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1、高中英语书面表达常见错误与对策讲练高中英语书面表达常见错误与对策一、规范书写书写是一个人的基本功,是其综合素质的体现。高考书面表达评分标准规定,评分时要注意“拼写及标点符号的准确性”,“如书写较差,以致影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。”1. 移行的规则移行应遵循单词的音节。音节的划分一般为“一归后,二分手,字母组合手拉手”。“一归后”:指两个元音字母之间有一个辅音字母时,在移行划分音节时,这个辅音字母归后,如:studentstu-dent, definitede-fi-nite。“二分手”:指两个元音字母之间有两个辅音字母时,在移行划分音节时要分属前后。如:suppersup-per, mid

2、dlemid-dle, compoundcom-pound。“字母组合手拉手”:指凡是固定字母组合的发音移行时不可分开,如:picture, national中的ure, tion不能拆开。一下细节问题更要注意:(1)一个字母构成的音节,不能在它的前后拆开移行,如ahead, idea不能拆成a-head, i-dea。(2)单音节词不论其长短都不能拆开移行,如:text, horse, straight。(3)带有铅坠或后缀的词移行时,应在前缀与词根相接处拆开移行,如:carefulcare-ful, boyhoodboy-hood。(4)复合词移行时,应在连字符处或构成的两部分之间拆开。如

3、:bookstorebook-store, headmasterhead-master。(5)有些动词的简略式不可拆开移行,如:arent, dont, havent, shouldnt等。(6)词尾-ed,-es等中的e不发音第 1 页 共 1 页时,就不算一个音节,不能拆开移行,如:walked, stayed, goes。2. 规范三写单词或字母的大小写、拼写和书写达到规范化。(1)考生要把字母写得易于辨认,尤其是a, o;u, r, v;e, t, c;h, l等在手写体中易于混淆的字母,一定要写清楚。(2)应特别注意英语文章标题中的大小写的写法,一般来说实词、拼写较长的介词的首字母要

4、大写,简单做法可以有只大写标题的首单词的首字母,其余均小写;另外有些学生会将小写s占格为大写,这也是要杜绝的。(3)干净整洁的卷面可以打动阅卷老师的心,有可能获得意外的高分。二、正确使用标点符号高考书面表达评分细则规定,评分时“要考虑标点符号的准确性。”英语的标点符号和汉语的标点符号有相似之处,但也有不同之点。尤其是英语中的逗号、句号和分号与汉语的用法不甚相同。1. 逗号英语中最小的停顿。主要用于:(1)逗号和并列连词and, but, or, nor, for, so等一起用来连接两个独立分句。We didnt know the address, but we had their telep

5、hone number.We must go now, or it will be late.(2) 逗号用在引导性的介词短语、分词、ing形式、不定式和从句之后。When the sun went down, we started the fire.In the middle of the room, there is a big Christmas tree.Exhausted, she fell asleep on the chair.(3) 逗号用于分隔非限制性句子成分。For most foreigners, who have no knowledge of English, lan

6、guage is the chief problem.Shakespeares tragedy, Macbeth, is one of his greatest plays.(4) 逗号用在一系列结构平行的句子成分中。He speaks slowly, clearly, and emphatically.I studied English, French, and Latin.(5) 逗号用于分隔插入成分、过渡词语和对照词语。The picnic, it seems, will be held on Sunday.You, too, may have a try.The problem, ho

7、wever, remains unsolved.(6) 逗号用来分隔感叹句、呼语词和反意疑问句中的附加疑问句。Goodness, did the bell ring?Excuse me, sir, is this a bank? You will not leave, will?(7) 逗号用来分隔句子的修饰语(独立成分)。Considering the weather, we made a good time.Generally speaking, women are more careful than men.(8) 逗号用来把yes, no与句子的其它部分分开。Yes, he is.No

8、, I dont.(9) 逗号用于分隔日期、地点、地址、数字、书信、头衔、直接引语等。She graduated on July 6, 1996, from Beijing University.He lives in St. Louis, Missouri.1,918,102Dear John,Jerry Smith, M.A., Ph. D.She said, “Only a fool would believe you.”(10) 为避免误解、明确句子意思而必须时,用逗号。As far as I can , the result has not been promising.Whatev

