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1、研究生学位申请书研究生学位申请书Application for Masters Degree申请人姓名 Candidates Name 学号 Student ID. 所在院系 School/Department 学科门类或专业学位类别 Discipline/Professional Degree 学科专业或专业领域 Major/Field 指导教师 Supervisor 南京审计大学研究生院制Graduate School, NAU填表日期/ / (mm/dd/yy)填表说明Instructions一、认真填写本表内容,如不够填写,可另加附页。 Fill in the form careful

2、ly. Additional pages allowed.二、用蓝黑色水笔填写或打印本表内容。Fill in the form in black ink or print it out after filling.三、本表封面“学科门类”:申请学术型学位研究生填写此项。学术型学位的学科门类,包括哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、理学、工学、医学、管理学、艺术学等十大门类。“Discipline”: Candidates applying for the academic degrees fill in the “Discipline” space on the cover. And the “

3、disciplines” here include: Philosophy, Economics, Law, Education, Literature, Natural Science, Engineering, Medicine, Management Science and Art.“专业学位类别”:申请专业学位的研究生填写此项。专业学位类别,包括:金融、应用统计、法律、翻译、工程、工商管理、公共管理、会计、工程管理、审计等。“Professional Degree”: This space is for candidates applying for the professional

4、degrees. 四、本表封面“学科专业”:申请学术型学位研究生按照培养方案规定的一级或二级学科专业填写。“Major”: Candidates applying for academic degrees fill in the “Major” space in accordance with the majors (first-class subjects) or minors (second-class subjects) stipulated in your educational programs. “专业领域”:申请工程硕士、工商管理硕士、法律硕士、翻译硕士、金融硕士、会计硕士、审计

5、硕士的研究生填写此项。“Field”: This space is for candidates applying for Master of Engineering, Master of Business and Administration, Juris Master, Master of Translation, Master of Finance, Master of Professional Accounting, Master of Auditing, etc.五、本表第十项“学位评定分委员会决议”栏中,按申请人学科专业所属的学科门类或专业领域对应的专业学位名称填写。例如:在学术型

6、管理学门类内的学科专业获得硕士学位者,填写“同意授予 管理学 硕士学位”;在专业学位审计硕士专业获得硕士学位者,填写“同意授予 审计 硕士学位”。This clause is for the Academic Degree Evaluation Sub-committee.六、本表专供留学研究生填写。The form is for international student.一、个人简介 Personal Information姓名Chinese Name性别Gender照片Photo近期正面免冠彩色二寸:45*35mm注:与粘贴在学位证书上的照片一致Notes: ID photo, colo

7、r; Size:45X35mm姓名拼音English Name出生日期Date of Birth / / (mm/dd/yy) 出生地Place of Birth身份证号码N/A留学生护照号Passport No.国籍Nationality入学时间Admission date学习方式Learning schedule脱产 ; 半脱产 ; 业余 Full-time Half-time Part time 主要学习和工作经历(从高中开始)Education and Work Experience(Beginning with High School)起止年月Beginning and Ending

8、 Dates单位名称School/Business学生或职务Position在学期间获奖情况Awards in school本专科阶段情况Undergraduate information 年 月 日 毕业于 (大学、学院、学校) 专业 本科/专科 毕业,获 学士学位。On / / (Date), the candidate graduated from with major in , and Bachelor Degree/certificate of .二、在学期间总结 Summary of the Study Period申请人在专业知识、科研工作、实践技能、解决实际问题能力等方面总结(

9、限1000字内):professional knowledge, research work, practical skills, problem-solving abilities (within 1000 words): 申请人签名: 年 月 日 Signature of Candidate: / / (mm/dd/yy)所在学院负责人对申请人在学期间综合表现意见:Comments on the candidates performance from the Dean of School: 负责人签名: 年 月 日Signature: / / (mm/dd/yy)三、课程成绩单 Cours

10、e Transcripts南京审计大学硕士研究生课程成绩单原件粘贴处Paste Here the Original Transcripts粘贴线(Paste Line)学院审核意见:School Comments:学位申请人已按培养计划完成申请硕士学位所需课程和相关环节的学习,已取得规定的学分。The candidate has completed his education program required for the masters degree, and earned the required credits.教务员签名: 学院负责人签名: 年 月 日Signature of Aca

11、demic Signature of Dean of / / (mm/dd/yy)Administrator: School:四、在学期间科研成果 Scientific Research Achievements 论文、专著、专利名称Titles of Publications, and Patents发表时间Publish Date刊物名称出版单位专利颁发部门Publisher / Patent Organization作者姓名Authors Name检索号或出版物号国际标准书号专利号Accession Number / ISSN / ISBN / Patent Number第一1st第二2

