings of them. Finish it? Yes, Gloria, please. Yes, you have a good understanding, sit down, please. So, the survive means living in spite of many problems. How about th

18、e other one? Yes, Lily, please. Yes, you are absolutely right. And this word disappear means that we cant see it or use it anymore. Ok, I think you have mastered the main idea of this passage. I will give you another 5 minutes to read this passage carefully and answer these questions on the screen.

19、Ok, start it. Time is up, any volunteers to answer the first question:what are the main reasons of these problems? Yes, Candy, please. I think you really grasp the whole passage, ok sit down, please. And the first reason is that people want to get more money and employment opportunity. The second re

20、ason is that people want to lead a livelier life. (写板书两个原因)And another question, what is the problem with farmers. (写板书)Ok, Sandy, please. Yes, farmers cant make enough money to support themselves, so they sell their land and find another job. Yes, so we have learnt the details of this passage. So,

21、lets have a thinking discussion. Please discuss the question in a group of four, that how can we deal with the dilemma? Ten minutes, start. Ok time is up, which group wants to have a try? Ok, very good, group 1, please come here. Wow, do you think they have a good discussion? Yes, they show a good c

22、ooperation, some practical measures in the view of people themselves, society and the government. They are very efficient ways. You have done an excellent job. Ok, go back to your seats.So today, wo have learnt the dilemma of the countryside, so we should try our best to protect the villages. And to

23、day your homework is to write an essay about how to protect our countryside within 200 words. Clear? Ok, class is over, see you next time.板书:The Changing Countryside1.Main reasons: A livelier lifeMore employment opportunities2.Farmers: hard to make money WritingTypes: narration, description, argumen

24、tation, expositionLead-in: greetings + pictures (relevant materials)Pre-writing:1. Give an interesting topic to create a motivation to write.2.Brainstorming 3.Mapping 4.Giving enough materialsWhile-writing:1.Let students know the structure of the writing2.Pay attention to the coherence, logic, spell

25、ing, and punctuationPost-writing:1.Self-editing2.Invite some students to present their writings写作真题:这篇材料是关于Environmental protection的, 具体的考题没有找到。逐字稿 Good afternoon, boys and girls. How about your New Years holiday? Pretty good? Yes, everyone likes holiday, right? So, welcome back to my class. Let us

26、start our class with a question: with the development of our country, there are so many hot words appearing, and do you know some hot words? Yes, Tom, please. SDR, good. I will explain you more about SDR. It means Special Drawing Rights. Chinese yuan is the fifth currency in SDR basket, so joining t

27、he SDR can raise the status of RMB, right? So, how about others? Ok, Tom, please. One belt, one road. Wow, this is a popular word, so can you tell me more about it? Yes, you mean it is the modern revival of the ancient silk road, and it is helpful to link China with other countries. Wow, you are so

28、knowledgeable. Thank you, sit down, please. I am so proud of you, since all of you can broaden your horizon consistently. So, I will give you a hot word. Haze. Do you know the meaning of haze? Ok, never mind, look at the picture. What can you see? Yes, near nothing, right? because of haze. This city

29、 is handed over by haze, and haze brings inconvenience to our daily life. Can you guess the meaning? Yes, you are absolutely right. Actually, we are surrounded by haze, so its time to protect our environment. Today, we will know a writing about environmental protection. So, please turn to page 37, I

30、 will read this passage for you. Please listen to me carefully, and get the main idea of this passage. So, can anyone tell me the main idea of this passage? Yes, Tom, please. Yes, very good, it is about the phenomenon of the present environment. Our environment is getting worse. So, I will divide yo

31、u into 3 groups to discuss the causes, the effects, and the measures of the pollution. Ten minutes, start. Ok, finish it? The first question, what are the causes? Ok Luna please. Yes, very good, some people lack of awareness of protecting the environment. Ok, sit down, please. Anything else? Ok, Ror

32、y, please. Yes, you think many factories for their own sake, produce a great deal of waste into the air and the river. Ok, sit down, please. Yes, Gloria, please. And you think the exhaust emission of cars contribute to the pollution. Ok, thats the causes, how about effects? Yes, group 1, please. Wow, you give three main effects. Firstly, you think the tr

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