9、er is, is right.After he broke his hand, writing was very difficult for him.2. 句号英语中最普通的终止号,它标志着除感叹句、直接疑问句以外的所有句子的结束。主要用于:(1) 陈述句和祈使句后。Honesty is the best policy.Be sure to get here on time.(2) 用于间接疑问句。He asked us where we got the money.(3) 用于缩写词后。Mr. Jones Dr. Richards St. Nick Ph. D. Oct. etc.(4)

10、用在小数的数字中。0.4 99.9% $3.983. 分号由逗号和句号合并而成,它是强于逗号、弱于句号的分隔号。主要用于:(1) 用于两个独立的分句之间。凡两个分句没有并列连词and, but, or, nor, for等连接时,就必须用分号。The girls did the dishes; the boys swept the floor.First he learned Spanish; later he also took French.(2) 用在由连接副词连接的独立成分之间。在连接副词however, therefore, consequently, nevertheless, m

11、oreover, accordingly, also, thus, otherwise等连接的独立分句之间,要用分号。There was more money left; therefore, we decided to plan a trip to Qingdao.Most of the class went on the trip; however, Liu Hua stayed at school.My alarm didnt go off on time; consequently, I missed the train.(3) 分隔带有逗号的一些列词组和从句。He had a car

12、, which he hadnt paid for; a wife, whom he didnt love; and a father, who was very old.The most significant dates of the Civil War were April 12, 1861; July 3, 1863; April 9, 1865.注意:在任何一种位置上,分号都仅出现在并列成分之间,即两个语法成分相同的成分之间。再如:A hundred years ago, 50 percent of Americans were farmers; today, only 4 perc

13、ent are farmers.独立分句之间的连接方式有三种:1. 用并列连词连接;2. 用分号和连接副词或由分号单独连接(意义比较紧密的句子);3. 用句号连接。在书面表达中,有不少考生不注意标点符号的使用,或都是句号,或一逗到底,因此失分,甚为可惜。还有一些是因为受汉语的影响而出现错误。如:His house is next to the school, he is always the first to come.这个句子是错误的。这种用逗号分开,而又不相互依存的两个或多个简单句构成的整句在英语中是错误的。可改为:His house is next to the school, so h

14、e is always the first to come.Because his house is next to the school, he is always the first to come.三、书面表达常见错误讲练1. 关系不一致英语语法要求意义一致。所谓意义一致,不仅知主谓在人称或数上一致,还应取决于主语所表达的实际意义。违反了这一原则,就会产生不一致的错误。误If she have much money, she can buy many things that she want.正If she has much money, she can buy many things

15、that she wants.巩固练习1) The secretary and manager were present at the meeting yesterday.2) Joan with other three girls have been to Beijing.3) In spite of its small size, these cameras can take very good pictures.4) He closed the door and hurries away to class.5) He lived in the countryside for two ye

16、ars, and his life there was always remembered by him.6) If I were your, I wont do that.7) We have been to Europe many time.答案1) werewas 2) havehas 3) itstheir 4) hurrieshurried 5) He lived in the countryside for two years, and he always remembered his life there. 写作中,同一主语和语态最好贯彻到底,不要随意地忽而主动语态,忽而被动语态

17、。6) wontshouldnt 语气一致 7) timetimes2. 词性混淆误When people have difficult, we should help them.正When people have difficulty, we should help them.析词汇对于写作相当重要,词汇量越大越便于写作。但是,很多学生平时在记单词时,光记拼写、读音和词义,忽视词性,这是不对的。因为英语句子的各个成分都是由一定词性的词来充当的。巩固练习1) He against your plan.2) She often by bus to school.3) A week past be

18、fore his letter arrived.4) She always does her homework careful.5) Can you tell Asia elephants from African elephants?6) Fortunate, people are beginning to realize how serious the pollution is.7) My brother down into the cold water.答案1) againstis against 2) She often goes to school by bus. 3) pastpa

19、ssed4) carefulcarefully 5) AsiaAsian 6) FortunateFortunately 7) downjumped down3. 用词累赘误If you lend me 50 dollars, Ill repay back you next week.正If you lend me 50 dollars, Ill repay you next week.析“累赘”现象普遍存在于学生习作中,要避免这一现象的发生,必须加强语言基本功训练,学习中要勤思多练,同时熟记一些易于出现“累赘”现象的单词和语句。巩固练习1) The teacher repeated that