12、nd获得成果名称Awards颁奖时间Date颁奖部门Awarding organization等级Level排名次序Ranking获奖证书号Certificate No.注:1.检索号栏中若论文被SCI、SSCI、EI、A&HCI检索,只填写论文检索号。2.若论文没有被检索,填写出版物号国际标准连续出版物号(ISSN)出版年期,例如:在高等 教育2006年第8期发表某文章,为“1000-4203-200608”,其中“1000-4203”为高等教育的 ISSN编号。3.国际标准书号:以ISBN为开头,例如:“ISBN7-302-03778-7”。4.专利号:已被授权的“发明专利号”。5.只填写

13、作者署名单位为南京审计大学的论文和专著,中英文期刊名均须写全称。指导教师意见:(就本页内容是否属实予以证明)Supervisor Comments: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 Signature of Supervisor: / / (mm/dd/yy) 五、学位论文摘要 Abstract of Dissertation学位论文题目Title ofDissertation开题时间Date of Proposal年 月 / (mm/yy)完成时间Completion Date年 月 / (mm/yy)论文关键词Keywords论文字数(万)Word Number论文类型Dissertation

14、Type选题来源Source of Proposal论文摘要:(简要说明选题意义和主要工作,重点说明创新内容)Abstract (significance of the topic, main research work, the innovations, etc.) 申请人签名: 年 月 日Signature of candidate: 注:1. 论文关键词:3-5个关键词,中间用“ ,”分开。Keywords number: 3-5.2. 论文类型:包括基础研究、应用研究、综合研究、其它,选择其中一项。Dissertation types : Basic research, Applica

15、tion research, Comprehensive studies. 3. 选题来源:包括国家部委项目、国家自然科学基金项目、国家社科基金、国防项目、省市级项目、国际合作项目、企业合作项目、学校级项目、自选项目、其他项目,选择其中一项。Source of proposal: Please consult your supervisor.六、指导教师意见 Supervisor Comments对申请人的理论水平、研究能力、外语程度、治学态度的综合评语;对申请人的学位论文写出详细评阅意见,并指出是否同意进行论文答辩。Supervisors Comments on the candidates

16、 theory mastery, research capability, foreign language proficiency and learning attitude;Supervisors comments on the candidates degree paper, and opinion on whether the candidate can be approved to present the dissertation defense. 指导教师签名: 年 月 日Signature of Supervisor: / / (mm/dd/yy)七、学位论文答辩审核 Exami

17、nation of Dissertation Defense学位论文评阅人Dissertation Reviewers姓名Name职称Title工作单位Organization学位论文答辩委员会Defense Committee主席Chairman委员Members秘书Secretary导师情况Supervisor八、学位论文评阅和答辩情况 Dissertation Review and Defense学位论文送审评阅情况汇总 Summary论文评阅意见Review Comments同意答辩 人,不同意答辩 人。 其中匿名评阅同意答辩 人。Approvals: Disapprovals: Ap

18、provals (Anonymous reviewers):论文题目DissertationTitle答辩日期Date of Dissertation Defense / /答辩中提出的主要问题及回答的简要情况:Summary of the main questions raised and their answers: 答辩秘书签名:Signature of Secretary: 九、学位论文答辩委员会决议 Conclusion of Defense Committee对论文和答辩的评价Comments on the Dissertation and Defense:决议Conclusion

19、: 答辩委员会共 人,经表决, 人同意论文通过,建议授予申请人硕士学位。 The number of defense committee members is , and the number of members voting to propose granting the candidate a master degree is . 答辩委员会主席签名: Signature of Chairman of Defense Committee: 日期: / / (mm/dd/yy) 十、学位评定分委员会审议意见Suggestion of the Academic Degree Evaluati

20、on Sub-Committee 学位评定分委员会共有委员 人,于 年 月 日召开会议,出席会议委员 人 ,经表决, 人建议授予申请人硕士学位。 Academic Degree Evaluation Sub-Committee has members, meeting on _ (date). The number of members attending the meeting is . After voting, _ members agree granting the candidate a master degree. In accordance with Degree-Conferm

21、ent Instruction of Nanjing Audit University. 同意授予 硕士学位Agreed to grant a masters degree of 学位评定分委员会主席签名:Signature of Chairman of the Academic Degree Evaluation Sub-Committee:日期Date: / / (mm/dd/yy)十一、校学位评定委员会审定意见Decision of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee of Nanjing Audit University根据南京审计大学来华留学生硕士学位授予实施细则,经审核,In accordance with MasterDegreeAwardingRulesforInternationalStudentsinNAU,同意授予 硕士学位Grant a masters degree of 校学位评定委员会主席签名: Signature of President of Academic Degree Evaluation Committee Of Nanjing Audit University公章Official seal 日期: Date: / / 硕士学位证书编号:Degree Certificate No.

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