20、 sentence again.2) Lesson Nine is more easier than Lesson Ten.3) Her future plan is that she is going to study abroad.4) Li Ping hurries to go to school every day.5) I have returned you the book you lent it to me last week.6) The old man lives alone by himself.7) He woke at six a.m. in the morning.8

21、) Wei Hua is frightened with fear by the strange sound coming from the next room.9) I received a letter from Jim in last week.10) The box is too heavy for the weak girl to carry it.答案1)去掉again 2) 去掉more 3)去掉future 4)去掉go to,因为hurry to本身具有“匆忙去”之意5)去掉it 6)去掉by himself 7)去掉a.m.或in the morning 8)去掉with

22、fear9)去掉in,last month/year/week; next month/year/week; every month/year/week前均不加介词in10)去掉it,too句式中主语是不定式的宾语时,不定式宾语要省略4. 无连接词错误误You practice more reading, your reading ability will be improved.正If you practice reading more, your reading ability will be improved.析英语句子的特点之一是重“形合”,句子的各个部分要由各种连词、关系词等连接起来

23、;而汉语句子是重“意合”,句子前后连接主要是通过上下文的逻辑意义来实现的,连接词的使用远远少于英语,由于这一特点,很多学生在写作时往往忘了使用连接词,造成诸多病句。巩固练习1) A person has not enough food, he will not have a healthy body.2) I am tired, I must go on working.3) China is still a developing country, most people can not afford a car yet.4) You use your head, you will find

24、a way.5) The teacher spoke slowly, the students might understand her.6) I arrived at the station, the train had left.7) We all went home after the picnic, it had started to rain.8) We were looking for your new coat, we could not find it.9) The sun warms the earth, this makes it possible for the plan

25、ts grow.10) His bedroom seemed empty there were only two chairs, a small desk and a bed.答案1)A person will not have a healthy body if he has not enough food.2)Although I am tired, I must go on working.3)Because China is still a developing country, most people can not afford a car yet.4)If you use you

26、r head, youll find a way./ Use your head, and youll find a way.5)The teacher spoke slowly in order that/ so that the students might understand her.6)I arrived at the station after the train had left./ When I arrived at the station, the train had left.7)We all went home after the picnic because it ha

27、d started to rain.8)We were looking for your new coat, but we could not find it.9)The sun warms the earth, which makes it possible for plants to grow./ The sun warms the earth and this makes it possible for plants to grow.10)His bedroom seemed empty and there were only two chairs, a small desk and a

28、 bed.5. 非完整句错误误The woman talked to you just now is our English teacher.正The woman who talked to you just now is our English teacher.析一个句子至少包括主语和谓语两部分(祈使句除外),如果将句子的某一部分当作一个完整的句子,就会导致非完整句错误。写作中,很多学生会犯此错误,应特别引起注意。巩固练习1) China is no longer what used to be.2) Although is ten years old, this little boy pl

29、ays the piano very well.3) The picture is about a poor little boy lived in old China.4) The person came to see me that afternoon is an old friend of mine.5) I cant imagine what life would be like if havent any TV sets.6) Without a friend will feel lonely.答案1)China is no longer what she used to be.2)

30、Although he is ten years old, this little boy plays the piano very well.3)The picture is about a poor little boy who lived in old China.4)The person who came to see me that afternoon is an old friend of mine.5)I cant imagine what life would be like if we hadnt any TV sets.6)One will feel lonely with

31、out a friend.6. 选词或搭配不当误Peter is a warm-hearted person, so everybody likes to have friends with him.正Peter is a warm-hearted person, so everybody lies to make friends with him.析在理解英语词汇时,不能仅停留在了解其字面意义上,而应掌握内在涵义。同时要熟悉它们的习惯搭配。平时学习词汇时,要仔细思考,勤查词典,尤其要多记英语解释,弄清它们的确切意思和用法,以免造成类似错误。巩固练习1) It only spends us 15 minutes to go to the park from the center of the city by bus.2) I hope you to become a lawyer.3) Mr Wang forgot his wallet in the classroom yesterday.4) She will remembe

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